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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 101 KB, 1333x1000, Riesling-wine-tasting-WineFolly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16849403 No.16849403 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone have any recommendations for a good intro wine? I'm big into Belgian Trappist ales around 8-10% to give an idea of my palette. I'm looking for something fairly dry too.

>> No.16849406

Boon’s Farm strawberry

>> No.16849449

Try a moscato

>> No.16849487

Teenage girls drink that. No thanks.
I think I can start off with something a little more sophisticated.

>> No.16849493

MD 20/20

>> No.16849499

I like Duckhorn.

>> No.16849513

Start paring wine with foods you eat ...
I don't want to sound like a pretentious asshole but if you aren't a casual wine drinker now you won't really 'get into it' all of a sudden.

The best way to get into it is to do some research about which wines go with what types of meals or foods, and you'll find which wines you like over time.

>> No.16849522
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>> No.16849528

Chatting shit about food. Alcohol is for getting drunk.
As a newbie to wine, I would recommend a Chenin Blanc. It's a dry white and not floral or too fruity.

>> No.16849532

Is this wine australian?

>> No.16849541

>Alcohol is for getting drunk
Maybe >>16849493 is more your speed then.

>> No.16849543

You need over 9000 years of training to be able to drink this particular alcobooze

>> No.16849553

You have to be careful buying Riesling. They come in sweet versions too. I've only ever seen German Rieslings. But no doubt some other country will make them too.

>> No.16849570

Nonsense. Decide if you want sweet, medium or dry. By a couple of different bottles every week and taste. Eventually you will find one you really like.

>> No.16849572

I was talking about the petrol flavour profile.

>> No.16849573


>> No.16849581
File: 45 KB, 604x453, goon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who here /goon/?

>> No.16849582

NZ sauvignon blanc, tastes like lemonade

>> No.16849602

That looks like something up my alley. $100 bucks a bottle though. Fuck me.

>> No.16849604

It's called a palate.

Is not wrong. Italian wines are optimal price/quality, provided you do a bit of digging - Piemontese, Veneto and Tuscan wines are almost always too expensive.

-Pinot Grigio is overrated. Cheap bottles are great if you're having heavy drinkers over.

Umbria, Friuli and Emilia-Romagna, Trentino, Puglia and Molise have charming, simple wines for entry-level prices.

Riesling is suffering a lot from climate change.

If you're in the US look at Oregon or Canadian wines.

Larousse wine encyclopedia is terribly France-centered, but the little advice they give about other countries is really worth it.

>> No.16849614

Soave is a nice Italian wine. Have you tried that?

>> No.16849632

I think I remember Gewurztraminer being dry.

>> No.16849639

You will like Gewürztraminer, that’s all I can be sure of from the info you provided.

>> No.16849646

Hivemind has spoken

>> No.16849654

I buttchug my wine

>> No.16849656
File: 41 KB, 500x500, confused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Primary flavours

>> No.16849779

If you want something dry with lighter flavors look into meursault, France. They have some really great dry Chardonnay’s. You might also enjoy Reisling from Wachau. Do some research on food that pairs well with whatever wines you choose and enjoy.

>> No.16849799

Just drink beer. Wine is never worth it unless you want to impress faggots with your 'good taste'.

>> No.16849818

When you go to the pub, do you ask what food Bud or Coors goes with? Stop being pretentious. Not everybody only drinks wine with a meal. Taste is subjective. Trial and error is the only way to find a decent wine you like.

>> No.16849827

I love impressing faggots with my great taste. That’s exactly why I drink wine. To impress a man who takes loads in his asshole. Yes sir. I uncorked that first bottle and I couldn’t help but feel a tingle of glee as I realized that the two dudes who are currently sharing giardia and ass worms were about to be completely in awe of my advanced palate.

>> No.16849831

Why are people who like wines such snobs? I apologize for not remembering if it was sweet or dry. I hope you get cucked when the immigrants take over your country. We should’ve gave Russia all of your country not just half.

