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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 79 KB, 720x960, cheesecake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16849338 No.16849338 [Reply] [Original]

I would appreciate if you guys shared some cheesecakes recipes, I'm not a fan of ones that need eggs or a lot of gelatin, but I'm willing to try any recipes.
Here's the one I use:
For the filling I use equal parts (190g-227g) cream cheese and mascarpone cheese, a cup of whipping cream, 2/3 cup of sugar and a lemon.
First I mix the cream cheese and sugar until smooth and kind of fluffy, then I beat the whipping cream until it doubles in size and SLOWLY add the mascarpone cheese, after that you could fold both mixtures manually or just use the same mixer on the lowest speed if you don't care about losing a bit of volume. At this point I add a bit of lemon juice and zest.
I really like the texture and flavor mascarpone gives to the cheesecake, but it's really expensive here where I live, can I replace it with something else?

>> No.16849409

Do half the amounts in this recipe and buy pre-made crust instead of making your own:


>> No.16849453

You're either going to have to use eggs to make a custard for a baked cheesecake. Or geletin to make a cold version. Otherwise it's just straight sweet cream cheese.

>> No.16849479

what's wrong with sweet cream cheese?

>> No.16849486

Not a thing. It's just not cheesecake.

>> No.16849523

I've never tried a pumpkin cheesecake or anything with pumpkin really, it's really uncommon here, thanks I will give it a try!

How would I go about replacing the mascarpone with eggs? Wouldn't I also have to give up the whipping cream? Not that I'm against it, just wondering how to make it work. And as for the gelatin, I did try it but it ended up tasting really sweet and left a really weird after taste, likely due to the whipping cream it just stuck to the roof of my mouth (likely due to me fucking up the ratios of whipping cream-gelatin)

>> No.16849562

Why do you hate eggs

>> No.16849631
File: 21 KB, 472x317, egg cheesecake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing really, it's just that I avoid baking things since my oven is kind of weird, some sections of it don't heat/cook things at the same rate as others

>> No.16849703

Do you mitigate the issue by properly pre-heating your oven and rotating your baked items? If you use a water dish to add steam to the oven, that would also probably help with temperature irregularities.

>> No.16849710

Use Chef John's cheesecake recipe. He's the gold standard when it comes to video recipes. This one's only 5 minutes long.


>> No.16849720 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 860x866, 296-2965658_wojak-girl-soy-soy-wojak-female-hd-png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Use Chef John's cheesecake recipe. He's the gold standard when it comes to video recipes.

>> No.16849735

You have to realize when he started making videos the average video recipe on Youtube was 30 minutes with like 20 minutes of filler with no editing

>> No.16849738

I do, even bought a thermometer to regulate the temperature properly, I usually have to rotate my baked goods 3 times for them to cook properly and that usually results in things deflating or me being clumsy and poking them

>no argument
What's wrong with him or his recipes

>> No.16849745 [DELETED] 
File: 264 KB, 640x730, 7a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have to realize when he started making videos the average video recipe on Youtube was 30 minutes with like 20 minutes of filler with no editing

>> No.16849753

An old chef's trick is to place the dish in a water bath to regulate the temperature evenly but I'm not sure that would work with a cheesecake in a spring-form pan

>> No.16849757

That's pretty dire then. I'd buy a toaster oven at that point, just to have something useable

>> No.16849762

Probably depends on your pan, but I think it should be possible since they have to hold batter anyway.

>> No.16849764

popular bad

>> No.16849795
File: 22 KB, 528x373, guava cheesecake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am using springform pans, I mean I have poured really liquid fillings and had no leaks so it should also work the other way around, right?
Any good brands I should look for? I don't know much about ovens

I wish I knew how to take better pictures

>> No.16849833

Might as well give it a shot. Also you might have a shitty oven door so try not to open and close it too much

>> No.16849862

I don't have one, but they're a lot cheaper than replacing your whole stove if that's not an option or just too much trouble. They can be kind of nice too for toasting bread or bagels with cheese or other toppings you want to get melty.

Since this is a recipe sharing thread, I've made this recipe a few times and it's really nice how fast and easy it is. The taste and texture is great if you like dense and rich cheesecakes. It doesn't call for a crust but I've tried making it with a normal graham cracker one and it came out great. It had a more classic taste profile.

>> No.16849915
File: 40 KB, 531x397, coconut ck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, that makes sense, I always thought the kitchen got WAY too hot when using the oven

Thanks for sharing!

Also, another cheesecake I made for a friend, she really likes coconut so I added a bit of extract to the filling, a bit of chocolate to the top of the crust and roasted some coconut for the topping and held it together with melted chocolate, really good and had an interesting flavor