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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 94 KB, 780x1015, Cosmopolitan-780x1015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16875579 No.16875579[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are certain drinks considered "girly" or "feminine"? Where did we as a society go so wrong that men have such fragile masculinity, they feel threatened by ordering the wrong drink?

>> No.16875787

Because they are directly marketed to women?

>> No.16875818

It's culture. Take your globohomo "do what I want" nonsense to reddit.

>> No.16875823

Why are certain clothes considered "girly" or "feminine"? Where did we as a society go so wrong that men have such fragile masculinity, they feel threatened by dressing up as a bimbofied sissy maid, getting tied up and fucked in their boypussy?

>> No.16875882

Exactly. Skirts are just more comfortable. Being male is no reason to deny yourself optimal clothing.

>> No.16875886

>dude I let the media tell me what it means to be a man, that's how I know I'm manly

>> No.16875887

Media tells me it's bad to be a man. What are you talking about?

>> No.16875890

Scots were right all along

>> No.16875893

See your metaphor doesn't work because you're comparing clothing directly and distinctly designed for the female body, and accentuating your terrible point by associating it with "getting fucked in the boypussy", with a fucking cocktail drink.

>> No.16875894

Because women usually like sweeter/softer drinks than men, hoy many girls have you seen drinking straight liquors? (Of any type)

>> No.16875901

Nice circular logic. Can you prove women only drink fruity cocktails because they like them and not because society tells them they should?

>> No.16875916

No one is telling women they should drink fruity stuff, they do because they want to. There are exceptions but mostly women will just stick to the sweet stuff.

>> No.16875923

You really think women have no agency at all huh?

>> No.16875927

martini's are notoriously strong

>> No.16875949

See your argument doesn't work because maid uniforms, chokers, cocks, stockings, etc. are directly and distinctly designed for the femboy suckslave's body.

>> No.16876394

this is one of those things that doesn't actually happen in real life, like bullies giving kids wedgies or children refusing to eat broccoli

>> No.16876423

They usually don't. Women drink what is put in front of them, hence rohypnol.

>> No.16876662

I guess I wouldn't have thought to give wedgies to geek without television telling me to, but I definitely did it. Swirlies I figured out by myself. Putting people in lockers wouldn't happen in real life, though. They just don't fit.

>> No.16876668

But the media tells us literally the exact opposite?

>> No.16876675

It’s because most people that want to signal that they’re masculine these days are self conscious as fuck.

The most manly thing is drinking whatever you want because you like it. If you like straight bourbon? Cool man. You want fruity baby bahama mama with extra glitter? Have fun nigga

>> No.16876679

What the fuck are you talking about? When’s the last manly male movie character you saw order a vodka cran

>> No.16876692

Just order what you want, fucking hell. Nobody cares as much as you think they do.

But to answer your question, if girls order a certain type of more often, that drink will be considered girly. There is no drink considered girly that has more male than female drinkers, within the culture that considers it girly.

>> No.16876698

I’m a bartender and honestly this. We don’t judge you unless you ask us to make some overly complicated shit in the middle of my rush.

>> No.16876708

No it isn't, you stupid faggot. Just admit you want to suck cock all day long.

>> No.16876712

Cope and/or seethe

>> No.16876882

Someone made this post unironically.
It's the same kind of repressed homo that feels uncomfortable drinking a bubble milk tea or eating a banana without breaking off pieces to shove into their mouth.

>> No.16876888
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This. This is why I hate soys with their extroverted fake personalities that revolve around black coffee, hot sauce, IPA etc.

>> No.16876920

It's always some fragile barely adult fags, who think only whisky is manly while boomers don't give a fuck and drink what they want.

>> No.16876934

A child made this post on his apple.

>> No.16876952

>his """culture""" is drinking less sweet drinks
lmao, truly a unique cultural tradition worth preserving

back in the day men used to not give a fuck about any of this. it's only 20th century marketing that convinced men they have to consoom the right products to be manly

>> No.16876954
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>tfw you like port wine but have to keep it a secret because everyone would call you an old woman for drinking it

>> No.16876965

I love port wine too. Are you in the US? Americans are weird about drinking wine in general.

