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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 438 KB, 2500x1851, mcrib-mcdonalds-sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16894934 No.16894934 [Reply] [Original]

I know many of you are 300+ pounds like me and like to eat for a bit of happiness in your miserable lives. So I have an announcement to make:
The Mcrib is back November 1st. Now I have already spoken to the manager at my location, unfortunately if your location is open 24 hours a day that doesn't mean you will be able to buy a mcrib at 12:01am on November 1st. You will have to wait until 10:31am after breakfast is done being served that Monday morning before you can order the 5-10 mcribs you normally eat.

>> No.16894943

Every time I forget what they taste like and try one again for the firs time, I die a little inside. It's like your childhood was a lie.

>> No.16894968

That's basically their marketing scheme. It's a middle of the road sandwich sold mostly on hype and nostalgia.

>> No.16894977

Ill still buy 12 like the big boi i am

>> No.16894989

I'm 5'9 130lbs and I eat McDonald's and drink beer every day

>> No.16895053

My plan is 5 for lunch and 5 for dinner, no drink and two large fries it's going down. I don't even care about Halloween candy

>> No.16895543
File: 20 KB, 952x949, 7537C84F-80C3-44EB-917F-B43822CCA5DE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are some of you niggas unironically 300 pounds?

>> No.16895559

You have to be at least 290lbs to post here.

>> No.16895581

nigga i be like 450 pounds deadass fr

>> No.16895589
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Fucking lardos

>> No.16895590

Already got one yesterday at my local McDee's. Jelly?

>> No.16895657

How could I be jealous of a lie? The McRib doesn't return until November 1.

>> No.16895668
File: 30 KB, 750x766, FBj4-nCXMAUN6Yd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking americans i wish so bad to have a McRib but we never get the good stuff

>> No.16895676

buy an ad you shill piece of trash

>> No.16895705

Must've been dreaming then, lol. I'm going to go buy one right now, haha.

>> No.16895712

Yeah? Post your proof with timestamp.

>> No.16895722

Yeah I’m 290. But I’m 6’6

>> No.16895772
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>> No.16895779

Oh... It's soo good, too!

>> No.16895848

Nice shoop

>> No.16895878


>> No.16895992
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>> No.16895999

>le epic lifter mark shittertoe

>> No.16896170

wtf, I just got back from driving to 3 different mcNig's and called 8 other locations and none have it until the first?

>> No.16896221

Guess I'm just lucky, lol.

>> No.16896273


I just weighed myself this morning and I was 142 lbs. So unless something major happened between then and now, I am in good shape.

>> No.16896284

Do you live near massive commercial pig farms or something?

>> No.16896299

No, not that I know of. Mostly dairy country around here.

>> No.16896370
File: 1.54 MB, 3264x2448, 1446616976430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this meal here kept me from shooting myself more than you know. Many times I would be depressed as all hell, just sitting on the floor of my room holding my Glock 19. I would feel hungry, and decide to drive to McDonalds at 11pm and get this exact meal. Kept me going.

>> No.16896403

ray a krok is a great man.
It's good to have you around anon!

>> No.16896735

The McRib has already arrived at my location! I had two today! wheee!

>> No.16896739
File: 211 KB, 491x600, Bizarre-Los-Angeles-h-Bogart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>300+ pounds like me

>> No.16896742

320 but 6'4

>> No.16896754

Wrong fatso I just lost 6 pounds from having covid now i'm down to 146
They have the McRib where i'm at now, gonna get one tomorrow now that I can taste and smell a little better now

>> No.16896758
File: 2.34 MB, 2856x2678, 20211026_114439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got one today, guess some places started early

>> No.16896761

Lose weight fucker. That’s obese unless you are a powerlifter.

>> No.16896771
File: 404 KB, 840x854, withered wo1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hit exactly 300 a couple days ago. i was only 200 3 years ago

>> No.16896828

I fluctuate between ~195 and ~205 but 6 feet and semi muscular so I guess my weight is okay.

>> No.16896834

it's time to go back to the ocean to be with your family.

>> No.16896849

It’s obese if you are a powerlifter.

