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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16827648 No.16827648 [Reply] [Original]

In your country, is the food from the north or south better?

>> No.16827655

probs south

>> No.16827698

in my country is more like a east-west thing, also a very small country so the food is practically the same everywhere, but some places in the west have caribean cousine that i find more enjoyable

>> No.16827741

North is better.

>> No.16827756

i'm from canada, not a whole lots of peoples live in the north and thoses who do are inuits that eat seal, so i would say the north,mmmmmmh delicious seal and jellied moose noses

>> No.16827758

Actually tell us why it's better faggots

>> No.16827775

Which part has the best kung pao?

>> No.16827796

vancouver, which is not either north or south , just really west

>> No.16827799

The south blows the north out of the water with London single-handedly and it's not even close. Northerners are responsible for half the bad British food memes and are eating shit like chip butties and smack barm pey wet (???). I recently travelled up north and the food was a disaster, it was actually embarrassingly bad. 90% of pubs serve unbearably shit food served only with oven chips. I ate more chips than anything else and the worst part is that half of the mains are just worse versions of American food. A burger with a thick as fuck patty and random dogshit on it (with oven chips). Some frozen ribs (with oven chips). A badly cooked steak (with oven chips); A probably frozen pie (with oven chips). I thought a crayfish sandwich would be a decent meal but what cost me £10 was worse than what I could get from Tesco for £1.

>> No.16827826

better quality food and best seafood

>> No.16827829

There's a bunch of regions here since the US is large. But if you just draw a line to divide it north vs south I prefer the south.
Reason is just I like hot weather flavors more. Citrus and the like. I like the Southwest the most because it's a mix of a few cultures which I like the food of each.

>> No.16827835

Which part are you from? Not a fan of mole?

>> No.16827841

That goes for everywhere in the country. Everything you said. Please don't be one of those "propah roast" people

>> No.16827868
File: 82 KB, 900x674, CEE63F5E-3B60-4F57-8C62-FDC924C41F86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me North is better

>> No.16827897
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Tim Horton's Canadian you dumb shit.

Either way, the south is better. Fried Chicken came from the south.

>> No.16827908
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Ireland, Tipperary (see map)

>> No.16827930

NW is best, fresh seafood, mushroom mecca, huge variety of berries and nuts, everything is local.

>> No.16827934

Anon, come on
I mean come on

>> No.16827938

lol anon you gottem gud

>> No.16827948

I'm Dutch and all our food is equally inedible sloppa

>> No.16827949

My country is 400km across both north-south and east-west. We eat the same sloppa.

>> No.16827954

t. bear

>> No.16827955

The southern U.S. has cajun food, and the north doesn't really have anything. I'm gonna have to go with south.

>> No.16827961

Nobody cares about your shithole chang

>> No.16827969

pampanga is the "food" capital but I think southern food is more unique

>> No.16827989

Dutchland (Deutschland)

>> No.16827991
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>> No.16827998

Yeah london food might be good but then you have to live in fucking london. I'd rather be dead.

>> No.16827999

USA, southern food for sure.

On the west coast you have the combination native American and mexican food, south you get all the good stuff that comes from central America, and in the bible belt you get all of that super tasty and fattening soulfood.

>> No.16828002

The best food is the food that is healthy and tastes good. The south is only good food because it's just carb heavy with sweet tea. BBQ meat isn't bad on its own, but when you mix it with 150g of carbs with baby rays + sweet tea it's unhealthy as fuck and inflames the fuck out of your body. Lived in texas my whole life, sweet tea, soda, mashed potatoes, macaroni, fried chicken. These are the things that will fucking kill you with a heart attack.

>> No.16828251

Bigger divide is between west and east, and eastern part is better. Ostrobothnian food is pretty ass, Karelian food is based.

>> No.16828264

Center/South is arguably better but cuisine is kino along all the country

>> No.16828268

Based southwestern enjoyer.

Although, I gotta say, the food is pretty excellent in any single quadrant of the united states. We truly are blessed.

>> No.16828270
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Basically totally different. North is influenced by Austria, South by Italy. The more east you go the more Turkish influence you feel and it all kinda fuses together depending on where you are exactly. Whole thing is an endless source of "you're just doing what your neighbors did first" butthurt.