>> No.16877261


>> No.16877312

I thought old british ladies drank sherry.

>> No.16877321

Yeah. Also irredeemable alcoholics, the difference being that these finish the full bottle in a night while the old ladies will have the same bottle for half a year.

>> No.16877341

I swear, my mother has a half-finished bottle of marsala from the last century. All the alcohol has probably evaporated by now and all that's left is a syrupy residue.

>> No.16877361

Have you ever seen an advert for a cosmopolitan?

>> No.16877488

I either order beer or whatever sounds like the most candy-laden shit on the list, I don't give a fuck.

>> No.16877515

It's a marketing thing, they push it as a certain "lifestyle" so people can attach it to their personality and create a mental need for the product.
See also:
>Energy drinks
>"Gamer" shit
>Loyalty Cards/Memberships for mundane things like grocery stores/pharmacies

>> No.16877529


>> No.16877538


>> No.16877590

Cosmos are fucking delicious if done right. Most fail though so I only drink it when I make it myself, I am that cool

>> No.16877595

Your mother

>> No.16877596

>specifically designated a difference between them and regular boys because they're feminine which is exactly the point

>> No.16877604

This. See also guy razors and girl razors even though they are practically the same. Even though a cocktail is just a drink, because it is advertised to girls it is associated with girls.

Order it if you want, at worse people will just assume you are gay and will forget about it 10 seconds later, just like most interactions with strangers in life.

>> No.16877614

Nobody cares. Drink whatever you want.

>> No.16877729

>no see I shitpost for a good reason
get fucked
have you considered that some people actually do like those things and that shitposting in every thread about them is not justifiable

>> No.16878233

>calls himself a man
>doesn't do whatever the fuck he wants

>> No.16878237

A lot. I only know blue collar women though.

>> No.16878272

I wonder where that kitty is now its15 years later.

Probably ded?

>> No.16878278


Absolutely degenerate

>> No.16878318


>> No.16878328

I care

>> No.16878332

The only people I see drinking vodka straight are women. But vodka is a girl's drink tbf.

>> No.16878338

Not him but you have a lot less agency than you think yes

>> No.16878385

It's not called girl drink drunk for nothing

>> No.16878674

If they're sweet, especially if they're so sweet you can't taste the booze, they're going to come off as feminine. There's not much pressure on women to suck back room temperature bar rail tequila or whiskey like there is on men. We're supposed to drink boozy or bitter drinks because... it's a test of manhood or something...

I read the bartender and the bottles more than I read the room. If they seem like they can mix a drink, I might order a cocktail. If they seem useless, it's probably just beer. If they seem like they have a sense of humour, I'll order a cosmo.

>> No.16878707

have you ever seen a show or read a magazine meant for women?
Sex and the city is the reason women drink cosmopolitan.

>> No.16879055

Cosmos are good. You know how Cape Cods are good? It's that with orange liqueur and lime juice. It's good.

>> No.16879169
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Australia here.
You can order whatever you fukken want cunt.
Just dont be a fag when you do it.
I mean we're the manliest country on Earth and our national drink is wine.

>> No.16879336

Sure you are, champ.

>> No.16879352

I hear you can't even buy shots in pubs.

>> No.16879375

Australians are so cringe

>> No.16879449

cityfag problem
country pubs still do whatever they want, cuz no cityfag govt suit is gunna bother driving 16 hours each way to check if a pub is doing shots or not.

>> No.16879467

Have you ever considered learning how to use English correctly?

>> No.16879476

manliest women maybe lol
>inb4 muh venomous animals

>> No.16879492

So you cant buy shots in pubs.
Sounds shit mate.

>> No.16879498

the concept of drinking straight out of a goonbag is revolting. it makes kegstands look charming by comparison.

>> No.16879510

>Why are certain drinks considered "girly" or "feminine"?
because some men are insecure in their manhood.

>> No.16879517

You're certainly doing everything you can to live down to my expectations of an Ausfailian. Good for you.

>> No.16879531

Because the Vodka Cranberry was popularized by women so they could go out drinking while treating a yeast infection.