>> No.16849840

When I go to a pub and order a beer, I’m not talking about wine. When someone asks me about wine, I talk about wine. If you really want to talk about bud light google a nascar forum

>> No.16849861

And just to add to how retarded your point actually is. Wine actually does pie with food. Red wine has something called tannins which are phenolic compounds that bind to proteins. That’s why people eat cheese with wine, because it makes the experience better. Why are you even on a thread about wine when you don’t know fkn anything about it lmao

>> No.16849922

So it only applies to wine? Why do "craft" beer producers go on about floral and caramel, etc. notes in their beer, and goes well with blah blah food? What wine goes with fish and chips?

>> No.16849939

get a good loire chenin or explore italian reds
should set you right

>> No.16850032

Buy a boxed wine. just make sure its not something light pink and you'll be fine. wine is trash for drinking but good for cooking.

If you can buy it in your local store its trash no matter its price.

>> No.16850073

>Buy a boxed wine
>If you can buy it in your local store its trash no matter its price
So where do I buy it? An obscure wine from the internet? Go back.

>> No.16850097

I'm saying its all trash so just buy something you would already expect to be trash and don't let a store trick you into buying something with a 20 dollar msrp for 200 dollars because they know you know nothing about alcohol.

You already don't know anything about wine so you don't know:
>what a good wine tastes like
>what a bad wine tastes like
>how to store wine
>how to drink wine
so try various boxed wines so you know when you drink it what wine tastes like and can't fuck it up. boxed wine may not be premier bullshit wine, but there are certainly worse things calling themselves wine and boxed wines are extremely consistent.

>go back
You don't even know what that means

>> No.16850115

Wow. That's trying too hard. Where do I get this boxed wine?

>> No.16850122

how long do wines last in fridge?

>> No.16850128

You can't read can you?

If you can read, read the first sentence of the post you're replying to.

If you did read it you are really too dumb to understand anything about wine and will probably drink corky vinegar thinking its premier quality.

>> No.16850141

Buying a box of wine that contains 3 or 4 bottles in volume only to discover you don't like it after the first sip.
Just buy one bottle. It works out a lot cheaper. Boxed wines are fairly limited too.

>> No.16850147

Opened or unopened?

>> No.16850151

Go back.

>> No.16850157

If you don't like it you can use the rest for cooking.
>inb4 if you don't like the flavor of the wine why would you like it in food
You wouldn't enjoy eating just a handful of fresh coriander thyme or salt either but you appreciate them in food.


>> No.16850173

Where you came from.

>> No.16850174

I like dry red wines like Merlot. They're also great to cook with so you get a two for one deal.

>> No.16850184

What wine goes best with chicken?

>> No.16850209

This reads like fags that claim all beer tastes like shit so you should just get malt liquor. Just because you don't like the taste of wine doesn't mean everyone else hates it.

>> No.16850221
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>> No.16850234

I really don't know why I tried to help you anon. Despite it all hope you don't get scammed by someone.

>the stuff you will get at your local store is trash and they'll overcharge you
>you must hate wine and have bad taste like someone who drinks malt liquor over beer!
I like wine, anon. I have no way of knowing what he can buy locally except the one constant and that is he'll be overcharged extremely easily for something he doesn't know anything about and needs to actually have a foundation to start on.

>> No.16850241


>> No.16850246

I think I'd rather drink cheap Gallo Merlot than boxed wine. Boxed wine isn't terrible but that's more for when you want to get smashed for cheap.

>> No.16850250

>I really don't know why I tried to help you anon. Despite it all hope you don't get scammed by someone.
Go back.

>> No.16850257

Drink the next day, don't leave it any longer, it'll oxidize and taste nasty.

>> No.16850264

so people who cook with wine have to drink multiple bottles a week?

>> No.16850274

Even pro sommelier agree that boxed wine, like bot and a few others are good and beyond that it is extremely consistent.

I doubt your tastes are better than experts in the field.

The benefits, beyond consistency, are a much longer shelf life and price. Like >>16850257 brings up wine oxidization is a huge problem and boxed wine gets around this ingeniously. Which makes it very beneficial for cooking uses or if you're just one person who isn't trying to get drunk and hung over from fucking wine.

>> No.16850284

Wine oxidization is never an issue for me because if I'm buying a bottle of something, I can guarantee that it won't last the night.

>> No.16850290

If you're only putting a tiny bit in the food, you have to ask yourself if it's worth it. Use it for cooking and drink the rest. Why are people so stupid and don't know how to do simple obvious things?

>> No.16850296

Wine hangovers are a special kind of hell at least in my opinion.

