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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16880642 No.16880642 [Reply] [Original]

how big is too big?

>> No.16880651

I want to enjoy huge burgers but my bowels just fill up with piss and shit due to all the grease

>> No.16880675

Triple is the max, quad is just too far..

>> No.16880693

If your bowels fill with piss there's a serious medical condition and you should go to the hospital. A fistula is no joke.

>> No.16880720

you can fit 3 in at once?

>> No.16880746

if i can't comfortably bite it i don't want it. fuck retards and their 2ft tall burgers

>> No.16880766

2 inches. For taste a singular patty is ideal. If you want more, eat more burgers.

>> No.16880791

>if you want more, eat more burgers
what if you want more meat, not more bread?

>> No.16880800

mouthlet detected

>> No.16880862

Any amount of meat over 4 inches is useless, and women don't even like it.

>> No.16881012

Anything that cant fit in your jaw is overkill.

>> No.16881167
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>how big is too big?

>> No.16881478

If it's just patties and cheese, then three or four is probably the limit. A burger isn't a burger without lettuce, pickle, onion and tomato though so in a practical sense I'd say that anything more than a double cheeseburger with all the fixings (and maybe a fried egg) is too big because the thing needs a toothpick to keep from falling apart after the second bite.

>> No.16881718
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He's just not used to fitting 6 inches of meat in his mouth like you.

>> No.16882913

>the airtight, extra mayo

>> No.16882932

My niece says about six inches.

>> No.16882959

It's too big when I can't take a top to bottom bite

>> No.16882973

The meat to toppings ratio is perfect at 2 patties. 3 is acceptable. anything more than 3 patties is an abomination.

>> No.16882976

Throw away all bottom buns immediately from burgers when you get them.

>> No.16883017

My very worst was two double cheese burgers with bacon and a medium fries. It was delicious but somewhere in the process it felt like my heart beat got a bit faint. I also lost all energy and had to lay down the rest of the day. Still had room for dinner tho

>> No.16883043

Complete opposite for me. I throw away or pick away most of the bread on sandwiches burgers except for finger placement and I feel great with loads of meat and cheese. I get bogged down when I eat all those carbs/bread.

>> No.16884386

No more than 8 ounces (225 grams) of meat total with 6 ounces being ideal.

Double 3 to 4 ounce patties is my preference but triple 2 ounce patties can also be enjoyable. If I'm only having a single patty, then 6 ounces is about my limit. An 8 ounce single patty is just too thick.

>> No.16884688

2 is enough, any more and it's unwieldy