But yeah I know I need to drop

>> No.16896863

410+lbs here last i weighed in. i'm also 32 years old and a neet. i have no jobs, no friends, no skills, no life. don't end up like me fellow anons, there's literally no escaping the death spiral

>> No.16896870
File: 33 KB, 600x600, bren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if things keep going at their current pace, thats almost exactly how much ill weigh when i hit 32

>> No.16896876

>Mark "I got molested by my dad" Rippetoe

>> No.16897252

Mfw 260lbs wtf when did it all go so wrong bros I used to have a six pack and a big dick now Im just a big fatty fat fat :(

>> No.16897511
File: 27 KB, 571x460, Yikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the good stuff

>> No.16897517

can we get some cute belly pics

>> No.16897530

>scheduling your fast food purchase down to the minute a week in advance
Unironically no trolling get help.

>> No.16897564


>> No.16897593

if the mcreddit is genuinely an event for you, i urge you to headbutt a speeding train

>> No.16897665
File: 1.94 MB, 2600x3000, NotMcRib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buddy, it could not be simpler to make it yourself and have it taste better without even trying. Also it's really good when you add bacon.

>> No.16897678
File: 283 KB, 863x1151, 918ECBF5-97B8-47FE-BF66-A77002265AE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so simple

>> No.16897683

>I know many of you are 300+ pounds like me
No. We're not.

Go get help, nigger. Get some therapy and see a nutritionist.

>> No.16897703

>Bro, just extrude your meat
It's okay to skip this step and get ground pork.

>> No.16897720
File: 51 KB, 400x605, 1596054046981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16897750

Same bro, I started quarantine at 190 and blew up to 320. I'm around 270 now and I'm still addicted to food and food delivery. Shit sucks. Being fat literally causes mood swings and lethargy--I can't wait to be out of this hell

>> No.16897762
File: 191 KB, 1024x1024, DO3jTrTXkAU7Y_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it most ironic it's not even Rippetoe in the picture. That's Roger Estep.
Also you can go /fit/ and ask what they think about Rippetoe. Don't take diet advice from a man who says you should drink a gallon of milk per day.

>> No.16897766

I'm at 255 having gained 50lbs this year, but that's entirely thanks to severe stress fromy 5 month old who is dragging me into an early grave

>> No.16897809
File: 1.06 MB, 1855x2048, Screenshot_20211027-023007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16897817

I would really like to see you prepare this in under 3 hours.

>> No.16897826

you're a fucking faggot
>slow cook some ribs all day
>get home, slide the bones out, add some sweet baby rays + hot sauce, pickles, pickled onions
>slop that shit on a bun

>> No.16897872

>it could not be simpler to make it yourself and have it taste better
The fuck kind of advice is that?
>I want to try a McRib
>Oh! Well here’s an easy way how to make not-a-McRib!

>> No.16897945
File: 340 KB, 245x245, trevor_goodchild.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get already ground pork and a bottle of your favorite bbq sauce. I don't bother with the fancy stuff like grinding the meat or making the sauce any more, it wasn't worth the effort. With those two things out of the way it's very simple thing to cook and throw together.

I usually get the McRib when it comes around too, but making it yourself is nice because you can make it taste better than the real thing and you never have to wait for McDeeznuts to make it available.

>> No.16898088

>but making it yourself is nice because you can make it taste better than the real thing
But that does zero good for someone like >>16895668 who wants to try the real thing and is unable to.

>> No.16898125

I’ve never had a McRib and never will. But I’d try your version. Looks good!

>> No.16898144

do americans really eat this dog food on a bun?

>> No.16898358

305lbs as of this morning.
I don’t give a fuck.
I‘m more worried about being 5’6”.

>> No.16898425

>I'm still addicted to food delivery.

Good goy, keep buying it and remaining fat and susceptible to corona, just like the government want's

>> No.16898441


this is why i never eat fast food. 6 bucks for a tiny piece of microwaved pork slurry

>> No.16898461

I just want to try the McRib once but they don't sell it in the UK because pork and beef are cooked seperately

>> No.16898482

I tried the mcrib when it came to australia a few years ago. fucking awful.
>barely any onions
>sauce basically non-existent
>'rib' was a formed, tiny, dry patty

>> No.16898555

I think McD's is shooting themselves in the foot by keeping McRib as a limited-time item. Their workers need more practice. Last time I bothered with McRibs, they fucked them up twice by adding things that aren't supposed to be there (mayo once, cheese the other time).