>> No.16850300

I guess it's not worth it

>> No.16850303

Where do I get this boxed wine if not in a store? Awaiting advert.

>> No.16850307

I don't buy enough to get hung over. I'm used to drinking vodka, though. 19 Crimes is also decent wine for dirt cheap. I'm not some professional, though. I'm just a drunk that likes alcohol in all its forms.

>> No.16850327

Order a botu box online if your region allows you to order alcohol by mail, otherwise shop around and don't buy it if they're charging more than 20 dollars. if you're only buying wine because you want people to think you know anything then I can't help you because you know nothing.

I've already outlined the pros for someone like you who doesn't know what they're getting into with wine. If you just want to get smashed there are much cheaper ways than wine and I would recommend any of those

>> No.16850333

Even anti-freeze?

>> No.16850349

Nah, just the type of alcohol that won't kill you (immediately at least).

>> No.16850352

What dollars are you talking about? US, Canadian, Australian?
As for wine, I've been drinking it for decades. You?

>> No.16850361

Why do you come off as such a snobby asshole? You act like your tastes are somehow more refined that other people even though tastes tend to be subjective.

>> No.16850379

It's Bota. Grown and made in California. Haven't yet found a decent Cali wine that is palatable.
He's a dumb Yank trying to sell Cali wine.

>> No.16850430

I called it before it happened.

>> No.16850437

Oh you're not OP. Fuck off then retard my recommendation wasn't meant for you. Go back where you have usernames if you're going to do that shit.

Wow anon I forgot the part where I said all wines are shit unless they're from california.
I assumed he was from America because its an american website. If he could get his hands on some Vina Borgia if you want a similarly priced european brand.

>> No.16850439

Imagine going on here to advertise wine when the average age of the user is about 14. Fucking desperate or what?

>> No.16850467

So bloody sad. You posted an advert.
American website that anyone in the world can use? Grow up and get educated.

>> No.16850474


>wine reccomendation thread
>this is something I recommend
You should get yourselves checked for schizophrenia.

>> No.16850511

Advertising a brand that only sells in boxes. Keep going on about boxed wine and mention the brand name.
If you recommend a wine, you recommend Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Riesling, Merlot. You don't recommend/advertise a shitty BRAND that does red and white crap and sell it by the box. Learn marketing skills.

>> No.16850529

I like how you think that all wines in a certain type taste the same and its that easy.

>> No.16850558

They don't. One Chardonnay will taste slightly different from another brand, but similar.
Recommending a brand is blatant advertising.

>> No.16850569

Not him but come on, take it easy man. It's a recommendation thread.

>> No.16850590

Taste is subjective. Recommending a type of wine is fine, recommending a brand is just blatant advertising. I called it out before he did it.

>> No.16850607

You are legitimately schizophrenic. I mentioned multiple competing brands from different continents.

You attempted to set up a gotcha and its silly. There are multiple other people in this thread reccomending specific brands even but for some reason you've decided that above all I am the shill for some reason

>> No.16850627

>I mentioned multiple competing brands from different continents
>There are multiple other people in this thread reccomending specific brands
You're gonna have to try a lot harder than that.

>> No.16850651

I brought up a spanish brand >>16850437

other people bringing up brands
>>16849493 (even though its a joke post)

>> No.16850652

Samefag samefagging

>> No.16850674

Soave is just a word they put on bottles for wines who have no name

>> No.16850693

Portuguese wines are criminally underrated and among the best bang for your buck wines out there.

>> No.16850728

My recommendation is to forget wine and stick to beer. White and rosé wine are crap. Red wine is rarely any good.

>> No.16850742

MD isn't a wine.
As for the others, a single pic. didn't keep mentioning boxed wine for a reason to advertise a brand.
You're sad and bad at marketing. You got found out. Live with it.

>> No.16850753

DOC and DOCG mean nothing to you? If it has no name, why does it have a name?

>> No.16850768

Dumberican detected.

>> No.16850846

>wines who have no name
Sub-standard education.

