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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16918446 No.16918446 [Reply] [Original]

How do you cook your mashed potatoes /ck/?

>> No.16918469

>Michelin star
>Mashed potatoes
I love these kind of videos focused for poor people who love to larp as rich people on the internet. A michellin star restaurant will never serve something as cheap as mashed potatoes.

t. I've visited 30 michellin starred restaurants

>> No.16918471

Reds, salt and some butter, light mash so they stay chunky. Garlic if I'm feeling cheeky.

>> No.16918472

I can only give you 1 Michelin star for that.

>> No.16918474

i get them out of a bag

>> No.16918481

You fucking liar. The recipe he was following in that vid was made by Chef Joël Robuchon kek.

>> No.16918484



simple as

>> No.16918488

He's referring to Joel Robuchon's famous mashed potatoes that were a classic in his 3 michelin stars restaurants.

>> No.16918491

In 1980's. Modern michelin starred restaurants don't serve 80's food.

>> No.16918500

>Can't tell the difference between MS and NC
Poor people things.

>> No.16918503

Rinse; Scrub; chop; boil; pour out water; add milk, butter, salt and pepper; mash.

Depending on what I'm having them with I might also make them garlic mashed potatoes, to do that crush a bunch of garlic, sweat it a bit and add butter. Spoon that on top of the mash when you've plated it up.

Potato skin is lovely though.

>> No.16918505
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>No fucking seasoning

>> No.16918513

yes..........they realy do be like dat........

>> No.16918516

What "seasoning" are you putting on fucking mashed potatoes you swarthy ape?

>> No.16918526

Is that really mash? The texture looks awful

>> No.16918529
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>> No.16918534

do muttmericans really think they can call others "swarthy" and "apes"?

>> No.16918536

Potato chopped to about one inch chunks, boil in salted water until soft but not too long or you cook the starch out, drain throughly, put back in pan on low heat while mixing in chives sat and pepper, mash the potatos while still on heat with occasionally putting in small amounts of milk until you get the consistency you desire.

>> No.16918538

I'm not American and you're clearly a nigger, or pretending to be one. Now answer the question, nigger.

>> No.16918539

They're not mashed, It's a classical purée de pommes de terre but as usual, OP it's beyond retarded to tell the difference.

>> No.16918540

Rosemary or chives or cajun spices...

>> No.16918548

You're American and I'm not the anon you asked that question. Idiot.

>> No.16918550

Now post how many restaurants in this century are still serving them.

>> No.16918553

>ooga booga i dindu nuffin

>> No.16918554

I leave the skins on.

>> No.16918559
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Bag of Idaho instant thrown in a pot of boiling water and butter. Instant brown gravy and more butter plus salt and pepper to top

>> No.16918565

It's from 2010 dumbass

>> No.16918567
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>> No.16918571
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200g of potato and 25 fucking grams of butter. The more butter you put in the more Michelin stars you get. I once use 200g of butter and 25g of potato and I became the first person to ever get 6 Michelin stars. Gordan Ramsay even followed me on instagram.

I'm going to attempt the worlds first 1g potato/300g butter mix next week. Wish me luck.

>> No.16918574

>Uses google translate to understand the differences on techniques and textures
Ah, america.

>> No.16918576

>Mashed potatoes
listen here you little shit.

>> No.16918581

I'm still waiting for the evidence documented by you from restaurants you've visited. Come on larpy poor boy, prove me wrong.

>> No.16918591

Found the American lol

>> No.16918596

I use toothpaste.

>> No.16918601

Americans need to be range banned from this board.

>> No.16918605

So what do the french call mashed potatoes?

>> No.16918610
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>> No.16918611

I... agree. I think /ck/ is filled with swam americans to the point it's almost unbearable to read.

>> No.16918612

Royale with potatoes

>> No.16918614

Baba au rhum

>> No.16918615

Keep larping, uncultured amerishat. Learn basic cooking techniques.

>> No.16918632

I accept your concession.

>> No.16918640

Can you translate it into a modern language please?

>> No.16918649

how do you cook mash then faggot?

>> No.16918655

>Right click
>reverse search image
Come on anon it's not even that hard.

>> No.16918661

Let me guess just like that fag’s scrambled eggs it has the consistency of custard because yeah that’s what people want when it comes to mashed potatoes kek

>> No.16918662

Then why didn't you post it?

>> No.16918668

its in english

>> No.16918674

I'm not your slave

>> No.16918677

Is English not modern enough for you?

>> No.16918679

Post ignored then.

>> No.16918680

It depends my mood. If i wanna go full med I use butter, black pepper, half cream and parmigiano or manchego -spaniard cheese goes amazing with potatoes-. But an Argie friend of mine taught me to use a sort of chimichurri base -garlic, olive oil, cilantro, basil, parsley and black pepper- with a little bit of cheese.

