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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 35 KB, 1000x667, Pressure-Cooker-Gefilte-Fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16858708 No.16858708[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any good dishes? It all looks pretty disgusting...

>> No.16858710
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>> No.16858711


>> No.16858712

it's all stolen from their respective host cultures.

Your favorite "Jewish dish" is really a German, Polish, Scandinavian, Lebanese, Greek, Turkish or Palestinian dish.

>> No.16858714
File: 1.48 MB, 2390x1620, Food_in_Israel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this isn't Jewish food, It's Arab cuisine

>> No.16858719
File: 380 KB, 1200x900, Gastronomie_juive_en_Égypte_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, this is actual Jewish food

>> No.16858740

Slavic Jewish pogrom tier cuisine is better than Israeli Jewish food

>> No.16858741

If it's specifically kosher it's Jewish food. Stuff like bagels with lox and sour cream in NYC exists there because of Jews there.

>> No.16858802

>bagels with lox and sour cream in NYC exists there because of Jews
bagels with salmon and sour cream exist because of Scandinavia or Poland.

>> No.16858835

Challah bread is the best

>> No.16858844

Looks like a cough drop on top of liver patte

>> No.16858850

What's the block of wood?

>> No.16858868

carrot ontop of a fish pate basically

>> No.16858876

Rememberance for the suffering of my Uncle Lenny who got injected with wood splinters to death in three camps.

>> No.16858879

Gefilte fish is great, at least the homemade ones my aunt makes, served with grated horseradish. I also like chopped liver with pickles but that's an aquired taste.
Everything I ate in Tel Aviv was great, they have a good sense of quality and don't serve mediocre slop like in most touristy cities.
All the NYC jew food is good too, bagels with lox, corned beef, latkes, pastrami on rye etc.
Only dish I've tried and not really liked is matzo ball soup which is just bland.
Horseradish I think, it's the plate of symbolic food for pesach. Symbolizes the bitterness of being a slave in egypt or something.

>> No.16858883

>? It all looks pretty disgusting...
that's because it's made with real goyim

>> No.16858897

We created bagels, pretzels, brisket, pastrami, falafel, hummus, aubergine casserole, stuffed vine leaves. The list goes on. We're the highest tier of all the cuisines in our region of the world and America.

>> No.16858901 [DELETED] 

literally NONE of the dishes you listed are actually jewish or were created by jews.

Parasitic thieves.

>> No.16858902


Also forgot to say classic Jewish penicillin or chicken soup is god tier. No one else makes it's as good, especially with matzah balls.

>> No.16858905

Cope and seethe, antisemite. It's the other way around the people we allowed live in our society stole our cuisine and passed it off as their own. Look at how when we migrate to USA or UK, we bring our better food and culture, enrich a place and make it better for everyone.

>> No.16858906

It's Jewish cuisine, deal with it goy

>> No.16858928 [DELETED] 

>oy vey, antisemite! Goy!
you guys just hate being called out on your constant lies, tricks and bullshit, don't you? You can give me names all you want, but I'll name you: Jews.

>> No.16858938

seethe more, cattle.

>> No.16858951

How do you eat it?

>> No.16858953

blintzes though

>> No.16858957


lmao keep crying culture less pig. You have no heritage or anything to be proud of so you try bully us because made whatever shithole nation you're from much better. You won't even accept that Jewish foods are Jewish

>> No.16858962

Should be a root, probably. Chrain. It's bitter.

>> No.16858990

I thought the NYC area preferred cream cheese to sour cream? That’s what shifted it from European to American.
A lot of Jews also exist in Poland. It’s actually home to (formerly) the world’s largest Jewish population.

>> No.16858991

Thanks to the retards good luck finding anything out about actual Jewish food kek.

>> No.16859015
File: 5 KB, 110x120, B266E2B8-234B-466B-97DD-1DDF85CAA255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16859016

We will destroy you.

>> No.16859023


>> No.16859025

You're right, I mistyped sour cream and meant cream cheese.

>> No.16859030

Nazis fuck off you will never take my bagels

>> No.16859045

You can keep your stale doughnuts

>> No.16859181

Good luck destroying me from within the oven.

>> No.16859222

lmao j*ws created none of that. Fucking liar

>> No.16859227 [DELETED] 

>watch as he is taken aback when named. As if to say, "I have been found out." Watch as he slithers back into the depths from which he came.

>> No.16859249
File: 157 KB, 275x255, 1404204074620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are what you eat.