>> No.16879535
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>> No.16879541

Because men with fragile egos needs their drink to define their sexuality.

>> No.16879561

>I mean we're the manliest country on Earth
lol no

>> No.16879589

why tf is gender studies fuckery on /ck/? Same reason everything else is gendered
>historical roles
>advertising demographics
>differing tastes
>cultural pressure
>muh toxic masculinity

>> No.16879602
File: 180 KB, 857x686, Forevrial Delitized Australian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16879603

It's ok Bubba. You can keep drinking what you want and think people's perception of you changes because of it.

>> No.16879605

Because most people have no taste when it comes to cocktails

That being said if you dislike mezcal and Islay scotch you are a pleb, the best cocktails implement slight smoke flavors

I do maintain that Port Charlotte subbed into a Cosmopolitan instead of Vodka is pretty good.

>> No.16879608

Just drink your fucking drink faggot

>> No.16879609

shouldn't you be talking over a Berkley lecturer right now?

>> No.16879617

>not using liquid smoke

>> No.16879620

It's always funny to me when faggot zoomers can't just accept that their fruity sugary drinks are for women and instead try to redefine the entire gender roles for all of society.
The level of arrogance, stupidity, and faggotry is really breath taking.

>> No.16879629

That's pretty acceptable too, honestly. I don't have experience making cocktails with that, but I do have a coworker who uses smoke without specific drinks to get that flavor, and the versatility those options seem to offer us interesting since you gain more freedom over your base spirit.
With that said, I've never heard of liquid smoke in cocktails, so I'd like to know if you could elaborate on your experience with it, since it could just be total speculation by an anon but impractical in reality. Sorry for my doubts I just don't know

>> No.16879635

This is something you can test - well, not at home, but at your local pub! Buy something colourful and fruity - don't do anything else to elicit a reaction, just order and enjoy the drink. You might get some snickering from the ~20 crowd, a lighthearded jab from a drunk greyhair, but (BUT!) you might have an interesting conversation you wouldn't have otherwise had, and you got to satisfy a craving for sugar.

>> No.16879637

I'm a traditionally masculine looking guy drinking a traditionally feminine looking drink... some find the contrast amusing, but fuck it man, this bar makes a great mai tai.

>> No.16879653

you can balance things out with it - a margarita with a bit of scotch, an ancho, or a tiny trace of liquid smoke is pretty god damned good. You can't really use it to amplify the smoke of a cheap scotch or something - it gets overpowering quickly and the flavour's just not right.

>> No.16879660

Nobody cares about random people at the bar.
You're so full of yourself if you think people out doing their own shit pays you any mind at all.

>> No.16879661

You just add liquid smoke to vodka and turn it into scotch.

>> No.16879676

You don't notice people around you, and say other people are full of themselves. An odd mindset.

>> No.16879679

Your reading comprehension also suffers.

>> No.16879681

Nosy busybody scum are everywhere.

>> No.16879682

I wouldn't describe Port Charlotte as cheap, though it's definitely not the most expensive bottle. Your point stands and I guess I'll have to ask my buddies and coworkers who are more knowledgeable on the subject about using liquid smoke. My coworker who I mentioned used a method similar to Jeffrey Morgenthaler's talk of using wood like grilling from the Bar Book (I don't know much more than that since I saw it but didn't pay too much attention since I don't want to spend money to use this trick) and that's how he does smoked drinks, I have seen liquid smoke used for barbecue cooking but never in cocktails. At the bar I work at, our bar manager who sets up the program uses a dropper and mezcal in order to add smoke. He is pretty knowledgeable and his methods quite well, but I do want to check out what you're talking about.

I'm in another position trying to promote into bartender right now, but the guys are always willing to teach and I do shit on my own time (fun when you get smashed on your own shit ngl), hence my uncertainty.

Gotta admit a smoked margarita is great though

>> No.16879689

I definitely notice what people are drinking, if only because it might be interesting to try and/or a conversation starter. I don't judge people on the manliness of it but I definitely do notice. Maybe you're not a people person?

>> No.16879694

No idea what you mean, was replying to>>16879449

>> No.16879701

Are you a psychopath?

