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16893409 No.16893409 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a retard when it comes to alcohol. Serious question: what's the appeal of whiskey or bourbon over, let's say, vodka? I mean mainly for getting drunk. I get that there are some people who will appreciate it for the taste. But I just can't see the wide appeal, seems like acquired taste to me. I never tried bourbon or whiskey that I could just drink without mixing it or at least not eating something with it to tone down the taste. But when you do mix it, it's good but you could as well mix it with anything else and get about the same thing, no?

>> No.16893422

>over, let's say, vodka? I mean mainly for getting drunk.
What's the point of vodka when you can drink diluted grain alcohol?

>> No.16893423

for getting drunk? no appeal its simply inferior as vodka is cleaner and leaves you less hungover and is much cheaper to chug because of the aforementioned cleanlyness of the spirit, no flavor really.

I like whiskey but i like drinking it with a cup of water, i take a swirl let it coat my tongue bla bla and have a sip of water afterwards, its quite nice.

And no drinks and mixers that calls for whiskey, calls for it for a reason, its a distinct flavor you wouldnt get the same thing.

>> No.16893466

Like most repeated experiences it can get a bit boring/dull/less satisfying if you always do the same things. If all I wanted to do was get drunk then a large glass of neat vodka would certainly do the job, but I've been drunk hundreds of times in my life, I'm bored of being drunk. I've so little free time that when I do have the chance to relax, unwind, put myself in a position of no longer being responsible at that point and potentially risking my effectiveness the following day too with a hangover/tiredness I'm generally marking at least a slightly special occasion. So I seek out different drinking experiences to make it more interesting.

I like single malt. I like researching them. Comparing prices. Picking up bottles I've had my eye on when the price is good. It takes me about a year to finish a bottle. I don't open them all at the same time, I like to see how the bottle sat with me over that time, I like to think about what one to open next, I get them as gifts from people, It is something to pass the time.

The same with wine. I'll buy a case of something and sit on it. I'll drink a bottle every few years and make a decision on how fast the case is getting drunk. I've some wonderful aged wines in the cellar that I'd never have bought now because I'm too cheap, but at the time while they were not cheap, they are certainly out of my price range now. Like £39 a bottle now selling for £190

>> No.16893730

just inject the alcohol into your bloodstream if that's all you're after senpai

>> No.16895231

this except through the butt

>> No.16895891

>I never tried bourbon or whiskey that I could just drink without mixing it
Stop being poor.
>when you do mix it, it's good but you could as well mix it with anything else and get about the same
No. Mix a whisky and coke, and a vodka and coke and tell me they're the same. The whisky definitely adds something.
Could you confuse whisky with rum after mixing it with coke? sure. But of course the subtleties will be lost when mixing.

>> No.16895904

Apart from just taste, different kinds of liquor have different properties. Brown liquors are 'heavier' and can soothe your throat.

>> No.16895972

i've found that among liquors, whiskey is easiest to mouthshot, slam and/or sip on.

want to storm a bottle and just get trashed? cheap whiskey. chase it with water or gatorade. just slam the shit, won't be too bad

want to sip? whiskey. add a little water or ice, all you need

>> No.16896104

Drinking whiskey straight is like drinking black coffee, you get used to it

>> No.16896423

holding a small sip of whisky on your tongue and letting it being diluted with your saliva for 5-10 seconds is something you dont ever need to do with coffee though, but it does help to acclimate to the traits of alcohol consumption. swallowing slowly is better for both though.

>> No.16896437
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>Grr different drunks from different alcohols and different hangovers
shut the fuck up retard

>> No.16896451

Vodka is for when you are already an alcoholic, it has no taste, it's the purest form that is going to blast your brains out at the optimum speed (not really because the severe alcoholic products like everclear are still waiting but they are in the same camp).
Whiskey is for people with self control who still enjoy a drink.
I hope that helps.

