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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 230 KB, 1200x800, melon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16838402 No.16838402 [Reply] [Original]

I understand vegan food trying to recreate the taste and texture of meat products, but what's the point of stuff that only tries to replicate the look?

>> No.16838404


>> No.16838425

>I understand vegan food trying to recreate the taste and texture of meat products
i dont, the few vegans ive meant dont really want meat if theyre very deep into it, ive only seen them get it as a barbeque item to bring and even then its clear its a novelty thing versus them eating it all the time

>> No.16838442

they put it on instagram and get likes.

>> No.16838460

I think people only do that as a novelty to show other people (like your pic) or because the meat look has an actual function (like burgers being round/black bean patties being round)

>> No.16839109

veganism is a mental disorder there is no rationale for what they do, stop trying to look for one.

>> No.16839123 [DELETED] 

It's artistic memery. Don't think too much about it.

>> No.16839186

Makes sense when you treat veganism as a religion.
Imitating meat is a means to convert people through guilt.
>We have this thing that looks and tastes like meat, why are you still killing animals.

>> No.16839372


>> No.16839392

Why do people make cakes that look like doritos bags or chicken amalgamations that look like carrots? Because it's fun for them to make stuff look like other stuff. You're looking for a philosophical answer to a hedonic question.

>> No.16839402

This. Except that none of it actually tastes anything like meat or is remotely as nutritious as meat and it's basically the worst argument of all time that only tastelet retards would fall for.

>> No.16839425

This. Whenever I see a vegan preaching on the street, I go into the nearest restaurant and ask for a big plate of bacon. Then I smugly eat it next to them, making sure to talk to the hottest vegan chick there and throw in my signature line "come to the dark side... we have bacon". Never fails to get the old hags there riled up and may sometimes end in a little bit of sexy times...

>> No.16839451

It would be appropriate for you to be raised as a pig on a modern farm, you obviously will not empathise without having you balls and tail sliced off with no anaesthetic, your head bashed against concrete if you do not grow fast enough and kept in dark, rotting, cramped conditions where you are often left to cannibalise the bodies of others until you are put in a gas chamber where your eyes and throat are burned and left screaming till you suffocate.

>> No.16839459


stop playing with your food

>> No.16839465

>This fucking vegan retard thinks human beings aren't being raised in a global cattle operation

>> No.16839471
File: 153 KB, 1080x1247, 5a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16839485

oh so you're just mentally ill nvm

>> No.16839487

Yet another psychotic vegan who fantasizes about the torture and death of his fellow humans because he doesn't understand the moral difference between humans and animals and values animals over his own kind. Seek help from a psychiatrist before you hurt yourself or others.

>> No.16839492

Enjoy being harvested first.

>> No.16839500

because vegans secretly crave meat and are butt hurt that they have painted themselves in to a corner.

>> No.16839507
File: 196 KB, 869x1280, 100percentwrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice fan fiction.

>> No.16839511

Portion false flagging shill. There is no moral difference between humans and animals. The humans are all farm animals as it is, but let's pretend the world isn't a farm for your precious feelings and flagering sanity.

Every method of survival, especially veganism, kills unthinkable amounts of animals due to land use, water use, and harvesting processes. That's before the negative health implications of all but tropical vegetable fats.

There is no moral problem with killing to survive because the moment you decide there is, you are already dead or just lying to yourself. The best a human can do is try to grow all of the food they need on their own, but chances are if animals and pests don't try to eat their livelyhood they live somewhere they get the benefit of someone doing that dirty job for them

>> No.16839527

The moral difference between humans and animals is that one is the same as you and the other isn't. It's as simple as that. Humans can build communities and societies together, but we can't do that with pigs and cows. They are lesser and we eat them for sustenance.

>> No.16839530

Why do people think vegans and vegetarians only eat fake meat? The only think I kept in my freezer when I was vegetarian was black bean burgers, but I still love them even now that I'm not diet restricted

>> No.16839551

>I still love them

>> No.16839558
File: 674 KB, 1242x1394, 1634243029796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is super false flagging and shilling. Not only can my inferior animal friends form part of a society with me,but chances are they will form the bedrock of a more equitable and fair society than most of my human peers, even if I eat them. Horses, lambs, cows, and chickens and other client mammals and animals deserve a spot in my community way more than criminals, basic eaters, looters and joggers, and creditors.