>> No.16879706

All alcohol is feminine because all alcohol contains estrogen.

>> No.16879707

Not that I know of... is paying attention to people in social situations something they do?

>> No.16879710

Looking at the drink of someone you want to approach and talk to seems reasonable.
Feeling the need to be aware of what everyone in the room is drinking is very disturbing.

>> No.16879717

It might be worth rereading what I said.

>> No.16879721

Full disclosure: at the restaurant I work at, we don't shit talk dudes for ordering a Cosmo, but I do ask customers if they get a cool order I don't recognize from the bar. It almost always goes over well. So I'm with you except in that it's cool to talk cocktails with people and that can be a positive conversation starter.

At any rate the color of a drink or the fact that you drink whiskey without sweeteners is not unbecoming of a man, just like appreciating a good dessert.is acceptable.

If you want to have sophisticated taste with liquor, however, you must be able to do a little.of everything at least, and be excellent in one category of drink, I maintain. Drinking straight whiskey, or other spirits that are very fine and being able to appreciate them without having to add anything is vitally important to your ability to make the absolute best cocktails in general, in terms of good value or flat-out best drink in general.

>> No.16879727

Both comments are so open ended it could go either way lmao

If you're approaching a hot girl and she's drinking straight whiskey, neat or on the rocks, I'd probably wonder if she was molested as a child though. She might be a total babe but in my experience it's one or the other.

>> No.16879728

People always look around; not everyone's an NPC. If you want to see for yourself, order a dark 'n' stormy or something. If you'd prefer to sit alone in your room in abject denial of something so easily tested, that's an option too. I might go out. I'm kind of tired of these walls today, and I could definitely jive with a margarita. If a table starts giggling at me, or one of the old broads comes to sit with me, I'll post up an estrogen-laden pic for you to put on your desktop.

>> No.16879735

Not even Costco tier.

>> No.16879741

I was thinking more like Teachers than anything - not pointing out anything in particular, just saying that you can't fix something with artificial smoke, just make it smokier.

>> No.16879747

Estrogen is a significantly larger molecule than ethanol.

>> No.16879858

>see also:
>things I don’t like
Fuck you, faggot.
I like coffee, and I like saving money on things.

>> No.16879954

niggas be gay, yo

>> No.16880082

You communist son of a bitch

>> No.16880183

Same, they can only handle rum if mixed with coke.

>> No.16880254

but rum's got flavour to it, vodka just tastes like angry water, sometimes with a touch of cheapness to it.

>> No.16880286
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Yeah but they don't like some bitterness of it, for them it's just cheap sweet alcohol to mix with cola (Or at least in venezuela where it's dirt cheap and even can get shitty bottles of pic related for 3$)

>> No.16880520


this might have been true a while ago but not so much now, most women seem to drink offensively acidic white wine (almost always pinot or sauvignon), at least in my foh exp

>> No.16880724

>black coffee

Pick one.

>> No.16880733

Port is fucking delicious. I fuck with Pedro Ximenez, too.

>> No.16880832

Yeah this. They are practically straight vodka. Disgusting things (dirty are allright though)

>> No.16880846

Who's more likely to be a coffee snob than a tofu licker?

>> No.16880848

>When’s the last manly male movie character you saw order a vodka cran

>> No.16880850

>practically straight vodka
I nod in the direction of your subtle troll

>> No.16880856

I see tons of guys order vodka cranberries what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.16880890
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>> No.16880900

The guy in that image is a flagrant homosexual irl, so yes.

>> No.16880905
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>Why yes, I do fuck whatever I want, how did you know?

>> No.16881042

I don't bother with cocktails much. I once had one in a restaurant that I remember enjoying but most of them just taste of syrup. Bloody Mary before flying is my tradition but otherwise I drink beer or wine.

>> No.16881295
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>> No.16881683

Stop being fags, sheesh.

>> No.16882227
File: 151 KB, 1200x800, 9pdmiebegsoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only drink manly drinks like a man, not an insecure child or insecure woman, who cannot grow beards, like manly men secure in their manhood.

