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File: 110 KB, 397x498, yuengling lady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16870421 No.16870421 [Reply] [Original]

it's true!

>> No.16870459
File: 4 KB, 299x168, Z(34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>every day is painful
>can hardly use a walker anymore
>one day a truck arrives at your house
>they say i've won a truckful of shitty beer
>proceed to unload 500lb of beer into my kitchen
>can't move a single case after they leave because of muscle degeneration
>can't make food anymore due to the massive pile of 30 racks
Thanks guys

>> No.16870473

So it's assisted suicide but fun

>> No.16870474

If she only drinks one beer a day, what are they gonna do with the rest of her beer, no way she has that many days left

>> No.16870475

Her great grandson's frat will appreciate this

>> No.16870500

beer kills brain cells and causes oral cancer.

>> No.16870504

Have you considered not being a miserable pessimist?

>> No.16870515

If you drink a 12 pack every day maybe.

>> No.16870520

So does intimacy with children.

>> No.16870754

He thinks acting like that will get him cool kid points on an anonymous imageboard.

>> No.16870785


>> No.16870839

how long can she keep those before the beers go bad. well it's Yuengling so it can't really go worse but I mean shelf life

>> No.16870847

Not long. But, she will probably start drinking 10 a day now that they're free.

>> No.16870856

>One Beer
What kind of demented freak likes alcohol enough to drink every day but not enough to ever actually get drunk?

>> No.16870859

What do you drink?

>> No.16870870

I think the secret of living long isn’t any magic food or pill but being happy, content, and stress free

>> No.16870877

The problem is that I drink 12 Yuenglings, not 1.

>> No.16870886

Dude an 107-year-old could rip your fucking arm off. Pull that up, Jamie.

>> No.16870893

why is the singular exemplar? the others die or what?

>> No.16870971

I used to like Yuenglings, but some drunk guy at the bar told me they taste like pennies. That's all I can taste now.

>> No.16870982
File: 2.56 MB, 304x640, 1631755679054.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people legitimately getting mad about this blatant joke post

>> No.16871009

Literally everybody who's lived over the age of 100 drinks and smokes. And that's for every race and nationality

>> No.16871015

Maybe she's just tiny

>> No.16871018

Yes because they started when doctors were still taking bribes to pretend it was fine for kids to smoke.

>> No.16871025

Beer is the reason we aren't hunter gatherer tribes anymore.

>> No.16871036

Nicotine is based
Don't fall for the bullshit

>> No.16871047

Cool story except that specifically mentions delivery NOT through smoking.

>> No.16871055
File: 118 KB, 748x489, 1611056847310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when doctors were still taking bribes

>> No.16871061

She looks like a dick

>> No.16871064

> women are the reason we aren't hunter gatherers anymore

>> No.16871070

> Yuengling
> bad

Bro you're trippin. Next you'll tell me Natty Light and Busch are god tier.

>> No.16871071

Also, having good genetics and not being black.

>> No.16871083

If by some bizarre quirk I make it to my hundreds I'm just going to bullshit everyone. Like tell them I take a tab of acid and a fat line of coke everyday or something

>> No.16871340

This, you can just make up whatever. My secret to being this old? When I was 19 I drank a gallon of milk a day for 8 months, set me up for the rest of my life.

>> No.16872864


>> No.16872951

Corona is the mead of Quetzalcotal and the axtec gods. Mayans mixed Corona with sacrifice blood.

>> No.16872956

Why are Brits so fond of drinking?

>> No.16873067

I love me some good ol' beer but I ain't having none of that chink shit, man. I'd rather quit alcohol all together.

>> No.16873084
File: 107 KB, 397x451, 1563741349933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

notice how it says *a* lager a day, as in one (1) beer a day. Don't overdo it kids

>> No.16873094

It's good for you, pops

>> No.16873749

Yuengling isn't that bad desu
Better then Budweiser at least

>> No.16873786

More genetics. There's been people who are alcoholics who have lived a long life, where people doing everything healthy die early. Just a matter of luck. But that doesn't mean you should just doing whatever. Part of a healthy life isn't about just hoping to live longer, but also being able to live. When you're under the misery of something like alcohol or another kind of drug, life isn't too great. Even if Jack LaLanne may have still died to pneumonia, well he was also 96, but he was still working out and doing what he enjoyed till that day.

