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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 42 KB, 1200x956, 1200px-Pizza_Hut_1967-1999_logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16906298 No.16906298 [Reply] [Original]

I'm 33 now, and every time I try it I can barely finish a slice and it genuinely seems to be made of inedible things. It is flat out horseshit. Was I just a dumbfuck kid or did it used to he decent? When did it get bad?

I remember the pizza being baller, stuffed crust being great, and even ordering things like their pasta primavera that was always satisfying.

Today not even their breadsticks are edible.

>> No.16906313

When you and I(31) were kids the Hut was something else. It's trash now. Don't look back like Lot's wife.

>> No.16906336

Remember the comfy fires in the center of the restaurant? I would always look forward to how comfy it was in late fall when we went for my personal pan pizza I got for reading books or whatever

>> No.16906341

Who’s that? Did she get food poisoning or something

>> No.16906347

She ate too much salt

>> No.16906352

I recall all of that and Ringo, a fuckin' Beatle, eating the crust first.
I hope you're being silly.

>> No.16906353

She tripped over a salt shaker.

>> No.16906377

36 here, I remember when pizza hut was max tier comfy. Awesome pizza, full sit down restaurant with salad bar, everything was good as fuck with fresh ingredients, NES arcade machines for the kids (Mike Tyson, Excitebike etc) and they even served pitchers of beer for the adults. Now it's a pile of shit take-out place with subpar sloppa food like little Caesars except they charge like $14 a pizza

>> No.16906389

Most chains become chains because they start off so good that they open a second location. Occasionally they are calculated risks from investment companies/restaurant conglomerates but usually they start off small

Pizza hut once upon a time was really good. Papa Johns was even better than Pizza Hut in its prime. But at a certain point MBA fucks come in and little by little they taste tests small changes to the product with inferior ingredients and techniques until after years the product is barely recognizable and a new restaurant comes in and rises to the top. All the while keeping the profits for themselves so quality goes down as prices rise up.

Ask your parents about how good KFC used to be. I can't think of anyone that would go there when Popeyes is an option.

Shake Shack used to be worth an hour long wait when they only had 1 or 2 locations in NYC and now its barely better than Wendy's.

Five Guys so far has bucked the trend and hasn't gone to shit, but they only did that by raising prices so high that a lot of people reconsider. Im fully expecting a campaign where they lower the prices and then slowly lower the quality of the ingredients

>> No.16906394

They went downhill to focus on quantity over quality. They are now surpassed by Domino's and its pan pizza.
We live in clown world. If only this were like Code Geass and the Holy Britannian Empire made sure Pizza Hut stayed good.

>> No.16906562

>Lot's wife.
keep your farytale shit in disneyland not a real life backseat weaving forum

>> No.16906611

to be fair pizza hut has gone down in quality a lot. I used to like it too.

>> No.16906705

Why? Is lot a poster here. Sorry if I offended anybody I’m a newfag here

>> No.16906729

The bible is surprisingly accurate at times.
T. Psychonaut

>> No.16906732

So is Animorphs

>> No.16906749

Holy shit man. You’re so smart. Can i suck your cock?

>> No.16906770

the only reason my parents got pizza hut growing up was because my brother and i got the free personal pan pizzas. i enjoyed their pan crust pizza 20 years ago in middle school but haven't had it since. still think my parents have one of the pins that you put silver circular stickers on and once full could be redeemed for a personal pan pizza.

>> No.16906775

as long as it keeps you from talking about fairy tales like it's real life, please do

>> No.16906777
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I found that the only pizza that I liked as a kid which is just as good is Chuck E Cheese pizza. Luckily my GF babysits her niece every weekend so I have an excuse to go there without feeling like a pedo.

>> No.16906781
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>> No.16906783

All “conscience” thought is fairy tales nigger. You’re either in or out. Also guaranteed i’ve served satan more than you.

>> No.16906785

Buttmad brainlet atheist can't tolerate artful biblical metaphors in common speech

>> No.16906864

>ITT: I used to like Pizza Hut but it got bad! >:(
No, it essentially tastes the same. You/We just got old, and we see Pizza Hut pizza the same way one would wake up to see a hooker who stayed the night. She’s ugly as shit; she was just as ugly as shit last night, but you couldn’t tell because you were drunk and she had a ton of makeup and a hot outfit and was really only illuminated by neon and streetlights.
She didn’t get uglier, you just sobered up and saw her in normal light and no costume.
That is to say, the pizza “was” great because of other things that coincided with it at the time.