>> No.16828274


>> No.16828289

this guy is right, polentoni can't do shit

>> No.16828305

sugar and beef are good for you

>> No.16828328

You can also just live a reasonable distance from it and go there for the day.

t. Cambridge

>> No.16828343

The South without a doubt. Lousiana is blessed with particularly good food even if it is cursed with joggers. The west coast and northern east coast have too much third world ethnic meme of the month trash.

Polentoni food is just fine even if the Polentoni themselves are somewhat delusional. I'd still take Northern Italy's cuisine over most other countries.

>> No.16828348

lmao, the south has the worst food in america.

>> No.16828362

Do you eat your vaguely Americanized filipino food with authentic cat or organic soy cat-substitute?

>> No.16828366

Fat fingers typed this post.

>> No.16828380

Italy, South, probably as a general rule. I live in Emilia Romagna which is probably the region with the best food and its more towards the North but the rest of the North only has a limited amount of good food. South food Is a lot more flavourful, fresh fish, fried shit, amazing desserts even tho i dont really eat them. Only thing north has better is probably my regions food and beef in general, Piemonte and Toscana have great beef.

>> No.16828551

Probably the north, the best restaurants in our country are in the Flanders/Brussels region.

I don't think normal household food is that much of a difference, they problably eat a bit more traditional foods and stews in Wallonia

>> No.16828565

No one lives in northern Canada aside from those near the Alaskan border. So it's more of who makes better food between the east and west. The answer is east.

>> No.16828578
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South is better

>> No.16828602

North is better as they have an actual culinar identity instead of just copying the french or Italian.

>> No.16828605

we eat that in the north too though, fritzl

>> No.16828606

This is only correct as long as you ignore Ontario and pretend it's just an aberration in the middle of our nation.

>> No.16828613

Let's not talk about Toronto

>> No.16828631

Nowt wrong wi smack barm pey wet lad, gerrit down ya

>> No.16828783

southern food gives you diabetes and heart disease. southern food is responsible for america's obesity problem

>> No.16829130

Chicken and dumplings, biscuits and gravy, fried chicken and gravy, catfish and turnip greens, cornbread, etc.
.................... uhh, clam chowdah? Yeah, wow. Southchuds owned.

>> No.16829274

true, although i like ardennes food as well. All in all i'd say our food is pretty good all over the country

>> No.16829296 [DELETED] 

USA, north hands down

Southern food is just sugar, sugar, greasy ass fried shit, and more sugar. It's fun for like 3 days and then you can't take it anymore

>> No.16829315

>mmm healthy flavor so yummy
>sugar yucky ugh carbs ugh fat icky poo poo gross gross
>>>/r/keto you woman-brain

>> No.16829319

>the food is so good you end up eating enough to ruin your body
Sounds like a win for the cuisine, though a loss for the people.

>> No.16829337

Southern is also the home of BBQ. People think it’s the overly sweet sauces of Carolina and Louisiana, but TX really focuses down on the dry rub, and Kansas City does really good things with types of smoke and burnt ends. Of course, that’s all smoked meat and a little limited. South is also the origin point for Chili. The north has Cheesecake, clam chowder, hot mayonnaise on eggs, and meatloaf. Very bland sort of homogenous soft goops, even when compared to chili (though on par with Mac and cheese).
And you don’t need excessive amounts of spices to make good tasting food; just look at the simplicity you find in French and Italian foods. New England is just too much like old England: they can’t make things taste good.

>> No.16829483

Bad bait is bad.

>> No.16829783

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.16829820

North cooks everything in fat
Also tons of beef, they even eat tripe
South I don't know what they eat. Here is mostly Italian food

>> No.16829889

Northern Italian, French and Belgian food is generally better but there are absolute gems in the southern parts of those countries.

Southern Austria is definitely far better. In Germany it's the West (due to communism, still) and in Spain only Valencia, Basque Country and Catalonia are relevant.

So no, the quality of food doesn't improve automatically once you get more biodiversity.

>> No.16829937

Oh no I want to live to be a wheelchair bound demented 100 year old

>> No.16829986



Probably norf.

>> No.16829991

>with London single-handedly

non of the good foods from down south are even native to england which is what OP is probably getting at. Purely going by native cuisine bongland is pretty fucked but the norf is probably better than the south.

>> No.16830001

WTF does northern USA have?

