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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 97 KB, 800x800, Winesap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16879842 No.16879842 [Reply] [Original]

What is /ck/'s favorite apple variety? For me it's winesap.

>> No.16879883


>> No.16879891
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Love me some Pink Ladies

>> No.16879893

Golden delicious

>> No.16879900

Still a sucker for Gala. Probably because I grew up in a Gala orchard.

>> No.16879905
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>> No.16879911

Shame they're so hard to come by now. There's an orchard by me that has one ancient winesap tree left and my grandmother used to have them call her every time they started harvesting them. I drive her old car and so whenever I go out there they recognize it and say "Oh, you're winesap lady's grandson."

>> No.16879929
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Autumn Glory

>> No.16879932
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I like braeburn but I can't get them where I live so I haven't had one in 10 years.

>> No.16879937

Red delicious because I'm not a faggy hipster

>> No.16879942

Pink lady has the best flavor eaten on its own.

>> No.16879970

I love the taste and texture of the SweeTango apple .

>> No.16879991
File: 85 KB, 1000x1000, Stemilt-Cosmic-Crisp-Apple-2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cosmic crisps are pretty wild. They're so sweet and tart to the point where they almost taste more like apple candy than actual fresh apples. It sounds insane, but they borderline have too much flavor.

>> No.16879992

>eating mealy garbage to own the libs

>> No.16880006

I tried braeburn apples for the first time last Thanksgiving. They made the best apple pie filling I've ever had. I'm hoping I can find some again this year.

>> No.16880010

If you ever see a Cosmic Crisp in the market, buy it.
They are like a bigger, crunchier Pink Lady with even more flavour.

>> No.16880037

WA Fag here. Went to a market and this dude had apples that had almost jet black skin. Can't remember the name of em.

>> No.16880047

I just realized that I almost never see apples cut that horizontally. When I saw the seeds I was like "wtf is that" and it took me a second to realize what I was looking at. I'm so used to seeing apples cut in half the other way.

>> No.16880052


>> No.16880062


>> No.16880064

Ooh yeah baby.

>> No.16880066

Arkansas Black apples. My favorite. Extremely tart.

>> No.16880068
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Get the fuck outta here Rick I know it's you!

>> No.16880089
File: 72 KB, 1300x867, 156564354-close-up-portrait-of-emotional-fat-guy-with-apples-in-his-hands-looking-dissatisfied-into-the-camera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do americans love apples so much?

>> No.16880106

Cosmic Crisps are God's chosen candy. Good choice.

>> No.16880110

How do they compare to Granny Smiths ?

>> No.16880128

Skin is a little thicker I think.
If I remember correctly they werent as crisp.

>> No.16880138

Do non-americans, really...?

>> No.16880169

google johnny appleseed

>> No.16880173


>> No.16880187

You can't eat any of the ones he threw all over the country side.

>> No.16880193

Originated the cultural interest, though.

>> No.16880207

There was apparently a thing about how that started the cider industry (because you couldn't eat them) and that played into the apple being evil (Adam and Eve), and they used that as reasoning why prohibition was a good idea.

>> No.16880247

Sounds about right lol

>> No.16880248

Pretty close between arkansas black, opal and belle de boskoop. Honorable mention to braeburn for being the best widely available variety. Honorable mention to quinces for best pomme fruit but not technically an apple.

>> No.16880266

Granny smith, good for out-of-hand AND for baking.

>> No.16880555

I had Braeburn, and I felt like I was in the English countryside eating one.

>> No.16880563

For me it's the grocery store ones

>> No.16880695

Once upon a time I got some apples after apple picking. One in particular was green with a red spot. They were the best apples I have ever had. They weren't nasty like normal green apples. They were like perfect.

I have never found them again, not even at the place that we went apple picking at. I thought that they were called Sunspots, but I was wrong on that.

>> No.16880744

I think some American apple varieties went extinct due to orchard destruction during prohibition. As an American, I know we've done some dumb shit over the years, but one could write a fucking dissertation on all the negative unintended consequences of prohibition.

>> No.16880769

Strictly local and actually good? Ginger gold. Else you really can't go wrong with pink lady or some honeycrisp.

>> No.16880889

One guys said that's what he believed. Not grafting a tree doesn't make the fruit inedible necessarily. It depends on the genetics. Deboonked.

>> No.16880938
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I eat crab apples all the time, you gonna stop me faggot?

>> No.16881009
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>Golden Delicious

>> No.16881075
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>overrated mealy garbage not deserving of its name
lmao k

>> No.16881085

Saw a bunch of other based anons already posted pink ladies, so second I'd have to say Mutsus. Really good baking apples but also just generally tasty

>> No.16881090

Gala or pink lady.

>> No.16881102
File: 352 KB, 1300x1037, CEC0C533-9EF0-4B9D-A786-F38CB98BB48E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there’s a reason the highest iq man in the world goes for golden delicio

>> No.16881151

I think he’s joking with you .

>> No.16881248

In my country we only get green and red, so those two.