>> No.16859254

>falafel, hummus, stuffed vine leaves, pretzels
Fuck off lmao, literally all of that is stolen. I have literally never had half-decent Jewish falafel

>> No.16859268

>The tradition in the UK of fish battered and fried in oil came from Western Sephardic Jewish immigrants from Holland.[4][2][5][6] Originating in Spain and Portugal and settling in England as early as the 16th century, they would have prepared fried fish in a manner similar to pescado frito, which is coated in flour then fried in oil.[6] Fish fried for Shabbat for dinner on Friday evenings could be eaten cold the following afternoon for shalosh seudot, palatable this way as liquid vegetable oil was used rather than a hard fat, such as butter.[6][7] Charles Dickens mentions "fried fish warehouses" in Oliver Twist (1838),[2] and in 1845 Alexis Soyer in his first edition of A Shilling Cookery for the People, gives a recipe for "Fried fish, Jewish fashion", which is dipped in a batter mix of flour and water before frying.[8]

>> No.16859290

Chill out schizo incel

>> No.16859293

And I'm glad the oven was made to put you lying fucks shoulder to shoulder in at 500 degrees

>> No.16859302
File: 91 KB, 645x770, 1634319328425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're just 500 shitposts away from the ethnostate my fellow stormtards. keep it up!!

>> No.16859304

idk who the other guy is so stfu schizo

>> No.16859306

>caught in his bullshit

>> No.16859307

Hey you jew fuck, yes, you. Go kill yourself you roach.

>> No.16859313

>Anglos stole fish and chips from Jews
>had never heard of tea before the Chinese gave it to them
>ripped off chicken tikka masala from Hindus
Do they have any decent homegrown cuisine? I doubt it.

>> No.16859343 [DELETED] 

Clockwise from the top:
>a piece of stick
>an egg
>goy meat
>cat food
>bay leaves

>> No.16859355

this is a religious ceremonial dinner moron, its passover and each of those represents some dumb sand faggot's trials and tribulations

>> No.16859356


lmao fucking buttblasted mad Krauts and Arabs. We absolutely destroyed you in war and easily do the same in cuisine. You all would have British tier cuisine were it not what you stole from us and pass off as your own. Typical angry polcels.

>> No.16859361

wallahi bro you stole all that

>> No.16859368
File: 133 KB, 900x500, IMG_5856b-900x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kugel is delicious as are latkes but thats something you could probably find in most cuisines

>> No.16859430
File: 35 KB, 636x636, 1613229305992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm retarded
jew food is often garbage, not the cooking or style, but the quality of ingredients. while kosher does weed out a lot of the goyim poison, many jews stuff heaps of it down their mouth regardless due to religious observance. IT's called the israel affect. Despite hating whites more than any other race, jews seem to also hate their own bodies greatly, consuming the worst unhealthy fats and having some of the worst health problems despite their relative lack of obesity.

It is more than possible to make based versions of most jewish dishes. Primarily cutting out the dietary restrictions or actually ponying up the real cash to cook everything in bird fat. It's honestly unbelievable to me that the kosher law of tallow and kidney fat has survived the ages without massive kick back at the moment of its inception. It no doubt lead to much of jewish difficulty in getting proper nutrition. If you do not give a shit about kosher laws, you can cook most things in butter or even bacon grease. Milk works particularly great in matza dishes, and cream cheese and sour cream can be added to more slavic themed jewish dishes.

out of all of their food stuffs, between the garbage mayonnaise, the neat but gross canned fish, Matza is by far and away their most based product. It's 100% unleavened wheat, which makes it one of the most sturdy food stuffs, not libel to go rancid easily like oily crackers, and most oily crackers like saltines no longer contain animal fats anyway. It is worth ponying up to the yids to get these crackers, whatever their cost. you cant buy a better piece of crisp bread, although wasa comes mildly close. This kind of product is perfect for repackaging for prepping.

Probably the thing that blows my mind the most though is the prohibition against shellfish in the torah and talmud. I think given their region of the world this contributes greatly to their lack of culinary appeal.

>> No.16859433

Is this an anti-Jew or anti-Gentile sentiment?

>> No.16859442

>we created brisket
your god is disappoint.

>> No.16859453

The more you eat, the more you discover that different foods are variations of similar ideas except with whatever grows in that area.

>> No.16859455 [DELETED] 

I implore you all to listen to the audiobook of David Duke's My Awakening.

>> No.16859457
File: 41 KB, 590x575, E3jRsUqVgAICIQ1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the sad thing is this is what retards at ADL believe we think like. to them, they are heroes for pissing into this ocean of piss. The entire world is a joke my man, your own people largely cannibalize' themselves way faster than I personally have to worry about it. you think you get the best products but you slather everything in vegetable oil because schmaltz is too expensive these days or, god forbid, takes too much effort to make. you may as well salt your food with cadmium

>> No.16859466 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up kike

>> No.16859469
File: 2.19 MB, 600x338, I AM THE SMILE THAT IS APRRROOOOAAAAACHIING.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares, posters like that are the best because they don't fucking care, and are willing to dunk on themselves and the goys
Latkes is one of the main things I have never been able to make taste good. is it one of those things where fresh is better? I personally avoided using fresh potato because it seemed like the less moisture the better, much like hashbrowns.

>> No.16859484
File: 45 KB, 500x500, white-granite-dust-powder-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jewish food Is delicious.