It isn’t the 80s-90s anymore.
You aren’t getting a personal pan pizza because you pretended to read books for “Book It”.
You aren’t being taken to Pizza Hut because you got a good report card, or because you and a couple friends have something to celebrate.
You aren’t getting some quarters from mom to play the NeoGeo or other cabinet near the front during the *literal eternity* it takes for the pizza to come to your table.
You aren’t having it delivered for a Friday sleepover at your place or a friend’s place where the pizza is accompanied by rented movies or video games.
There's nothing special about it now. Hell, it’s the opposite of special. You can afford Pizza Hut every damn day now if you wanted to.
I know it seems like Pizza Hut was a beautiful woman at the time, and it blows your mind that she let herself go. But that’s the thing; she was always a saggy-titted whore with stretch marks, meth-teeth, and a couple of knife-scars. It’s just that she tended to come around during things you remember as special/happy.

>> No.16906873

Ok but why do you have to say it like that

>> No.16906878

based chuckecheese pizza anon. i love chuckecheese pizza too. probably my favorite chain pizza place right now.

>> No.16906884


>> No.16906888

Everything used to be better in the past
That is a fact
I keep telling this to my mom and at first she didnt believe but nowadays she believes me, even stuff like a small candy is worse now

>> No.16906897

They changed how they made pizzas in the mid 90s, which is why they suck now.

>> No.16906904

Yeah it could be a trick of the mind or things might actually suck. I know for a fact when I went to buy jeans last week that they are shittier and cheaper than they used to be. They feel like jeggings now.

I know they're worse because I own the same pair but purchased 3 years ago.

Maybe things are worse and this is all gaslighting.

>> No.16906920

>encounters extremely applicable metaphor for Pizza Hut nostalgia
>compulsively breaks into fedora-tipping Fortnite dance
You aren’t even old enough to understand what’s being discussed in this thread, Ayden, Aiden, Brayden, Cayden, Hayden, Jayden, or whatever -den zoomer name your single mom gave you.

>> No.16906942
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Haven't had Pizza Hut in probably 15 years. Pretty safe bet all food quality has greatly declined. Been making my own for about 7, starting with their recipe but I switched to actual milk. Looking at it now it has way too much flour, just add it until you can work the dough in your hands without it sticking to you. I also throw in basil, oregano and garlic salt.

>> No.16906946

Nah it really was a lot better in the past. Fast food restaurants used to cater to families and shit, and they had much higher quality food than they do now. I worked at pizza hut in 2004 and then my bro's zoomer cousin works there now. I'll tell you the difference.
>in 2004 we still made dough in a huge mixer and manually laid it into pans, left it to let the yeast rise. In 2021 they import vacuum sealed crusts filled with shelf-stabilizer
>in 2004 we took out veggies and cut them on a slicer to prep every single day. In 2021 they import pre-cut veggies treated with shelf-stabilizer
>in 2004 we put generic-brand string cheese into the crusts to make stuffed crus. In 2021 I don't want to think about what's in the vacuum sealed stuffed crust
>in 2004 we put your pizza in a box and that's that. In 2021 they have a can of "finishing spray" that they spray the pizza down with.

etc etc

>> No.16906966

The picture on here right now with Reese's that has 2 things in it instead of 3.

>> No.16906978

I don't even eat fastfood anymore. Scamdemic kicked me of that habit. It's amazing how much money you piss away buying literal congealed gutter mush formed into the shape of human food. I've lost a bunch of weight and feel much better over all and saved at least a couple thousand dollars this year.

>> No.16907012

This is too true. You have no idea how much I hate corporations.

>> No.16907031

No actually you're someone in their early 20s that graduated from high school a few years ago.

You think you know shit about the world, this website, etc but you're just slowly realizing that the collective you enjoyed in high school is actually mostly idiots like you in high school and trolls. You could have researched most stickies in a couple weeks to a few months on your own time.

