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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 138 KB, 1440x1080, figs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16828721 No.16828721 [Reply] [Original]

Tastes like a pb&j but without all the added sugar and other crap you get in jelly. Had one earlier with toasted bread, added bacon to it. Excellent with a glass of cold milk. Any anons try this?

>> No.16830330
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>> No.16830408

sounds good but remember you can always make our own jelly

>> No.16830422
File: 34 KB, 480x479, honey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peanut butter and honey (with milk) absolutely destroys any other peanut butter sandwich.

>> No.16830426

did you buy the figs or do you live somewhere with fig trees?
they're ripe right now and it's so nice to walk down the street and grab one off a branch. cool looking leaves too.

>> No.16830526
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Have a tree - love the leaves, too. Climbing it is fun but makes you all itchy.

>> No.16830562

oh cool. I just pick one or two on a walk around my city but I would love to have a tree one day. what's the secret to making the tree happy and getting ripe fruit? I feel like last year not a single fig was edible but this year they all got fat and juicy...except a couple trees that remain hard and green until they dry up and fall off.

>> No.16830720

you kids know fruit sugar is just as bad for you as any other kind of sugar right?

like if i give my mom a bunch of dates she's going straight to the hospital added sugar or not.

100g of raw fig has 16g of sugar, about 3tsp
a serving (1tbsp) of smuckers strawberry jam actually has *less* sugar at 12g

>> No.16830871

Make sure to feed it lots and lots of wasps
I don't eat figs anymore ever since i learned that they eat wasps and you consume their bodies when you eat the fucking figs.

>> No.16831304
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>added sugar is the same as fruit sugar
>inb4 "b-but they're both fructose!!"
yawn... always the same with you dipshits. eat your jelly then, nobody is gonna stop you.
I noticed more fruit when I gave it some extra water, but I did have a ton of wasps emerging too. eating wasps is absolutely based btw.

>> No.16831439

Gonna be honest I completely forgot about the wasp thing. I learn every year and my brain blissfully discards the info in time for fresh fig season so I can enjoy my waspsy fig innards in peace

>> No.16831858
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devour their life energy through the figs, anon. become what you were always destined to be.

>> No.16832173

well fucking of course your diet will be better off if you're swapping snickers bars for an apple instead, there's fiber and cell walls and things that force your body to digest and absorb the sugar at a slower rate, but that's not the case when you move into the mushier and easier to eat fruits like plums, figs, and dates. if it tastes like candy, its candy.