>> No.16882232


>> No.16882238

>You do it because you do, it's the rules

>> No.16882252
File: 120 KB, 1200x1200, Empire State Reproduction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll drink whatever the fuck I want. It's just a shame bartenders are fucking lazy fags who want a 5 dollar tip on any cocktail with 3 ingredients these days. You rarely meet one that just says, hey you want to try something?

>> No.16882541

The noob at my local trades ideas back and forth with me... usually winds up with her leaving rich and me leaving drunk.

>> No.16882784

>paying for live service friend simulator

>> No.16883081

He said, on 4chan.
Big oofs, kid.

>> No.16884084

At least this is free*

>> No.16884151

You're free alright. How does freedom taste? Is it better than an aviation? Fucked if I'm waiting 6 months for crème de violette when my friend-for-hire, the bar wench, makes her own.

>> No.16884393

the reddit infestation makes it very easy to view anyone here with a non reddit opinion as contrarian. there are no freinds here, only shit.

>> No.16884431

>tfw my 1 year old niece loves broccoli

>> No.16884530

Both of these things happen, especially little kids refusing to eat green vegetables.

>> No.16884557

The reddit infestation (it didn't start with reddit. Normies started flooding through the gates before anyone knew what reddit was) turned 4chan further inward. Aggressive, obnoxious stupidity was always the name of the game here, but the isolationism's gotten much worse. 4chan was never good, but it used to be better - especially /ck/.

>> No.16884568

/ck/ is probably the best board I browse, some memes and posts are very high quality

>> No.16884575

Despite the increased speed, the quality has dropped... still better than most of 4chan for actual information or genuinely funny shit, but god damn - the us vs. them bullshit is bad over here.

>> No.16884577

>le 4chan was always bad meme xd

>> No.16884583

sure, but still, count your blessings

>> No.16884983

>le we are all one really
fuck off redditfag

>> No.16885009

This board is terrible. It's just less terrible than other boards but not by much. /ck/ is only worth posting on while drunk.

>> No.16885039

>Why are certain drinks considered "girly" or "feminine"?
Marketing. You've managed to convince working class men to buy booze they don't like under the assurance that someone else they know will.
>Where did we as a society go so wrong that men have such fragile masculinity, they feel threatened by ordering the wrong drink?
That's just you, who hesitates to order a cosmo. I'll rock up in a pink shirt and drink whatever the fuck I want to drink.

>> No.16885053

That's right, girlfriend, mmHMMMMM

>> No.16885073

Wait that passed muster? Of course you can fucking buy shots.

>> No.16885095

No homo.

>> No.16885434

soy is a state of mind

>> No.16885451

You will never be a man

>> No.16885455

i also used to think the same until i tried a sip of midori orange and it was clear that no being that doesn't love cock inside it could like that shit

>> No.16885483
File: 16 KB, 480x360, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men should act like men

>Why are certain drinks considered "girly" or "feminine"?
Because they are.
>Where did we as a society go so wrong that men have such fragile masculinity, they feel threatened by ordering the wrong drink?
Only fragile one I see here is you, cupcake.

Deuteronomy 22:5 -- Crossdressing is an abomination.

>people are only pretending to like beer

>> No.16885485
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>this entire thread
Every single one of you is a schizo faggot.

>> No.16885515

Girly drinks are overly sweet. People drink them just to get drunk. Otherwise they'd just drink soda for the taste. I don't think women should drink girly drinks either.

>> No.16885526

>>people are only pretending to like beer
Take your meds and learn to read.

>> No.16885535

Soda doesn't taste better. Obviously, otherwise they'd just drink soda.

>> No.16885541

>You know how Cape Cods are good?
No, because I am a man

>> No.16885577
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>> No.16885589

Why should a non-jew give a singular fuck about what a jew book says? lmao fucking retard

>> No.16885596

Found the faggot

>> No.16885598

Make better posts than reddit tier xkcd faggotry

>> No.16885604
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Where does the first "jew" appear in the bible, fedoracuck?

>> No.16885607
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>> No.16885620

Christianity is literally repackaged paganism to subdue angst against the Roman Empire. Didn't bother reading any of that cringe shit besides that.