>> No.16898574

If you think they sell the mcrib on quality and consistency over scarcity I have a bridge to sell you.

>> No.16898579

Your post adds nothing and gives no further sting than what he already said.

>> No.16898627

Been doing back to back 72 hour fasts for the last 9 months. Have gone from 370 to 205 while crucially fixing my back pain (half the reason I got so fat to begin with). Give it a try friends and do low carb 50/50 fat protein refeeds

>> No.16898630

they never took them off the menu in Germany
and they're disgusting

>> No.16898648

>implying /fit/fags don't shill GOMAD
They're all fucking morons over there. You'd get better fitness advice from fucking /lit/.

>> No.16898682

How are you alive? Your density should start pulling you through the ground to the Earth's core.

>> No.16898705

it's called manufactured scarcity, it's how Supreme (tm) gets people to pay piles of money for their useless shit

>> No.16898711

I rarely comment on how others live their lives, but if you're serious about thinking 5'6" is the greater offput than your weight in social life, romance, physical ability, or general outcome of life, you're almost certainly wrong. I have some sort of life with friends who are both short, obese, or both, and obesity is the bigger detriment.

Furthermore, unless you want some height correctuon through surgery or otherwise, it's not a condition you have much control over it, so giving more concern over what is actually unlikely to change over what can be readily changed is a dead end for self improvement.

t. like half an inch taller than you, but 130-140lbs on average. At worst I was 220 in high school, and fuck me that made me feel like shit physically and mentally

>> No.16898734

>sighted by Lynol
expected from that part of Jersey

>> No.16898739

a McRib is just a square hamburger with barbeque sauce and extra liquid smoke.

>> No.16898746

It's not but thanks for posting anyway

>> No.16898761

it is, it's the exact same meat they use in their hamburgers

>> No.16898842

Based schitzo anon but the real redpill is that all the meat is from rats

>> No.16898940

imagine taking the time to photograph your food because someone on 4chan egged you into it

>> No.16899375

Jesus, some of you guys are almost triple my weight. How do you guys even eat that much?

>> No.16899515

I thought it was fun. Like a 4chan adventure.

>> No.16899934

I agree, anon. We need more posters like that.

>> No.16900059

4me is medium big-mac menu with cola + cheesburger

>> No.16900076

They train. Those guys have stomachs quadruple or so of regular size stomach Also, lack of exercises.

>> No.16900209

>they train
I'm so fucking sick of zoomers using "african american vernacular english"
They TOOK the TRAIN. They TOOK the BUS. They didn't "train" or "bus." FFFS

>> No.16900248

You're not funny. Fuck off back to redit, loser.

>> No.16900283

Nice comment, nigger

>> No.16900324

well you sure showed him, no everyone knows that you're as cool as they come

>> No.16900385

But see when you become a man you need more weight density behind you.
200lbs in high school is to much but as a man at 30 my 305 lbs and 5’6” is more solid and appropriate.
I’m not worried about my weight. I can fix my height by standing on my toes slightly.
Besides most women I know want a man that isn’t scrawny like a twiggy sub 250lb kid.

>> No.16900577

I'm 27, so younger but considering how little I've changed since 24 beyond skills I don't think 3 more are going to be profoundly revealing.
I've only had two gfs, but I got both after losing the weight, first ended on good terms, and currently with someone I enjoy being with.

I don't care if you're being facetious btw, that's just such a tired response when being anonymous that I assume you're being earnest.

>> No.16900590

Nope, I'm 3 steps ahead of you. I illicit every action I intend to.

>> No.16900620
File: 18 KB, 659x570, kkkkkk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow 27 year old rape bastard here. Honestly the worst age imaginable

>> No.16900645

Neat, I missed them the last time around. I occasionally like to get one and a Dr. Pepper to remind me of high school.

>> No.16900659

putting so much goddamn
food in your
I am sick of looking at your blubber

>> No.16900683

the sandwich in my location is like $4.75, and the fucking fish sandwich is 4 dollars.

no thanks.

>> No.16900688

It gets worse.

>> No.16900729

This could be the basis of an awesome McDonald's commercial.

>> No.16900735

mcrib is already out retard

>> No.16900889

Is that even a black name? Sounds like a train

>> No.16900918
File: 387 KB, 388x421, panine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not

>> No.16901013
File: 35 KB, 545x376, 249256938_4543042095809070_5271527105753220554_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miraculously the McRib I got today was pretty good. I still prefer the rib sandwich from the gas station, tho.

