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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16920517 No.16920517 [Reply] [Original]

I went a few days ago to get some lunch on my break and I picked up a jar of sprats in tomato sauce and some pear soda. Definitely felt strange being in there, like I was not welcome. The cashier was speaking russian with every customer until she got to me, when she spoke english in a completely deadpan tone. I don't know how she knew I wasn't one of them, I don't remember speaking to anyone in there.

I went back today to get more when they stopped stocking the only two items I bought. Every other Riga Gold jarred fish, and every other San-Slavia soda were in stock. Obviously this is just a funny coincidence, the idea that they would remove any item a non-russian purchases just to keep them away is nuts. But I really feel the looks, and absolutely NONE of the employees want to talk to me.

On top of all that, every young Russian woman I've ever met has always been cold as ice (although the dudes are pretty cool). I'm white, I've been mistaken by babushkas as Russian before. So whats the deal
Slavs, where's the love?

>> No.16920524

that's just how russian women are. don't worry about it.

>> No.16920546

just be more assertive with the russian women. thanks hey are like stubborn horses that dont know whats good.

>> No.16920576

russian women are fucking hooahs, you gotta show them you are willing to do something really dangerous
next time you're in there just fucking destroy an entire shelf of shit, they will understand then that you aren't a normal burger and be all over your dick

>> No.16920584

my fren, told me that, you have to spit a sunflower seed into the direction of their dominate eye, and if they're interested, they'll jump up and catch it with their mouths.

>> No.16920841
File: 186 KB, 612x737, russian_mayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

start buying something else, then

>> No.16920858

It's not that they got rid of the two products you bought. It's just that they are out of stock because you bought more than they expected to sell to natives. Russia has a food shortage and Russians can't really afford a lot of food. Stores only stock exactly what they think they can sell.

>> No.16920866

>he's never had a chocolate squirrel from a russian grocery store in the u.s.

>> No.16920877

>talking to the cashier

you don't need to talk dumbass

dump food on belt

hand money


also, scowl(at any time)

>> No.16920900

Did you smile at her? Or at any point for that matter. That will give you away.

>> No.16921687

he probably tried to tip them too

>> No.16921798

And shit his pants....."how did they know????"

>> No.16921817

joy and friendliness are not in russian, anon. stop trying to ruin mood, we want to act like we still back home in poor shit country

>> No.16921826

some people just don't know how to be cold

>> No.16921840
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did you wear the appropriate camouflage to blend in?

>> No.16921852

OP, this is completely normal for a Westerner who isn't used to the "customer service" of the former Soviet states. Bear in mind that during Soviet times you didn't really have much choice for where to buy food so the cashiers developed an attitude of "fuck you, you have to shop here". Also in these countries they work long hours (12 hour shifts are normal and the pay is shit) so all that combined doesn't really make for a pleasant attitude. I guess that attitude carried over into the Russian shops in America too.

There's nothing personal about it, they treat all customers like that regardless of where they're from.

>> No.16921859
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>I don't know how she knew I wasn't one of them,

>> No.16922208 [DELETED] 

Fuck that I live in Ireland and you're lucky if you get a thanks returned to you by a majority of people on tills here. Suits me fine, I'd rather that than what faggot OP apparently wants.
>Hi sir thanks for visiting wherever the fuck how is your day going
Much better to be able to get your shit and go with a quick thanks, whether it be returned or not.
That shit is hassle and you really sound like a flaming fag for feeling ostrasized or whatever for not getting this outside of the states OP.

>> No.16922215


Fuck that I live in Ireland and you're lucky if you get a thanks returned to you by a majority of people on tills here. Suits me fine, I'd rather that than what faggot OP apparently wants.
>Hi sir thanks for visiting wherever the fuck how is your day going
Much better to be able to get your shit and go with a quick thanks, whether it be returned or not.
That shit is hassle and you really sound like a flaming fag for feeling ostrasized or whatever for not getting this outside of the states OP.