>> No.16885633

The same place you went wrong needing a drink in the first place. Everybody in this thread is an alcoholic.
No you don’t but whatever helps you seethe at night

>> No.16885695

Yikes imagine being this brainwashed

>> No.16885791

There's enough truth in his statement that you should be questioning if you're the brainwashed one.
On the other hand, there is not such a distinction between roman and Christian, and Christianity subsumed the pagans (and in doing so repackaged many of their traditions), but that occurred later than is implied and origin is definitely Judaism.

>> No.16885796

Yeah imagine not worshipping a bunch of Zionist pedophiles (redundant) so brainwashed xDD

>> No.16885800

This, you get so much airflow

>> No.16885859

>The Book of Deuteronomy is the fifth book of the Torah
jew book

>> No.16885870

I don't give a fuck what you worship
I just don't want you to push it on me or anyone else, and quoting the torah or bible or quran unprompted when you don't know if the other person is of the same religion is pushing it on others
Keep it to yourself
>but my religion requires me to push it on others
then you're as bad as any cult

>> No.16885891

>"murder is wrong, degeneracy degrades society. we must be together to improve our community"
>you got the spirit but i dont agree with you
>thats pretty fucked up man
>wow pushing your ideas onto me, how dare you

>> No.16885894

The Church is full of genocide Zionist pedophiles (redundant). You worship and defend them.

>> No.16885908

then do something about it, stand up for what yo believe in. otherwise youre just complacent saying "their pedophilia isnt my business, live and let live"
>You worship and defend them.

>> No.16885930

You're sitting here defending genocidal Zionist pedophiles (redundant) instead of doing anything. In fact you lecture other people for not doing the good deed of wasting their time and money supporting them. Go to hell.

>> No.16885951


>> No.16885959

The only fragile masculinity here is yours.
Can't handle your drinks being called girly.

>> No.16886109


>> No.16886707

Why were you supposedly here then? Why are you still here? Certainly couldn't be because you actually do enjoy your time here. No sir, Mr. Anon is above it all, he frequently visits a site he dislikes and presumably also camps all the threads he hates so he can jerk his little pecker over how mad he is.

>> No.16886779

A lot of drinks that are considered "girly" aren't really any sweeter or weaker than than drinks that are considered "manly".

>> No.16886785

She's probably yearning for a return to those three years when 4chan was an anime website.

>> No.16887137
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>> No.16887364

>You can order whatever you fukken want cunt.
>Just dont be a fag when you do it.
Your post is shit but this is accurate.
Only little faggots who need to impress their faggot friends care, everyone else drinks to get pissed or to enjoy the taste of the drink

>> No.16887373

If you don't mind having the shit beaten out of you, sure. And if you're not getting the shit beaten out of you when you order a gay drink, you're effectively in a gay bar. Save your faggot inclinations for private moments in private settings.

>> No.16887382

is a mojito a feminine drink?

>> No.16887518

whiskey sour is a childrens lemonade compared to some of the cocktails women chug down

>> No.16887519

I've never once had anyone ever comment on what I've had in a negative manner, yet again I don't go to shitholes in meth towns where Crown lager is considered exotic

>> No.16887521

They are only categories of feminine drinks if you, yourself aint a man enough to wear them.

Once you stop jacking off to traps and imagining what a BBC tastes like you can enjoy any fucking drink you want you goddamn western homo

>> No.16887541

It's bullshit based on circular reasoning. Because women do something more, that must mean that women must do that and men not which leads to women doing something more which is seen feminine. There are no facts to prove that something is for men or women except biological stuff. But behaviour isn't dictated by genes. That's bullshit.

>> No.16887642

>t. nopan miniskirts-wearing-sissy

>> No.16887826

If you're drinking for sex, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.16887846

You seem upset. Have a drink.
We are the same in that we are indistinguishable, anonymous NPCs on a Tahitian fast-food forum. In the eyes of any random observer, we're not different enough that it's worth arguing about. But then, every shitpost is a repost of a shitpost.