>> No.16830004

>You can also just live a reasonable distance from it

Except nowadays those areas being priced out by commuter belt wankers who earn london wages but opt to live within commuting distance outside of London. It'll never end. London is a soulless concrete shithole which attracts the most bug-like and domesticated folk in the country.

>> No.16830014

Most of the good chefs lol

>> No.16830041

Oh so french knock offs?

>> No.16830049

Well, actual French people too. New York has every cuisine in the world represented there. That alone shits on all the diabeetus bait in the south.

>> No.16830058

the fucking disrespect to all of CANTON.

pic can dim sum go fuck yourself

>> No.16830067

Not gonna lie because of your post if I ever go to Europe it'll probably be Croatia. That sounds mega based variety.

>> No.16830087
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>> No.16830093

so knock off of the world without its own identity? how very "mutts are beautiful" of you.

>> No.16830101

>t. big fat retard

>> No.16830105

Check out Eric Ripert,Daniel Humm, Daniel Boulud, Charlie Trotter, Grant Achatz, David Chang cookbooks.

Check out Vermont.

Have a look at Oregon wines, they're world class.

>> No.16830551

Why does every other part of Canada hate that city anyway? Asking as an American.

>> No.16830571

People online will bring up the crime rate, the niggers, its politics, the fact that it's more like the US than Canada, etc.
All of those things are a front and not the real reason, the actual reason the rest of Canada hates Toronto is because we've been trained from birth to see the Maple Leafs as the Great Satan of hockey and by extension, the home city of the Maple Leafs as the host of the Great Satan. Especially if you're from Montreal like me.

>> No.16830604

What even is ostrobothnian food?

>> No.16830630

I am triggered by that image, thank you

>> No.16830631

Obligatory not him, but
>A bunch of chefs who specialize in other countries’ foods
>good creameries and ingredients, but no dish their own
>an inferior version of whine compared to California, France, Italy, or the Rhine.
So what does the north have its own? I’m from AK, and we have amazing salmon, halibut, crab, and fish, but there’s no real unique food (though Alaska did invent Ranch dressing, but I don’t think that’s an amazing foodstuffs).
Yes, you can get better food in the northern states, but that’s better French, Italian, or Dixie foods. With northern states, the recipes are clam chowder, cheesecake, American style pizzas, and eggs Napoleon. I think I’d rather have beef brisket, a bowl of chili with beans, or biscuits and gravy.

>> No.16830836

>I’m from AK
food desert opinions don't matter

>> No.16830857

The divide in Canada is more like west vs. east (which specifically just means southern Ontario and Quebec) vs. maritimes.

Don't worry, we hate both of you for licking Trudeau's asshole 3 times in a row

>> No.16831187

>Don't worry, we hate both of you for licking Trudeau's asshole 3 times in a row
It's working out pretty great for Quebec, sorry for the rest of you guys.

>> No.16831206

T. Poofta sovener

>> No.16831278

based southerner chad

>> No.16831307

Alaska doesn’t struggle for good food. We have great French bakeries, coffee shops, German restaurants, Korean restaurants, and Thai restaurants. But is there a northern US food I’m missing? Or are we comparing eggs covered in hot mayonnaise and ranch dressing to beef brisket, chili, gumbo, and biscuits and gravy? Coffee and tea (tea should absolutely be bitter) are done better in the northern states, but that’s from turkey, Italy, China, and England.

>> No.16831320
File: 461 KB, 900x675, 1632516011014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just described every city in the world. Welcome to the 21st century frens
>t. lived in 9 different countries

>> No.16831322

USA, hard to say, our north and south aren't so evenly divided.
Eg. California has way more in common with Massachusetts than it does with Georgia even though CA and GA are south and MA is north.

>> No.16831346

south and its not even close

>> No.16831359 [DELETED] 

When people say North and South in the US they are talking about cultural regions not cardinal directions. Just like how the "Mid West" is actually pretty far east relative to the total land mass of the United States, or how "South Brooklyn" is actually more like central Brooklyn

>> No.16831362
File: 232 KB, 1024x679, 25A91874-25D0-423B-8B4F-B94268FC5A08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

North. Pic related. Based Eskimo raw meat diet Chads. Toronto is just a bunch of redditors eating soy. 90% of young women in Toronto are vegetarian if not vegan because they’re too lazy to exercise and think it keeps them thin. Also, they’re bad at sex and tell you sob stories about how their dad/some guy raped them

>> No.16831436
File: 25 KB, 474x206, hautesoutherncuisine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or are we comparing eggs covered in hot mayonnaise and ranch dressing to beef brisket, chili, gumbo, and biscuits and gravy?
We are comparing cedar planked salmon, lobster rolls, and buffalo wings to Koolickles, fried squirrel and boiled peanuts.