>> No.16896538

>what’s the appeal of <X>
If you have to ask what the appeal of something is, it probably just doesn’t appeal to you.
It’s okay for different people to like/dislike different things.
Preference in taste can sometimes be a function of familiarity. People in countries/regions where vodka is the primary traditional spirit will probably prefer the taste of vodka simply because it’s an alcoholic “comfort food”, and those from places where whiskey is most common will feel the same about whiskey.

Personally, in terms of drinking unmixed, I like some vodkas but generally prefer whiskey/bourbon. I’ve had some tequilas I like, but for the same price there’s usually a whiskey/bourbon I would prefer.
I have yet to find a rum I like, mixed or otherwise.

>> No.16896545

Vodka has less impurities than liquors aged in wood, like whiskey, and are therefore less likely to cause a hangover. You can mitigate it by drinking water with your whiskey though, as hydration is a factor in it.

>> No.16896558

> What's the point of vodka when you can drink vodka

>> No.16896573

sounds like snake oil

>> No.16896575

>Weeb faggot doesn't know about basic biology
You need to be 18+ to post here, dipshit.

>> No.16896595

I like how it makes me feel warm like I'm being hugged from the inside, and afterwards I feel less lonely

(I'm very touch starved)

>> No.16896624

Underage college kid who is new to drinking spotted. Even if you don’t drink whiskey straight, there’s a wide world of cocktails that call for different spirits because they (wait for it) taste different. Rum and coke is absolutely not the same as vodka and coke. One tastes good and one tastes like shit

>> No.16896627

Have you ever tried having a pet retard? Body releases the same chemical (oxytocin) when petting them.

>> No.16896637
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They don't sell pet retards where I live, unfortunately.

>> No.16896641
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>> No.16896642

I suck at using grammar. Forgive me.

>> No.16896650

>Serious question: what's the appeal of whiskey or bourbon over, let's say, vodka?

there's a huge variety of whiskeys and they mostly taste good.

>> No.16896652

For when you are craving gasoline instead of nail polish.

>> No.16896676

>... much more cheaply...

>> No.16896716

Yes but I got a cat and half the time it just wants to chill on top of the cupboard. If I want a hug now and a prolonged hug then I'm out of luck.

>> No.16896777

I have to mix my jug of bottom shelf vodka so I don't gag. I can drink my jug of bottom shelf whiskey straight and I'm fine.

>> No.16896810
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What's the verdict on this stuff? I want to start trying some whiskey/bourbon, but I'm a poorfag and have no idea what to start with.

>> No.16896854

Start with a 90 proofer
woodford reserve, buffalo trace, makers, etc.
WT101 is good stuff, but you gotta get used to the proof

>> No.16896900

The money you save buying vodka instead of whiskey pays for the mixers.

>> No.16896908

Just take shots and chase with a drink of choice bozo. Glass of water after every 5 or 6 shots if you want to be mind to your liver.

>> No.16896958

Depends on the use. In cocktails, bourbon for a manhattan is sacrilege.

>> No.16897168
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>hey anon what does that whiskey taste like?
>it's smooth

>> No.16897191

whats with people that claim vodka has no taste?
it has a clear, distinct taste that lingers in your mouth far longer than any bourbon. i hate vodka so much it the smell can make me puke.

>> No.16897195

>I've so little free time that when I do have the chance to relax, unwind, put myself in a position of no longer being responsible at that point and potentially risking my effectiveness the following day too with a hangover/tiredness I'm generally marking at least a slightly special occasion
Wagie, life polluted by the interference of a woman, or both?

>> No.16897235

If you shoot and chase liquor, you are a nigger.

>> No.16897653

I'm a 31 year old alcoholic and I think exactly like you.

It's important to remember that alcohol is a drug. A literal psychoactive, carcinogenic toxic solvent. I have no idea why anyone would drink any alcohol for the taste. In fact I just simply think these people are either mistaken or lying.

I prefer vodka over everything. it's the easiest to mix, easiest to swallow. I mix it with OJ, or sparkling water and lime juice. masks the taste quite good.

