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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16900332 No.16900332 [Reply] [Original]

>coffee is bad for you

>> No.16900339
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coffee is good for you

>> No.16900394

>moderate consumption

... Yes Moderate consumption of a literally anything is good for you.

>> No.16900408

>Why yes, I moderately consume crack and crystal meth, how could you tell

>> No.16900415

Moderately consume cyanide

>> No.16900436
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I like coffee

>> No.16900439

Moderate amphetamine use was one of the greatest performance enhancers of the early 20th century. It saw widespread use by a number of armed forces around the globe. The problem was that it was far too easy for the average rank and file soldier to overuse it and otherwise become a chronic abuser of the drug.

>> No.16900452

Reminder that real men drink their coffee black. If you use sugar or creamer then you're a faggot.

>> No.16900552
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I've been cutting down on the caffeine, myself.

>> No.16900610

What if you’re an fagote who drinks black coffee? Are you an honorary straight?

>> No.16900618

I am a faggot. I like cream no sugar.

>> No.16900625


>> No.16900698

>real men drink their coffee black. If you use sugar or creamer

i've never understood this argument lol, with real sugar and creamer you're looking at a -60 calorie treat that's extremely tasty. even less calories if you're using fake sweetener

>> No.16900724

if moderate consumption leads to higher consumpion then its not good for you
inb4 but but slippery slope is a fallacy
no its not

>> No.16900756

... eating apple seeds?

>> No.16900888

Increased intraocular pressure is generally a bad thing.

>> No.16900902

>terrible for your kidneys

>> No.16900916

it goes away after the effect of caffeine wears off

>> No.16900920

[citation needed]

>> No.16900921

Real men don't care about how others drink their coffee.

>> No.16901258

>real men caring about trivial nonsense

>> No.16901264

>dude moderation lmao
shut the fuck up reddit

>> No.16901270

moderately consume my nut ya bih

>> No.16901276
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>put sugar in coffee
>its still black
now what faggit ?

>> No.16901283
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I need to drink more coffee, nowadays

>> No.16901290

I quit coffee after my best friend died..

>> No.16901299

I think she might have breast cancer

>> No.16901343
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okay what is this dogshit title i keep hearing about. This is almost like squid game its everywhere in my face and it got no business nor right to be there. Can you elaborate in your own words what this title is and why i keep seeing mentions of it ?
>the weeb cutie that it didnt work out with was fond of this shite
i do got a little bias there i admit

>> No.16901371

chink phone gacha game with flashy production

>> No.16901384

>less calories
Fewer, ya dingus.

>> No.16901550
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Appreciate the quick response. I knew my gut reaction to this crap was warranted. Makes me wanna throw up a bit. This ugly garbage has no right to insult my eyeas like that, the design is horrible and to just think there is the real hammer shit out there like taimanin makes me even more furious, so the good shit doesnt get screen time but the normie garbage does haha no. I am a little angry here. Saw a iirc playstation card with that crap on it at my local grocery store. I felt violated

>> No.16901562

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.16901564

i dont like the idea of needing a cup of coffee to feel awake in the morning so I just dont drink it. Plus I hate the taste and it barely makes me feel anything.

>> No.16901669

Simply exercise some presence of mind and only drink 1 cup a day. Works for me, 4 years now and never a 2nd cup. I think it helps to fully wake up before you brew

>> No.16901768


Hey I live near there. Fuckin' Boulder. Nice tits too.

>> No.16901810
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>> No.16902248

>drinks a moderate amount of all weather deck sealant

>> No.16902351

>doesn't like cappuccinos

>> No.16902527
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Ugly face and shit . People have really low standard these days

>> No.16902594

Ahhh time to moderately consume some death cap mushroom

>> No.16902597

Then why do I drink my coffee black?

>> No.16902826

Kys faggot

>> No.16902839


>> No.16902860

nooooo only hitler took those drugs ahahaha shhhhh don't tell them ahahahaha it was only him ahahaha shhhhshh

>> No.16902884

I like her boulder mountains if you know what i'm saying

>> No.16902889
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>tfw caffeine gives me similar effects to when my adhd meds kick in

>> No.16902905

>being this gay
Do Euromutts really...?