>> No.16839569

>what's the point of stuff that only tries to replicate the look?

ask that question to the trannies mate

>> No.16839585

I can't even tell what fucking point you're making, schizo. Is it acceptable to eat animals or not? If humans and animals are morally equivalent, do you support cannibalism? You're all over the fucking place.

>> No.16839588

and though you try to equate animals and humans, and animal would have no second thoughts about killing you for food or trampling/goring you if it sees you as a threat.

>> No.16839598

kill animals
fuck humans

simple enough, if both are equivalent to an "animal" species and a human is at the top then there's no point for cannibalism
that's why you don't relax

>> No.16839605

If you replaced immigrants with monkeys chances are you would have a more successful human & animal society than ever.

>> No.16839607

are you implying that a jogger would have second thoughts about mugging you and killing you over 20 bucks in your wallet?

>> No.16839610

>I'm a huge illiterate npc
Not my problem.
> Noooo your views must be a carbon copy of mine! Nuance doesn't exist
>Animals will kill if you're a threat.
In contrast, humans won't kill you even if you're enslaving, eating, and poisoning them. I think the animals would make better neighbors, don't you?

>> No.16839614

considering your arguments are equal to a pig's load of shit I am not surprised you want to surround yourself with them

>> No.16839615

Nah. Theyre a tasty snack. I throw some salsa and sour cream on top

>> No.16839626

If there is a top to be at and you treat humans differently from other animals then you agree they are not equivalent. You can't say humans are at the top and you treat them differently while also saying humans and all other animals are equivalent. If humans and animals are truly morally equivalent then there should be no problem with cannibalism or bestiality, as those acts can only be considered morally wrong in a system where humans and animals are treated morally different.

There is no nuance in claiming humans and animals are completely morally equivalent. Contradicting yourself by then saying animals can be eaten while humans can't isn't nuance, it's just being a retarded schizo.

>> No.16839630

Pigs are more clean than most humans, including you. Why wouldn't I want them on my slice of the pasture?

>> No.16839636

>Your opinion has no nuance cause I think it's wrong.
Lmaoing at your life, reddit.
>You said humans can't be eaten
Sasuga esl-kun

>> No.16839642

Never said they were morally equivalent.
Both are "animals" and they're the same in that.
I also never said humans & other animals were equal, else the food chain would not even exist.

Talk about being retarded schizos when you're assuming far too much or even presenting retarded arguments yourself and then trying to put them in my mouth.

You do you. Just don't try to be an European goat loving imitator, except with pigs.

>> No.16839650

I asked you if cannibalism is okay and you danced around the subject without answering. You clearly think you're being very deep and philosophical and nuanced, but you're just being a cagey, spacey cunt who can't answer direct questions about his own beliefs without shrouding it in a dozen cryptic layers of contradiction. Like a 15 year old who just discovered philosophy in high school.

>> No.16839658

>Never said they were morally equivalent.
Then what was this:
>There is no moral difference between humans and animals.

>> No.16839660

>I asked you if cannibalism is okay
And? Figure it out on your own retard.
>You clearly think
Nice psychic powers you got there jogger. But what I actually think is youd have to be scientologist tier retarded to not understand natural laws

>> No.16839662

A post that isn't mine.
Keep assuming things. I'm sure it'll get you somewhere.

>> No.16839665

You have to be 18 or older to post here.

>> No.16839668

>Whenever I see a vegan preaching on the street, I go into the nearest restaurant and ask for a big plate of bacon
No you don't. You've never done this, let alone "whenever" you see a vegan preaching on the street.

>> No.16839669

Okay, then don't butt into a conversation on an anonymous imageboard without indicating as such. Not my fault.

