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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16860304 No.16860304 [Reply] [Original]

Sharp, behind.

>> No.16860312

8balls start at 11:30

>> No.16860373

I like how at Chipotle they just spam "KNIFE, KNIFE, KNIFE"

>> No.16860790

My wife hates when I do this

>> No.16860793

table 4 coming back, reheat

>> No.16860801

I skipped work today

>> No.16860825

Left Ball, Itchy. Scratching.

>> No.16860834

Nice ass, behind

>> No.16860843
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If i'm 36 and have flat feet, can I ever make it in the restaurant game?

Everybody says anon you should be a cook, but i'm like, lol no i dont want ending succin diccs for cocaine.

>> No.16860870

pp juice, top shelf

>> No.16860883

If you have a passion for cooking, you'll probably just lose it by making it a job/career. I hear cooks say it all the time

I used to have a passion for something, completely lost it even though I no longer work in that industry

>> No.16860914

Too late anon, you're old and busted :/

>> No.16860966

reminds me of when I used to scare my fellow line cooks who run in the kitchen by showing up around the corner with a kitchen knife pointed at them, I'm glad they took it in good jest and not snitch on me to the manager

>> No.16861220

half-chub, your 6

>> No.16861233

Look at me ma! I'm dabbing on the tranny!

>> No.16861235
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>> No.16861244

no, cook for fun and if you want to make money start ur own pop up/truck/supper club eat

in most restaurants you'll likely b working for ppl who do not know what the fuck they're doing, even if the head chef is good they'll constantly be at odds with retard owners who want to put dumb shit on the menu

>> No.16861245

>say behind you >1000 times every day
>boring as fuck
>start saying it in retarded voices to entertain myself and colleagues
>go behind the bar to get beer for batter
>18yo waitress in my way
>she jumps visibly and is creeped the fuck out
bitches will never understand

>> No.16861269

Don't bother, go right a cookbook or something instead.

>> No.16861899

>the new guy who won't say behind and gets burned by shit constantly

>> No.16862201
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>I'm behind you with a knife.

>> No.16862230


>> No.16862487

It fucking sucks. Don't do it, particularly if you value your free time.

>> No.16862507


>> No.16862528

>some dumb fucking roastie almost runs into me and gets pissed that she was too busy texting Chad to hear me screaming at the top of my lungs
I swear to fucking God, one of these days I'm just going to dump the fucking hot grease trap right on her stupid fucking face, then she won't be so fucking pretty fuck.

>> No.16862546
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What percent of BOH staff have been to prison?

>> No.16862552
File: 44 KB, 769x813, 51HxT2N9I-L._AC_SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you still hear the printer running, long after you've come home from a busy night, you just hear tickets printing as you try to force yourself to get enough sleep to open the next day
>Tfw you try to have a nice lunch or dinner at some other restaurant, but instead of peace and conversation you keep hearing their printer going off and keep jerking your head towards it like Pavlov's dog
>Tfw you try to take time off to get away from it all, but even in the depths of the woods in Wisconsin you can hear "ererererer"

>> No.16862557

LOL I hope you are saying that in Tom Delonge's voice because I do that shit all the time.

>> No.16862558

I am the only person who has yet to have gone to prison, in a kitchen staff of 15, but I've been on felony probation and have done time in county before that.

>> No.16863170

I misread manager as manigger
I got a chuckle out of it

>> No.16863195

>that tiny nepalese cook with a ridiculous heat tolerance and indecipherable accent

>> No.16863269
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>> No.16863280

damn i was hoping i wasnt the only retard, i also scream "BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEEP" and it always works. "corner" never works
i also scream "SHARP" in a high pitched voice when i have to

