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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 743 KB, 743x1056, Sprinkles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16845664 No.16845664[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

US sprinkles status: BANNED!

>> No.16845693

Another example of UK retardation.

>> No.16845729

So this Brit literally rustled some jimmies?

>> No.16845747

fuck America

>> No.16845748
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I can no longer use my STRONG VIRILE ALL AMERICAN sprinkles, I have been Compelled by the Queen and the ORDER OF THE BATH to procure and provide INFERIOR ALBIONIC JIMMIES. feted by the detritus of the BRITHONIC stock. (And no consolidation forthwith from the peoples of the Franks nor those of SAXON breed).

Surely I have ben rustled to the point where even a good hardy Cromwellian like I must bend the knee to the (((Norman))) confectionary racketeers and reprobates. I might even ask a small blackened somolian émigré to bequeath me some slightly superior colored peoples srinkles from far off Borneo or Cornwall.

>> No.16845753

what? how could they even have got caught? was it someone from the inside?

>> No.16845760
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Hmm, the man in the back has a shifty aura about him....

>> No.16845771

I looked it up, and while the ban is arguably silly this guy's rant is pure lunacy. From believing his product is absolutely ruined without sprinkles of this particular shade of red to lamenting that he will now be unable to take a one year old daughter (who will not be developing long term memories) to Disneyland to being appalled that this public servant wasted gas to drive over and inform him of the issue.

He also wonders why he can't use this food coloring while it's fine for children to drink ten cans of Coke. Is it fine for children to drink ten cans of Coke?

>> No.16845775

fuck the UK

>> No.16845777

>needing a loicence for fucking sprinkles
what the fuck is wrong with Brits? why do you hate freedom so much?

>> No.16845790

yo dis nigga talkin gay

>> No.16845797

From a legal standpoint, yes. Childhood diabetes is caused by an excess of great parenting, not by something as petty as corn syrup.

>> No.16845804

>American food can literally have lead in it and shit
>Oh nooo the heckin' sprinklerinos!!!!

This is why you literally die ten years earlier than Yuros lel

>> No.16845809


>> No.16845820
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What the HELL did they say about our sprinkles..?

>> No.16846096

Hey dipshit, the "banned" coloring is allowed for cherries in the UK. This is literally why the UK is a massive pile of shit.

>> No.16846129

I thought brexit was going to cure all this bureaucratic nonsense .

>> No.16846149

People who eat beef made of horse don't get to be snobby about food quality.

>> No.16846154

brexit was about stopping the 30+% wage suppression of free movement

>> No.16846160

That was an EU problem. If it wasn't for the Brits getting suspicious, they'd still be eating horse-beef all throughout the continent.

>> No.16846172

>to whoever reported us..
>sad little life
So that narrows it down to American-obsessed /ck/ posters.
Which one of you “do Americans really” types did it?

>> No.16846196

it was me
i really cant stand the facebook bollocks these retarded shitty "entrepeneurs" inevitably resort to drum up custom
i found out about the sprinkles from some anon here and left a tip with trading standards, fuck this guy

>> No.16846210

Based. If a baked good has sprinkles on it, it's kiddy junk food. His best selling item having sprinkles as an essential ingredient tells me all I need to know about his "bakery" photography station.

>> No.16846213
File: 24 KB, 720x405, https___s3-images.ladbible.com_s3_content_e88298f75f19b598b2eba0c336611f9c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a sad little life is a Come Dine With Me reference lel

A TV show where four or five normal Brits take turns to host a dinner party each for a week, then rate each other for a small cash prize. Can be very funny at times


>> No.16846229

just look at him the twat
oh boo hoo i cant take my 8 month old daughter to fucking disneyland like its going to matter

>> No.16846230

man I used to binge that show always loved it

>> No.16846231

How fucking stupid you are if you are now getting manipulated with that shit after getting manipulated by the right wing media and politicians to vote for Brexit. Fucking idiot. Wake up you naive little fuck.

>> No.16846243

>far off Borneo or Cornwall.
>or cornwall

Okay, that got me good

>> No.16846246
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It's kino

>> No.16846251

?? my weekly pay has gone from ~400 a week after tax to ~700 in the same position since 2016

>> No.16846256

Arguably, this is better than me licking each single wire like a pornstar.

>> No.16846259

Holy shit you're right. First guns, Knives and letter openers but now fucking sprinkles?! Are they on drugs or something?