>> No.16918682

300g of butter and just a single egg yolk. 3 Michelin stars.

>> No.16918698

Holy fuck man. It's just mashed potatoes. It doesn't need all that shit. Is your friend schizophrenic?

>> No.16918701
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>> No.16918704
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200 dollars svp

>> No.16918710

>t. Never made mash in his life

>> No.16918711

I bet you couldn't even boil an egg.

>> No.16918719


>> No.16918721

purée de pommes de terre

>> No.16918723

What the actual fuck?

>> No.16918737

>Doesnt even mention what type of potatoes or how he processes them

>> No.16918741

Post wrist circumference.

>> No.16918747


>> No.16918764

بطاطس مهروسة

>> No.16918779

écrasé de pommes de terre

>> No.16918810


>> No.16918832

Of course they do. One of the 50 best restaurants in the world, 3 Michelin stars for decades, sells steak and fries.

>> No.16918835

papates mashées

>> No.16918876

I like them Bintje variety, cooked in their skin.

Peeled when warm, slowly heated to evaporate as much liquid as possible.

I like them mashed with a fork so you get all kinds of textures.

At least 25% of my mash will be beurre Bordier

Coarse Guérande sea salt and Penja white pepper, mace, fresh egg yolk, a sip of buttermilk for acidity and texture.

Poached egg on top along with hand peeled brown shrimp and chives

Served with a brown shrimp bisque, actual cayenne pepper and fine Champagne.

>> No.16918881

Reds, skin on boiled. Mash with butter, heavy cream, a bit of sour cream, roasted garlic and chives.

>> No.16918952

> cajun spices

get out

>> No.16919086

decent bait

>> No.16919097


>> No.16919110

have literally never eaten mashed potato in my life, and doubt i ever will
food for the infras

>> No.16919124

Dehydrated onions slightly rehydrated in a bit of hot water add a delightdul texture and flavor to mashed potatoes.

>> No.16919126


Do you not celebrate Thanksgiving?

>> No.16919154

we were always served with potato dauphinoise

>> No.16919194

Some dishes are ruined by trying to over-complicate them.
If it's anything more than potatoes mashed with butter, salt, pepper, and/or milk you've gone too far, unless you specify adding something like cheese or other veg. Pomme puree can like my asshole.

>> No.16919200

clarify butter
cook potatoes in clarified butter
mix potatoes with the butter (yes, mix)
add hot milk and salt
pass through your finest sieve

wa la

>> No.16919217

pomme puree is a chefs game on how much butter you can put into mashed without it breaking.

>> No.16919340

based liar

>> No.16919349

Do you even cook, bruh?

>> No.16919362

I used to think this but now I add a tiny bit of garlic and it definitely upped my mashed potato game. It's adds something extra to them without being able to taste the garlic directly.

>> No.16919395

>Michelin star smashed potatoes
So let me get this clear. There are people going to a restaurant and spending $700 for potatoes, really? I mean I get if you go to a Michelin restaurant to eat some world class steak or some impressive crafted dessert... but... those are just mashed potatoes.

>> No.16919418

>boil potatoes
>drain water out of pot
>mash with random utensil
>add butter, sour cream and spices

>> No.16919419


>> No.16919534

>spending thousands on food when it could be invested
Poor people things
I drive the same car since I was 18, I don’t spend more than 15 per person at dinner. You wanna waste all your money on drug addicts in kitchens go ahead, but you’re a dumb fuckin nigger for thinking that exorbitant price tag is worth the food.

>> No.16919539

like a level 5 chef, chef mike.

>> No.16919546

>So let me get this clear. There are people going to a restaurant and spending $700 for potatoes, really?
no, not really.

>> No.16919556

You think this autistic mess has family he hasn’t murdered and eaten yet? Bless your heart, anon.

>> No.16919680

Why are always poor people racist? lmfao holy shit. In order to cope with how low in the food chain you are you needed to imagine that I'm some kind of black dude.

Racism it's all poor people can afford.

>> No.16919732

At that point just fucking scarf down a stick of butter

>> No.16919807
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Americans are the only ones that matter

>> No.16919812


Fixed it for you

>> No.16919815

Lmao we invented everything you're using to be here

>> No.16919825

Computers and the internet are both British inventions

>> No.16919828

The Internet existed before webpages did. Brits invented the webpage.

>> No.16919831


I mean I'm pretty retarded but even I can put on my not-meme loving Big Boy face and play pretend with my relatives for a few days.

>> No.16919855

Garlic definitely belongs in mash and if you think otherwise you're just retarded. But I don't think that was actually your point anyway

>> No.16919864

When you spend a lot of time around a certain people, you tend to understand them better.