>> No.16901022

pathetic ameripoor

>> No.16901028

obsessed eurofag

>> No.16901034

McRib is year-round in Germany. It tastes like dog dick

>> No.16901059

Fuckin read this in his voice

>> No.16901099

>everyone that insults me is a yuro
stop being obsessed with daddy little piggy

>> No.16901177
File: 278 KB, 1024x768, 1593632655337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u suck. i hope u choke on rancid lunchmeat and die while you are alone in your apartment.

>> No.16901202

>it tastes like dog dick
That's very specific flavor, anon...care to share?

>> No.16901400
File: 817 KB, 828x1792, 97DC0851-AAFF-4211-8076-F36D32C3C6C7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I?

>> No.16902295

post body

>> No.16902298

First McShills thread of the Euro day or third of the US day? Trick question, shills are *Chinese* slaves!

>> No.16902302

I never had a mcrib before. Should I order one?

>> No.16902501

Just started a 48 hour fast and this is my second refeed. Before that I was doing OMAD with an eating window of 3-4 hours.

>> No.16902523


Regardless of how it tastes, its an overhyped piece of crap. Really isn't worth more than $2.60 yet they charge like 4.75 for it here.

>> No.16902528

>I never had a mcrib before. Should I order one?

Get the McApp and it should let you get a large fry with your purchase.

>> No.16902542

>stress fromy 5 month old
If you think it's bad now just wait till it can walk/talk and get into shit. I busted my 5 year old's ass the other day because I told him to get off of Roblox and come eat dinner and he yelled "fuck off noob" across the house in front of my mother in law

>> No.16902557

I weigh 396 pounds but I am also 6ft6 tall.

>> No.16902732
File: 252 KB, 926x806, McRiblets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

350 here and I don't care
I don't bother with the McRib because you can get two boxes of pic-related in the oven at the same time, two 6-packs of those there "sub rolls", a large onion, a jar of dill pickle slices, a bottle or Kraft Bullseye BBQ, and butter for toasting the buns. I like Minverva Dairy's 85% butterfat butter. It's a good toasting butter. That there is some fine eating.

>> No.16902739

I once saw someone dressed as ronald mcdonald give blowjobs behind a mcdonalds dumpster

>> No.16902744
File: 271 KB, 715x895, 1606662812707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm super underweight. I browse this board when I feel hungry and seeing the food pictures satisfies me so I dont need to eat. Im also poor

>> No.16902761

Stop being a retard please

>> No.16903534

ogey anon ill probably buy it tomorrow cause I have leftovers today. but ill post my review then
me too

>> No.16903557

I bet you always thought differently about your dad after that didn't you?

>> No.16903847

>whole life thought of myself as “white trash”
>go to McDonald’s and order McRib after /ck/ praised it
>tasted like shit

Ate 1/4th and threw the rest out. Luckily I had also got my regular quarter pounder.

>> No.16903878

Shit i only weigh a little less than 125

>> No.16903966

how tall are you?

>> No.16903977

Holy shit, how didn't you turn into a black hole yet?

>> No.16903987

I'm 6'4 and 240 and feel really fat. I can't imagine gaining 80 lbs.

>> No.16904003

Outrageous. I balked when it was$3.99. The price gets higher every year.

>> No.16904011

>Don't take diet advice from a man who says you should drink a gallon of milk per day.
It's a solid diet if your goal is to gain mass while lifting. GOMAD isn't a cutting or long term diet plan you dipstick.

>> No.16904025

Based fatass. Very sophisticated

>> No.16904062

I have never had a mcrib in my life, what am I missing?

>> No.16904072

im 330

>> No.16904082

i'm guessing heterosexual sex

>> No.16904109


>> No.16904245

dude how thick are your legs post legs now

>> No.16904267

Im not doin that. (They thick tho)

>> No.16904275

i know mark from his 2nd edition days. When did he say this?

>> No.16904276

i mean your calves. like they probably are rail thin at that weight.

>> No.16904282


>> No.16904297

Nah I have that pretty often, not sure what it has to do with mcribs tho

>> No.16905197

>t. tastelet from birth
so sad