>> No.16850855
File: 190 KB, 629x1200, carlo-rossi-sangria-4L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is all you need right here

>> No.16850856

>Il primo disciplinare del Soave approvato nel 1968 (DPR 21/8/68 e DPR 22/10/68) ha riconosciuto la Denominazione di Origine Controllata fissando la Garganega tra il 70 ed il 90% ed il Trebbiano di Soave o nostrano tra il 10 ed il 30%. Le fortune commerciali del Soave ed una viticoltura più specializzata emarginarono ancora di più il Trebbiano di Soave che ha una maturazione anticipata rispetto alla Garganega a favore di altri Trebbiani, così nel 1976 (DPR 6/5/76) il disciplinare veniva aggiornato portando la Garganega fino al 100% con la possibilità di usare il Trebbiano Nostrano fino al 30% e quello toscano fino al 15% nell'ambito di questo 30%.

>Con gli anni '80 arrivarono in zona i primi Chardonnay e Pinot Bianco, vitigni interessanti sia per vinificazioni in purezza che in uvaggio con la tradizionale Garganega. Il disciplinare vedeva così un ulteriore aggiornamento nel 1992 (dpr 18/6/92) con l'introduzione nel 30% dei vitigni complementari anche di queste due varietà accanto al trebbiano di Soave.

>Nel 1998 arrivava la Docg per il Recioto di Soave (D.M. 7 maggio 1998), alla quale si affianca nel 2001 la Docg per il Soave Superiore (D.M. 29 ottobre 2001).

>Nel 2002, con il D.M. 6/9/02 viene fissata la garganega per almeno il 70 % e per il rimanente da uve e vitigni Trebbiano di Soave (nostrano), Pinot Bianco e Chardonnay. In tale ambito del 30%, e fino ad un massimo del 5%, possono altresì concorrere le uve provenienti dai vitigni a bacca bianca, non aromatici, autorizzati e raccomandati per la provincia di Verona.

Literally a "DOC/DOCG" that got "upgraded" following the market fluctuations, kek. As I said, not a real wine.

>> No.16850863

>he doesn't know
Stop posting

>> No.16850878

Wine is a huge fucking brand scam. Buy cheap red wine.

>> No.16850888

Oaked chardonnay, shiraz, or pinot noir.

You want the sweetness and acidity to be balanced imo.
Just keep in mind that the opposite of dry is shit, and there is no shit wine.

>> No.16850895

>no those aren't advertising but yours are
>even though you posted different brands

>> No.16850909

You said it didn't have a name. Yet it has a name.
Translate that post verbatim.
Do you actually think ALL vineyards produce wine with just the grapes that they grow? How do they make so many bottles of wine from just the one grape crop? They also add shitty grapes for the liquid content. Thinking otherwise is just stupid. Wine production is all about volumes to sell.

>> No.16850921

Do you even care? If you were going to do something fried and light like white fish a Chardonnay that is aged in oak would be great. But if I was eating fish and chips, I would personally prefer a beer. And I wouldn’t be drinking bud or coors lol if I’m gonna drink a shitty beer I’d rather just drink natty ice. At least it will fuck me up

>> No.16850930

Greentexting as if I said it.
Sad. Fucking sad. Show us the other obvious adverts.

>> No.16850945

When you cook with wine, you can buy the cheapest bottle possible. There are bottles out there for 2-3 dollars usd. Just plan to cook two different meals that require wine within 1-3 days of opening.

>> No.16850958

>show me all the posts that I subjectively think are not adverts although they posted brands they recommend

>> No.16850960

Exactly what I'm saying. Nobody gave me a wine to eat with fish and chips. They're all bullshitters on here when it comes to wine preference.
Rebbit users are thick as shit.

>> No.16850971

Even sadder attempt at trolling. Go back.

>> No.16850977


>> No.16850979

So now I'm not being paid but am actually a troll?

>> No.16850988

Why ask for a specific brand when someone can tell you an entire region that grows the style of wine that would be what you are looking for? There’s so many options when it comes to wine and nobody knows everything. It’s up to you to be specific enough to get the information you are looking for.

>> No.16851000

Where did I say you're getting paid? You may own the company and you're desperate.

>> No.16851001

What do you expect from /ck/
The off-med antishills are rampant in all threads.