>> No.16919914


>> No.16919930

I made shepherd’s pie tonight.

>> No.16919937
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Forgot pic

>> No.16919943
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Was good. I would have piped the potatoes if it wasn’t just my wife and I eating it. Happy halloween!

>> No.16920010

Looks good anon

>> No.16920073

It looks like shit. Thanks though. It tasted good.

>> No.16920369

Next time add a bit of cheese to the top of the mash, it gives a much nicer texture to the crust, and I like more gravy in mine than that but that's more a preference

>> No.16920415

looks tasty. i like that you can see herbs in the potatoes

>> No.16920431
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based on what I've seen classically trained french chef's do, I find your take on this accurate. Obscene levels of butter, far more than I'd ever add in my own mash. Maybe the butter is just that good? I could imagine this being the case if you have really nice cultured butters and are trying to showcase them

>> No.16920439

where’s the cream corn

>> No.16920454

it's fucking mash, you serve it with meat and/or gravy, frog tard

>> No.16920460

There are road side stands selling the equivalent of mashed potatoes that have 3 stars

>> No.16920466

boil potatoes, skin on
peel, let steam
push through ricer
add butter, salt and pepper
more pepper
splash on cream or milk until you get the consistency you want, i try to use as little as possible
sometimes ill add chives, parsley or garlic,

>> No.16920473

Aight fuck you then, I hope your ugly wife cheats on you

>> No.16920518
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I’m trying to lose weight so cheese and gravy, ya know?
Chopped up some dill for it. I fucking love dill
Will try that next time.
Sorry. I feel like a dick, now.

>> No.16920523
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I only make whipped potatoes because I consider them a superior product. I just have to make sure my potatoes are completely boiled through/soft or they can come out lumpy :(

>> No.16920529

>the "mutt" meme

You're a "mutt" too, anon.

>> No.16920533
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Homemade mashed potatoes always end up with a few lumps unless you want to completely overwork the starch or you have one of pic related

>> No.16920585

Nothing wrong with overworking starch. Marco used a robotcoup food processor to make his pomme puree.

>> No.16920592

In New Zealand our restaurants get awarded hats instead of Michellin stars. I went to one and got the venison dish, it came with smoked mashed potatoes.

>> No.16920776

To be fair it's new Zealand aka discount Australia. Potatoes and fish is what you can expect from anglo colonies.

>> No.16920944

Russet potatoes, peeled and chopped and boiled in salty water
Melt butter
In the melter butter, lightly toast minced garlic, black pepper, and rosemary
Mix the mashed potatoes and seasoned melted butter together along with either full fat milk or heavy cream
Grate in a generous amount of sharp cheddar
Add in any extra seasoning to taste
Stop being scared of flavor you prissy bitches

>> No.16921160

>trusting a tire company to judge fine dining

>> No.16921169

I used to work at a nursing home and this looks like the food they used to serve there desu

>> No.16921340

Wifi is an Australian invention.

>> No.16921345

Add white wine before browning the meat to deglaze it. The mince is not meant to be sticky. Other than that, look pretty good.

>> No.16921719

>Taking credit because you are born on the same continent as someone that was useful

>> No.16921728

I've visited 40 and they all served mashed potatoes

>> No.16921812

This board wouldn’t exist without us. Hell, your nations wouldn’t exist without us. Cope and seethe.

>> No.16921955
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This is some michellin star bait

>> No.16921984

Ok here you go. Wash and peel 1 Russet potato per person you're cooking for (yes this is too much but the leftovers are great). Chop potatoes into aprox 1in cubes. Place into food saver bag with 1 pkg cream cheese, 1 stick of butter, 1 clove roasted garlic minced, salt, and pepper. Seal and sous vide at 195 for 1 hour. When done put contents of bag into food processor and process until smooth. Pipe into ramekins. Top with shredded sharp cheddar. Put under broiler until cheese is melted and starting to lightly brown. Serve. Wa la.

>> No.16921988

Potatoes in a food processor? Don't they turn gluey?

>> No.16921999

No, just don't over process

>> No.16922010

Marco does it.

>> No.16922038

Papas D'Ivoire aux Galard a la Bouche avec omlette du fromage

>> No.16922061

Mashed potatoes should be a velvety blank canvas to suck up gravies and coat chunks of meat on your fork. There's no need for cheese or chimichurri or any other bullshit to drown out that simplicity. I even typically object to garlic, though sometimes I do enjoy green onion in there.

>> No.16922068

Cook taters in salt water
Put em through a ricer
Add butter and milk
Add white pepper
Stir a bit

>> No.16922139


That looks fucking disgusting. Anyone who purees the taters into the consistency of baby food has failed as a cook.
Same applies to scrambled eggs by the way.