>> No.16831572

Fuck you faggots toronto is swagggggggggggggggggggg lmao rest of you guys is just jealous 416/647/905 SWAG enjoy living with a bunch of natives, quebecois, or both

>> No.16831574

You sound like somebody who's never actually been to the northern 48 and is basing their opinion on having just googled "northen US foods". A good egg sandwich destroys biscuits and gravy easy.

>> No.16831593
File: 43 KB, 533x594, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You sound like somebody who's never actually been to the northern 48
You mean the contiguous US?

>> No.16831611

Yes. I was talking about the north of the lower 48 states. Seeing as how the person I was replying to was from Alaska.

>> No.16832533

>For British food
North (Scottish + Northern England)
>For every other cuisine
South, although almost all of it is mediocre and overpriced compared to the food in those home countries. Only ‘authentic’ ethnic cuisine you’ll get in the UK is Indian, Italian and Turkish.

>> No.16832539

Oh I missed this shandy drinking cunt, he probably pays £22 for a bowl of pho and £5000 a week on a shoebox that’s surrounded by niggers and pakis. I hope London sinks into the sea with you in it.

>> No.16832541

>good wine
Its plentiful and cheap. It sure as fuck isn't good.

>> No.16832682

Ok I lied, there is one other reason people hate Toronto and it's this, because people there unironically think they're the center of the universe.

>> No.16832695

What is north besides pizza and various types of hot dogs?

>> No.16832764

Louisiana by itself mogs whole regions of the US. The South wins easily.

>> No.16832776

You can't have multiple main foods. I bet it's more like rice in the south noodles in the north.

>> No.16832781

>the south doesn't have new england clam chowder, which is not only the best american food, but the best food in the entire world
South cannot win this one. It doesn't even have a chance.

>> No.16832785

East coast USA, I like them both.
Why choose?

>> No.16832818
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These beef patties are pretty good for a late night snack. Smoke a J and eat a patty.

>> No.16832881

South usa has better recipes and cuisine,
North usa has better restaurants

for example I love cajon food and bbq or tex Mex alot but I'd say 9/10 places claiming they serve the best X really suck and the restaurants that are good know it and charge a ridiculous price because your alternatives suc
I think in the North because you have so much competition most of the shitty places close fast so even just the corner pizza place is usually pretty good, and the price gap between similar restaurants isn't as large.

For example
I live in Florida, on one side of the street $25-40 really good pizza
right across the street
$8-15 shitty pizza

When i lived in NY
Place 1 good pizza $18
Place 2 great pizza $22

>> No.16832896

Southern food is tastier for sure than Northeastern and Midwestern fare generally. My favorite southern/lowcountry foods are:
-Grits (Cheesy, Buttery, or Shrimpy)
-Seafood Boils, Oyster Roasts, and Fried Catfish
-BBQ (Vinegar/Pepper based BBQ is underrated)
-Red Rice and Sausage, Macaroni Casserole, Yams, and Collard Greens
-Sweet Potato Pie, Pecan Pie, Buttermilk Pie, and Nanner Pudding
-Chicken Bog, She-Crab Soup, and Brunswick Stew
-Gullah/Geechee Food (I can't understand the old ladies, but they can make magic with beans, rice, okra, etc. They are also great at growing watermelons that are juicy and sweet af)
-Nabs (Coke with Peanuts in it. It's good at a humid 5 hour baseball game, fuck you)
-Pimiento Cheese Spread

The food is tasty, but all the fats and refined carbs without veggies/fruit does a number on people. Everyone here who eats down-home cookin' regularly seems to die of heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, etc. My parents grew up in a super poor part of Appalachia where home gardens were a thing, so I at least learned to eat vegetables not stewed in porkfat or fried. I remember being the "gross lunch guy" in HS because my mom would pack me cut tomatoes with packs of salt and pepper, sauerkraut, or a thermos of vegetable soup.

