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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 651 KB, 2776x2776, Remini20211006002453864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16846809 No.16846809 [Reply] [Original]

>What was the best thing you ate this week?
>What was the worst thing you ate this week?

>> No.16846827

I was wandering around town and a native that was missing most of his teeth offered me some of his pre mixed 2 liter whiskey coke. I didn't turn him down but immediately felt sick.

>> No.16846836

is thats a man

>> No.16846838

Must have been the coke.

>> No.16846840

this is one of the few pictures on 4chan that i didnt think was unreasonable to immediately assume was a man

>> No.16846848

Prolly. I prefer diet coke

>> No.16846852

thats a woman

>> No.16846918

Best thing: sesame beef, broccoli, and rice.
Worst thing: fried fish sandwich and fries (which was still tasty, but not exactly fine dining).

>> No.16846988

id eat her pussy all week long, if you catch my drift

>> No.16847088

I'm not sure I understand

>> No.16847093


>> No.16847095

I had a Sonoran Hot Dog. It was great.

I didn't have anything particularly gross this week. I guess just a bowl of green peas. Not bad, not super exciting though.

>> No.16847121

Is that some kind of food? How do you make it?

>> No.16847142

Best- Yesterday I made a quesadilla dipped in some nice mustard. It hit the fatty, salty, acidic craving I was looking for.
Worst- can't think of anything. maybe an apple that had evidence of bugs in the core. turned my stomach a bit.

>> No.16847202
File: 634 KB, 2048x1362, IMGP2281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best thing I are this week was definitely my first attempt at seafood newburg. holy fuck was that good

worst thing was a these gross little hot dog bites they sell at the bakery when I needed a quick lunch.

>> No.16847388

beef short rib with broccoli and pepper on rice
sausages with scrambled eggs and rice

>> No.16847742

Alentejana for best

Worst thing
If i was a betting man id say the stuffung i whipped up for the sake of eating stuffing i think i put too much butter or something it gave serious stomach cramps
Could barely sleep

>> No.16847751
File: 21 KB, 257x358, WDWxv4f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, but are you sure it's not pic related?

>> No.16847752

I can be sure
That either brendon frasier or noah antwiler

>> No.16847768
File: 488 KB, 1440x1440, F0A4D596-FCFF-48F9-A27F-003786CE85B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

threw too much lettuce and too much pickled stuff onto a sandwhich with a still moist bun and the top bun got super soggy and the taste was a clusterfuck of left over spreads i could not distinguish but the 'icey' taste off too much lettuce was definitly present.
best thing this week would be this gorgonzola and fried pepper on dumpster pizza ... actually best thing i ate was a slice of that half calzone little ceasers pizza

>> No.16847777

She passes so well

>> No.16847780


>> No.16847804

Literally Google reverse img search...

>> No.16847808

I can't, the fucking browser took away that option and is forcing google lens, which can't find SHIT.

>> No.16847827
File: 390 KB, 1220x2464, Screenshot_20211017-084738_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can still disable lens and bring back google image search on mobile

Search online

>> No.16847983


>> No.16848251

what was in the quesadilla

>> No.16848270

just cheddar

>> No.16848310

Remember when reverse image search could find the source of literally everything and then around 2016 it suddenly got completely retarded and now it never finds anything?

>> No.16848326

Imagine actively eating bad food. Best was the pork roast with amazing crackling last night, worst was the chilli garlic noodles that I wasn't impressed with but my wife wants me to cook again

>> No.16848329

>What was the best thing you ate this week?
. lidl "italian" tiramisu
. french fries with 'chup and mayo
. french fries "turkish" style with the shawarma sauces
>What was the worst thing you ate this week?
probably fish or greens

>> No.16848335

I did shish kebabs with a smoke rub on wednesday night that were really good. Beef, mushroom, bell pepper, red onion and haloumi cheese. Barbecued for about ten minutes until lightly charred. Really nice.

Today I ate a garbage ping curry because I woke up feeling like shit and still felt like shit by dinner time, so to punish myself for not being happier I ate trash. It wasn't good. Onion bhajis were okay I guess.