>> No.16902925

That's because your adhd meds are literally amphetamines you junky.

>> No.16902939

>Enlightenment started right at the time coffee was introduced to Europe
Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.16903049

I have no tolerance for caffeine anymore. One can of Dr. Pepper is enough to make me agitated and twitchy all day, and I end up scratching and picking at my face and scalp.

>> No.16903062

She's so cute.

>> No.16904331

One cup in the morning. Maybe a second one but before 6 PM... otherwise falling asleep will be shitty. This is the perfect amount to consume and the dependency you create with this is easy to manage.

>> No.16904337

i only put shit in my coffee if its shit coffee. nothing nice about drinking a cup of black keurig bean soup

>> No.16904342

I don't want to get to the point where I can't function without a cup of coffee or two, I know people like this and it looks like a shitty existence.

>> No.16904347

For me the optimal seems to 1,5 cups in the morning, 1 cup 4-6 pm. Maybe one extra cup if I'm feeling crazy or very tired.

>> No.16904362

Total true. Only faggots drink super sugary coffee with creams and shit

>> No.16904379
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I always got relaxed when I had coffee
Then I found out that was a symptom of ADHD when I got diagnosed years later

>> No.16904391
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This bad boy right here is my machine. Can recommend it if you are the lazy since you can use anything pre-powdered with it and its very easy to keep clean. I programmed it so that it pumps more water until the cup I use is filled nicely. I think the espresso powder I use is rather strong... so I would guess it equals about 1,5 cups of normal coffee.

>> No.16904404

Nice. I was just looking espresso machines earlier this week. Don't have one at least yet. DeLonghis seemed good and not too expensive. I make drip coffee now but it tastes bad sometimes even though the coffee is good.

>> No.16904411

Funny you mention crystal meth, the nazis literally invented that shit and took over half of Europe.

>> No.16904412

kys addict
What does she smell like?

>> No.16904444

only faggots care about what others drink
>durr I drink muh productivity juice bitter like it's meant to be
you people are so emotionally stunted

>> No.16904452

The stuff I make with this is really nice... I even get crema. Some snobbish people could say you shouldn't delute/brew espresso with more water... but I know in austria for example they like to drink "ein verlägerten" "a longer one" which essentially is the same.

>> No.16904466

>he doesn't weigh it out to the grain

>> No.16904467

is coffee amphetamines too?

>> No.16904543

so you're saying caffeine was a big mistake?

>> No.16904548

they're both stimulants.

>> No.16905116

me too. i hope we never meet

>> No.16905143

Both of you two are liars. If you really lived there you'd know it's called Boulder Fountain, not Boulder Mountain

>> No.16905212

nah, we're not liars. just retarded

>> No.16905223

Based dead rat poster

>> No.16905311

brb putting heavy whipping cream and honey in my coffee

>> No.16905333

Caffeine use to work for me but now that my gf broke up with me I had to develop emotional discipline to not spiral into despair and caffeine makes me too anxious to slow my thoughts down along with using too much energy at once and not being able to sleep. I love the mental clarity for the first couple of hours though.

>> No.16905371

I've heard coffee's benefits but can't get it to become a habit. I think tea also has some caffeine so maybe my endless stream of tea consumption does the same thing. I literally only drink tea. No cigars, no alcohol, no coffee.

>> No.16905552

What an ugly fucking cunt

>> No.16905560
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>> No.16905699
File: 23 KB, 489x423, ofmjcjjt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up in a daze from drinking last night
>stumble to the coffee maker half asleep with a pounding headache
>can't be bothered to wait for the pot to fill with water so I make a half pot
>pour coffee from the bag
>forgot the filter
>use a wet paper towel to clean up most of the grounds
>pour coffee in now with a filter
>pour too much and it fills 3/4 of the way
>fuck it
>get impatient and pour a cup just when enough is made
>it tastes like black tar
>within two minutes I'm barely containing a massive explosive shit
>feel burning in my stomach and end up vomiting on the front porch as I smoked my cigarette
>dog eats the vomit so I don't have to clean it, nice
>dilute the rest of the coffee with water
>enjoy the sunrise then drive to work

>> No.16905745


>> No.16905765

IDK man it's like smoking for me, just an annoying habit i have to tend to every fucking day just to get out of bed. Not worth it.