>> No.16897671

Likewise, close in age and also a drunk. I never liked it at the first or to this day, really. There is no drink that I know of that is actually better tasting than its non-alcoholic counterpart. Try alcoholic "cider" vs regular apple cider and you will see instantly what I mean. However, some people are more or less predisposed to the taste, and some take more or less pavlovian training from associating the effects of the drink with the flavor. Plenty of people will tell you something like "tequila makes me sick now after i went too hard on it one time" but completely fail to realize that the same thing working the other way is why they like it in the first place.

>> No.16897677

If I’m going to drink something neat or on rocks it’s going to be something like a nice bourbon. If I’m going to mix it’s going to be literally anything else; vodka, cheap whisky, tequila, rum, etc.

If your only goal is to get drunk then find the cheapest spirit you can (most likely vodka) and chug away, don’t bother with literally anything else. If you can’t drink spirits straight, vodka mixed really well with most things. Other spirits tend to have pretty potent flavors that will interfere with your mixer, which is sometimes intentional (ie having a very sweet/fruity margarita mix to compliment the herby bite of tequila).

>> No.16897738

Both, but it was a choice I made willingly because I wanted children. I used to float along working a couple of days a week, shooting the shit, focusing on projects etc. It actually gets pretty dull out into your 30's. I certainly have problems now, but I still had different problems back then. In all honesty drinking was problematic for me when I was doing it out of boredom or a lack of a superior option. You'll justify it, but it is better to have a long list of shit you actually want to do in front of you in the long run.

The interference of a woman thing, yeah lands close to home because I recognise the difference between a worthwhile struggle, chosen freely and just being seemingly pissed off and anxious all the time and coming across as regretful of your choices or like everything is a burden you never even got to choose? Like her personal philosophy is paper thin at times and I figure your head would be so much happier if you weren't always so angry.

>> No.16897742

OP here… I tried tequila one time. I really don't want to be ignorant, and maybe the brand was crap. But it was just shit, period. It tastes like some herbal cough remedy that you tolerate only because you want the cough gone.
>No. Mix a whisky and coke, and a vodka and coke and tell me they're the same. The whisky definitely adds something.
ok, I'll have to agree here. although I won't say every brand always gives good results, but some whiskey I tried complemented coke well.

>> No.16897761

>I figure your head would be so much happier if you weren't always so angry.
I'm not your wife bro. But I relate, although I kind of went a different way. I had a kid with a woman who I never married when I was young and now I'm back to nearly neet in my 30s. She's got the kid of course.

>> No.16897765

i never said different drunks but different hangovers are a thing its pretty basic and widely known thing, you weebs are kinda retarded arent you

>> No.16897767

Vodka tastes like I'm drinking rubbing alcohol. Bourbon is nice and sweet with the right amount of burn. Can't beat a smoky scotch during the winter either.

If you want to tone it a bit just have some water on the side with it or drop a ice cube in. Though it's usually acquired taste.

>> No.16897781

Yes, anon. There are different hangovers. Mead and wine is some of the worst day after shit I've had. Beer just makes you feel bloated and like shit the next two days unless you drink again. Whisky is non existent hangover that I've noticed. Just a dump that smells like diesel

>> No.16897783
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The appeal is that you learn to associate the buzz with different kinds of spirits and some people go deep and learn different flavor profiles and history. There is a spirit for any kind of person and occasion.
Man that's sad and I hope you realize you're on the really deep end of the people that drink. As in on the terminal end of things. Please seek help.
This is coming from someone that is a couple years older than you and was a heavy alcoholic throughout his 20s.

>> No.16897807

Did she learn the hard way that having you around to help was worth being at least moderately not evil some of the time? Mine is always like "I'm just tired". I'm like ... "I'm helping you constantly every moment I'm around and the times I'm not around I'm doing stuff which is vital to his and your well being". So it is great, but keep it up and you'll be tired all the time still but without my help and without me to complain to.

I looked it up recently. I'd have to pay $200 a month. I mean ... doesn't seem so bad comparatively. The 'hold' over me is basically my desire to be a good and present father.