Theres a small percentage of people here who have growth and offer real advice and other people who have advice but never offer it because its a waste of time to write anything meaningful to assholes when it will be gone in a few hours.

You still value a bunch of (you)s even though you don't know a time before that was even a thing

Pizza hut was better but it sucks now. Also 4chan

>> No.16907065

I'm 38 and pizza hut used to be expensive, like birthday treat level expensive. It pretty much costs the same irrespective of inflation now. Last time I had it it was as greasy as I remember maybe less meat. when were kids we used to always want to visit chain places we saw advertised they were never as good and always cost more than local family run restaurants but we didn't know any better we just saw 'top brands' and we shit on anything that wasn't conformity.

>> No.16907083

>in 2004 we still made dough in a huge mixer and manually laid it into pans, left it to let the yeast rise. In 2021 they import vacuum sealed crusts filled with shelf-stabilizer
I guess that’s up to the franchisee? Because there’s a lot of “former PH employee stories” claiming the same thing but in the early/mid 90s
>in 2004 we took out veggies and cut them on a slicer to prep every single day. In 2021 they import pre-cut veggies treated with shelf-stabilizer
What do you mean by “import”? The US has a wide variety of climate zones, and I doubt you were getting “domestic” year-round vegetables during whenever.
>in 2004 we put generic-brand string cheese into the crusts to make stuffed crus. In 2021 I don't want to think about what's in the vacuum sealed stuffed crust
You understand that “generic-brand string cheese” is probably closer to actual mozzarella than anything PH has actually topped its pizzas with, yeah?

>> No.16907087

their pan is bready shit, but their hand tossed is pretty good imo

>> No.16907099

>gf's niece
Does she call you Uncle?

>> No.16907104

>no u in high school
You do know only high-schoolers consider high-schooler to be an insult, right?
>You could have researched most stickies
Welcome to /ck/, tourist-kun. Please understand that our sticky threads are only visible to 4chan Platinum Pass members. Continuing to speak of them may may result in revocation of your platinum-privileges.

>> No.16907167


No she calls me Mattie (my name is Matt but she's 5 so she calls everyone by girly nicknames). Is that "uncle" thing some weird pedo shit?

>> No.16907181

With pizza places like that, it varies by location a lot.
Place with competent employees that give some fraction of a fuck = decent food.
Place with incompetent employees that give no fucks = sloppa.
Not just pizza hut, either, I've noticed this trend among pretty much all fast food places that aren't hardcore about their quality and consistency control. McDonalds doesn't have that problem, for example.

>> No.16907206

I'm 32 and the only time I remember enjoying pizza hut was when I was a kid and would get a free pizza from writing book reports

>> No.16907227
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>> No.16907247

haven't had it in over 10 years so who knows. little caesars used to be great back in the mid 90's but now it's discount cheap and easy pizza.

>> No.16907474

Dumbass fedora-tipper. Go fuck off elsewhere, faggot.

>> No.16907487

Even just 15 years ago, it was pretty decent. Now it's just embarrassing--same thing with KFC.

>> No.16907523

Yeah I remember eating it in 1992 and it actually had substance and thickness. Around 97 or so, when they packaged the Metal Gear Solid demo for PS1 it had already gone to shit because I asked my parents for stuffed crust. Sometime in 01 we had the Papa and it was great back then as well. Markos around 06. Now I don't eat chain, just ABC and Cappys.

>> No.16907559

30 here, my family used to eat at Pizza Hut after a day at the beach and it was always top notch 'za. That was back when they had the bumpy red cups. I dined in a couple years ago and it was still pretty good.

>> No.16907569

i miss Pizza Hut. one of the comfiest places to eat as a kid. sadly those types of family restaurant pizza huts barely exist anymore. to this day their pan pizza is probably one of my favorite pizzas even though i know its crap pizza compared to the good stuff from the mom and pop authentic wop pizzerias

>> No.16907604

Anon responds with questions and thinks they're refutations. Sasuga zoomzoom

>> No.16907612

I can't eat their pizza either, though pizza joints vary so much location from location, it's always hard to tell how much is the formula, and how much is just the shop.
Same thing with Dominos for me - their "new" formula is just rancid disgusting to me. I can't for the life of me understand how anyone can eat it, but for all I know, other shops might be killing it, and it's just that my locals are mopstring-sucking dipshits.