>> No.16905775

Nigga that’s the same thing

>> No.16905776

that's how i make my coffee normally. Tar chads rise up

>> No.16906964

as long as you arent dependent on it and use it as a replacement for sleep coffee is fine for you

>> No.16906971

Its not caring, its simply a statement of fact.

>> No.16907490

>real men

>> No.16907500

>real men
I can tell that you're a ftm tranny

>> No.16907955


>> No.16908045

Literally 99/100 people don't understand drugs. Caffeine is a xenobiotic and its a stimulant to boot. It makes your organs work harder which means more stress which means you die sooner. Its impossible for anything otherwise to be the case. I would ask one of you to debate me but none of you can, you're just as clueless as /fit/ is about bodybuilding, except maybe those on the steroid threads.

>> No.16908071

All drugs are xenobiotic, what's the point saying coffee is one

>> No.16908124

In healthy people, drugs/xenobiotics are all harmful.

>> No.16908130

Ok, retard.
>Coffee consumption has been associated with decreased mortality in previous studies. As aging, obesity, and lifestyle factors affect the risk of mortality, the association between coffee and mortality needs to be examined in various subpopulations by characteristics of subjects. To quantitatively assess this association, we conducted an updated meta-analysis including stratified analyses by potential modifiers. We searched in the PubMed and Web of Science databases through March 8, 2019, and conducted meta-analysis including linear and non-linear dose-response analyses. We identified 40 studies including 3,852,651 subjects and 450,256 all-cause and cause-specific deaths. Non-linear inverse associations between coffee consumption and mortality from all-causes, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and cancers were found. The lowest relative risk (RR) was at intakes of 3.5 cups/day for all-cause mortality (RR = 0.85, 95% CI 0.82-0.89), 2.5 cups/day for CVD mortality (RR = 0.83, 95% CI 0.80-0.87), and 2 cups/day for cancer mortality (RR = 0.96, 95% CI 0.94-0.99), while additional intakes were not associated with further lower mortality. An inverse association between coffee consumption and all-cause mortality was maintained irrespective of age, overweight status, alcohol drinking, smoking status, and caffeine content of coffee. By region, Europe and Asia showed stronger inverse associations than US. A non-linear inverse association was found for mortality from respiratory disease and diabetes, while linear inverse association was found for mortality from non-CVD, non-cancer causes. Moderate coffee consumption (e.g. 2-4 cups/day) was associated with reduced all-cause and cause-specific mortality, compared to no coffee consumption. The inverse association between coffee and all-cause mortality was consistent by potential modifiers except region.

>> No.16908132
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That's not true at all

>> No.16908133
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i lvoe cobbee frens

>> No.16908165

Explain to me how a stimulant can increase lifespan.

Otherwise, it's possible that there are substances which can increase lifespan, but these can only work in either unhealthy people, OR if they are in unhealthy people they must have other negative effects.

Its completely true, there is no substance on Earth which is non-harmful to the body.

Allopathic medicine is founded on the notion that (toxic) substances are used to counteract the effects of illness or disease. Gradually Western medicine has pushed the notion that it's possible that there are drugs which can be only beneficial and never non-harmful. Which is why almost none of you cunts understand why caffeine is bad even though the truth is right in front of you - think about what it does to your heart rate, GI system etc

>> No.16908169
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Yeah all these allopathic medicines are sure toxic and bad for you and that's why as we've grown to use them exponentially more than we used to, our life expectancy has completely gone down
Wait no it's actually that expectancy has dramatically increased since then. Hmm

>> No.16908173

Why don't you bother proving that coffee is bad for healthy people first?

