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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 95 KB, 738x900, worried-housewife-spoiled-food-displeased-young-soup-home-kitchen-70448826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16877368 No.16877368 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Cooking myths that need to die.
>you need to sauté the ingredients for a soup

>> No.16877388

enjoy your characterless soup

>> No.16877392

ITT: People who need to stop shitposting.

>> No.16877441

There is no food that can't be boiled and eaten safely. All other forms of cooking are purely hedonistic indulgences. If you own a frying pan or oven, you're essentially an atheist.

>> No.16877466

Imo onions taste better in soups and fonds when sweated. Leek or chives work much better raw.

>> No.16877480

>Guinness needs to settle half way through the pour.
Fuck off potato memers

>> No.16877483


agree about the onions.

As to the op, there's definitely a difference whether you just drop ingredients in boiling water, or whether you sauté or sweat or fry them beforehand.

>> No.16877503

when you sweat down mirepoix in some light olive oil, it infuses the oil with the sought-after aromatics and permeates the entire dish

>> No.16877562

thats a from tap thing so you dont overfill and spill
if you are just pouring from a can/bottle then its a big meme

>> No.16877568

lmao faggot

>> No.16877583

Well that depends on the soup, doesn't it? No one believes that is some universal rule for all soup.

>> No.16877922

Salt too of course.

>> No.16877947

>don't rinse off your chicken it spreads germs
no it doesn't.

>> No.16878395

>"sear the steak bro to seal the juices in"

>> No.16878403

It absolutely does retard. Where are you rinsing it off at? Think for 2 seconds.

>> No.16878409

Learn to greentext newfag.

>> No.16878425

>the stall is the collagen breaking down
>low and slow is the only way

>> No.16878450

lol, lmao

>> No.16878532

You don't have to, but it will definitely enhance the flavor. You should bake them instead if you're working with potatoes, pumpkin, etc. It adds another flavor profile to a cream soup.

>> No.16878544

Just butter a pan, fry the bread. Boom, buttered toast.

>> No.16878550

>you need to brown ground beef for stuff like tacos or pasta sauce

im not sure it does anything for flavor, but it for sure drys it out. I just cook out the pink and dont let it fry. An alternative would be to brown a small portion.

>> No.16878554

is that really a problem, though?

>start the ingredients in a dry pot
>saute them and then just add water or stock

>> No.16878560


>> No.16878572

Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.16878574

you eat unseasoned tacos?

>> No.16878577

what do you mean?

>> No.16878846

no it doesn't you gob stuffing retard. you cannot prove otherwise.

>> No.16878893

CDC said otherwise, so fuck off shitskin

>> No.16878894

>t. slep through bio 101

>> No.16878909

The same CDC who are saying the vaccines are safe?

>> No.16878913

CDC says racism is a public health issue.

>> No.16878919

When Trump started shilling the fax was when he lost my support.

>> No.16878924

who exactly has your support

>> No.16878934

What? Even before when he moved the US embassy in Israel?
It should of been obvious (((who))) was controlling him.

>> No.16878942

None of them now.
I’m politically homeless.

>> No.16878953

Trump! There's legal buttsex in Botswana now and he made it happen. I can finally rest.

>> No.16878965

It’s all a fucking shit show now.
Hopefully Kamala won’t be too bad, say what you want about her at least she ain’t Hilary.

>> No.16878969

making cuts that are parallel to the cutting boards when dicing onions is a fucking idiot’s errand…onions are naturally sliced radially so there is no reason to make those extra cuts, and doing so outs you as a smoothbrain who failed trigonometry
you see pro chefs do this constantly but it’s only because someone told them to do it, so they tell their underlings to do it too
right up there with “put oil in pasta water” or “add a cork when cooking octopus”

>> No.16878974

>orange man bad
Grow up, Brandon.shn8x

>> No.16878978

for clarity, /ourgirl shows you:


>> No.16879008

and if you don’t trust female chefs, this guy shows you proper technique as well:


be better, /ck

>> No.16879152

Yeah soups shouldn't take more than 1 pot to make

>> No.16879309

She's a real hotty, but I've never had trouble with the "dreaded" parallel cut so I don't see the point.