>> No.16907616

Domino's new formula is fucking great. Hella garlic, MSG, and grease; the perfect fast food pizza, IMO. Your location must be circumcising it somehow. Did you like the old Domino's, by any chance? Because that was literally cardboard shit

>> No.16907620
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>circumcising it
Hello rabbi

>> No.16907627

Nah, I could never stand dominos, though the old dominos was awful in an inoffensive "meh don't want this" sort of way. The "new" one is awful in a patently offensive, "spit it out immediately and ugh the taste need a drink and why the fuck is this thing so fucking sticky" way.
When they first changed it up I gave it a try, but results as above. A couple years ago I decided to give it another chance because maybe they'd just traumatized me with a fucked up pizza and I could get over it, but nope.exe ran again.

>> No.16907675

Hmmm, interesting. May I ask what you usually order?

>> No.16907691

Just plain naked pizza. I rarely get toppings unless I'm in the mood for meats and/or extra cheese, and I'm not really a fan of variants like pan or thin. Pretty boring taste.

>> No.16907705

Ah. If you're not getting the pan, you're fucking up. I suggest trying the cheese bread next time and see if you like it, because it's kind of the forefront of all the recipe changes. You also sound quite unreasonable and normie-autistic, so that might be affecting things.

>> No.16907726

People like what they like bro. I try new things, but if I don't like them, I don't like them.
I don't think that's very unreasonable, but y'know, fuck you and all that.

>> No.16907735

32 here. PH used to be my favorite treat back in the late 90s and early 00s. Can't even stomach the new recipe. It isn't the same bro.

>> No.16907738

>people like what they like
Oh, I know. It's just kind of sad when "what someone likes" falls completely outside of the category of conversation or debate, yet they come asking for these things. Seriously, I think it's 1/500 people who enjoy a plain pie.

>> No.16907739

the absolute state

>> No.16907744

There should be a distinction between "wholesome and sensitive" autists and 4chan's breed of "desensitized and degenerate" autists.

>> No.16907757

I remember in 2010s KFC switched to a different oil to cut the fat back, I think they had even been sued.

>> No.16907758

>what is a homily
stay butthurt faggot

>> No.16907760

>plain 'za
>1 in 500
Nah, it's not that rare of a thing for people to order.
I make plain cheese pies every day. Sure, they're not as common as say, pepperoni, but they're not at all super rare like that, at least in my area.
t. guy that makes 'za at a 'za shop.

>> No.16907762

because that shit is already the lowest of the low end, something you could probably make in jail

>> No.16907763

Is that fucking Heather Brooke?

>> No.16907767

I really think you misunderstood what I meant by "1/500."

>> No.16907768

yeah, there are entire career fields where you job is to tweak formulas to get the cheapest, compliant result and calculate loss of quality/customers vs. profit margins

>> No.16907771

Wait, you mean just bread and sauce?
What do you mean? Maybe there's a regional difference in how the terminology is used.

>> No.16907775

A plain pie has nothing on it at all.

>> No.16907777

That's not even a pie. That's a piece of bread.

>> No.16907783

A "plain pizza" with sauce and cheese is a cheese pizza. A "plain pie" or "regular pie" has nothing on it at all.

>> No.16907785

You're a stupid faggot. No pizza place in America will hand you a fucking piece of bread if you ask for a plain pie

>> No.16907788

Funny how if you google image "plain pizza," pizzas with cheese come up; but every single link says "cheese pizza" on it

>> No.16907792

You're a weird, normietistic retard.

>> No.16907796

Time: wasted
Re: tarded

>> No.16907797

>Posting a video of some dipshits explicitly telling them to HOLD EVERYTHING and saying that's the same thing as asking for a plain pie
Go vote for Brandon again

>> No.16907798

I mean, if that's what you order, that's what I'll make, but honestly you'd be better off just getting breadsticks if you really just want some bread.

>> No.16907799

Yeah, ok. Just call it a cheese pizza next time, dippy doo.

