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File: 887 KB, 2495x1403, drive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16919571 No.16919571 [Reply] [Original]

I noticed when you order drive through they never ask you what size you want your meal. They always just assume small unless you say otherwise. Why is that?

>> No.16919579

They’re subtly hinting that you need to lose weight.

>> No.16919583

We're all trying to convince fat people to stop eating so god damn much. Fucking pigs.

>> No.16919584

its because of that morgan spurlok faggot and his stupid bitchass movie because serving people moar food is apparently evil and causes obesety so micdicks dropped the super size for better optics

>> No.16919587

back in my day they used to ask; do you want to FATASS that meal? No extra charge. And you know I always FATASSED it.

>> No.16919839

They ask me all the time. “Small medium or large?” Regardless of chain.

>> No.16919985

because they're physically repulsed from asking the same questions and saying the same words all fucking day. you don't say it, you get the default.

>> No.16919992

>I noticed when you order drive through they never ask you what size you want your meal.
lmao maybe where you live, where I live it's always "small, medium, large?"
they make money on that shit, the managers push the employees on upsizing, and surveys too

>> No.16919996

except they reimplemented it with different branding after waiting a few years for the heat to die down. you can still order a large combo, it's the same goddamn thing

>> No.16920724
File: 183 KB, 214x200, calling bs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They always just assume small unless you say otherwise.
bullshit I have to always request small. small drink, small fries, and tell them I don't want the "meal".

They argue with me when I order a small drink.
>but anon the large is the same price.
I don't fucking care I ordered a small coke give me a small fucking coke! sometimes they ignore what I ask for and give me a large or medium. I dump out all but what would be a small right in front of them (at the drive through).

Hell you can't get a small drink at JAck in the box anymore. the small is the size that a large was 40 years ago.

how much fucking HFCS do they think I need to drink?!


>> No.16920763

>Regardless of chin

>> No.16920773

Because the advertised price is for a small
It's a marketing trick to jew you into thinking that what you want is cheap when really you have to pay extra

>> No.16920783

because thats what the advertised price is for so it is the default. they assume if you wanted to upsize you would say so, and its a waste of time to ask you unless management is incentivizing upsizing meals.

>> No.16920785

lol fucking gottem!

>> No.16920790

Really because around here they assume medium

>> No.16920795
File: 949 KB, 1162x650, Screenshot_2021-10-31 b4y0o5pc4zfvuo10ihmx webp (WEBP Image, 1280 × 716 pixels) - Scaled (90%).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird, medium seems to be the standard up in leafland.
>inb4 "hurr, american drinks are larger"

>> No.16920878

>be me, tranny
>order in manvoice,get asked what size
>order in girlvoice, they assume i want small

>> No.16920907

Yeah that makes the most sense cause its the one in the middle. I usually only order drinks during dollar drink day and just get the burgers cause I usually have a 6 pack in the truck.

>> No.16920929

holy shit yuro cups have been bigger than ours this whole time?!
what was with the shit I was seeing where the USA medium was actually the Japan large?

>> No.16920943

The Japan large is the US small.
>t. was in Japan 8 years ago and noticed this

>> No.16920950

I think they're suppose to. Maybe the folks at your place are new or something.

>> No.16920984

>Be me tranny
Say no more pal

>> No.16920995

they're running out of food

>> No.16921001

>holy shit yuro cups have been bigger than ours this whole time?!
The far right in that picture is Singapore.

>> No.16921048

Have you ever considered telling that which size you want without them asking?

>> No.16921176

You're still ordering meals? I order 2 mcdoubles with lettuce and mayo, a 6pc nugget and a large drink for 8 bucks, which is less than the small meals they advertise.

>> No.16921200

I never noticed that but I imagine that was part of the reforms made with McDonald's and other fast food franchises in response to the Super Size Me documentary. They probably try to err on the side of smaller servings to avoid coming across as blatantly anti-health the way they did beforehand when they did the opposite and tried to upsell everyone on larger serving sizes.

>> No.16921222

>except they reimplemented it with different branding
No they didn't. Large is smaller than Supersize was. Also that wouldn't really be an "except" argument against the other post even if it weren't a lie because businesses are free to have hypocritical or inconsistent practices. They could easily have supersize still while at the same time running with a new policy to default to small size, though again, they don't actually have supersize anymore and large isn't as large as supersize was.

>> No.16922500

They give a medium usually and if you make the drink a large they almost always ask if you want the fries large as well

>> No.16922714
File: 160 KB, 480x1078, texas double whopper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think McDonald's is a bit shy about making things too high calorie after the Supersize Me controversy.

McDonald's is everyone's go to example of unhealthy fast food but almost every other burger chain is even worse.

McDonald's highest calorie burger is about 750 calories and most of their other burgers/sandwiches are under 600 calories. Burger King, Wendy's, and Carl's Jr/Hardee's all have several burgers with over 1000 calories on their menus.

>> No.16922731

Former wagie here, I was often left with both lines as well as cash window. The more efficient my speech and movements were the quicker I can empty the line and get people on their way. Part of me misses LARPing as a demented octopus desu, work was easy and I usually got to listen to music while I worked.

>> No.16922743

They tried to shift gears and become a downmarket starbucks/local cafe instead of a shitty diner. Upscale fast food (for women) was already putting the hurt on them when Supersize Me came out.

>> No.16922878

we're everywhere anon, every thread has at least 2 trannies in it

>> No.16923762

this, mcdonalds can be dogshit but it's nowhere near the insanity of BK meals. if you play your cards right at mcdolans you can get enough bland carbs and protein to hold you over until a better meal but it won't suck. BK, hardee's, wendy's (although i do like wendy's) feel like obesity happening in real time when they slam your 2000+ calorie meals onto the serving trays.

>> No.16923864

If I don't specify they automatically give me the largest option so they can charge more

>> No.16924002

Here on Long Island, McDonalds don't let you order a "small meal". They say it doesn't exist. We can only order "Medium" or "Large" for value meals.