>> No.16922191
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I hate this stupid ugly jew frank faggot

>> No.16922267

>Americans actually believe this

>> No.16922273

You mean after?

>> No.16922275

>1 hour
>for a side dish that takes 10 minutes to cook

>> No.16922372

A good majority at the reviews for the Las Vegas location say the food there is lame at best and the staff are incompetent. These Michelin star restaurants are probably just another front for the "good old boys" that fuck kids who run these joints.

>> No.16922378

>vegas locations
There's your answer. Anyone who vacations is vegas is white trash.

>> No.16922403

Trashy sure, but gambling also attracts the obscenely rich who show up to make a show of cramming as many $100.00 bills as they can into a slot machine for up to 16 hours a day. These types can be found at any casino sure, but Vegas is their mecca. There are so many Uber rich motherfuckers walking around there it's unfathomable. In Vegas you stand around more multimillionaires than you do in Dubai. They might be complete degenerates but they have money and they like shit that costs a lot of money and they expect over the top service from anything they encounter. A shitty restaurant operating under the guise of "maybe we're too sophisticated for you to understand" wouldn't fly for them.

>> No.16922460

>Wash bodadoes
>Bake at 400 for about 30-40 mins
>Pull out and put into a big pan
>Slowly Mash in pan over low heat adding butter, cream and salt
Not hard unlike muh dick

>> No.16922622

Maris piper potatoes in oven @ 150C for 1.5 hours.
Put insides through ricer twice
Once done put on stove and add butter, cream and whole milk and mix together till desired consistency and creaminess than season to taste.

>> No.16922641

>How do you cook your mashed potatoes /ck/?
I use chicken broth instead of water, and I add the gravy mix to the water I cook the potatoes in. I mix it with a little milk and some 14% sour cream. It's perfect.
I also use dehydrated flakes because I don't want to take the 30 mins to peel and boil whole ones.

>> No.16922694

>I use chicken broth instead of water, and I add the gravy mix to the water I cook the potatoes in.
the duality of the schizo poster.

>> No.16923051

That's fine in my book as long as you call it garlic mash. I fry the garlic in butter before to help it diffuse.

Depends on what you're serving it with, I'd rather have it without garlic for beef and guinness stew, but with garlic with kiev.

>> No.16923137

Boil the potatoes. I do not peel smaller ones with thin skin. Smash them with a fork. Add pepper. Serve hot.

Best mash is chunky, thin and watery mash is a disgrase. And don't make me started on instant mashed potatoe, they aren't even good enough to serve as wallpaper glue.

>> No.16923146

>thicc mashed with skin on and a lil chunky
>whole milk
>salt & pepper

>> No.16923156

>dehydrated flakes
Never heard of that until just now, went and googled it and my day is ruined. Fuck you.

>> No.16923203

so anyone have any tips or is this nothing more than a bait thread?

>> No.16923310

>Do what ever you can to keep the starch in the potatoes: Cooking the potato whole with skin on (very long cook time) or using a ricer or generally just not over cooking them
>Use salt water if peeling
>Use one inch chunks and pour boiling water out until water lever sits about an inch above the potatoes and cook
>1 inch chunks = 10 minutes cooking time at boil. Use bigger chunks if mixing with sweet potato/carrot/pumpkin (20 minutes MAX or 35 if whole unpeeled)
>Less milk and butter = fluffy More = paste. Add until you reach a consistency you desire
>do not add milk if using pumpkin
>water can be used instead of milk and butter
>Do not over mash, they will break down the cells and make it taste bland
>mash and mix over low heat for extra fluff
>season with what ever you desire. Rosemary or chives are the usual starting points.

The only way you can really fuck up mash is by over cooking or adding turning it into a paste.

>> No.16923323

thanks for taking the time to write all of that out.

>> No.16923357

Fry the skin peels in butter, then add some milk and warm it through. Use the infused milk in the mash, discarding the skin. It's one extra saucepan, and it adds a huge amount of taste.

>> No.16923376

Lying faggot, there is no 30 Michelin starred restaurant in the world. The most they award is 3.

>> No.16923384

Actually, they award up to 6 now...

>> No.16923504

Boil potatoes, mash em when they’re good and soft, mix in milk/butter/salt/pepper, and then finish with some cabbage or sauerkraut. Sometimes I’ll drop the cabbage/sauerkraut and instead mix in browned minced beef or mashed rutabaga.

>> No.16923918

up yours faggot, are you some third worlder that doesn't realize you can preserve food for the future?

>> No.16923941


>> No.16924105

name 30 michellin starred restaurants that havent served potato