>> No.16907804

Well, I wasn't asking for anything myself. I was just stating my opinion on two particular chains' pizza, qualifying those opinions by recoginizing that some shops completely fuck things up and you'd never know unless you found one that doesn't, and was then asked to elaborate on my opinions on one.
Also just in case, this:>>16907777 A plain, naked pizza to me is normal crust(for whatever the shop's normal is), plain cheese pizza. If there's someone crazy enough to walk into a pizza place and order a baked crust with fucking nothing, that someone is not me.

>> No.16907873

I'm sure you felt like a genius typing that out but pizza hut has objectively, by every metric, lowered their quality over the years. You could have easily looked this up instead of fellating yourself but here's your (You).

>> No.16907902

>Anon inexplicably decides questions aren’t actually questions and projects zoom
I forgot you guys reclassified doubt as a microaggression. Please forgive my accidental hatespeech.

>> No.16907912

>You could have easily looked this up
Where exactly is the objective taste rating system for food stored?

>> No.16908662

thank god you don't know about this shit yes it is some pedo shit, referencing some anon posting cunny and some weird suggestive scenarios alongside it

>> No.16908674

They were real people who lived long before us

>> No.16908682

While everything does get shipped in pre-made and/or pre-cut, none of it is shelf-stable. All the dough and ingredients have to be kept refrigerated or they go to shit.
>stuffed crust
It's still generic string cheese that gets packed into dough by hand.
>finishing spray
Never heard of it.

>> No.16908701

0.08 has been credited to your Pizza Hut account

>> No.16908710

I just work there, I don't eat the pizza since it's absolutely drenched with vegetable oil and the ingredients are trash quality.

>> No.16908723

I'd be looking for another job after posting you wouldn't eat their slop.

>> No.16908731

I remember smashing deep dish sausage pizza, pitchers of Pepsi and playing Golden Axe arcade. It was super based because no one else had Golden Axe or Pepsi

>> No.16908740

32 years old here. 100% can confirm.

KFC used to be crispier, and more well-seasoned/zesty (worth noting that sensitivity to things like salt/spice/sugar INCREASES as you get older). Now it's soggy and bland. The "extra crispy" versions are closer to the old stuff in texture, but not in flavor.

Pizza Hut used to have different cheese and crust. The cheese was more of a pizza mozzarella back then - it had more flavor and was more stretchy/elastic. Now it's like some kind of extra-cheap provolone, bland and more dense. The stuffed crust used to actually be like a thick pan pizza with the rolled-over cheese-filled edge, now it's like they tried to stretch a medium crust as wide and thin as possible just to roll the edge over some of that cheap provolone. Worth noting that this is taking into account multiple different locations, eating-in where possible to get it as fresh as possible.

Five Guys may have retained whatever quality they once had, but any basic burger you could make at home tastes about the same as what you get there. I don't know if it's just me, but there's nothing particularly distinct about the way they season or prepare any of their food. Even their fries are comparable to basic unbattered home fries, given how soggy they always are. The prices don't make it any more convenient than just buying your own ingredients, either.

>> No.16908743

I had about the same thing with Dominos
I used to think their pizza was delicious and finish 2 pies by myself, the last time I had it the cheesy bread was amazing, then I got to the pizza...

I think I would've had a better time eating the cardboard box it came in it was so dry.

>> No.16908756


>> No.16908762
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>> No.16908810

first time i had stuffed crust was at pizza hut as a kid. cheese heaven. 10 years later ordered the same thing and i thought i was a hallucinating lil shit cause it was nothing like before.

>> No.16909258


>> No.16909269

where did all the pizza huts in ny go

>> No.16909281

homemade pizza is a million times better than fast food. even pieology can't compete with my pizzas. how important is the milk powder to the dough? I've been meaning to try a crust similar to pizza hut, but i just enjoy regular crust on a pizza stone.

>> No.16909298

They might be referencing the "uncle poster" over on /fit/; I'm not sure if he ever came over here. But yeah it's weird pedo shit.

>> No.16909578

Five Guys Cajun Fries are the best fast foodish style fries you can get

>> No.16909925

But those things just create treasured memories, customer goodwill and a sustainable long term business. That doesn't make short term profit!!!! Better use cheap ingredients and throw it together in a cold empty restaurant instead to boost the share price.