The main areas where the south is lacking when it comes to food compared to the north is in its dairy, beer, beef, sheep, mushrooms, low-calorie soups, cabbage, peppers, and unsweetened beverages. We also have shit Italian and German food down here.

>> No.16832907

This retard saying the south or Texas does not have good beef. I don’t know anymore, little faggot is retarded.

>> No.16833055

Texas produces good beef, but they don't prepare it outside of brisket. You can seethe, cope, and dilate in that order, McFaggot.

>> No.16833060

Everyone picking north or south for the united states is a lying faggot, you know all we eat is McDonald's and Golden Corral and those are conveniently located on every single street corner in the country

>> No.16833065

i need a hot beef injection, stat

>> No.16833067 [DELETED] 

Literally anything with fresh vegetables?

>> No.16833074

i dont

>> No.16833078


>> No.16833119

Fuck, I haven't been to a Golden Corral since I had a meal ruined by a graduation party getting into a fight with the host that ended with him throwing a Wakandan into my plate of food and spilling coke on my chinos. Buffets like that and Ryan's really attract the worst of humanity.

>> No.16833143

fuck off then

>> No.16833535

food in the southwest is better than food in the northwest. does northwest have food culture? gourmet fusion food?
southwest food is tacos and mexican slop, mmmmmmm

>> No.16833723

I dunno about food culture, they're a bit hard to think about. They have great mushroom foraging climates, can get good salmon and other seafood. King crabs up in Alaska. Idaho has potatoes I guess.

>> No.16833731

It's the same, our cuisine doesn't vary much because it's a very young country

>> No.16833742

Phenomenally based

>> No.16833936

Avoid tourist season if possible. Also, South in general is about three times more expensive.

>> No.16833972

bush tucker and VB
pub food and VB

>> No.16834045

>In Germany it's the West (due to communism, still)
I thought my friend was pulling my leg when I was told what the East-Germans call "Jägerschnitzel". In the west, Jägerschnitzel (hunter's schnitzel) is a breaded and fried piece of pork served with mushroom sauce. In the east, it is a breaded and fried slice of sausage (?) served with fussili pasta and thin tomato sauce (???).

Anyway, in Germany North > South because of Frikadellen.

>> No.16834058

You can get generic pub food (pies, schnitzels, steaks of varying quality) literally anywhere, as far north as Cape York. "Bush tucker" is a meme for tourists

>> No.16834123

This is a fucking meme, North is Noodles and that's it.

>> No.16834125

Those spring rolls, lumpia(sp?) are really good.

>> No.16834130

fpbp and checked

>> No.16834131

po boys in the south usa, those are awesome

>> No.16834133

conch fritters

>> No.16834163

The norf gave you pooftas the Yorkshire pudding, which is unarguably the best bit of British cuisine

>> No.16834167

i live in australia and despite it being one of the largest single countries in existence there is absolutely no variation worth noting across its entire three million square miles of shit except for muhhh some cities put ham on parma and some don't

>> No.16834182

Have you tried not being such a little dutch about it?

>> No.16834187

>Licke police
No thanks

>> No.16834190

t. Army brat

>> No.16834199

those are jamaican

>> No.16834203

North food?? What is it?
South is all famous German food

>> No.16834204

Are you?
Did you move around a lot?

>> No.16834215

I don't know. I'd have to go to different parts of the country and hang around for a while. Not realistic.

>> No.16834728

Wtf are you talking about there’s so many good wines out of California lmao if you haven’t been able to find one you haven’t tried you pussy

>> No.16834762

Germany is like 70 square miles, you don't have a North and South

>> No.16834821

North food must be close to Scandinavian food. Herring and potatoes. And snow.

North: Reindeer because nothing grows there.
South: All the other things but reindeer

So South.

>> No.16834830

This is bullshit:
Northumberland or scotland
>Arbroath smokies
>Stilton, Red Leicester, derby etc
>Cheshire, Lancashire, Wensleydale cheeses etc
The north
>Yorkshire pudding
>York ham
>pork pies
Lots of beef is from Scotland as well as some of the best game in both Scotland and northern England.
>herdwick lamb
Lake District
>Cumberland sausage
>Lincolnshire sausage
>Stornaway black pudding

Just because you’re a peasant you have to label everyone else as one because you somehow feel superior because you selected out of the “tesco finest” range.