>> No.16922241

The thing that I like, is America doesn't "rank" high on happiness, or people don't think, friendly when thinking about America or Americans. But I've always genuinely loved smiling at strangers and saying thank you and please. How is your day, and really mean it. Asking a child, how old they are. And I'm highly introverted, and love being left alone. But when I'm out and about, I like to be friendly to those that are around me. But I also get being cold. For I am a cold person a majority of the day

>> No.16922322

Curb your expectation. No one is obligated to give you superstar treatment. This is why American tourists are hated in some countries

>> No.16923684

>I don't know how she knew I wasn't one of them

1. Your clothes.
2. Your haircut.
3. The way you walk.
4. Your shoes.
5. Your facial features.

All NOT Russian.

You really are a special snowflake, aren't you? It's pretty easy to tell foreigners from locals in any given area. You can even tell people apart from different regions a lot of times, as they wear their stupid "culture" on their sleeves...literally.

>> No.16923921
File: 402 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. I'm not a tourist, this is a russian grocery store in my American neighborhood. They are immigrants to my country, I'm not in their country.

>> No.16924322

because you didn't address her as ey suka!
or ask her where they keep the spirtyaga

>> No.16924872 [DELETED] 

Is this the European Delicatessen in North Highlands? The Russians in Citrus Heights suck dick as people. They're all rude.

>> No.16924896

brighton beach?

>> No.16924916


is pic related? because i've shopped there too. north highlands next to the 99c store. fucking area is ghetto. i'm a tall good looking white guy, i usually catch the young chick cashiers checking me out. they stiil dont talk though. twice ive gone with my hispanic gf and they tried speaking to me in russian bullshit. all the old assholes speak to each other and act like they cant see me. i moved somewhere with way too many mexicans and they are all gross and rude, but damn, russians/ukranks are the roooooodist motherfuckers. maybe its because they are white you expect more. fuck them in stores and fuck them in cars. fucking hate them.

>> No.16925111

Will this work with Samoan women too?

>> No.16925122

That's just typical Russians man, they are a weird emotionless culture

>> No.16925144


>> No.16925588 [DELETED] 

Look up 'Russian Smile' on a search engine. Don't be surprised at the results.

>> No.16925785
File: 210 KB, 1000x750, sprats all the way down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a place near me like that. I buy the sprats and load up on that shit. always works as a quick meal with some dark bread.

>> No.16925833

I always tip with a rip personally

>> No.16927137

Russian "customer service" is just a holdover from Soviet times. it's a wtf you want? type attitude. grab what you want, pay for it and gtfo of my store...

>> No.16927161
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I got the opposite. Some lady started asking me shit in Russian so I just kinda looked over, scoffed at her and then went back to browsing since that's what I figured they were used to. Picked up some nice kielbasa.

>> No.16927164

checked and you have to replace the sunflower seeds with spam. and be prepared, you might have to fight their father first in a siva dance.

>> No.16927279

Black and gold makes you look like a fuccboi, so only wear it if you're a mobster's kid or something.

On-topic, it never ceases to impress me that Russian groceries carry several different flavors of sweetened condensed milk.

>> No.16927325
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she also might give it to you right in the eye

>> No.16927349

what's it, the spam or a good ole punch. nothing wrong with having to fight for a woman.

>> No.16927429

>horseradish mayo
I think we are gonna get along just fine Nikolai

>> No.16927465

you smiled at some point in the store and they correctly identified you as an outsider

>> No.16927665


>> No.16927696

Sprats are legitimately the most most flavorful jarred/canned fish I've ever had. I've only had them in tomato sauce though, how's the sprats in oil?

>> No.16927939

russians are unpleasant people

i understand why their neighbors dislike them

>> No.16928005

shut up chang

>> No.16928142

My advice is don't worry too much. They talked to others in russian because the cashier knows them. Don't chicken out and try to come there a bit more, shop there more often, and they will be more respectable to you.
t. russian

>> No.16928196

you just need to warm them up

>> No.16929082

love em. I get those all the time and stock up. come to think of it I've never had them in tomato sauce.