>> No.16881273

Checked, so aren't those the ones you have to let ripen for a really long time before they taste the best?

>> No.16881707
File: 46 KB, 660x467, how-to-grow-fuji-apple-trees.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> No mention of Fuji's after 50 posts
This board is full of peasants with no palate I swear.

>> No.16881893

in Italy there are 400+ apple varieties, basically one for every alpine/apennine's valley
if you want to have a look

the one from my valley is the Zeuka

>> No.16881902

nobody ever mentions sweettango and it is the best apple, probably like a Cosmic Crisp but I've never had one of those. I'm seeing people mention them. Sweettango is an evolved honeyscrisp

>> No.16881916
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I really like envy apples which are a mix of gala and braeburn. They get grown in my state (WA) though so it might be fuck you prices elsewhere

>> No.16881940

I've had those a few times. They're definitely one of the better varieties I've tried. I'm in California and they're a bit expensive compared to other apples but not outlandishly so.

>> No.16882003
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>> No.16882300
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Kronprinz Rudolf

>> No.16882304

Leave it to Italians to make up bullshit because it came from a village 40ft from theirs

>> No.16882347

based retard

>> No.16882893

Gee. You're right. I haven't seen braeburns in many years either. Good pie apple iirc
Protip. Use 2 or 3 different varieties in pies and sauce for depth of flavor

>> No.16883096

Based. What’s crazy about them is that they are a cross strain of honey crisp and red delicious. How can such a disgusting apple contribute to such a delicious one? Truly a mystery for the ages.

>> No.16883693

Empire, Northern Spy, Mcintosh is a little soft and sweet for me, but I won't turn one down. I like Gala and Fuji too.

>> No.16883699

I'm p sure honeycrisps are the Canon best apple

>> No.16883915

Grannie Smith, Kanzi, Opal, Pink Lady
Cosmic Crisp, Lucy Rose, Honey Crisp, Smitten, Sweetango
Braeburn, Gala, LucyGlo, Jazz, Kiku, SugarBee
Ambrosia, Pacific Rose, Snapdragon
Autumn Glory, Fuji, Golden Delicious, Red Delicious

>> No.16883927

Granni Smith, ofc.

>> No.16883935

>Mcintosh is a little soft and sweet for me
The thing with McIntoshes is that they're only good very fresh and not fully ripe, but they're the GOAT in that condition. They should be extremely hard and usually darker when eaten; if they've gone even a little soft, the flesh gets mulchy, the skin starts to melt into the flesh, and the unique tartness disappears.

>> No.16884113

Red delicious isn't that bad, it's mostly a meme like pineapple pizza.

>> No.16884233

I honestly find them disgusting - mealy, thick skinned, blandly sweet with no other notes, and dry. But I’m also from Ontario which was ahead of the curve on higher quality apples compared to the nationwide trend - even back in the 70s and 80s there was a lot of marketing being done about these “exciting new designer apples”

>> No.16884463
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>> No.16884482

They’re horrible , the only reason I eat them is because I sometimes need dark red for my dinner . I should stop pretending I’m not autistic .

>> No.16884550

>The thing with McIntoshes is that they're only good very fresh and not fully ripe, but they're the GOAT in that condition
I literally just picked, with my own hands, a peck of perfectly ripe macs. They're fine, they're not my favorite apple by any means.
>They should be extremely hard
There are way firmer apples. They're at most medium, but I hate soft apples so I could be biased there.
>Not fully ripe
Again, absolutely not, if I wanted something firmer and less sweet, I would just eat something firmer and less sweet (and I do). Not quite ripe Macs are worse than macs, which are worse than Nothern Spy and Empire.

>> No.16884578

do you need every color for your meals? or just certain complimentary colors?

>> No.16884582

>There are way firmer apples. They're at most medium
Then you got the bad kind of McIntoshes. The good kind are the hardest apples I've ever had and are nearly a nearly-black purple-red color. If they're remotely soft, they're too far gone.

>> No.16884609

Anon, we're not having a discussion, I am TELLING you about apples.

>Then you got the bad kind of McIntoshes.
Wow, crazy, every single orchard I've ever been to is growing "The bad kind". I'll be sure to let them know right away.

>If they're remotely soft, they're too far gone.
I've picked more Macintosh apples than you've eaten in your life

>The good kind are the hardest apples I've ever had
Pretty much every cultivated apple isn't going to be that high on the firmness scale, because people don't really like them. Macs aren't even close to the hardest.

>> No.16884615

Complimentary . For instance , Granny Smith apples make broccoli taste bad .

>> No.16884680

Name literally one apple variety that gets harder over time. I am telling you, there are McIntoshes that are very hard and very tart. Most sources online will tell you they're tart apples, not super sweet apples. Obviously you have some kind of bastard lineage that you're used to and that's ok, but don't pretend your singular shitty variety is representative.

