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16833951 No.16833951 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone here had pear wine?
Is it any good? How different does it taste than regular wine?
I found out recently that pears are legitimately one of the most enjoyable things in my life and I'd like to utilize this flavor. I'm thinking about homebrewing some pear wine.
What if I distilled it? Would it make a good hard(ish) liquor? Like Applejack?
God I love pears

>> No.16833961

Hab letztens Birnenwein von Possmann gekauft, die machen sonst ja eher Äppler. Sehr süß, guter Birnengeschmack, kann aber niemals den Äppler ersetzen.

>> No.16833962

Bout to bite into this nice crispy little pear in a sec
Straight from gramma coffee's pear tree
Thanks gramma coffee

>> No.16833966

Holy cow this is german
Lemme run this through google translate real quick then we'll be off to the races

>> No.16833968

Ah, I see.
Do you prefer apples to pears when you eat fruit? Or is pear wine just generally worse?

>> No.16833979

Quick aside.
One thing I love about pears is that they're always crispy. Feels hard to even bruise em
Apples, even at their crispiest, can still be bruised. I've never been a fan of mushy apple.
The worst type of apple is that which is too mushy to bite into properly, where you end up just scraping your teeth across it to gather all the fruit mush. Yuck!
Pears on the other hand, are firm. I hold this one in my hand and it feels like a baseball. I could hurt someone with this.

>> No.16834004

Is this a charls carrol video

>> No.16834012

Looked him up
He seems mentally ill
There is absolutely nothing wrong with me.
I'm just a lover of all things pear!

>> No.16834013

Pear brandy is amazing but a bit expensive.

>> No.16834027

I can't buy alcohol in this country anyways
It'd be significantly lower quality than professional stuff, but I could homebrew pear wine and distill it for brandy. Dunno how shit it'd end up being. I haven't had bad brandy yet.

>> No.16834033

Pears are shit. They're inedible and hard until ripe, and then you have a 10 second window to eat them before they turn to bland disgusting mush.

>> No.16834071

Dunno man. I've only had pear cider. But pear cider is the tits, btfo's apple cider.

>> No.16834075

I think you just had shitty pears. You should try the ones from my gramma coffee's
They're a riot
Non-alcoholic cider, right?

>> No.16834083
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You can get non-alcoholic cider? You learn something new everyday.

>> No.16834095

I can't tell if you're being ironic or not but in the states cider almost always refers to non-alcoholic juice rather than the alcoholic version other countries use "cider" to refer to.
Hard cider is really a type of wine. I used "pear wine" in the OP instead of cider cause I thought it'd be confusing otherwise.

>> No.16834112

Turns out it was confusing anyway, kek.

>> No.16834201
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>> No.16834217

It's fucking cider anon. Even at higher abv it's still a pear cider not a wine

>> No.16834432

I've had perry, and pear brandy (which was very similar to other aged raki - some fruity esters, a touch of oak, a lot of burn)

>> No.16834900

Pear cider is a wine.
Any fermented fruit beverage is a wine. Fermented cereal beverages are beers. Distilled beverages are spirits.
Sake is also a beer.

>> No.16835205

>Sake is also a beer
...schmaybe a sour of sorts? Beer relies heavily on barley amylase to make sugars available to the yeast. Aspergillus Oryzae does this leg work in sake. It's far enough outside the subset that it's kind of its own thing.

>> No.16835256

country wines are really easy to make
freeze distilling would be good for pears because it concentrates the flavour,

>> No.16835417

Probably fair I'm just being pedantic.
Perfect, I can do it next batch. Just gotta find some nice pear juice.

>> No.16835433


>> No.16835444

>pear cider

>> No.16835465

Thank you for the synonym I will legitimately add this to my thesaurus for next time.

>> No.16835474

>I want to speak like the bruvva’s in da hood
Your choice I guess.

>> No.16835479


>> No.16835503

Not in the context you used it you moron.

>> No.16835504

Where can I get good pear juice? Make it myself?
Would it still be decent with storebought pear juice?

>> No.16835507

Many such cases.

>> No.16835512

Stop gaslighting me or I will be forced to take drastic measures.

>> No.16835521

Why is all the pear juice I can find online marketed as baby food
Does no one enjoy pear juice?
Why are pears so underappreciated bros?

>> No.16835523

>pear wine

Your research will go better if you look for "perry" or "pear cider".


No offense intended, just trying to help. Though I suppose if you added sugar for higher ABV and let it go flat, then maybe it could at least be called a fortified wine.

>> No.16835530

Fruchtwein ist allgemein nicht so meins. Liegt vielleicht daran, dass ich von der Mosel komme. Nen schönen Roten hab ich lieber.

>> No.16835532

Do you know what type of yeast would be good to get high ABV out of the pear juice?
I'd like to get it as high as I can easily achieve, and then maybe distill it.

>> No.16835565


I have never tried making perry. But I can tell you that regular baking/bread yeast (e.g. Red Star) is readily capable of achieving 5% ABV from cheap pasteurized supermarket apple cider--and even exceeding 8% in other types of fermented drinks with a higher original gravity (initial sugar content).

But champagne yeast or so-called "turbo yeast" may give you higher results, if you're willing to buy from a specialty shop.

