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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16920758 No.16920758 [Reply] [Original]

I don't care what you think, I like it.

>> No.16920794

Cause you have the palate of a 6 year old and you're not intelligent enough to realize that you're eating plastic chemicals that flood your dopamine receptors with the incredibly high sodium and fat content

>> No.16920802

the box stuff is fine but the stuff in the cup tastes off. the powder/thickening agent has a weird aftertaste

>> No.16920819

>I grew up without a father figure and thus have to seek manhood in my own imaginary concepts of liking/disliking certain things I associate with being an adult

>> No.16920843

Original flavor.

>> No.16920851

>>projecting this hard because someone made fun of your favorite soylent chemically processed sodium snack


>> No.16920871

maybe he recognizes and that's why he's activating his brain almonds intentionally rather than pretending to enjoy food he doesn't like.

>> No.16920879

I’m sorry about your dad, anon. But I hope you understand that it wasn’t your fault.

>> No.16920896

I like to have kd like every 3-4 months. It always seems like that first box is godly but every one after tastes mediocre if you eat it too close together.

>> No.16920983

Those little cups are pretty good. I always buy them when on sale.

>> No.16920990
File: 320 KB, 894x594, MAC.ON.TAP.MMMMMMM......png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't even...

>> No.16921007
File: 129 KB, 1200x900, PA290017.aa.dinner.....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16921823

the cheetos brand one is better

>> No.16921856

tbqh would have this next to the couch

>> No.16921993

go eat brocolli you elitist

>> No.16921998

I like the regular box kraft but I don't like these. Probably the lack of butter

>> No.16922000

These ones are disgusting. The box is ok but the cups cheese is a strangely textured goop.

>> No.16922003

Velveeta sucks ass, use literally anything else I'm begging you

>> No.16922059

Make your own.
Not only better cheese, but I really prefer farfalle over those little bendy fuckers.

>> No.16922203
File: 85 KB, 800x791, KC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kraft Easy Mac is unironically the best mac and cheese brand.
Flavor is strong and on point. Gets so much hate because of how successful it's been which inevitably inspires a wave of reactionary contrarian opinions in favor of alternative products, most of which are bland and less enjoyable.

>> No.16922251

>Gets so much hate because of how successful it's been
I think it's more likely getting hate because:
a) Parents make it when their kid won't eat real food.
b) All the hate for Kraft American cheese.

I don't like it because it's what we ate when I was a kid and we couldn't afford meat for dinner.
I used to work with a guy who said he was once laid off for so long he started putting green food die in so he wouldn't have to look at that same shade of yellow.

>> No.16922344

Easy Mac isn't all that cheap compared to real food. If I were unemployed and really needed to save money I'd use basic well-filling grocery store items like beans, rice, potatoes, etc., not packaged meals. You pay more for the convenience with packaged meals so it doesn't make much sense to buy them if your goal is saving money while still meeting dietary needs.

>> No.16922360

Easy Mac is like 50-99 cents for a box that feeds 2. It even beats ramen, which is like 30 cents for a package to feed 1. It is definitely an actually cheap junk food, and you can get away with only water and no butter or milk. Though eggs, rice, beans, and oats can compete in price point.

>> No.16922371

what the fuck how big is easy mac where you live? a container of it here is like 200 calories

>> No.16922404

I thought easymac referred to the whole box. Just boil, drain, then mix. Apparently it’s a microwave bullshit thing.

>> No.16922701

>not packaged meals.
I meant mac&cheese in general.
Mom would make a batch for the whole family, and besides, this was the early 70's and I doubt the bowls were even a thing.

>> No.16922757

Yup, exactly.
Easy Mac definitely isn’t “poor people” food, as poor people aren’t going to buy Kraft mac in a convenience form where a single serving costs more than an entire “regular” box.