>> No.16848348

That's probably a woman, not 100% but confident enough that I'd bet on it

t. master tranny clocker who's earned a PhD by studying thousands of hours of tranny porn and countless individuals

>> No.16848350
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i also remember when every result on jewgle wasn't and ad for something too

>> No.16848351

if you use all of the sites saucenao leads to, you'll usually find something. Just click the little triangle next to the post name on 4chan > image search > saucenao

>> No.16848363
File: 3.33 MB, 2342x2224, Screen Shot 2021-10-17 at 7.13.05 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reply hazy
>try again later

>> No.16848387

thank you for your service

>> No.16848811
File: 2.25 MB, 2212x1577, 1634472932433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reverse search
>found 3 more girls that's way cuter


>> No.16849277

>What was the best thing you ate this week?
home made turkey tacos
>What was the worst thing you ate this week?
yesterday for dinner i had a jug of water with a bug in it for dinner.

>> No.16849287

>drink the bug juice, goy

>> No.16849302

>Best thing
Jagerschnitzel with redcabbage and potatoes
>Worst thing
A red "delicious" apple from 711

>> No.16849307

the name was always meant as ironic just fyi

>> No.16849310

Best: veal stew
Worst: I guess sandwiches with mediocre bread

>> No.16849343

Reverse search those three girls

>> No.16849386

Idk my hair is like that and people always say I look like a girl

>> No.16849392
File: 2.12 MB, 2006x5166, 9D625FD7-5E5B-49D4-9D5C-925BD3240024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that shit on that slice of pizza?

>> No.16849398

as a tranny bitter about trannys and women it warms my heart to see posts like this, because it both means that trannys are still disliked but also that ugly women will have an even worse time being treated as real thots. Of course theres no cure for semen demons but that's a problem as old as time. Men simply do not have the strength to no way fag them.

>> No.16849805


>> No.16849875

Someone need to take this screenshot to whoever controls the mods and show them how bad the jannies are fucking up our board

>> No.16849896

The hairline is the oddest part but it's entirely in the realm of possibility for a biological female to have a hairline like that, but the bigger giveaways are the body structure (weak rounded shoulders that angle down, contours of the chest look more like natural female breasts than tranny hormonetits), and the facial structure/features are kinda androgynous but leaning more female in my opinion

Again, I am not confident enough to assert 100%, but I would put money down that she's biologically female

>> No.16849973

fried egg
spaghetti squash
2 whoppers

>> No.16849989

yandex reverse search, my man

>> No.16850012

What's your opinion on Taylor Swift? Bill and Melinda Gates? Britney Spears? Barrack and Michelle Obama? Thank you.

>> No.16850068

Taylor Swift looks like a tranny that transitioned at an early age. Melinda gates straight up looks like a man and so does Michelle Obama.

>> No.16850180

all trannies

>> No.16850189

best: homemade pizza with pepperoni, garlic, onion, mushroom and proscuitto
worst: basic bitch ham and cheese sandwich with mustard. also had cucumber slices cause I prefer that to lettuce. not bad, but very very meh

>> No.16850195

Bread and cheese.

Also bread and cheese.

I'm very poor

>> No.16850198

best thing: mcdonal

worst thing: tacoo bell

>> No.16850220

You will never be a woman

>> No.16850225

No problem, I've got you:

>> No.16851524

is this some meme where people pretend to not recognize AI-generated images or something?

>> No.16851535

Best thing?
Some shit I got somewhere, I can't remember what it was really. Had shrimp I know. Felt like I was gonna throw up afterward, but that was probably from eating too much.
Worst thing?
Linguini and shit canned sauce.

>> No.16851547

I thought she was really pretty and now it's obvious it's AI generated. I'm gonna just kms

>> No.16851554

same but i still find her pretty

>> No.16851595

For me it's (0,3), (3,1) & (5,1) with honorable mention to (6,1).

>> No.16852049

>bday supper. artic char with roast potatoes, pumpkin cheesecake. nice restaurant
>fried rice in a pita. ghetto food at home

>> No.16852403

Lol at that girl being ugly

Die in a fire tranny