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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 841 KB, 3744x3744, cabbage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16887008 No.16887008 [Reply] [Original]

There was an anon here the other day making a thread about cabbage and it got me to try sauteeing some. I couldn't believe what I was missing out on my whole life. I had no idea vegetables could be so healthy and taste so good.
Are there any other vegetables you guys recommend? Don't really count potatoes since they seem like the obvious choice.

>> No.16887040

Yes, cabbage.

>> No.16887055

Cabbage is top tier. Cheap, healthy, filling, versatile, delicious.

>> No.16887060
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>> No.16887067
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all Brassica

>> No.16887078
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>> No.16887084
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farmer like big leaf bud, he grow a cabbage
farmer like tasty flowers, he grow a cauliflower and a broccoli
farmer like fat leaf, he grow a kale

>> No.16887092
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>> No.16887099

Eggplant is underrated IMO. Roast it, grill it, turn it into baba dip

>> No.16887108
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>> No.16887732

>sauteing cabbage
I've literally only had it raw (and eat a fair bit of it like that) or pickled. What is sauteed like and how do I prepare it?

>> No.16887742

it's like cabbage but cooked


>> No.16887748

If I wanted a link I'd Google it, I want to know how YOU do it anom

>> No.16887754

honestly i like to put it in a pan dry and move it around until the edges have browned slightly, but that's some real boring purist shit, would not recommend.
saute in olive oil and add a pinch of salt at the end.

>> No.16887756

Do people outside of Germany even eat Kohlrabi? I find it strange that it doesn't has a proper English name.

>> No.16887772
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Stir fried green beans n garlic
Sauteed kale with garlic
Frozen peas microwaved with butter, salt and pepper
Bok choy stir fried with garlic and oyster sauce
Grilled eggplant
Roasted beets, turnips, carrots with balsamic
Grilled zucchini
Spinach sauteed with tomatoes
Sauteed yellow squash
Braised fennel
Sauteed asparagus, can deglaze with some white wine or sherry
Snow peas stir fried with garlic
Celery with peanut butter
Fresh bell peppers
Fresh sprouts
Have fun anon.

>> No.16887823

Just slice it up and fry it.

>> No.16887829

boil it, mash it, stick it in a stew

>> No.16887854
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>> No.16887877
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why the fuck is butternut squash specifically on all these. it's almost the worst squash.

>> No.16887949

In Finland they cost about €2.70
I never understand this cause they're literally peasant-tier vegetable

>> No.16888708
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>> No.16888718

Chinese cut it up small and pickle it.

>> No.16888728
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Eggplant is indeed based

>> No.16888756

Good tomatoes are god tier
Little salt on top and good quality extra virgin olive oil

Also red cabbage for extra polyphenols

>> No.16888757

Requesting cabbage recipes

>> No.16888768

Stir fried bok choy or napa cabbage is godtier. Season wirh garlic and soy sauce and eat over rice

>> No.16888814
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>> No.16889446
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>> No.16889448

tomato + mozzerella + olive oil + basil = yum

>> No.16889524

What do you even do with kohlrabi or turnips?

>> No.16890646

yo why's no one talking about my boy broccolini? way better than just broccoli

>> No.16890654


>> No.16890665

>plate of thick wet slime slices

>> No.16890696

yes also broccoli with garlic and butter or cheese goddamn

>> No.16890834

>brocc in C tier
fucking heathen

>> No.16890837

brocco bros rise up \o/

>> No.16890848

broccoli is S-tier veggie
anyone who can stir-fry understands. cooking brocc in a wocc is just *perfect*

>> No.16890855

Yeah I do, I'm American. I've found it at farmers markets near me; it's pretty darn good. They're usually about 2-3$ for one.

>> No.16892469



>> No.16892607
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Try endives. Not sure if these are even a thing in US cause I never see recipes using it? Uncooked the lower part has a slightly bitter taste, the tips are slightly sweet. That alone makes it great for all kinds of salads. (Disclaimer, childish palates won't like the bitter parts.) Delicious especially with fish when steamed or baked.

>> No.16892627

itt: fruits and veggies

>> No.16892875

broccoli, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, eggplant are some of my favorites

>> No.16893899

kohlrabi: just eat it raw with salt

>> No.16894858

I dont get the love for avocados as a non americans. They just taste like flavourless oil. They taste a bit if you add salt but not much.

>> No.16894906

They're in the USA just usually at higher end restaurants or grocery stores. I've had em before, they're pretty good

>> No.16894914

Alone they're not amazing, it's more what they can do when added to other things. Apart from guacamole which is great, avocados are very good on egg sandwiches, burgers, turkey sandwiches, and BLTs. That's where the fatty oil texture and taste comes into play. Also good in salads.

>> No.16894946

Don’t forget to add a bay leaf to it. Bay leaves and cabbages are best friends.

>> No.16894947
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>> No.16894963

I can easily demolish a whole tray of roasted Brussels. They're so fucking good anons, truly a top tier vegetable. It's crazy how cooking them wrong makes them nearly inedible, compare roasted to boiled. Difference is fuckhueg

>> No.16895050
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>var. gongolydes

>> No.16895151
File: 279 KB, 1000x750, bacon-okonomiyaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have cabbage you can make okonomiyaki with very simple ingredients you probably have in the kitchen already.

>shredded/sliced cabbage
>sliced green onions
>soy sauce for flavor
>mix in bowl
>spread out in pan like a pancake
>place bacon or ham slices on top
>flip and cook other side with the bacon/ham

Top with mayo and okonomiyaki sauce if you have it, but you don't have to overcomplicate it, it's pretty delicious on its own. Used to make this every day for breakfast, I could whip an okonomiyaki up from scratch in 10 min.

>> No.16895166
File: 104 KB, 500x608, diocletian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Roman Empire literally ran on Cabbage.
Roman Doctors classified Cabbage types for different medical use and Emperor Diocletian spent the rest of his life farming Cabbage in his private Palace garden after abdicating.

>> No.16895178

In Norway, we eat lots of Kålrabi. We eat it in lapskaus (stew), as part of a general root vegetable roast or everyone's favorite which is mashed kålrabi. Mashed kålrabi is just like mashed potatoes, it's very delicious and usually eaten around Jul.

>> No.16895210
File: 486 KB, 1920x1080, Okonomiyaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okonomiyaki. Basically weird Japanese Pizza-like thingie made from 90% Cabbage, egg and flour.

>> No.16895286

>sauteed cabbage
Absolutely disgusting.

It's good
1) Raw and in chunks
2) Salad with a thick dressing, like caesar or youghurt
3) As a sauerkraut, cold winter snack.

>> No.16895288