>> No.16839670

These kinds of recipes are meant for social functions where carnist extremists would turn the whole thing into an "eat the bugs" persecution conspiracy unless the vegans took pains not to upset them by eating something that doesn't look like a slab of cooked dead animal, you should be grateful that they care about your feelings this much

>> No.16839672

Fuck you faggot.

>> No.16839673

Yes there is no moral difference schlomo.

>> No.16839678

Good thing I'm In my 30s
Circle of life still giving you trouble noseberg?

>> No.16839681

>should be grateful that they care about your feelings this much

When will they starve to death then?

>> No.16839682

>Figure it out on your own retard.
>Nice psychic powers you got there
So should people figure out your beliefs on their own or does drawing conclusions about your beliefs from what you say mean they're trying to be "psychic"?

>> No.16839683

>Noooo don't reply to my post, I'm too much of a social retard to tell anons apart

>> No.16839691

No, people should figure out their own morals on their own, I know that's what triggers you most though, sorry schlomo, this is a speakeasy

>> No.16839694

ow that edge!

>> No.16839696

I was asking what YOU think about cannibalism because I'm trying to understand YOUR beliefs, you fucking asshat. Just more proof that you're a retarded high schooler who can't commit to anything because you think being inconsistent and cagey is somehow deep.

>> No.16839698

Kek, No you aren't nigger, I know what people sound like when they're interested in what I think, you're a kike with an axe to grind. Must suck being this autistic

>> No.16839706

watch out or you're gonna cut yourself

>> No.16839711

You're clearly not interested in having an honest discussion. Probably should have guessed that when you said that considering animals and humans to not be morally equivalent is "false flagging." This is the last reply you get from me, teenage /pol/ troll.

>> No.16839712

stop playing with my balls

>> No.16839714

we're gonna play baseball with them. get ready

>> No.16839715

Then what the point in living if you can't have fun?

>> No.16839716

>You're clearly not interested in having an honest discussion
The (you) cries out in pain as it strikes

>> No.16839719

This is a retarded argument and you know it

>> No.16839723

People who are different are the worst, am I right fellow normal things appreciators?

>> No.16839726

That has nothing to do with morals, it only shows that humans are more valuable to keep alive to another human than most other animals would be

>> No.16839727

I hate idiots and I want them away from me for all fucking eternity.

>> No.16839730

You better kill yourself quick then kikeanon.

>> No.16839733

Address the post not the poster

>> No.16839737

You go first moon boy.

>> No.16839746

I already explained that I'm just fine living with stupid people. Must suck being such a saltbucket.

>> No.16839750

if you dont want to eat meat just eat vegetables, they are fine as is

>> No.16839756

This, carrots are fucking awesome

>> No.16839895

>you need to be vegan to enjoy beans

>> No.16839960

animals dont have moral agency so theres no reason to apply the same ethical treatment to them. all the animals you name are domesticated, so they dont fuck with you literally because they have been selectively bred not to

>> No.16839975

is that fucking watermelon

>> No.16839984

I agree with this as an argument against factory farming. That shit is disgusting and wrong. Im pretty sure factory farmed meat is one of the main reasons we have such a low minimum wage. Way more people would by ethical meat if they could afford it

>> No.16840234

It's like lesbians banging themsleves/eachother with giant rubber cocks. In spite of their protests, they still need and crave dick.

>> No.16840621

The watermelon isnt trying to emulate anything, its just a unique thing that fruits do when carmelized and they scored it like a ham

do they call it something gay like Hamless Ham?

>> No.16840640

Just wondering, why don't vegans fight consolidated (aka factory) farming by promoting small farms and low density slaughter practices? How come its not okay to support a small farm that slaughters their pasture raised hog on site via a gunshot to the skull? Do you really think the only options are to support large farms or no farms at all? Do you think the only people who want to produce food hate animals?


>> No.16840977

they do

>> No.16841203

>t.anally devastated vegan upset his cult has been outed as a cult

>> No.16842286

It's just for fun, really.
Also, it's pretty funny how easily triggered you guys are by vegans.

>> No.16842307

vegans are like lesbians.
if they hate meat so much why are they always trying to make everything look and taste like meat?