>> No.16930007

I can not confirm nor deny that I live in The Nutty North right next to Larchmont Park off Watt Ave. Come meet me at the 7/11 up the street so I can meet you in person and personally kill you.

>> No.16930920

how could you positively confirm my identity without confirming you are a homosexual by confirming "i'm a tall good looking white guy"?

>> No.16930948

van owen or floral, yr parents have a nice house. but, you live near a popeyes, that cant be good, not good at all.

>> No.16932139
File: 88 KB, 500x674, 6DBDB5D0-90E9-4A74-B35E-5E895AC99749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it ain’t food but does anyone know if Russian bread shampoo is still a thing and if there are any shops stateside that carry it?

>> No.16932214

Russian here. see, in US, if you meet someone, it goes like this:
smiling = you're open to conversation and everything is ok
no emotion = you don't really want to talk or something isn't ok
…but in Russia:
no emotion = you're open to conversation and everything is ok
smiling = when you're either laughing at something or REALLY glad to see someone (think close relative after a while)
if they don't want to talk to you, expect actual negative treatment. like, actual annoyed glances, or not-so-subtle hints they're busy / don't want to see you.
it's not like we're cold. it's just that in Russia, smiling all the time simply isn't what people do, and it feels foreign. either they'll think you're American, or a downie.

>> No.16932219

Are Russians just autists then?

>> No.16932234

nope. we just smile when something is actually making us happy. we don't smile out of being polite / nice much. just having neutral expression is considered nice and polite here.

>> No.16932407

kek. does the smell of Russian bread make Russian hotties moisten their panties?

>> No.16932554

You don't get it, Russians have a slave mentality, no slave will fucking respect you when they notice you are below than a random stupid peasant, they also think that everyone around them are peasants in the sense of "who the fuck are you?" unless you show them otherwise.
So for you to smile (to a peasant stranger equivalent to dog poop) either you are a clown or they will think that you want something from them, instead you have to be assertive and objective like if you are important enough to own the slaves instead of being one.
First you'd have to pull up in a black mysterious Mercedes, get in, get the stuff, get out, like if she's the one that has to serve you, while doing it you literally don't even look at her unless it's an imponent look where she feels like the slave, you should not give a shit about her, you keep doing that and she's going to try to get your attention, this is an important step because if you give her the attention then she's going to think "wtf, why is this dude giving attention to a peasant like me? he must be dog shit also" and then she wont give a fuck about you, so you still have to keep ignoring her up to the point you can just get in and fuck her right there and she would be begging for it.

>> No.16932556

This guy gets in.

>> No.16932914

All of these are true. Some to a larger degree than others, and some are more facetious than others, but you can get s pretty accurate picture from this.
>t. oldfag Polak in Muttland (not Chicago kek)
Yeah not really Russian but culturally close enough, and I grew up in commie times. Also those stores usually carry a lot of generally Slav stuff, not just Russian exclusively.
Get some hot-smoked mackerel and Krakowska sausage next time you go, if they have them. And twaróg cheese (pic related(, because all you can find in mutt stores is fucking queso which is nothing like it. Though i resorted to making my own twaróg a long time ago, luckily it's easy af.

>> No.16932915

Also OP

>> No.16932931

Culturally they were never a very outwardly warm people and communism made them even more distant, cold, opportunistic and with a peasant's us-versus-them, gaudy materialistic mentality.

Russians include some of the greatest writers, poets, philosophers, theologists and scientific minds. They are by no means a dumb people but like most cultures the majority are servile cattle who fight amongst each other like crabs in a barrel. While I don't like obsequious cultures I do find Russians to be a bit too much in the opposite direction. Too coarse, gruff and unrefined.

But again, communism will select for reserved, suspicious and paranoid mentalities.

>> No.16932969

>every young Russian woman I've ever met has always been cold as ice
That is to be expected. At least when she doesn’t yet know you.
If a young Russian woman acts extroverted toward you but doesn’t/barely knows you, it is a big red flag. She is crazy, or on drugs, or some other form of damaged goods.