>> No.16879343

Guess you sear your steak to seal in the juices

>> No.16879349

it’s not about “trouble”…I can cut a parallel cut n my sleep; it’s utterly useless AND makes uneven dice, so glhf trying to work in a kitchen with standards

>> No.16879373

olive oil in

>> No.16879408

just a bit more

>> No.16879414

>If you own a frying pan or oven, you're essentially an atheist.

pretty based.

>> No.16879485

I'm white, like your confederate flag.
also believing anything the CDC says or using it as a referance. gigglinggirls.jpg

>> No.16879906

Are you retarded?

>> No.16879946

I've wondered about this before but figured that there must be something I was missing. Guess not.

>> No.16879971
File: 287 KB, 1066x799, korean boiled pork belly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everything needs to be deeply browned because maillard reaction

Don't get me wrong, deeply browned food does taste great but not every dish needs to have that flavor. There are plenty of dishes that I think work better with little to no browning on the meat and veg. Even boiled meat can be great in the right circumstances.

>> No.16879994

my girlfriend makes that same face when someone is doing her in the ass

>> No.16880044

Holy based

>> No.16880048

>t. retarded

>> No.16880063
File: 47 KB, 500x375, raw chicken in the sink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you should wash your chicken

>> No.16880092

I'd like to report this post for ANTI-SEMITISM!!!

>> No.16880133

>not you
Jeez. We didn't need to know you're a genuine cuck.

>> No.16880134

Same. Definitely one of the does it cause was told croud here. Unfortunately, I'll probably continue to

>> No.16880175

Let's assume it doesn't spread germs. Why would you rinse off your chicken?

>> No.16880237

to get the germs off

>> No.16880242

where do the germs go

>> No.16880244

isnt that the point of cooking?

>> No.16880245

op is american

>> No.16880249

So where do the germs go? All down the sink drain? no water ends up anywhere else at all?

>> No.16880280

>All the chicken washers ITT

It's funny that admitting you wash meat is basically admitting that you're black.

>> No.16880307

Certainly there won't be any salmonella left in the sink. Just pat your chicken dry retards. You're going to have to after you soap it up anyway.

>> No.16880322

This post physically hurt me

>> No.16880385

That was the entire point. You're welcome.

>> No.16880387

why would you want your soup to taste less good by not sauteing it first?

>> No.16880401

what a jackass. tons of assumptions and a disdain for good cooking methods.

>> No.16880440

boiling food removes most of the nutrients. steaming is by far the better method

>> No.16880523

to get the slime off.
then pat dry.
then add unctuous oils and spices.
there aren't any germs of any consequence if there were why would you eat it? or want it on the bird?

>> No.16880530

no one uses soap.

>> No.16880560

Why does your chicken have slime on it?

>> No.16880568

You do not need to salt pasta water, it does nothing

>> No.16880576

Don't know, same reason pork does?

>> No.16880582

i think he just means the fascia, or maybe the meat juices that come out in vacuum sealed or frozen chicken

>> No.16880610

Wrong, roasting over a fire is the way god intended food to be eaten. All others are as a result of the technology of heathens.

>> No.16880638

>dies of avoidable phytohaemagglutinin poisoning

>> No.16880700

anon... >>16880280

>> No.16880702

>I just cook out the pink

You're eating steamed meat.

>> No.16880716

fuck off hans

>> No.16880761

That guy obviously doesn't normally wash it at all and was just trying to satisfy somebody else's demand in that instance

>> No.16880873

>seasons shrimp
>cooks it with shell on
>removing shell takes off 80% of the seasoning, just a thin mohawk strip of seasoning left
>Say the shell adds flavor
Do what you will shrimp and marina, but if you're putting Cajun on it shuck it beforehand man.

>> No.16880912

you're supposed to lick the shell to season your mouth, not the shrimp

>> No.16880922

>Steak has blood in it.


>> No.16881001
File: 19 KB, 910x878, green-frog-character-illustration-png-clip-art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cooking is hard

>> No.16881386

Isn't the red stuff myoglobin? The blood is hemoglobin.

>> No.16881464

Based post for a cringe thread

>> No.16881638

I cut my hand trying to do parallel cuts once. I rarely do them anymore. When I do, I cut the root end off to create a stable base and then rotate the onion. I've never had trouble with the onion staying together long enough to finish the dice.