That's about where they say having alcohol can be beneficial to you. I've seen similar "secrets to life" involving alcohol. I think the last one was gin, and I think the person drank one shot a day as well.

>> No.16873863

thank god there's no one this stupid irl

>> No.16873887

>I think the person drank one shot a day as well.
It's routine. Human bodies like routine.
Alcohol is beneficial in small quantities because it's a depressive and calms you down.

>> No.16873980
File: 82 KB, 976x850, 1634465252002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you open an ice cold bottle of beer after a hard day of not drinking and every sip just hit the spot right in a way that they send shivers down your body

>> No.16873989

Based Margaret
Cringe anon, very very sad

>> No.16874032

>It's routine. Human bodies like routine.
So if I drink about 12-14 standard drinks every other day like clockwork I'm good?

>> No.16874091

Most people over 100 are as healthy as 70 year olds, there's a point where most people die off but some can continue living for a pretty long time afterwards.

>> No.16874170

>how long can she keep those before the beers go bad
as long as the beer is not stored somewhere where it gets hot because you cant fit it all in the fridge it will last 2-3 years

>> No.16874206

they just started distributing in my neck of the woods so I picked up a tallboy to give it a try and it was pretty mediocre.

>> No.16874212

haha w-who would do that. haha. not me

>> No.16874375

Yuengling isn't shitty beer

>> No.16874396

>truckload of beer for millions worth of marketing

ffs just leave her alone you filthy kikes.

>> No.16874407

>it's not just pissy macrobrew, it's REGIONALLY-LIMITED pissy macrobrew!

>> No.16874408

>>every other day

>> No.16874488

I have the sense to wake up with a hangover and say "ah hell i can't keep doing this to myself" which doesn't fade until at least the next day
Wait until you find out how people act about Rainier

>> No.16874494

Same reason Russians drink, because the alternative is being there sober.

>> No.16874502

Still taking bribes, just for different shit. Smoking is down, hillbilly heroin is up.

>> No.16874537

> 107 years old
> Pounding lagers every day, 30 a day
> Get all my calories from beer
> New hobby is pissing 50 times an hour
> Partying directly into the grave
> Leave a pickled corpse that requires no embalming

Seems awesome.

>> No.16874559


>> No.16874580

Whoa, something that helps you get rid of stress is good for you, who knew?!

One of the few legal joys left in this country, even though they are taxing it to hell now.

>> No.16875419

She's 107. Back in her day doctors were recommending daily servings of beer, ale and stout for it's marvellous health benefits. Some of them got into the habit of treating it like a supplement to their health I imagine.

>> No.16875484

ngl she looks incredibly good for 107. Would have guessed like 90.

>> No.16875537

seems to have worked if she made it to 107.

>> No.16875765

Yuengling chads...

>> No.16875878
File: 62 KB, 572x582, rehost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beer prolongs life
Jesus I'm going to live to be a thousand bros I never asked for this

>> No.16876460

liquor dramatically shortens it so you should be good

>> No.16876987

Jokes are funny. Edgy incels aren't.

>> No.16877233
File: 111 KB, 1019x529, Screenshot_20211023-024329_Clover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't take nicotine as an alternative to caffeine. You will quickly turn into a fiend and you will go into full on heroin withdrawal mode when you stop. I fell for this meme 2 years ago and was taking oral nicotine lozenges and it quickly got to the point where I couldn't go 30 minutes without one. Just drink black coffee.

>> No.16877245


>> No.16877251


>> No.16877292

>I used to like Yuenglings, but some drunk guy at the bar told me they taste like pennies.

Glad i'm not the only one who thinks this. They used to be good but that shit tastes like liquid change.

>> No.16877325

To the contrary.
The OP proves that beer extends life, so if just one lager a day can get her to 107 it is logical to conclude that she could have been a thousand years old by now if she had been drinking harder.

>> No.16877356


>> No.16877377

Okay than tell a funny joke

>> No.16877627

>that post is edgy now
christ you zoomers are sheltered..

>> No.16877819

shut up nigger

>> No.16878466

am i the only one who would tap that dusty muffin???

>> No.16878478

just so you can check that >100 box?

>> No.16878483

yes and because she looks like 80 tops.
I wonder how far her labia hang down