>> No.16835628


Also you might enjoy the perry segment from Oz & James's booze show (starts at 11 minutes in):


>> No.16835713

Perfect, thanks a ton man. I'll pick up some champagne yeast soon.
I actually made my first homebrew recently with that cheap pasteurized apple juice shit and some sugar, and the first bread yeast I found cause I didn't know any better. I never tested the gravity so I can't be sure what it's ABV is, though.

>> No.16835839
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You are welcome. For what it's worth, I still use regular bread yeast even after years; it works fine for my purposes. And as noted in the video, traditional perry can be made without any added yeast, just using what comes comes from the pear skins and the air. But that also takes months. (Many brewers will also recommended letting the drink mature for at least a few weeks after stopping fermentation, but I'm usually too impatient for that.)

A floating alcohol hydrometer is a nice investment as you get more into this stuff. Not perfectly accurate but will definitely help you gauge results. (The goal is consistency.) You will also need a thermometer. Note: you can buy hydrometer/thermometer combos, but it's the same cost to buy them separately, at my local homebrew store at least--and that way, if you break one, it's cheaper to replace (as I learned the hard way).

Three-piece plastic airlocks (pic related) are cheap and helpful (more feedback than a plastic baggie and rubber band).

Sanitation is a big deal in brewing; you may eventually want to invest in some nice glass bottles, a bottle brush, and some Star San (no-rinse sanitizing product; don't be put off by how expensive the little bottle is, because you're supposed to dilute it and it'll last for ages in a non-commercial setting).


>> No.16835856
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>Three-piece plastic airlocks (pic related) are cheap and helpful (more feedback than a plastic baggie and rubber band).

P.S. To use the airlock with a regular bottle, you'll want one of these rubber stoppers with a hole in the middle. They come in different sizes.

>> No.16836309
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Wow dude, speaking german on an american website...so heckin based! Sieg heil!

>> No.16836407

German pear schnapps is the best!

>> No.16836427

I've had pear cided and it's good

>> No.16836440

Halts maul, schwule

>> No.16836726

Pear Wine (Perry, it's called) is very delicious.
But because it takes 18 years for pear trees to start producing fruit, production can never keep up with demand.

>> No.16836778


Drinkin' pears are also rather different from eatin' pears, much like how proper cider apples taste bad. Another relevant Oz & James clip... cider segment begins at 2:00:


Comments on apples begin around 9:45:


(Likewise supposedly the apple trees that Johnny Appleseed legendarily planted across America were for cider, not pies.)

>> No.16837041
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>cider guides all say storebought apples and pears aren't food for making cider
>they never say where to find "good" fruit for cider

>> No.16837085

I don't see why they wouldn't be good. Maybe if you're trying to do a wild fermentation you'll have better luck with freshly picked fruits, but if you're just going to juice them and add yeast it should be fine.

>> No.16837130

Any idea on how to make it?

>> No.16837257

I'm no expert but just made my first batch of homebrew apple cider recently.
My plan for the perry is pear juice, sugar, and champagne yeast to get some high abv. Just mix all that in a container, cover it with some type of airlock, and wait about 2 weeks or until it stops fermenting. You know fermentation is happening cause you'll see bubbles at the top.
If you want, buy an airlock. Otherwise, if you brew it in the container the juice comes in you can just twist the cap slightly so CO2 can get out but nothing can get in, or just poke a hole in a balloon. Also make sure everything's sanitized or you might get off flavors. Buy some homebrewing cleaner. Don't use dish soap. Also you can buy a gravity tester thing, it'll help you determine your abv and when it stops fermenting.
It's super easy to homebrew alcohol. Getting the taste right is the hard part I think.

>> No.16838183

Not sure about pears but some eating apples are used for cider. A local cider brewery makes honeycrisp and rome ciders.
There is specific cider apple varieties though.
They were rare in the USA since the prohibition purge but maybe they're more common now.
I'm curious what the most common cider apple varieties are in the US now

>> No.16838264

I like the guy and wish him well. Watched mde since 2013-14ish. He always seemed a bit schizo but comprehensible and obviously able to get some stuff done based off his work. As soon as he started his twitch and about once a year I would watch a bit of his twitch and he would just ramble, would just go off on people for any small comment or just be streaming himself fucking malding took him like a year and a half to set up drums after constantly bringing it up (glad he did get it set up though:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=codNBLFbzwI ). some of his gameplay is fun but he seems to suck at most games lol.
also very annoying on twitter with his interactions with logo a huge pseud. but he did attack fantano just after sam was beefing with him so idk. im fucking dumb anyways

>> No.16840187

store bought mass blend cannot compete with homemade.
first you need a good pear tree, not all pears are equal.
some trees that make good booze will make horrible cider.
Either you ask the elder what tree has good fruit, or you're up to trial and error.
You want a 2/3 pear 1/3 apple mix. Thats what generations of peasants did, and they knew their shit

>> No.16841659

why do americans call juice, cider? is it any different from regular juice?

>> No.16842356
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It's less processed than normal apple juice so it has a stronger apple flavor and a deeper color.

>> No.16843108
File: 121 KB, 940x940, pear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I just realized I haven't had a pear in years. I'm not sure why, pears are fucking kino. I think I'll buy some tomorrow.

>> No.16844656

I made a batch of Perry from last seasons pear tree harvest and it was SUPER GOOD.
I don't know if its the same as pear wine though, it was basically fermented pear juice

>> No.16845294

Just buy pear cider.