>> No.16851003

And on top of that no one here knows your price range. Everyone is telling you exactly what to look for. If you go into your nearest wine shop and tell them, I’d like a great Chardonnay aged in oak under 10/25/50/100

>> No.16851014

They’d have a bunch of options for you. Wine can be great no matter what the price range is. It’s subjective and honestly the only time people should be buying expensive bottles is when it financially makes sense

>> No.16851025

>entire region that grows the style of wine
Grows wine? Wat?
I have said in this thread that the only way to find a decent wine is through tasting, trial and error.

>> No.16851026

Theres even less a chance I would post a competing wine brand like I did if that were the case. Its obvious you have some sort of reasoning skills, you should use them.

This board never ceases to amaze me. The "what fast food item from x restaurant" threads must really piss that guy off

>> No.16851030

Even sadder. Your lack of education is showing.

>> No.16851041

So even if you like a cheaper bottle of wine, it makes sense to buy an expensive one because you've just been paid? American education.

>> No.16851046

I agree with you that ultimately you need to try the wine yourself to know if you actually like it. However, certain climates and regions are better at producing certain types of wine. You can narrow down your search for something specific if you knew these things. It is extremely boring stuff but if you really want to make your choices less of a guess this info helps. If you understood that then you would understand what I am saying as well.

>> No.16851050

You make no sense.

>> No.16851061

No I said use your reasoning skills not do whatever you're doing now

>> No.16851062

Lmao nah. In my perspective, it’s only worth buying an expensive bottle if you have the money to burn. But yes, just to make you feel better let’s pretend I get benefits from the government and spend it all on one bottle of wine each month after I pay back my college education loans, medical debt, and shoot at immigrants.

>> No.16851066

That's all very well, but Cali chardonnay tastes nothing like chardonnay as an example. Soil? Rainfall? Production?

>> No.16851080

You must have a well paid job for all them bullets.

>> No.16851084

>Do you actually think ALL vineyards produce wine with just the grapes that they grow?
And you asked me if "DOC/DOCG" means anything to me? Holy Jesus...
The point is not using one single grape, the point is that the so-called """soave""" changed FOUR time in 40 years. How is that "Controlled and Guaranteed Origin"? Moreover, NO, you can't import grape from another region or province (sometimes even town) and put a "DOC/DOCG" sign on it, that kills completely the notion itself. It's illegal to call it "Focaccia di Recco" if it was not entirely made in Recco, because it's a PAT (Traditional Agricultural-alimentar Product)

>Translate that post verbatim.
I don't know enough English law jargon + I don't care enough to do so.

>> No.16851086

I think you are confusing me for someone else who is recommending California wines. I’ve tried a few different wines from the west coast (Cali, Washington, Oregon) and they are great. Idk why you are hating on them so hard lol

>> No.16851110

So you're talking bollocks and can't be bothered to translate. OK. Dismissed.

>> No.16851141

I haven't found a decent American wine that tastes like the Euro original. That is why I'm questioning the soil, rainfall or production. They grow the same grapes, but American wines don't taste right.
I'm not being anti-American wine. I think it down to soil type and rainfall. If you grow jalapenos and water them too much, they lose their heat. It's a gardening thing.

>> No.16851275

What wines from Europe do you drink

>> No.16851306

Exactly. I Think there is good wine everywhere but you have to try a lot before you find what you like.

OP, get out there, explore, taste, try whatever whenever however. Take notes, and most importantly have fun!

>> No.16851312

The standard dry white wines. I'm not giving brand names if that's what you're after.

>> No.16851341

I've said in this thread, buy it and try it. Your taste is yours alone. People telling you what wine to drink with food is crap.
Still waiting for one of these "wine pros" to tell me what wine to eat with fish and chips.

>> No.16851356

If you saw my comment history you’d see that I just commented two diffeeent regions that make great dry whites. Wachau Austria
Mersault France
Idk what else you want lol

>> No.16851366

I also asked about wine with chicken. No replies. Should tell you all you need to know about this board. Full of teenagers.

>> No.16851393

A sample wouldn't be nice.

>> No.16851420


>> No.16851432
File: 69 KB, 435x600, 1FC83653-F176-4114-879F-63028BE857A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here’s the only thing you’ll need in life.
Your welcome

>> No.16851440

Well now I feel like a dick

>> No.16851444

>tell me what wine to eat with fish and chips.
Can't go wrong with bubbles. Nothing fancy. A nice cava or prosecco.
>I also asked about wine with chicken.
Nobody can answer that because you didn't specify what kind of chicken. Spicy? Something on the sweet side. Savory like coq au vin? Pinot Noir or cru beaujolais. Savory like pot pie? Chardonnay with a kiss of oak.
"What wine pairs with xyz ingredient" doesn't mean shit. Tell me how is xyz prepared, then I can make recommendations. Do you think the same wine pairs with prime rib, bbq beef, Mongolian beef, beef hit dog . . . ?

