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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 31 KB, 600x400, german cuisine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16863779 No.16863779 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16863805

As if every bordering country wouldn't have the same recipe for pea soup but slightly change the cured meat they throw in. You should've picked at least another example.

>> No.16863816
File: 88 KB, 768x768, Semmelknoedel-7-square.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still remember eating Semmelknoedel in Salzburg. It was just this dinky food stall where the lady running it literally just took one of them, plopped it onto a paper plate and microwaved it. To this day it was one of the most delicious things I had ever eaten, I still have no idea how it tasted so fucking good. I ended up buying like six of those fuckers. Was in Austria obviously but Semmelknoedel is German I think.

>> No.16863822

Why is OP such a fag?

>> No.16863832

Das deutsche Essen an das ich mich erinnern kann, als ich als Kind in Stuttgart aufwuchs

>rohes Schweinehack
>eingelegter Hering mit Zwiebeln
>Krapfen mit Senffüllung
>das eine Mal: Saumagen

Amerikaner haben keine Ahnung wie schlimm es wirklich ist. Niemand in Deutschland weiß was zum Teufel Schnitzel oder Bratkartoffeln sind. Deutsches Essen ist widerlich. Wirklich die schlimmsten Teile des Tieres das man essen kann. Macht Sinn, da Krauts die Rasse Mensch ist die am ehesten an Tiere rankommt. Sie machen ekelhafte Geräusche wenn sie essen, schlürfen alles, Männer auf den Straßen stülpen ihre Unterhemden über ihre verschwitzten Bäuche während sie lachen und mit vollem Mund kauen. Ich meine was für ein Idiot hat entschieden dass Mettigel eine gute Speise für Geburtstage ist. Briten die Toast-Sandwich essen ernähren sich besser als der Durchschnittsdeutsche.

>> No.16863833
File: 57 KB, 750x499, milbenkase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germans be like
>mmm ja zis cheese is sehr good but what if we added fleas and mites to it?

>> No.16863839

ja ja mein herr schnitzel hitler gut

>> No.16863848

the nr 1 worst thing germany has ever done

>> No.16863849

by far

>> No.16863850

erbsensuppe mit würstchen ist krass gut du kanacke

>> No.16863909

This, so much this.

>> No.16864048

Is this copypasta lmao. My dad made Bratkartoffeln pretty often when we were living in Munich 2bh

>> No.16864052

I've wondered why people with such boring cuisine make the best knives in the world.

>> No.16864056

LOL catshit cheese

>> No.16864061

Kek my mom makes this. I am assuming my 'german?' Grandma is german then and taught her.

Does this conclude I am german?

>> No.16864064

Halt dein Maul du Sohn eines Zigeunerrudels

>> No.16864066

Also bundtcake is great.

>> No.16864068

You're an Amerimutt

>> No.16864131

But but my grandma had a german last name. Also yes I am an amerimutt now.

>> No.16864305

jew ash whit jew shit my favorite

>> No.16864309

it's a spin on the guy remembering chinese food from when he grew up as a kid in Hong Kong

>> No.16864310

German food is good. Swiss is better.

>> No.16864321
File: 90 KB, 2000x1333, 469419674978497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because nigel never figured out proper thingrinding.
the rest is a tiny bit of QC and riding on that former glory

>> No.16864329

looks good

>> No.16864340

Their men are hyper smart their women are hyper dumb. Dumb blonds ya know.
Think about the beer, German beers the shit nigga

>> No.16864357

Because it's about engineering not cooking.

>> No.16864366

They're trying to commit war crimes without the repercussions

>> No.16864858

Jägerschnitzel is good. Kartoffelpfannkuchen are strangely good with applesauce.

>> No.16865213

Its not bad actually
Grow an adult palate OP

>> No.16865221

German faygis sauerkraut because sausage went in dish instead of up rectum.

>> No.16865239

You mean Apfelmuß?
Yeah, ok...but instead of the Apfelmuß try them with smoked salmon and a fresh horseraddish+sour cream and dill sauce.

>> No.16865242

Sickly british hands typed this post

>> No.16865747

No one actually eats that or has even heard about it

>> No.16865786

Reheating bread products in a microwave is an old trick. I use all the time for biscuits.

>> No.16865789

>Niemand in Deutschland weiß was zum Teufel Schnitzel oder Bratkartoffeln sind
U wot? Anyway, you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded.

>> No.16865800


>> No.16865810

Because like most central European food it's all war time filler slop.

Europe was a warring shit hole for majority of it's life after the fall of the Roman empire, and even before then it was nomadic in nature so it was pure 'survival' food, cured this and that, pickled and fermented.
Only the coastal or outer regions were exempt because of their location to water and ports.

There's a reason why culinary arts developed mainly in Lyon France, it was out of the way.

>> No.16865817
File: 507 KB, 1600x1067, praga_gdzie_jesc_5000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no colonies to import spices from

>> No.16865825

>There's a reason why culinary arts developed mainly in Lyon France, it was out of the way.
What the fuck? Lyon is pretty central inside the continent. By that logic austrian cuisine shouldn't be as good as it is.

>> No.16865835
File: 776 KB, 1687x1126, Fotolia_58142444_M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not.

>not liking pinkelwurst

>> No.16865841

And still mace, nutmeg, coriander, cardamom, allspice and ginger are used heavily in sausages.

>> No.16865857

>Why is German cuisine so bad?
I bet that tastes delicious and not at all grossly overspiced

>> No.16865868

France it's protected by mountains ... and has direct access to the med.
Austria is smack dead in the middle of 'central' europe.

>> No.16865874

Lyon France*

>> No.16865890

>France is protected by mountains
>unlike Austria, which is the second flattest country right after Switzerland

>> No.16865915
File: 63 KB, 800x581, 0F5E2098-4951-48CF-A3C9-2E36BAA70CBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’ve never had crispy pork knuckle have you? Try it and then tell me about German food

>> No.16865924


Jews stole semolina dumplings and called them matzo balls.

>> No.16865933


>> No.16865942

ebenso brudi, ist die hölle

>> No.16865984

Forgot the Lyon part ... Lyon is protected by Swiss mountains.

>> No.16866017

>Lyon is protected by Swiss mountains.
So? Didn't prevent the romans from steamrolling anything south of the alps and west of the rhine.

>> No.16866039

dumb, wrong, crassly fucking retarded take. It's even worse than the muh peasants and the muh spices faggots

>> No.16866052

>hurrr if caraway, juniper and mustard are spices, how come they're not in popeye's spicy chicken sandwich? checkmate whitoids

real enlightening take there

>> No.16866237
File: 413 KB, 800x782, bri'ish ''cuisine''.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> says the anglo

>> No.16866270

They're an artless people, fundamentally anhedonic by nature. When nutrition blocks are perfected and you can get a tasteless block instead of having to eat, they'll be at the forefront. Until then, this is what they do in place of it.

>> No.16866280

You sorta believed that, but then touched it up a little so you could tell yourself you were trolling if someone made you feel bad about it.

>> No.16866284

no, I'm sure it's 10x better than some grossly overspiced slop on rice

>> No.16866285

>meanwhile, americans drink soy