>> No.16908187

Indigenous peoples who eat humans natural diet can live up to 150 or more. You've taken the pharma-bait hook line and sinker, you think that its normal for people to drop dead at 70.

I already did. Anything that makes your body work harder is bad for you, with very few exceptions, like minor exercise.

>> No.16908191
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Name one example. Just one. A credible, examined source of an indigenous people eating a natural diet living over 150 years. Please.

>> No.16908192

Why are you all so obsessed with health and nutrition? You're on fucking 4chan, what do you have to live for that's worth this kind of effort?

>> No.16908193

You didn't prove anything, making a claim doesn't constitute proof. Post a reliable study or meta-study that shows coffee affects healthy people negatively.
Should be pretty easy considering the vast amounts of research on coffee consumption and health outcomes.

>> No.16908195

>literally anything
like uranium?

>> No.16908196

>Indigenous peoples who eat humans natural diet can live up to 150 or more
That I'd like to see.

>> No.16908198

someone on a jobsite commented on me putting milk in my coffee and everyone else kinda just looked at him weird. i wanted to hurt the fucker but i knew it's best if you leave dumbfucks like that alone but damn i hate this retard mentality like get a grip bud

>> No.16908200

Big Pharma et al suppresses this info

Do you have anything to say about what I've said?

>> No.16908209

No they don't

>> No.16908256

lol relatable

>> No.16908266

The obsession with living longer is childish and cowardly. Life past your 60s is miserable, why do you want to extend that?

>> No.16908297

So you can guide your grandchildren with your wisdom. But shit if I was being honest I wouldn't mind taking a shot to just kill me in my sleep and then just rest before i turn into a disabled person.

>> No.16908301

so is your thread weirdo

>> No.16908403

>my masculinity is tied to drinking liquid shit
Sorry about that that cock size bro, maybe you'll have better luck next life!

>> No.16908407

>liquid shit

>> No.16908410

projecting this hard

>> No.16908412

I would beat the shit out of her bf and rape her until my dick stops working

>> No.16908427

60s? I know 60-80 year olds running marathons. Sure, they’re performance is decreasing. But they’re able to have fun with their grandchildren and great grandchildren, and extend their time with loved ones. If you eat a healthy diet of mostly plants, very seldom refined sugars or oils, are physically active, and don’t be fat, you will be fine in old age, with healthy cognition and energy. Even able to backpack out on a hunting trip with your son and grandson in your 60s, carrying your own gear.

>> No.16908448

If you enjoy black coffee your tastebuds are burnt out.
No u

>> No.16908456

As somebody else with ADHD, I promise you we're not all this retarded.

>> No.16908461

Take your meds retard.

>> No.16908466

>coffee is...LE MAGIC POTION

>> No.16908483

>I know 2% of that segment who doesn't have health problems
yeah just ignore the 98%

>> No.16908487

how do you explain italian and greek men who spend all day drinking espresso and arguing with their friends while living to be 95

>> No.16908511

They make up the majority of the town’s old folk where I grew up. May be a genetic thing, so bad if you’re a genelet.

>> No.16908593

literally me

>> No.16908598

She looks very Irish
t. Dublin fag

>> No.16908602
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>> No.16908610

Bit ironic using that as an insult

>> No.16908615
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Your comment triggers me, do you know nothing of e.g. Weston Price? The West is the most toxic place on the planet right now. The elite want you to think that dropping dead at 65 or 70 after 20 years of ill health is the norm.

>> No.16908649

Nigger, most elderly cunts I see around who aren't fat/alholics/smokers or some combination of those is kicking around fine. I have neighbors in their seventies who live active lives who no chronic desease, care for their garden, go to church, get visited by their relatives and friends...
Just because you already hate your life in your twenties doesn't mean that everyone must be miserable at all times, especially old age

>> No.16908668
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Is coffee good for you?