>> No.16884717
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>Hey I like McIntosh apples but I prefer apples that are firmer and less sweet

Yeah, macs are one of the more firm apples, that's why they made it on my list of favourite apples, because, again, I LIKE firm apples. They're also not too sweet, because, again, I prefer apples that aren't too sweet. Are you starting to see a pattern, you fucking moron? Northern Spy, by the way, are firmer and less sweet than macs, and I like them more. Empire are about the same but I brought them up because they're good for pies, but macs are too so it's really a tossup.

>but don't pretend your singular shitty variety is representative.
I know more than you.

>> No.16884733

>They're also not too sweet
>Mcintosh is a little soft and sweet for me
Fucking schizo

>> No.16884982

Seriously , what type of grading system is that , it’s triggering my ocd .

>> No.16885166

Almost on par with S, the best of their respective sub-categories (e.g. Opals are the best sweet aromatic apples, Grannie Smiths are the best if you want to bake or pucker up, etc)
Almost on par with an A, still delicious but not best-in-class or potentially just a worse value
Solid, will definitely eat them if they're all that's available, but probably some consistency issues or just not a great apple
Mediocre, either very inconsistent or just bland
A bad apple that I would most likely throw away before finishing

>> No.16885351

I hate designer apples. Everyone in this thread mentioning sweetango and honeycrisp should unironically kill themselves.

>> No.16885375
File: 417 KB, 1880x1252, fuji-apples-03-940x626@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Golden Delicious and Fuji are way more consistent than Gala.

At worst, the less red the more bland a fuji is likely to be. Where as you have to pray that a gala isn't mealy.

>> No.16885389


>> No.16885396

All apples on the market today are designer apples, tranny. You think there's wild apples out there that are granny smith, etc?

>> No.16885453
File: 3.66 MB, 2523x2523, Apfel-Pinova.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That anon probably meant basic bitch grocery store apples like Red Delicious, Granny Smith, and Pink Lady.

Where as you may have to hunt down some cultivars like Opal, Kanzi, and Pinova/Piñata.

>> No.16885460


>> No.16885471

Granny Smith and McIntosh were both chance seedlings just off the top of my head. Grafts and designer apples aren't the same thing, retard.

>> No.16885474

Oh , I can live with that , thanks .

>> No.16885479

Do you retards actually distinguish apple species? This has to be some sort of elaborate cope.
Apples are red or green and sometimes they suck when u get them but sometimes they're good, like melons.

>> No.16885520
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>> No.16885534

red/gold """delicious""" are a fucking plague. every apple I can get at the store has their shit dna in them except for mcintosh which I can only get when they're actually in season and granny smith which are too sour to eat raw. do people actually like this garbage or are they literal tastelets who buy food baed on general shape?

>> No.16885540
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Whatever kind they use in this

>> No.16885561

Ciders are usually a blend of different varieties in my experience.
Have you noticed that off-season McIntosh apples are usually actually different apples just labelled as McIntosh? I don't remember this happening until the past few years.

>> No.16885569

Prohibition is entirely traceable to women. They got the vote and the first thing they did is ban liquor

>> No.16885591
File: 129 KB, 912x382, 1601004559618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, this was because drunk men were beating women and children. If only these women could have had submissive trad azn husbands instead.

>> No.16885757

There's nothing wrong with Delicious parentage. Opals are half Golden Delicious but you'd never know it just from eating them.

>> No.16885813
File: 132 KB, 800x850, honeycrisp-apple-malus-domestica-ftimg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else find honeycrisp a little too acid-y?

I remember late last summer they were 99¢/lb at my store and I bought a shit ton. The consistency is great, but the flavor is a little too bright.

>> No.16885819

Gummi frog

>> No.16885841

Honeycrisps aren't the most consistent in my experience. Sometimes they're both sweet and tart, sometimes they're just like sugar water, other times they're sour. The only consistent part is the crispness; even the size ranges from small to basically melon-size.

>> No.16886511

>drunk men were beating women and children
More Quaker lies. Those were isolated incidents were women talked back or didn't listen

>> No.16886576

What does he mean about having any moonshine stories?

>> No.16886646

I got wasted once on moonshine and ran over a cyclist. I never told nobody

>> No.16886656
File: 35 KB, 396x398, IMG_20211025_141147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat variety

>> No.16886674

He looks like a questgiver in a starting zone

>> No.16886676
File: 83 KB, 640x480, CE505682-42FD-49DD-95B6-0CE39DD7E83C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a cider on the west coast made from cosmic apples. 8% and is just the right amount of tart, dryness and sweet. It’s perfect.

>pic related, bout to crack this bitch wide open

>> No.16886741

Lol anon drunk men still beat their wives and children.

>> No.16886801

Seems like a waste for such an expensive variety of apple, I can't imagine it would carry through the fermentation process better than a well-considered mix of tart and sweet apples. How much did those run you?

>> No.16886917

10$ for a 6er. But at 8% you really only need like 1-2 unless you’re looking to get hammered. Most of the other brands that aren’t angry orchard run about the same. If you see a case, try it out.