>> No.16863298
File: 506 KB, 2560x1707, Stressed-male-chef-leaning-with-elbows-on-commercial-kitchen-counter-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start enjoying work again
>recently, my grandmother who i havent been close to much at all has had failing health
>go visit her while shes still functional as a human being, get my words in goodbyes and love yous
>havent gone back much because i kind of expect shes not gonna make it
>spend time with friends and coworkers to keep spirits up
>early today grandmother was perfectly fine again
>tonight she is back in icu
>requesting to be taken off support and let go
>still not really feeling much, my shift is at 12 shell be taken off at around 9, hospital is 45 min away, so ill be right on my way to work after seeing her go
>dont feel much, had first ciggie with friends
>would much rather get sleep for work
>going to go but its gonna make my shift harder i think, dont really know
work is my cope i guess lol

>> No.16863557

If you think you'll enjoy working in a kitchen because you "like cooking" then cook a meal at home and don't eat it. Then cook another. Then cook another. Do that for 10 hours. See if you still enjoy it. Also, while you cook, think about how there are endless other jobs that pay more and where you're not confined to a kitchen doing the same thing over and over.

>> No.16863572

faggot get off your phone and wash the dishes. and use the scrubber.

>> No.16863574

I don't work in a kitchen and never have. I'm smart enough to have avoided making that mistake.

>> No.16863575
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Sadly this.
I'm one of the outliers that still cook for fun outside of work. But 90% of my boh bros don't/ avoid cooking at home because of burn out.

I'm sorry about your grandma anon. But it's not unheard of to bury yourself at work. My sous did that when his mother passed. I know it's damn hard to get time off since we're getting into the holidays but try the get some time off for yourself and to be with family.

>> No.16863589

I feel deep sorrow for those who work in fast food and are subjugated to the beep beeps of every piece of equipment. Thank god when I worked at Taco Bell in high school our manager was a chad and didn’t make us use them and instead would check the times himself and allow the food champions to work on our time management skills.

>> No.16863597

chopping veg can be fun though

>> No.16863601


No mammmmes weeeey Buenayyyy

>> No.16863664
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>you're in a small kitchen with tight-knit, competent team
>dinner service is quiet and focused, mostly only boss speaking when busy - minimal noise
>hire new guy, says he worked in Michelin and fine dining
>kitchen has one corner to dishpit/prep, he was carrying chicken
>new guy approaches walk-in, everyone is on the line except him

>> No.16863685
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behind cute waitress with plates of spaghetti
>"hot behind"
>give her a wink
>she slaps me
>spill spaghetti on shirt
>everyone calls me spaghetti shirt
>fired for sexual harassment

>> No.16863687

God I hate the kitchen. I keep telling myself I'll learn a trade soon and get out of this shithole.

>> No.16863708

I remember working at a pretty decent restaurant when I was 18 it was my first job and the guy pretty much abused me to the point of having a crippling panic attack where I collapsed on the floor. Unfortunately I am now unbelievably autistic when I cook and must make close to everything from scratch and If I do something even a lil bit wrong I'll get infuriated and it'll ruin my week. I'm guessing this isn't too uncommon.

>> No.16863710

man I get this but with driving scrapers. I got abused for months by a boss at work, in the pub and at home. 24 hours a day I would be watched and 14-18 of those I would work. if I have a hose blow it doesn't matter if I'm on a site where carrying tools as an operator is instant dismissal, I have an intense urge to get out and fix it before I'm shouted at. the next job I had after that I used to hallucinate his car when I was tired

>> No.16863862

>letting some retarded faggot yell at you
didnt 4chan teach you anything

>> No.16863864
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I'm still really early into being a line cook, but it's been the most enjoyable and rewarding job I've ever had. I'm sure I'll get burnt out one day but for now it's comfy life

>> No.16863866

I make more in a week now than you do in a month lol all because some guy yelled at me. being unable to take temporary inconvenience for long term gain is why your life is where it is

>> No.16863868

that's nice, sweetie

>> No.16863954

"you got here later today"
"my - my shift starts in 45 minutes"
"we need you early

>> No.16864043
File: 251 KB, 1170x1170, 1634468518266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>food champions
Is this THE most retarded and insulting name for employees, or are there worse ones?