>> No.16887861

I wouldn't drink without the alcohol and the effects of alcohol. While it is possible to make tasty beverages and where possible I'll drink something I like the taste of the main reason to drink for me in the psychoactive effect of booze. So I'm usually thinking ... what do I want to drink that'll get me loaded that matches the scene and my budget. The taste is pretty far down my list of priorities. That said I don't really care what I drink if it is affordable, tastes acceptable and gets me loaded. I'm not going to drink a lot of typically feminine drinks mainly because they prioritise sweeter flavours. I like sour, bitter, salty.

>> No.16887977

Because they're made to appeal to women. Men generally have less of a sweet tooth and a higher alcohol tolerance, meaning they don't need fruit-flavoured sugar-bombs to handle drinking alcohol.

>> No.16888292

Is agin and tonic a girl drink? I like the quinine flavor.
Actually, sometimes I just drink the tonic water without the gin.

>> No.16888380

Obvious metrosexual. You've never once been mistaken for masculine, either.

>> No.16889949

Most booze tastes damn good when you move beyond the absolute cheapest. Flavor is important but most of the improvement is in the first extra dollar.
G&T is for old people of both genders. At worst people will think you're trying too hard to be mature.

>> No.16891115

Because they’re pink duh

>> No.16891360
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>Deuteronomy 22:5 -- Crossdressing is an abomination.
yes but it's a hot as fuck abomination
god I want a crossdressing femboy on my lap right now

>> No.16891674
File: 295 KB, 1200x981, retard mode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you like to expand upon this claim at all?

>> No.16891681

It makes me happier than anything else in the world to know that I actually, sincerely enjoy the things you pretend to enjoy for the sake of your supposed masculinity.

>> No.16891702

I thought the stereotypical port drinker was a wealthy old politician with mutton chops.

>> No.16891716

Not when you're within rowboating distance of Portugal.

>> No.16891728

Bro you didn't swallow the jew pill did you? This other Jew came around and hated that shit so much he made a new covenant. Now we can eat, fuck and wear what we want as long as we are real sorry

>> No.16891738

>jew jew jew jew jew
Damn, your argument about 2,000 year old rhetoric is so compelling you have to draw on the average poster's instinctual disgust towards contemporary jewry to get any effect? That's crazy. If you never posted again it would still be too soon

>> No.16891856

Who cares. Sweet, fruity, delicious cocktails are amazing. So is a shot of nice rum or whiskey, or a classic cocktail like an Old Fashion. Just drink good quality alcohol, and cocktails made of high-quality ingredients.

>> No.16891884

Part of being a man is being able to do what the fuck you want. Get the hell out you weak loser

>> No.16891936
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>> No.16891942

Am I on fuckin /his/ right now? What's all this religious debate in the booze thread?

>> No.16891949

just atheists having one of their little tantrums because someone mentioned the bible

>> No.16891980

You're one of them too aren't you? First poster who mentioned anything was some dumb bible verse and then that set the atheists off. This is the fucking alcohol thread, fuck OFF to /his/. Your religion and their lack of religion are just ANNOYING.

>> No.16891995

just telling you what happened since you apparently can't read, no need to chimp out agnostic

>> No.16892305

I don't know why this isn't taken to it's logical extreme.
Women breath air and drink water.

>> No.16893079

I don't drink the absolute cheapest stuff unless that is what makes sense (I'm not using top tier character gin in a long island ice tea, characterful single malt in a hot toddy nor do I tend to buy 'high end' for stuff like white rum because it is pointless to me, it'll always be in a mixed drink).

There is like in most things a balance. You will pay a premium for prestige, rarity etc, but good examples exist at lower price points. I'm unwilling to buy a bottle of petrus, but there still exists ok pomarol and great bordeaux from less prestigious regions.

Like with wine there is the shit I buy to drink midweek and there is the shit I buy to open on special occasions and there is the shit I buy to leave to age.

>> No.16893093

I'm a Christian and I love my bible, but it also says you shouldn't mix fabrics. Gays are mentally ill but some of that old shit only made sense for staying warm or not making people sick because they didn't have refrigeration. Also, please don't touch any children.

>> No.16893374
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why is it that christoids can't think about being sexually aroused without immediately thinking about little kids? you need a doctor not jesus