>> No.16910903

If you grew up in the 90's it was good, especially their personal pan pizzas. When their thin crusts turned to shit we started buying breadsticks from them after ordering a pizza in advance from Donato's which they own (Mandela, I swear to fucking god they own it in some timeline.)

>> No.16911128
File: 839 KB, 2016x1512, Pizza English Muffins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why bother with pizza hut when you can make pic related?

>> No.16911146

english muffins or bagels?

>> No.16911209

looks like english muffin.

>> No.16911214
File: 37 KB, 444x444, 1509615382294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, noticed the filename too just after I posted that

>> No.16911628

I'm not gonna report you or anything, but if you'll re-read your manual, you'll find that it's specifically against company policy to talk shit about them on the internet.

>> No.16912025

I like to broil them up a bit before eating them to crisp em up

>> No.16912369
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>mfw upon realizing who this was

>> No.16913880
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The decline in quality is due to one thing:
you are being replaced by third world subhumans.

They don't care about satisfying you. Due to "economic crises" your government imported hordes of foreigners and your wealth has been redistributed to these tasteless retard niggers, spics, chinks, etc.
They will keep paying for garbage and they will think it's good.
No one cares if you boycott anything.
No one is making any alternatives because they expect you'll be an insignificant piece of the market in the near future and they know the subhuman trash can just be marketed the same shit quality at a higher price.

Is this really your fucking reaction to the total collapse of civilization?
You're clearly being robbed and genocided.
Start killing jews and leftists, and not mercifully.

>> No.16913924

top tier schizo post

>> No.16914042

Hate the suits, not the corporations they suck dry. MBA shitstains are even less human than prosecutors.

>> No.16914162

that's why i respect in-n-out. not did they never sell out to a holding company but they also didn't go into hock financing a massive national expansion. they're really committed to consistent excellence of their dining experience and that's a rare good thing in an otherwise rapacious industry

>> No.16914174

2020 was the first year i cooked every single meal at home and it was the best i've ever eaten

>> No.16914181

They went from comfy restaurants that also did delivery that were everywhere to trying to compete with Dominos as delivery only but the food quality cratered through the earth and now they barely exist.

>> No.16914227

>essentially the same
You dumb faggot. In the 90s pizza hut cooks actually hand tossed the dough. Now? I worked there for a couple months like 4 years ago between jobs. Hand tossing is gone. Only papa johns still does it. The dough is a frozen disc tossed in a pan full of oil overnight to thaw and proof.
Everything else is worse too. Sauce is lower quality and the pepperoni doesn't have the same slight crispness to it. All for the sake of competing with fucking little ceasars and dominos for the $5-7 pizza market.

>> No.16914231

So what you’re saying is is that your taste palette is developing wowwww

>> No.16914848

Always some borderline-underage farthuffer overestimating his own perceptiveness that makes posts like this thinking he's got the whole world figured out. No, in fact quality in many things has been going down as time goes on with people using cheaper ingredients and formulas. An easy and observable example of this is candy like fruit by the foot, which used to have actual strawberry seeds in it that would crunch when you bit into it, and which nowadays looks like window sealing tape with no strawberries going anywhere near their factory in years.

>> No.16914871

you're forgetting that there's a sizeable group of americans who would prefer to wait in line to buy food that costs and tastes exactly the same as if they cooked it themselves

>> No.16915294

I've noticed an extreme difference in quality location by location. Pizza Hut in general ranges from "Okay" to "Inedible". I think the quality in general is worse than when you were younger, but there are still some okay pizza huts out there that use fresher ingredients and make higher quality pizza. There are some locations that don't give a single shit though and it's disgusting. There's like no quality control with this company.

>> No.16915840

just tried this. followed your recommendation.
was based. Tasted like fast food pizza, but a good one if that makes sense.