>> No.16897834

She will never, ever learn that but at least I don't have to live with her anymore. I'm paying more than $200 a month voluntarily though because otherwise she will definitely try to cut off my contact with the kid and we live in different states now so I'm still blackmailed. But at least I don't have to live with her anymore.

>> No.16898327

Enjoy your sophistication of sipping a cocktail while jerking off to anime faggot

>> No.16898408

Kill yourself, election tourist.

>> No.16899506

>Do I fit in yet, guize!?!?!?

>> No.16899660

Whatever happened to the alcohol general? Did mods nuke it because people were waking up to the liquid gains goblin? Did it move to another board?

>> No.16900080
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/alc/ is dead like its former posters. look for the whiskey generals when they pop up. should be one the next couple days.

>> No.16900091

Lurk moar, newfag.

>> No.16900096


>> No.16900103

>I get that there are some people who will appreciate it for the taste.
Are you sure you get that? Because you're literally asking why people would choose one thing over another thing that tastes different.

You know, like a retard.

>> No.16900149

>I'm a retard when it comes to alcohol
Yes that much is clear

>> No.16900222

Why is there still no whiskey general? I want to talk to my 'skey bros.

>> No.16900703

correct memeing usually attracts the fuzz
>lurk moar on something that doesnt exist
ill get rite on it boss
haha ok kid. i was literally browsing /b/ and showing everybody at the LAN party playing Halo CE some jap girl breastfeeding a kitten in 2005, tis y
thou who cannot triforce you doublenigger

the op pic was already provided to aid your need for a thread.

>> No.16901233

An al/ck/ general would be fun

>> No.16901789

a good 20% of the posters on all boards seem to be alcoholics but especially this one, so i'd say it's pretty much pointless. all of 4chan is a drunk thread

>> No.16901851

Nice try Aiden. Don't forget your alegbra homework is due tomorrow.

>> No.16901856

I bet you never even owned a fingerbox, newfag.

>> No.16902095

One would hope /ck/ could bring together some of the more refined inebriates on this site. Like dudes who drink Earthquake over Steel Reserve.

>> No.16902113

I think it does really, if you compare the level of quality on display in the typical brand loyalty nerdfight here compared to like /r9k/ or some shit you'll find that this board's tastes are relatively more refined than theirs. Though of course "earthquake over steel reserve" is about the level we're looking at.

>> No.16902234

If you could earnestly enjoy bottom shelf trash you wouldn't be asking about how to get into whisky. IMO its a rich mans game.

>> No.16902326

tequila definitely shocks the palate on first contact. i find it to be even more of an acquired taste than most other spirits. if you ever have the chance, try some aged tequila, it's a little less harsh.

>> No.16902652

>shocks the palate on first contact
It's the only liquor I've never been able to "acquire" the taste for. I don't like agave nectar or anything either though.

>> No.16902683

try mezcal, an expensive one

>> No.16903041

I love tequila. I find the description 'spicy' doesn't really do it justice, but I understand why that word is often used. It is the mouthfeel and the rich oily sweet slightly smoky phenolic character of fusel alcohols that does it for me. It is unmistakably tequila and it is extremely interesting as a 'white' spirit, but even better as a reposado. I like whisky and bourbon a lot too so I like cocktail variations which use those over vodka, white rum and sometimes gin so using tequila instead or a small amount is a substitution right up my street. I've actually never had an anejo or extra anejo, realising that 100% agave was even a thing is still quite new for me and tequila isn't that popular or common here, imported is hard to get and usually very expensive though I do buy handles when I go to the restaurant/wholesale dealer for work because they have some brands you won't see in typical retailers for the price of bottles in typical retailers. You get jose cuervo silver and reposado, 1800, olmeca altos generally.

>> No.16903069

This is absolutely the case, though. Then again it's a kind of difference where you need to be shitfaced often enough to notice.

