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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16862945 No.16862945[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>office pizza party
>go up for seconds 9 times
>tried going up for 10th time
>someone says I think you’ve had enough pizza
>everyone whispers and laughs when I walk by now
Fuck pizza parties why have a pizza party if you’re going to let people eat as much pizza as they want

>> No.16862968

>someone says I think you’ve had enough pizza
why would you let that stop you

>> No.16862986 [DELETED] 

They wouldn’t let me get another one
It’s not like I left anyone with pizza they was surely enough pizza to go around twofold it’s better someone’s eating it then just throwing it away afterwards

>> No.16862989

A pizza is 8 slices, OP had 9, he hate more than an entire pizza

>> No.16862996

Because they wouldn’t let me get another slice
It’s not like I left anyone without pizza there was enough pizza there to feed everyone there two times over
It’s fucking bullshit

>> No.16863043

>feed everyone two times over
>went up for 'za 10 additional times after the first
Both obese and dense, thank you for staying scientifically consistent OP.

>> No.16863054

>office pizza party
enjoy getting scammed out of your wages and legally mandated break for $1.50 cents in bread and cheese anon

fuck the pizza party, i am still taking my hour away from the office even if you motherfuckers offer me cheesy bread

>> No.16863066

How are you content with being such a fatass? I used to be obese but dropped the weight after highschool. The idea of eating even four slices of pizza disgusts me. You have no idea what you're missing out on not only health wise, but feeling wise by not being a tub of lard.

>> No.16863069

fuck that guys car up bro pour some wild shit in his gas tank

>> No.16863088

I only weigh 260 pounds

>> No.16863089 [DELETED] 

no I think this is the kind of thing a 6' tall 145lb man does

>> No.16863091

typically people want some left over so they can grab a slice later or on their way out of work, or maybe there will be a few slices in the fridge come monday. not everyone wants to gobble all the food down immediatly as it hits the table, i am very guilty of this and alwys have to hold back.

sure most people dont want to take the last slice but theyre happy to take the 2nd , 3rd , 4th or fifth last couple slices but your fat ass ate all those.

>> No.16863093


>> No.16863097
File: 112 KB, 694x761, fatty2by4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16863099

that's silly. the only reason to save pizza is if another shift is coming in. and even then it's just a halfhearted nice gesture as most people won't eat the cold pizza.

>> No.16863103

Depending how tall you are and how much muscle you have, there is a very real possibility that like myself in the past, you are deluded and only think that you are only "chubby" but in reality are a fat fuck.

>> No.16863107


>> No.16863108

so you're 6'6"?

>> No.16863113

This makes me laugh hard every time. Nigga ate nearly 4 feet of a 6 foot sandwich and feels the need to ask if he's the asshole

>> No.16863118
File: 2.77 MB, 1228x2402, Screen Shot 2021-10-19 at 10.47.02 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's 6'3"
pic related

>> No.16863122

my homeless coworkers wouldve been happy to take some of that pizza back to their car after work

>> No.16863126

Nice tits

>> No.16863131

ah he doesn't realize he's a fat fuck then

>> No.16863137

imagine being blessed with height and letting yourself look like that
I would still let him pick me up in a big bear hug, obviously

>> No.16863145

I'm a fat fuck like that but I work manual labor so the definition is a little more there, Never had a problem pulling a girl. Can confirm height is the only thing that matters ever

>> No.16863194 [DELETED] 

ok so if you're 6'3'" 260lb man with some muscles, what kind of person in your office has the gall to tell you when to stop eating or laugh at you about it?? 10 slices of pizza is basically no food if you are an active person

sorry, everyone else in the thread, I'm 5'3" 120lb and I need 8 slices of pizza at least, more if I'm drinking at a party. granted people are usually just surprised if they see me eat that much, but I feel like a large man should easily get 2/3 of a pizza before anyone even notices and 2.5 pizzas before anyone stops you

>> No.16863225

>not immediately stacking at least 6 additional slices on your plate
You were already well outside what’s socially acceptable so you should have owned it.

>> No.16863226
File: 1.40 MB, 1125x1124, 4FFBE62A-C633-4593-940F-9670D3119779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>9 times
jesus fucking christ, they were right, you had enough. they were actually looking out for your fucking health and well-being you degenerate gluttonous faggot.

>> No.16863234

It makes me sad I get compared to people like this when I’m a goddamn cripple and can’t do cardio anymore

>> No.16863237

>fat guy eats a lot of food
>Skinny/fit guy eats a lot of food

Be based

>> No.16863283

i can't even handle more than 2 slices and im 250lbs maybe you should take a look at yourself

>> No.16863318

jokes on you I slice my pizza into three slices

>> No.16863328

I'm just confused why you let them stop you. was the person bigger than you or something? you should have just laughed and said "I'm a growing boy" as you pat your belly and put another slice in your mouth

>> No.16863334
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>mfw fatties can a fucking metre of subway sandwich in one sitting
I hate fatties, but I think kicking up a massive stink about people eating food at a party is just daft, particularly if they offer to buy more food to make up for it.

>> No.16863338

You're a disgusting fat fuck and you deserve all the ridicule you get.

>> No.16863357

You never eaten a pizza and a half before retard? You some kind of pussy ass limp wristed faggot or something? Bet I could put you down in one punch

>> No.16863365
File: 402 KB, 1294x1634, 1632265625474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop assuming everyone who eats a lot of food is a landwhale just because you're one. I can eat whatever the fuck in whatever quantities I want, and I only weigh 70kg

>> No.16863378

95% of the time it's some Karen who was expecting to take leftovers home and feed her bratty shitspawn for free. Office parties are for enjoying in the office to boost worker morale, not for hustling take home treats.

>> No.16863387

>You never eaten a pizza and a half before retard?
No, because I'm not a filthy glutton.
>You some kind of pussy ass limp wristed faggot or something?
Bet I could put you down in one punch
You'd have to hit me first, and I guarantee that a mountain of lard like you couldn't.

>> No.16863390

Post body, fatass.

>> No.16863459

>what is a fast metabolism

>> No.16863462

Okay fatass

>> No.16863474

why did this make me burst out laughing

>> No.16863479

>not simply teleporting behind the pizza guardian

>> No.16863521

Cope more fatty

>> No.16863529

Whatever you say, lardass.