>> No.16851451

*hot* dog.

>> No.16851455

Rub yourself up and down and see if your brain explodes.

>> No.16851467

>I haven't found a decent American wine that tastes like the Euro original.
Duh. The same clone planted in a different terroir will express itself differently than it's terroir of origin.

>> No.16851476

why is red wine so fucking sour

>> No.16851482

>Can't go wrong with bubbles. Nothing fancy. A nice cava or prosecco.
You didn't even ask what fish. How can you pair a wine with fish when you don't know what the fish tastes like? Wine buffs are bullshitters.

>> No.16851494

That is the point I'm making. But claiming Cali Chardonnay is the same as Euro chardonnay is just wrong. It's like saying tabasco is the same as sriracha.

>> No.16851523

>fish and chips.
Fuck you. Change your natsy ass tampon, you faggot cocksucker.
Exactly. And even in same regions: There's a reason (marketing aside) that DRC goes for 4 - 5 figures, and pinot from the next lot over doesn't.

>> No.16851543

Freixenet's Cordon Negro is the beer of champagnes (I know... I know... it's Spanish, not French). I find drier Cava usually tastes fairly beer-like in general, but this one in particular feels very much like a missing link.

>> No.16851548

You sound like you got found out and read what you're supposed to say from books. Funny that.
Had I said what wine with meat, you would have asked beef, chicken, pork or lamb. Mention fish and all fish are lumped together. Bad wine education.

>> No.16851553

I already told you the gist of it anyway

>> No.16851557
File: 2.75 MB, 2353x3014, 20211017_180802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm this anon. Hitting the bubbles tonight :-)
Yeasty funk on the nose, hell, almost blue cheese. Dried yellow raisins, dried pineapple, dried apricots, balanced, bright acidity, full body. Really good bubbles.

>> No.16851559

Still dismissed.

>> No.16851565

Fish and chips. Not knowing what is.
Retard confirmed.
Off to bed little Timmy. Enough trolling for 1 day.

>> No.16851568

Well why not apply via negativa? What fish wouldn't go well with sparkling wine?

>> No.16851575

Never seen that producer before, are they a grower?

>> No.16851577

It smells of blue cheese? You're mad.

>> No.16851579

You're not used to eating foods/drinking beverages that have a lot of acid in them without a lot of sugar.

>> No.16851588

I've had raicilla that's tasted of blue cheese before, I can't see why wine couldn't.

>> No.16851589

Recommending a wine for fish without asking what fish. Fake. Plastic. Full of shit. Pretentious. Up their own arse.

>> No.16851598

Best wine to mix with cola?

>> No.16851602

That's a shit spirit. I already know you have shit cheese.

>> No.16851604

Cheap Tempranillo or Grenache works well.

>> No.16851605

Fish and chips is made with white fish most of the time. Dry/brut cava goes with just about anything that isn't strong game meat (and even then), where most prosecco's quite sweet, probably a little more suited for haddock than cod. If it's super greasy with thick batter, go drier to cut through it.

Reds will probably overpower your fish, but I think merlot goes well with fried smelts/mackerel.

>> No.16851610

Thanks anon. I probably should have asked if the spanish have a different recipe for cola sold there like the british do too if you happen to know

>> No.16851614

A spicy preparation would go better with a sweet wine.
Oof. Doesn't know what "almost" means. Oof. Hasn't tasted enough gran cru champagne to appreciate the delicious funk that some have.

>> No.16851620

and I know you have shit taste

>> No.16851624

Sparkling wine can be sweet.

>> No.16851633

So ignorant that doesn't know preparation is often more important than the protein. Playing off that you didn't say fish and chips. Fuck off you drunk scouser, thou globby bottle of cheap stinking chip-oil.

>> No.16851635

I make my own. Sometimes I have swordfish, or tuna, or sea bass, or mackerel, or cod or plaice. All taste totally different.
Nobody can just state that only white wine goes with fish. That's like saying coq au vin doesn't exist.