>> No.16908673

quick tell me a good diet I can eat of mostly plants

>> No.16908968

>headache when you don’t have one

>> No.16909065

and then lost the war lol, just like trump lost the election

>> No.16909730
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>> No.16909850

>work out
>cause actual, measurable damage to my body in the form of micro tears in my muscles
No way this could be good for me, look at the negative effects

>> No.16910421
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>tfw no big milker gf to go hiking with to cook me food on the trail

>> No.16910488

Tea is alright once in awhile, I never heard of tea addicts before, and people don't stop functioning like a battery less robot without it, so tea is way better in my opinion

>> No.16910537

Black coffee is only any good if you have good beans and a grinding mill and a french press and you know the right techniques
I actually prefer black but not a person on earth does it right, go anywhere and get a cup of it and they fuck it up beyond repair

>> No.16910870

The benefits are from copper. Just eat other copper rich food.

>> No.16910965

Pathetic. I bet you get self-concious about drinking sweet alcohol because it's considered "girly".

>> No.16910991


>> No.16911020

She has a cute face, you uncultured swine.

>> No.16911059

Why the fuck are you guys using a coffee maker?

>> No.16911071

You're not a faggot if you dont drink it black you just have bad taste. Once I started drinking it straight I literally can't go back now. When I try to drink the coffee my dad makes I cant swallow it with the fucking brown sugar in it. It's gross now. You only really see it once you start though.

>> No.16911255

Survival instinct. When you're young, it's easy enough to see old people whose bodies are in decay and say, "Man, I hope I die before I reach that point," but try saying it when you're actually old.

>> No.16911328

Lifting makes you stronger but also reduces your lifespan, yes. It's a tradeoff.

>> No.16911338

That's exactly why you don't live healthy. I may lose my nerve, but cirrhosis won't.

>> No.16911345

Is milk not available in merica?

>> No.16911375

hey, whoa, no natural foods please

>> No.16911565

>I never heard of tea addicts before
russians, unironically

>> No.16911888
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>4chan is bad for you

>> No.16911898

they drink just enough wine to balance it out

>> No.16912358

Stimulants usually stimulate you you dumbass.
If you have adhd or ads stims have the opposite effect and they calm you down and make you sleepy.
This is a very good test for if you have it, I have ADS and coffee makes me very tired (because stimulants bind to some receptors in the brain that are usually constantly firing and then they get shut down for a while)

>> No.16912480

It has something to do with coper getting rid of excess iron.

>> No.16912497

Stimulants don't have the opposite effect on people with ADHD, they have the same effect but it compensates for a deficiency they have. t. adhd
I don't know what ADS is but some people do get sleepy from coffee/caffeine, specifically. Other stimulants wouldn't make you sleepy, probably.

>> No.16912617

>If you enjoy black coffee your tastebuds are burnt out.
Says who? Some seething toddler-palated dork?

>> No.16912642

i also have adhd and stimulants make me extremely focused, relaxed, and yes i can even nap on them. stimulants do seem to have the opposite effect in people with adhd, whether it's because they compensate for a deficiency or not.

>> No.16912750

i dont drink any of these stims, i drink hot chocolate with whipped cream on top.

>> No.16914116

This anon has it right. I've had a full neuropsych eval and have been on ADHD meds since I was 11 (32 now). They never had the opposite effect, but I remember hearing this myth peddled.

>> No.16914190

Is it a myth if it's experienced by someone? Cause I have diagnosed ADHD and it has that effect on me. Ups my focus, relaxes me, but doesn't give me energy. Does suppress tiredness, but not in a "i'm wide awake" way, just a "i'm not gonna fall asleep now"

>> No.16914321

I can take naps on it too dude but it ups focus for everyone, absolutely everyone. It relaxes you and relaxes me because we have """adhd""" but that alone is far from "having the opposite effect". It's different in some ways but otherwise the same as what other people experience. The myth is that it's completely different, which is obviously false.

>> No.16914677

Dr. Carl Hart does that with heroin.

>> No.16916026

Fucking degenerate

>> No.16916830

Need a milk truck like this

>> No.16916836

Purist moralfag