>> No.16846260

what about the episode with the woman obsessed with the royals. man. love that show. where can I watch it internationally?

>> No.16846273

Basic food standard laws are higher here lad. They use colouring agents that aren't allowed here for chemical reasons

>> No.16846281

On netflix with a UK vpn that supports netflix.

>> No.16846286

yeah torrent it, agreed, will do

>> No.16846396

>Do Br*ts really?

>> No.16846415

Massively underrated

>> No.16846418

UK finally took control again of its borders.

>> No.16846438
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>> No.16846445

Man that fucking Priti Patel is a real piece of work. Much more of a clown than Boris is.

>> No.16846446

Lead ends up in EU food too, retard.

>> No.16846449

US FDA doesn't give a shit about its people. Introducing cancer inducing chemicals into the food supply helps those poor pharmaceutical companies.

EU/UK are insanely bigoted for banning this carcinogenic delicacy

>> No.16846475

No, it's a difference in philosophy
"Technically a chemical in this product might cause cancer, but we've divided the safe limit by thousands of parts"
"A chemical in this product causes cancer when injected in large doses into mice. Ban it!"
You're a bunch of crybabies who think sprinkles cause cancer.

>> No.16846490

Not at all. Enjoy lobbyists controlling your state and BLM demonstrations instead of people beating up cops to get what they want every few years lel

>> No.16846504

According to UK food standards, many of our food dyes are not fit for human consumption.

>> No.16846517

What does that even mean? Fuck you.

>> No.16846521

Imagine an American beating up a Police officer like the French and Brits do without getting shot. Enjoy your police state with both main political parties batting for capital

>> No.16846523


>> No.16846539

>Needs a license for fucking sprinkles
>Thinks three unarmed female cops getting a trash can thrown at them is a national past time
How fucking inbred are euros really?

>> No.16846564

>>American food can literally have lead in it and shit
English kebabs can literally have english teenage girls in it and shit
Yet, surprisingly the englisdh gov't isn't in a rush to crack down on that, makes sense though they don't want to be called racist

>> No.16846571

>US FDA doesn't give a shit about its people. Introducing cancer inducing chemicals into the food supply helps those poor pharmaceutical companies.
fuck off antisemite

>> No.16846849

You slut ;p

>> No.16846862
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>> No.16847229

>Introducing cancer inducing chemicals into the food supply helps those poor pharmaceutical companies.
Nice try, faggot. UK allows the banned ingredient, erythrosine, in other foodstuffs (candied or maraschino cherries). Furthermore in order to cause cancer in rats they had to feed them 4% of the rat's entire daily diet in erythrosine alone.

>> No.16847231

>britcuck pretending he doesn't live in a police state as well

>> No.16847339
File: 44 KB, 657x527, d8c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's been well over a decade

>> No.16847348

Sprinkles suck, gummy worms are the Patrician ice cream topping.

>> No.16847370

actually the worst opinion on ck. it might, might work on some fruity (flavor and sexuality wise) icecream, but even then that is 6/10 max. gummy worms on stuff like chocolate or coffee, or vanilla is 3/10 teir. you have to chew to apreciate them, something you are not going to do with the icecream around it, and its colder too so its harder to chew, and even when you do, its a gummy worm. It tastes like shit and blue #3. gummy worms are like the last candies that go out of stock if you go to any convenience store. they barely taste ok by themselves.

>> No.16847385
File: 983 KB, 600x1471, ezgif-7-5a5dddc12d99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this wrong lmao
Seethe while my gummy worms brings all the girls to the yard

>> No.16847395

Does ice cream give you lockjaw? Why can't you chew?

>> No.16847422


>> No.16847440
File: 821 KB, 1022x1432, image6-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat the worms pansyboy

>> No.16847466


>> No.16847476

skip the ice cream just give me the the frozen jelly worms
dank as fuck

>> No.16847487

audibly laughed

>> No.16847513


>> No.16847575

>i got mine, fuck everyone else
YES, give this man an honorary American badge. God save the queen? Lmao fuck that

>> No.16847785

Who are you that you haven't noticed the flood of 'help wanted' signs in cafes restaurants and bars across UK? Especially in London. And they're all paying at least 10 an hour in the south. It would have been 8 before brexit.
If you are really are left wing you would know that a shortage of labour is good for the workers themselves because they are in more demand. Every time you hear the papers warning of labour shortages that is rich people (Capital) worrying they will have to pay their workers more.