>> No.16851650

Mexican spirit, American cheese? What could possibly be wrong?

>> No.16851657

Wat? Explain what the fuck you're on about.

>> No.16851684

I've never even had an American blue

>> No.16851685

Oh fuck. Special pleading.
Your trolling provided an opportunity for good wine education. Thank you.

>> No.16851688

t. dumbass

>> No.16851699

I don't see any coq au vin, so for all I know, it's stopped existing.

White's tend to be a little milder than reds, and fish tends to be too mild to cut through the aftertaste of a Sangiovese. There are always exceptions - mackerel, trout and shark can hold up to medium reds alright... all the fish you named have a different spectrum of dryness or potency that will work with them, and certain wines are a little more yeasty or fruity - might work great with bass, and be awful with sardines. Cava's got a pretty wide range to it, and even the dry ones have some sweetness that certain foods will accentuate and others will hide.

so yeah, tl;dr white wines tend to go better with fish than reds. Reds tend to overpower fish. Lighter tasting wines tend to go better with lighter tasting food.

>> No.16851727

An underrated varietal for food pairing, like cru beaujolais, and many Spanish and Portuguese wines.
Protip: Good stoner/drunk pairing- a fuller bodied sangiovese and oreos.

>> No.16851734

man you gotta lay off the weed

>> No.16851743

I don't know. I've never heard of it either, and I didn't ask the wine shop guy. I asked him to point me to something yeasty. He got that right. It's delicious. If yeasty funk is your thing, I recommend it.

>> No.16851748

Surprised the shit outta me too. Don't knock it 'til you've tried it ;-)

>> No.16851784

Who mentioned "blue"?

>> No.16851797


>> No.16851805

... No, he used the right one, Sanjay. Read the whole sentence.

>> No.16851825

James did

>> No.16851854

Is that American or French blue cheese?

>> No.16851868

what the fuck are you talking about dude, no one was snobby. gewurztraminer is my favorite wine and it fits what the OP wants. high abv belgian trappist ale is my favorite beer too. probably some other wines op would enjoy too but I think that one is a safe bet.
god damn, chill.

>> No.16851877

Maybe it just tends to be sweeter here, but I've never had a gewurtztraminer that reminded me of a tripel. It's still usually really enjoyable wine - something that I can't think of any reason to dislike, unless you hate enjoyable things.

>> No.16851928
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richfag here
hit me with your dumbest wine questions and I will answer without being a dick

>> No.16851936

Is expensive wine easier to buttchug?

>> No.16851946

No, if anything it's more difficult because the bottles are thicker, heavier, and of a higher quality, so you have to work your pucker open with more effort

>> No.16852486
File: 58 KB, 1080x1080, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beginner wine drinker: Riesling
>intermediate wine drinker: Malbec
>advanced wine drinker: Riesling

It's hard work being a Riesling chad, but someone's gotta do it

>> No.16852533

As a huge beer geek fag with a preference for Belgian beer, I personally like Tokaji. For cheap stuff I absolutely adore Moldavian red wines. And I love any and all port wines but they're sweet as fuck.

>> No.16853832

There's a lot of truth to your post. A lot if my wine snob friends love riesling.

>> No.16853869
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>beer geek

>> No.16854953

What are the best deals for cheap wine so I can afford to drink daily on a budget?

>> No.16855123

For me it's whatever dry wine costing 5 eur or less

>> No.16856187

t. Napa Cabernet drinker

>> No.16856199

Riesling is supposed to be great to start with, but I'm not sure how many people actually start with Riesling.

>> No.16856204

Based, I used to drink this on the bus

>> No.16857158

>Piemontese, Veneto and Tuscan wines are almost always too expensive
Maybe if you stick to Barolo/Brunello/Amarone then sure, but all 3 regions have value picks especially Piedmont with varietals like Barbera, Roero Arneis and Cortese and then even Nebbiolo from Gattinara and Northern Piedmont are really good for the money.
Also Tuscan Vernacchia is insanely underrated.

>> No.16857175

>>intermediate wine drinker: Sangiovese

>> No.16857310
File: 269 KB, 1626x1362, Wine Connect Chateau dYquem 2005 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chateau d'Yquem