>> No.16916037

From what I've seen of the one in my area, dine-ins are down a lot because kung flu or whatever, so the buffet is out of commission, but furthermore, for whatever fucking reason the arcade room is also closed down. I don't really understand that one. It's not even a full size ARCADE arcade, it's just a little extra room with a few games. It wouldn't take 30 seconds here and there to go sanitize all the controllers n sheeit.
It seems to me that the arcade is a big part of the comfy vibe, so without that they're just shooting themselves in the foot.
People just show up, eat their food and leave, but if the arcade was open it seems like that would increase the probability of people staying a little longer, like "well, maybe I could have a beer and jam on that game over there before I head out", "damn, that beer and gaming made me hungry again, well, maybe just a little bite, damn that bite made me thirsty again, hmmm, maybe just one more brew, well now I gotta go try that game again", etc.
Of course without the buffet, this dynamic would be kind of janky, but you get the idea.

>> No.16916542

these based dubs speak of a better time i too remember :(

>> No.16917067

They're Detroit style is good for a change, but otherwise agree. Too buttery and fatty - their cheese is too much for me. I do like their sauce though.

>> No.16917110

counterreport: I can't tell any difference between chain pizzas vs the same chain 20 years ago and I only eat one every couple of years. I hadn't had a Papa John's in 15 years after eating it all the time but someone ordered it at a family thing and it was exactly as I remembered it.

>> No.16917142

Was that back when they actually put sauce on the pizzas?

>> No.16917147

>Growing up poor and your mother encouraged you to lie about their book it program for free food

>> No.16917179

On the other hand Domino's used to be terrible and now it's not as terrible.

>> No.16917248

I guess the 5 Guys places around here must suck then. I decided to go there after hearing everyone talk about it and the burger was pretty good but nothing amazing, but the fries were awful. They were so damn soggy it was almost like eating mashed potatoes.
But I thought that it might be because they give you so a ton of fries that maybe they just ended up steaming themselves into mush. So I went to a different place to give it another go and tried the fries as soon as I got them and it was the same problem; incredibly soggy.

>> No.16917635

It's like that video about putting in sawdust into rice krispies. If you could do it without anyone noticing the change in taste except you earn more money from cutting costs, would you do it?

The answer is yes, those rat faced bastards will do anything just to earn more money. That's why when you need to have men of integrity to stand up against this and to keep things high quality but if they die or they get removed the quality will always fall.

>> No.16918112

Same, anon. Pizza Hut was really good in the 90's and now it's complete shit. They fucked with the sauce or something but its' really bad.

>> No.16918639
File: 136 KB, 489x223, F3FAAA48-5E87-45AA-B72B-94D5916257B0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This hurts

>> No.16918660
File: 25 KB, 480x360, 6FC25B41-3F3C-4331-B1AA-C41AAD700117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d be happy with “daddy”

>> No.16918690


>Chain pizza in the hood

Literal cardboard with chalk cheese

>Pizza hut in affluent areas
Hand rolled dough with water filtered from Tibetan monks, artesian cheese hand massages before curdling with tomato sauce wiped off a high class escorts tummy, brushed with the freshest garlic butter and delivered by the hottest femboy who accepts tips

Moral of story go to rich area pizza hut

>> No.16918765

Dude what the fuck is finishing spray?

>> No.16918769

>It is flat out horseshit.

>Was I just a dumbfuck kid

>> No.16918781

It's always been shit. It has always targeted children. It has always tricked parents into going there too. "For the kids".

>> No.16918784

All I can think about when I see pizza hut is Tim dillons podcast he did inside of one during the lunch buffet

>> No.16918812

>You do know only high-schoolers consider high-schooler to be an insult,
I'm not him but that is most definitely not the case.

>> No.16919353

>be me
>feel left out
Is there a chain rn that's still fantastic that I can enjoy now before they go to shit? Or is every chain shit now?

>> No.16919378

let the Christian lord guide you to Chick-Fil-A

>> No.16919540

They seemed a lot cleaner when I was a kid. Now it's just like every other dirty chain pizza place.

>> No.16919563

I ate an entire medium deep dish pizza hut pizza once when I was a kid. I wouldn't even eat a slice now.

>> No.16919573

>>feel left out
Don't. The thing about nostalgia is that it gets weaponized to use against you.

>> No.16919768
File: 421 KB, 752x1075, 1635522248172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhmm bros...? this is all because of "muh profit margins"

>> No.16921161

He's talking out his arse m8.