>> No.16903087

>t's the appeal of whiskey or bourbon over, let's say, vodka?
they taste different, thats to say vodka is pretty tasteless comparatively.
>I mean mainly for getting drunk.
grow up
> I never tried bourbon or whiskey that I could just drink without
unironically grow up, when you get older your tastebuds should get more mature and be less sensitive to alcohol of spirits. In a few years time the burning sensation won't be so pronounced, its because you aren't used to it. You shouldn't have to mix whiskey with anything.

Do you people seriously not have fathers, older brothers, grandfathers or uncles that can teach you to drink properly?

>> No.16903802

Answer this
In reality you are already choosing to consooom a product to get drunk when there are more efficient ways. Stop being so pretentious.

>> No.16904816

>there are more efficient ways
Like what? I'm all ears.

>> No.16906373

Do you need to decant whiskey?
I bought a bottle of WT101 last week as my first whiskey and the smell, taste, and finish was literally just alcohol, it was repulsive, but now I just popped it open and took a sniff and I can smell the sweetness with a really pronounced vanilla and caramel scent with alcohol only being in the background. I don't know if it's just placebo but I felt letting it air out made a huge difference.

>> No.16906862

I like both so I'm a bit different, they aren't my favorite though. My favorite things to drink is brandy, cognac, calvados, and apple brandy. Most think all that stuff is a bit more pricey than everything else but you can find some pretty good juice really cheap. Getting a local apple brandy for Halloween & some other shit to bring and get some bottles for the house bec

because I drank the rest of my WT101 tonight. Ibooked a room in one of the most haunted places in America for Halloween, was actually owned by one of the richest brewers in the country. Should be a damn good time.

>> No.16906932
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to be blunt zero flavor and zero enjoyment.

for wiskey bourbon rye or whatever, and I mean this without sounding extra pretentious. A billion layers of flavor that you aren't trying to immediately get sloshed with and instead slowly burn into over the night

>> No.16906939

air is good for spirits. until it isnt. you can essentially simulate oxidation with adding drops of room temp water instead of decanting. i wouldnt necessarily suggest decanting immediately unless you have experience with what you're decanting and are planning on drinking it frequently the next couple months as it will constantly continue to oxidize in a decanter were as in a bottle its a much slower process. higher proof will be a bit more rough at the beginning especially for a volume bottling like WT101 where its quite possible the production of the whiskey was rather fast and loose and the end goal much wider as a whole because fitting their profile is easy when your blending several hundred barrels per batch and it being bourbon its less finicky and more generalised.

also your senses have good days and bad days whether it be your mood or what you've eaten(allegedly spicy things are the worst offenders) and can affect your reception of a spirit as well as your tastebuds not being used to the alcohol(small sips will be better to start a session with as to acclimate to the sensation). then theres your climate, cold kills flavor. so if you are able to try and warm the glass with your hand or rest it on your leg, but dont be too hasty as the warmer your glass is the faster the alcohol will evaporate, deminishing the flavor.

and of course theres glassware. if your just using a regular old tumbler then your nosing and tasting will be kinda basic, the nuances will probably evade your senses, if you arent into dissecting every sip then this isnt pertinent anyway, but getting a glass more suitable basically means finding one with a smaller lip/mouth piece and a wider bowl/base like a copita or glencairn.

>> No.16907212

different kinds of drunk is kind of bullshit. Getting wasted on just hard liquor will make you feel less bloated than like beer. Since you have to drink far less actual liquid. Differences in degrees of hangovers is absolutely a thing tho. If you arent over the age of like 25 i wouldnt expect you to know the difference, but when you get older you know what things will give you hell the next day. I can drink a fifth of vodka in a night and have the next day be mildly unpleasant versus drinking like ~16 beers will fuck me up so much worse the next day

>> No.16907267

What is the best brand of vodka bros? I was thinking of going with Stolichnaya

>> No.16907358

You unironically won't be able to reliably detect a difference between a $50 750 ml bottle of vodka and a $10 1.5 L bottle.

>> No.16908406
