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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16939906 No.16939906 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: things that instantly give away that someone is a bad cook or has a shitty palate
>i don't like onions

>> No.16939918

I don't like onions because my father would beat me with onions when he got drunk. He would call me little onion boy.

I am a good cook.

>> No.16939923
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>> No.16939937

My dad used to beat me too. Now i have uncontrollable fears and the inability to properly communicate with others. Can you shit on or in me please?

>> No.16939956

i love onions but i get massive farts when i eat them, so i have to watch myself

>> No.16939961

What in the fuck is going on in this thread

>> No.16939980
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I don't like onions because they give me horrible acid reflux. I loved them before that though, I used to use onions on their own. I miss those halcyon days of putting onions in almost everything I cooked

>> No.16939985

I hate raw onion.

>> No.16939990

>I put crème fraîche in my scrambled eggs

>> No.16939991

Asafoetida is an indian spice that works excellently as an onion and garlic replacement. I gave some to my mom to try because she can't eat onions either and she loves it.

It's very potent, so you only use a tiny pinch.

>> No.16940006
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same boat fren
i have to be carful with so many different foods now it FUCKING SUX
onions, garlic, citrus, spicy anything, tomatoe sauce/paste, chocolate, beer/anything carbonated
fucking sux getting older...in this respect

>> No.16940012

>eat onion
>get salmonella

>> No.16940014

did anyone else watch holes and get a craving to bite into an onion like an apple

>> No.16940024

how long have you had it? have you tried any medicine? my wife's reflux was as bad as your reflux, she couldn't eat anything without her chest burning, for awhile she could only eat meal replacement shakes because all solid food gave her reflux, but they put her on PPIs and eventually it went down. now it's just very greasy food, onions, or very spicy food that does it to her, but she can eat tomato sauce, pizza, chocolate, citrus, carbonated again, and most normal food again

>> No.16940031
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do Indians eat this stuff...i hate to use the word..."recreation-ally"?
Reason I'm asking is because i went to a Indian's house for dinner once, and one of the family members was dipping his fingers in a little yellow plastic pot of some sort of white powder. When I asked him what he was eating, he wouldn't tell me. Everyone kept trying to change the subject. It looked kinda like picrel, but there was no English writing on the tub at all so idk.

>> No.16940033

Goddamn. My dad used to get drunk and high on cocaine and beat me. I also can’t communicate well with people and I say and do odd shit consciously and unconsciously to keep people at a distance. I like onions now but it took me until 25 or so to get over being a scaredy-cat picky non-onion eater. One time in the 90s he picked me up by my collar and threw me sliding across the kitchen floor because I wouldn’t eat gross boiled ham and potatoes for supper.

>> No.16940047

>using kosher salt

>> No.16940051
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ive had acid reflux for about 2 years. I use alka seltzer and an over the counter acid reducer tablet and it goes away after 2 days..but then i eat and drink too much shit again the next week and its rinse and repeat for me. I love beer and fried foods too much to stop, so I'll probbaly pull a chris farley in a about ten years

>> No.16940055

He needs even his sulphuric vegetables to be cooked down into pure sugar crisps or sugar sludge.

>> No.16940068

>being fuckin retarded

>> No.16940077

Maybe. Asafoetida is really really strong tasting and smelling. It's similar to how much nutmeg you add to stuff. It also smells really pungent.

May have just been cocaine.

>> No.16940102

You're weak and your bloodline is weak

> be me
> eat two dozen sausage and cheese stuffed bacon-wrapped jalapeños with mayo
> writhe in agony all night with gastroparesis, vomit and projectile diarrhea multiple times until ass bleeds
> eat it again the next two days and repeat until the sausage is gone
> stock up on pepto for next time

There are many sacrifices on the road to flavortown

>> No.16940125

I couldnt smell anything and the powder was super fine. Much more fine than cocaine though. I guess it doesnt matter lol nvm

>> No.16940130

“people” who don’t like tomatoes.

>> No.16940143

This is me but with alcohol

>> No.16940152

>Me and two friends wanted lasagne
>Went to the store and picked up a lasagne kit
>Me: "Now we only need to pick up cheese, meat and milk."
>Friend: "There's no need to buy cheese. There's cheese in the kit."
>Me: "What? No there isn't?"
>He argues a bit back and fourth, but I still bought the cheese
>Back at the flat
>Friend: "Hahahaha, I told you! There was cheese in the kit!"
>He's holding up the GOD DAMN LASAGNE SHEETS....
I knew this guy was stupid, but after this he became retarded in my eyes. How the fuck can a guy in his MID TWENTIES eat lasagne and think the sheets of pasta is cheese?!

>> No.16940169

What in gods name is a lasagne kit?

>> No.16940180

Do you think your friend's father beat him as well?

>> No.16940214
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It's a box of lasagne stuff. Sauces, lasagne sheets etc. Pretty self explanatory if you just stop and think.

>> No.16940219

I don't think he beat him enough

>> No.16940234

god it feels good to not have shit dna, I've only had heartburn once after eating 3 hotdogs and it sucked...isn't there a medicine your lot can take?

>> No.16940235

How fucking hard is it to just make lasagna?

>> No.16940240

iodized salt is for baking any retard knows this

>> No.16940245

Wow. Bongs are really that lazy and ignorant about Italian food. And look at that fucking racist cartoony Giuseppe on the box. I hope all three of your fathers took turns beating the kebab out of each of you.

>> No.16940251

>creamy sauce

>> No.16940358
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seethe more snowflake

>> No.16940361

you make the pasta too?

>> No.16940538

Same that's going on in every thread. On all of 4chan.

>> No.16942175

I only like raw onions in small amounts. I started growing chives and I use those in place of raw onions. Boiled is ok and sautéed is great.

>> No.16942239

"don't put garlic, please"
"holy shit, this is too spicy for me"

>> No.16942392

>"I'm vegan"

>> No.16942687

the best indication of a shitty palate is usually their income/the type of house they grew up in.

>> No.16943720

based dad picky eaters are the worst, also a someone beating you with a fucking onion and calling you "little onion boy" is the funniest shit i've ever heard.

>> No.16944589

>I don’t like vinegar

>> No.16944981

i like onions
especially browned
but they give me diarreah and make my insides smell different

>> No.16945280

Onions are used primarily by people who have no concept of how to use spices. You're sacrificing texture for basically no reason other than being lazy.

>> No.16945302

this, i'd like to get drunk and high on cocaine and beat that dude