>> No.16842327

Hahaha you can try faggot, why should I care about animals if I don't even care about humans? I used to step on rats for fun when I seven years old and put them in my sister's closet as a practical joke.
You vegans talk big but until you actively start rounding people up and putting them in pens, then your words are nothing more than an empty cope.

>> No.16842328

I used to be a strict vegan, but even after loosening up, I realized don't really like non-vegan food anymore. The smell and taste of butter makes me nauseous, and while I do like the sharp notes on things like cheddar, it tends to sit heavy afterwards. Haven't tried eating meat yet though.

>> No.16842541

>animals dont have moral agency

>> No.16842563
File: 134 KB, 1024x683, IMG_2230-1024x683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont like vegans anymore than the rest of you


Here is what they get right
They cook food that is barely ok and never tastes amazing
Why is this a good thing?
Food was never meant to taste so fucking good you cant control yourself
We have gotten way to good at cooking
Food is fuel not entertainment
Vegans are forced into this unwillingly and dont even admit it
They reap the benefits of a non food centered life

>> No.16842720

Speak friend, and enter

>> No.16842729

i mean, why not? every day people try and create new things. i see this sentiment a lot with rightoids who, if they had there way, everything would just exist within a white walled cube, never changing, forever stagnate in perpetuity

>> No.16842744

>politics out of nowhere
consume medication

>> No.16843040
File: 26 KB, 800x534, shrugging-european-woman-wearing-blue-shirt-doubt-doing-shrug-shrugging-european-woman-wearing-blue-shirt-doubt-doing-shrug-123692380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just can't understand veganism, we have the anatomy of a predator; from our forward-set eyes, teeth, the length of our digestive tract as well. The meat industry doesn't do nearly as much harm to the environment as they'd tell you, it inhabits an important part of the agricultural cycle (the vegetables, fungi and fruit they've chosen to exclusively eat) and most livestock has a pretty chill life free from hunger and predators (except chickens, I'll admit they usually get a bum deal)

>> No.16843713

Just don't kill animals if you don't need to dude, lol it is not hard to understand, I don't want to shoot or pay for someone to shoot creatures in the skull that's all.

>> No.16843719

>Don't kill animals if you don't need to!
Non vegans
kek, people will do anything to justify the beliefs they already have, this is why leftism still exists btw.

>> No.16843733

Forward facing eyes is not exclusive to predators. The length of the digestive tract of carnivores is short, ours is long like omnivores and herbivores.
But please, ignore what I said above, because it doesn't matter and this is why: even if we were literal tiger people that ate 100% meat, if we found a way to be healthy without killing animals, it still would be a moral imperative to do so. It is irrelevant, because we can be healthy (and healthier) without it.
No, the meat industry is not good. After each step of the food chain, energy is lost. Feeding animals plants before eating them adds an unnecessary step. The majority of plants produced today go to feed animals, not humans.

>> No.16843749

Intelligence has given us the means to break the natural cycle of death.

Veganism is but one small step towards radical transhumanism. Nature sucks.

>> No.16843753

How did you feel when you learned that vegans were just carb fiends???

>> No.16843782

I see what you did there, fellow nerd

>> No.16843971
File: 99 KB, 512x506, 1632254116358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegans are able to do a lot of sex act with only semi erect penis or even flaccid
Lets see you do that carnists!

>> No.16844435

What did he do ?
i am unable to see it

>> No.16844878
File: 86 KB, 660x400, pest control to protect vegan crops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't want to pay for someone to shoot a creature in the skull is all.


>> No.16844938

How much time to you spend dwelling on these fantasies?

>> No.16844963

>false flagging
do you even know what this means

>> No.16846109

I'm trying to figure out how the fuck it could be seen as pretentious
Are you just an ESL who has no idea what pretentious means

>> No.16846115

Nothing gets past you huh

>> No.16846134

Why don't pigs just form their own societies if they don't like how we treat them?

