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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 54 KB, 683x1024, Biscuits-Gravy-1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16917391 No.16917391 [Reply] [Original]

Biscuits and Gravy, need it or keep it?

>> No.16917398

Nice, it snowed here so Im gonna make chicken noodle soup.

>> No.16917705

I need it!

>> No.16917716

Ahh scones and cum sauce an American delicacy

>> No.16917774

need it

>> No.16917784

I will kill you with my bare hands

>> No.16917843

You mean fat sausage fingers.

>> No.16917931

>make bechamel
>call it gravy
>make tomato sauce
>call it gravy
why are americans so dumb? why?

>> No.16918256

Get them to make you a grilled cheese sandwich. Then ask them to fry you an egg. Same fucking pan. They have no culinary knowledge at all.

>> No.16918271

This. I've honestly even heard about Americans using a fork and a knife at the same time. Do they not teach them how to use cutlery in high school?

>> No.16918283
File: 1.60 MB, 2448x3264, 0CE7F264-01E3-4A0D-B64B-09DB6F0D67A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% need

>> No.16918290

Mom says I'm big bonned

>> No.16918297

It's America. We eat how we want and anyone who's worried how they'll appear to others while eating is an insecure faggot.

>> No.16918298

Have you heard about them cutting the food, then switching hands to eat it? It's like watching an alien trying to learn to be human.

>> No.16918305

It's a polite way of saying fat sausage fingered.

>> No.16918307

Yes, I though it was a joke when I heard that Americans actually cut their food. Lmfao, it's absolutely unbelievable. How fucking bad is their food that they have to cut it?

>> No.16918308

LMFAO they actually do this? Why do they call white sauce and tomato sauce gravy? It's so fucking retarded. Gravy is meat based.

>> No.16918315

But they're strong. Plus, I sink like a stone. Don't fat people float well.

>> No.16918316

Haven't got a problem with you eating how you want. Don't call something grilled when it's clearly fried. That's just show a total lack of culinary education.

>> No.16918318

>Milk in a mason jar
>Great looking sausage gravy.
I'm thinking based.

>> No.16918320

How about you get your own words pajeet

>> No.16918321

It's a béchamel based on rendered pork fat and chunks of sausage. As such, it qualifies as a gravy.

>> No.16918324

You missed the bit about switching hands to eat it. How dumb is that?

>> No.16918326

Gravy isn't white and made with milk.

>> No.16918331

I'm only going to this more now.

>> No.16918333

Gravy is a category of meat-based sauces. What do you call gravy then?

>> No.16918334
File: 464 KB, 600x450, sites.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>amerilards eat this for breakfast every morning

>> No.16918337

You're trying a little too hard.

>> No.16918339

Do we really need to waste our Halloween debating about American Milk Gravey again? Get over it!

>> No.16918340

>>make tomato sauce
>>call it gravy
Only wops do this

>> No.16918341

Gravy's primary ingredient should be meat broth or stock not milk. That's white sauce.

>> No.16918342

Makes no sense

>> No.16918343

I've got nothing better to do, how about you?

>> No.16918349

It's a white sauce with sausage meat thrown in.

>> No.16918362

I'm sorry, english is not my first language.

>> No.16918366

>broth or stock
It's made with the juices from roasted meat.

>> No.16918368


Fun fact: In America, they call butter + flour + milk + salt + pepper country gravy. It makes no sense.

>> No.16918369

I don't have much going on at the present, but I don't want to have some stupid shitfest over technicalites and what a particular cultures what. Who fucking cares!?! Lets talk about the delicious pumpkin pancakes with bacon I'm about to stir up.

>> No.16918373

Gravy isn't milk based anywhere in the world outside of the USA. If you called that shite gravy anywhere else you'd be laughed at.

>> No.16918374

It doesn't have to make sense

>> No.16918376

stop your fucking trolling, and all newfags stop biting

>> No.16918378

In America a sauce that is 96% milk and 4% meat is gravy lol

>> No.16918630

So you're intentionally leaving out the meat and meat fat. Nice.

>> No.16918641

You didn't watch the video. There is no meat in his country gravy.

>> No.16918671


>> No.16918681

I eat it at least once a week

>> No.16918699

>no bacon or sausage
Wtf who eats it like that

>> No.16918708
File: 422 KB, 2048x1536, sausage gravy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make it a lot, real easy.

>> No.16918731

Bin it.

>> No.16918776
File: 541 KB, 1080x2013, 1634521053771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it. It's my favorite breakfast. I make big stock pots quantities of sausage gravy. But the secret to a good sausage grave is a lot of black pepper.