>> No.16847991

Oy wot's all dis den?
Sellin' yank jimmies wiffout a loicense are we?

>> No.16848233

>If you are really are left wing you would know
Nah, to be a true left winger you must live in denial.

>> No.16848277

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.16848286

Wouldn’t that be the same issue with kinder surprise eggs in the US?

>> No.16848309

>unable to take a one year old daughter to Disneyland
The man is obiviously a psychopath.
Who the fuck would travel intercontanentally with a fucking baby to spend thousands at a stupid theme park.
I think we can safely disregard anything this man says.

>> No.16848334

you can poke fun at the British all you want, the United States is still a third world country outside of the Thirteen colonies

>> No.16848341

You don't even understand what "third world country" means.

>> No.16848342

I assume there's some unapproved food colouring in them.
He's not wrong about the piece of shit who reported it, though.

>> No.16848367


>> No.16848404
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hahaha good shit

>> No.16848420

>Euro police LITERALLY let brownies rape your women
I'll take the lead

>> No.16848441

It really isn't. plenty of American 'food' is banned in first-world countries.

>> No.16848442

Like what

>> No.16848449

Mountain Dew is the mos famous

>> No.16848452


>> No.16848453

Where is that banned?

>> No.16848454

Europe, Japan, India.
It either used to be banned in Australia or they still use an alternate formula for it.

>> No.16848466

The ingredient they banned it over was removed though

>> No.16848472

Aight boys let's get some facts in here:

>As a result of efforts begun in the 1970s, in 1990 the U.S. FDA had instituted a partial ban on erythrosine, citing research that high doses have been found to cause cancer in rats.[12] A 1990 study concluded that "chronic erythrosine ingestion may promote thyroid tumor formation in rats via chronic stimulation of the thyroid by TSH." with 4% of total daily dietary intake consisting of erythrosine B.[13] A series of toxicology tests combined with a review of other reported studies concluded that erythrosine is non-genotoxic and any increase in tumors is caused by a non-genotoxic mechanism.[14]
>In June 2008, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) petitioned the FDA for a complete ban on erythrosine in the United States,[15] but the FDA has not taken any further action.

>While erythrosine is commonly used in many countries of the world, it is less commonly used in the United States because Allura Red AC (Red #40) is generally used instead. Erythrosine can be used in colored food and ingested drugs in the USA without any restriction; however, its use is banned in cosmetics and external drugs.[16] The lake variant is also banned from use in the United States.

>The European Food Safety Authority (and the UK's Food Standards Agency which still follows its rulings) only allows erythrosine in processed cherries[17] and pet foods.[18][19]

>> No.16848477

>Most likely harmful in regular doses.
>Not heavily used, partially banned in the US. Full ban has been recommended.
>Banned in the EU, except for cocktails cherries and pet food.

>> No.16848478
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>throwing flour and eggs is not funny
Says who

>> No.16848486

Kek well done feller, need more of you lot around these parts

>> No.16848499

Redditors are actually retarded.

>> No.16848503

Sprinkles don't even taste good. They're not as sweet as I was expecting, they're just extra filler for some crunch. Not a big deal, you fatties

>> No.16848509

Jesus Christ the UK is fucked innit?

>> No.16848516
File: 1.08 MB, 320x240, 7f5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ive been giggling to myself for a few minutes now, thanks nigga

>> No.16848525

Despite what you think, Redditors (and Twitterfags by extension) aren't "normal people". These faggots stick out like a sore thumb in public, too. They prefer their little cloistered online bubbles where all dissenting opinions are excised.

>> No.16848529

lol brexit was so the british financial system could be broken again by shorts.

>> No.16848541

>just legalise guns and everyone is safer
>just like the united states which is a crime free haven because everyone is armed with military grade weaponry

>> No.16848562

Coincidentally, the places with the strictest gun laws in the US are also usually the most violent

>> No.16848581

Somewhere in the middle of the tl;dr they discuss licensing systems for weapons like firearms, which exist nations with lower gun crime rates. In fact, the gun homicide rates in the US tends to be on par with those particular countries like Canada when you ignore certain problematic demographics.
Most gun crimes are committed with illegal firearms in the first place, so a licensing system wouldn't likely increase crime in any way.

>> No.16848585

back to /pol/

>> No.16848593

Not really a /pol/ take, it's the truth. Blacks in the US are insanely violent