>> No.16846143

Mental illness

>> No.16846155

I've made the personal choice not to eat meat when I make food for myself as much as possible, for a number of reasons including animal cruelty. It's cheaper and gives me incentives to try other things. It's pretty easy to use fish, legumes, dairy, or occasionally poultry to make good food.

I'm not really interested in spreading this, and while eating out or when I'm a guest somewhere I just eat meat if that's what there is. I don't understand people who have this almost religious devotion to a completely personal choice.

>> No.16846166

I'm not going to praise you just because you're "one of the good vegetarians", because you're not. You're a coward. Vegetarians who don't like meat for ethical reasons are fine, but you're just a castrato.

>> No.16846181

Did you even read my post? I'm not in any way a vegetarian, I'm just trying to eating less meat.

>> No.16846183

Well in that case I'm certainly not going to call you one of the good vegetarians. I don't know why you want me to so much.

>> No.16846221

Why do you think it is important to inform people what you, an anonymous poster, will NOT do. That's fucking stupid attention whoring. You are not adding anything to the conversation so fuck off.

>you are a coward
You are stupid and insecure. I can smell your insecurity with that post. No, it doesn't make you brave to eat more meat. It makes you just fucking stupid to increase your risks of arse cancer and heart disease you stupid childish insecure fuck.

Not the same poster.

>> No.16846241
File: 497 KB, 468x403, Smuggu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Food was never meant to taste so fucking good you cant control yourself
>We have gotten way to good at cooking
>Food is fuel not entertainment
says who

>> No.16846657

This is a smoked watermelon and has fuck all to do with vegans.

>> No.16846705

My favourite dish of all time can easily be made vegan and tastes pretty much the same when done so (mapo tofu). Fuck yourself.

>> No.16847586

most vegans don't actually care about replicating meat, they only want alternatives that are better for the environment. vegans are fine eating whatever they do, and the stuff everyone else hates isn't even marketed to vegans, it's transition food for carnivores

>> No.16847779

Why don't vegans just hunt some invasive species? They get to taste meat like their ancestors did, while saving the environment.

>> No.16848241

Because it looks cool. If you think they are done often and not as a novelty then get a clue autist.

>> No.16848362

I wouldn't empathise with a pig even if you tortured me. You think you can guilt trip me into going vegan? I like eating meat too much for that. Only way I'll ever stop is if they create artificial meat that resembles real meat and costs the same as real meat. At that point the ethical cost will actually impact my decision making, because right now it's a non-factor.

>> No.16848902

The bacon narwhals at midnight ;)

Only my fellow non-vegans will understand this one. Imaging missing out on BACON.

>> No.16848918

You are based and correct and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Humans are the most intelligent animals on the planet and don't consent to be part of society; why are animals any different?

>> No.16848963

vegans only live in intensely urbanized and temperature controlled environments. Almost none of them go "outside" at all, let alone to anywhere they might have to rub nuckles with nature or cleetus.

>> No.16848982

Ten seconds in google reveals that this has shit all to do with vegans or vegetarians and that it's just another shitty food trend because "LOL the watermelon looks like a ham isn't that awesome?!" *soyface*

>> No.16849045

You know it!

>> No.16849106
File: 90 KB, 700x1244, gates of moria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a Tolkien reference. The inscription on the door to Moria says "Speak friend, and enter." The password is the Elvish word for 'friend': 'mellon'.

>> No.16849205

The vast majority of vegans are literal peasants who live far harder lives than you could imagine you soft first world liar. What possesses people like you to just run your mouth like this?

>> No.16849217

indians drink milk and eat cheese you mouth breathing retard, and seamonkeys eat insects and fish. go be a faggot somewhere else please.

>> No.16849243

I use to think it was just /pol/ and a handful of other threads that was full of hateful, demoralizing people. But even the cooking boards?
That's nuts.

>> No.16849247

Cope harder niglet, nobody is going to go around saying lacto-vegetarian when vegan is just easier and better.

>> No.16849261
File: 33 KB, 112x112, pathetic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr well w-well theyr evegans too
then drink milk and eat cheese you poser.