>> No.16834918

The North, hands down.

>> No.16835173

Country is oriented east-west. West does better veg, east does better meat.

>> No.16835183

Don't those Dutch like putting their fingers in the dikes?

>> No.16835239

>King crabs up in Alaska. Idaho has potatoes I guess.
king crab and potatoes vs mexican slop: hmmmm

>> No.16835246

>po boys in the south usa, those are awesome
greasy meat sandwhiches from the north are better than dry tomato and lettuce niggermeat sandwiches

>> No.16835280

That's why I wrote that they're both good and why choose.

>> No.16835282

+1 more savoury food and stuff,holds also true in poland

>> No.16835291

King crab isn’t a recipe. You can get steamed crab anywhere (hell, the south even does crawfish boils). Potatoes are better used by the Italians and Scots than the Idahoans. Idaho doesn’t have a culture that values good tasting food. Alaska values fishing and hunting, but cooking is seen as the means to make the ingredients edible rather than good (there’s a reason why Olive Garden was an exciting addition to the state and is still stupidly busy in Muldoon). So smoked beef-rack ribs vs grilled salmon and grilled reindeer sausage vs baked potatoes. Ingredients are best in Alaska, Vermont, Idaho, and Montana (go to the Helena farmers market if you’re there; it’s some of the best produce I’ve ever had), but they don’t use their ingredients. Maybe beer-battered halibut with French fries? But isn’t that just fish and chips with Alaskan fish? You can use Ben and Jerry’s ice cream for VT. The best quality supermarket ice cream there is. Though your local fresh-made frozen custard place is better. But ice cream is an Italian thing, anyway, but made better in the USA.

>> No.16835293

Who can argue with a grilled cheese with ham?

>> No.16835296

Fuck b&j, stupid hippy scum.

>> No.16835301

Tuna and onion for me.

>> No.16835308

Yeah, that's going to stink up an office floor.

>> No.16835324

Using high-fat content Vermont dairy does make a better product. Vermont does have the best dairy and B&J’s quality does improve from using it. Though any “super premium ice cream” (USDA protected term) will have a close quality. VT just does dairy very good.

>> No.16835327

I'd wager south it better

>> No.16835328

Go for broke and put some liverwurst on it too.

>> No.16835341
File: 91 KB, 1000x1000, Cabot-Vermont_Cheddar-61oMc5RrxuL._SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like their cheddar and ski places.
It's great to take a gf there.

>> No.16835495

>That's why I wrote that they're both good and why choose.
you never mentioned northern sandwiches in your post, my sides are in orbit

>> No.16835519
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>> No.16835552


Welsh cuisine is just better than norf or souf uk cuisine.

>> No.16835560

don't be a pedant, there's just more abos up north

>> No.16835600
File: 171 KB, 1024x683, Kersenvlaai-2-1024x683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably, yes vlaai and the beers from the south are pretty good

Pic related, its based vlaai

>> No.16835751
File: 2.43 MB, 1133x730, 1605946950404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever observed indians shopping when the come to the city? They buy nothing but junk food, no wonder their riddled with diabetes.

>> No.16835796

Personally I go with Tillamook for my commie dairy products, their extra sharp cheese is fucking delicious

>> No.16835801


>> No.16835802

I actually have no idea what people eat in the really southern part of Mexico. I live a little north of Mexico City and it's mostly northern food here.

>> No.16835804

those niggers look hungry give them their
dirt crackers made out mud and their dying mothers ka-ka poo poo

>> No.16835858

I can't stand Stockholm but I'd be lying if I said southern sweden doesn't have the north beat in food if only because there's some goddamn variety. I've lived in Sweden for about 10 years now, up in the northern half of the country (but not so far north I'm bordering Finland or something) and while I like the fact that the north actually feels like it has culture instead of being so cosmopolitan like the south, cuisine here was clearly based on survival more than anything else. No spice, no nuance, no vegetables beyond (possibly) sliced cucumber and tomato. Local food like game and wild berries are an exception, but are also usually eaten with little adornment except for salt, pepper, cream sauce and whipped cream, respectively. All the good shit is southern food that happens to be eaten up here.

>> No.16836770

fpbp. Southern food will fucking kill you but it's hard to argue it doesn't taste objectively better