>> No.16849265
File: 183 KB, 341x200, 200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16849267

you only think this retarded shit because youre a socially engineered sociopath and there are enough of people just like you flooding this every board that you can't tell.

>> No.16849281

Fair warning to everyone in this thread-

These people who are arguing against vegans are not all real people.
Many of them are paid by the meat industry to stay on these boards and do damage control against the publics image of the meat industry.

Just a fair warning.
You aren't arguing with people who are interested in learning about anything, they have talking points and they have a script they follow, and they are paid, and their entire reason for existence is to either put the meat industry in a better light, or to muddle and muddy up the waters to prevent people from making good points.

It's never been meat eaters against vegans.
It's the meat industry against meat eaters and vegans.

It's no different than big oil buying out the invention of electric cars all those years ago,
or any of the other things that capitalism creates.
Besides, animal husbandry is not nearly as vile as the meat industry anyway.

Just realize what you're arguing. Not all of these people are people, many of them are just paper tigers with scripts getting paid, and they have only one goal- to muddy the waters for their rich boss/boss's clients

>> No.16849293

I do.

>> No.16849295

>you only think this retarded shit because youre a socially engineered sociopath and there are enough of people just like you flooding this every board that you can't tell.

hahaha. This is the fastest route to projection possible, he didn't even stop anywhere on the way there.
And then he failed to even make sense afterwards hahahah.
"Enough of people just" hahahhaha.

Also, don't get the wrong idea. I wasn't talking about the people with non-pc viewpoints.
I was talking about the people without any integrity, sort of like you.
See this post

>> No.16849296

Oof, you really embarrassed yourself with this one man

>> No.16849299

>you only think this retarded shit
Nah, he's right.
I think you should speak for yoruself

>> No.16849304

Holy shit that guy got wrecked soo fast. Sit down!

>> No.16849328
File: 623 KB, 800x1143, never relax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi discord
>sit the fuck down
look clowns, I know this might be new to you but this is the ocean of piss. I dont care if you wee in it. your stupidity being numerous isn't impressive here as it is in your degenerate yiffing clubs. Now talk about food and stop seething over no one giving a shit if your feelings are hurt.

>> No.16849329
File: 69 KB, 614x491, so boring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16849333

I dont mean you, I mean all of you.

>> No.16849345

>look clowns, I know this might be new to you
I stopped reading here.
You guys should start talking about food again instead of just railing on the talking points your meat industry overlords gave you.

What's the point? Why not just eat meat if you like meat?
Why do you have to do what your capitalistic overlords tell you to do and try and shame people with your programming like a good lap dog?
Can't you tell who your masters are when you start defending people instead of just doing what you love?

Can we talk about food again?

>> No.16849347
File: 445 KB, 3000x2250, 1629725802959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I stopped reading here.
I stopped reading right there
>words words words
lmao bottom text
get the fuck out shitcord.

>> No.16849361

I'm not a vegan or vegetarian you absolute imbecile

>> No.16849367
File: 90 KB, 640x480, corn bread6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I don't understand is the desire to process food into paste and form it back into the shape of the food it originated from

>> No.16849370

>The vast majority of vegans are literal peasants who live far harder lives than you could imagine you soft first world liar. What possesses people like you to just run your mouth like this?
>they eat cheese and milk? whatever bigot, theyre still vegans
>hmm me? I'm not a vegan or vegetarian though, what does that have to do with anything!
Unironically schizo are you? carry on.

>> No.16849371

We do it to flex on the food, so it doesn't get uppity.

>> No.16849376

Why would you assume I'm vegan just because I'm arguing against your insanely stupid idea that vegans are all the human equivalent of indoors cats or something

>> No.16849385

carry on.

>> No.16849534

>Food was never meant to [...]
And humans aren't born wearing clothes. Stop using naturalistic fallacies and educate yourself.
>They reap the benefits of a non food centered life
But Vegans are often more food obsessed than people with standard diets. They adopt it as part of their personality.

>> No.16849554

everyone is dead and the world's a fucking mirror, simple as is

see an insufferable personality? now it's viewed as "normal". fuck you and your opinion. here's your fried grasshopper.