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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16825673 [Reply] [Original]

My neighbors have an apple tree in their front lawn by the street. Every year they let all the apples ripen and fall off, never picking any. I always think it’s such a fucking waste. I’m thinking of sneaking over one night and picking it clean just so the apples don’t wind up all over the ground and street but imagine there would be some legal issues if I got caught. I live in PA so I won’t get shot, but still don’t feel like picking up any more charges. I’m already on the cops radar for drug related things so I imagine they’d have a field day. Anybody else have experience doing similar things?

>> No.16825681

Why not just ask nicely?

>> No.16825682

are you jewish

>> No.16825684

>Anybody else have experience doing similar things?
No, because I'm white and don't steal shit. Just fucking talk to your neighbours like a goddamn human being.

>> No.16825693

most people will let you pick them if you just ask you retarded neckbeard

>> No.16825704

>I live in PA so I won’t get shot,
Troll? PA is huge on guns. A ccp is literally you go in pay a guy 20 bucks and your back out in 5 minutes it's easier than going to the bank.
Also just ask the guy. My neighbor (Kenney square PA) provides lots of mushrooms for me

>> No.16825705

you ... again ... I hope those cops give you a real intimate pat down after stealing food when you can get it for free from the food bank

>> No.16825710

I harvest a couple of bushles from peoples trees every year. But I ask them first.

>> No.16825714

I've met Kenny before he's a friendly guy, maybe a little slow but that's not his fault and it's really out of line for you to call him a square on the internet. I just lost all respect for you.

>> No.16825723

PA is huge on guns but you can't get shot for simply trespassing unless they have reason to suspect harm. An unarmed faggot picking apples is hardly a reason to shoot someone.

>> No.16825755

>There's an obese male wearing all black with what looks like theatrical makeup in pale skin and a fake beard, he's grabbing all our apples and placing them in a black garbage bag in our front lawn. Now he's getting on a ladder and grabbing the apples off the branches. Oh he just fell and broke his hip.

>> No.16826021
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lol, had about the same image

>> No.16826039

Literally just talk them, retard. You'll make some boomer's evening if you offer him like 40 bucks if you can clear the tree. Bring some buds, grab the apples, and enjoy a million fucking pies and turnovers and whatever the fuck else you want to make.

>> No.16826060

Just ask them retard

>> No.16826083

>paying 40 for fucking apples
you might be even dumber than the OP

>> No.16826085

Do you have any idea how many fucking apples a single tree can yield?

>> No.16826089

Knock on their door and offer to pick the apples for them in exchange for getting to keep some of them, you dummy.

>> No.16826094

Not him but $40 would be at least 10kg of apples, I doubt a suburban fruit tree is going to have that high of a yield

>> No.16826219
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>send amberlamps

>> No.16826273

Just take it. No one will notice or care. I just saw my neighbor had some nice clumping bamboo, I'm gonna go snag a couple stalks one night for myself. Victimless crime.

>> No.16826887

I have a star fruit tree in my back yard that gives about double that weight twice per year.

>> No.16827091

Go knock on their door, introduce yourself, offer to pick the fruit for half the harvest. They will likely tell you they don't want any so you can keep all.

>> No.16827098

Have you tried one? Are they even worth eating?

>> No.16827105

give it back jamal

>> No.16827108

>Every year they let all the apples ripen and fall off, never picking any.
wild that's how you can raccoons amongst other kinds of vermin

>> No.16827111

i've seen this thread atleast 10 times now

>> No.16827114

seriously, probably shit, mealy and dry.

>> No.16827115

If any part of the tree overhamgs the street its fair game. Going on the property and taking fruit is stealing.

>> No.16827123

well luckily if they shot you they would be at fault for essentially setting a boobytrap
enticing people and then shooting them is illegal or something

>> No.16827148

That might be the law in Pennsylvania but it isn't that way everywhere. In some places it only matters who owns the tree is the owner of the fruit from the tree.

>> No.16827174
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This. You could also plant some trees of your own. They don't take a lot of money, time, or energy to get going. And they start producing after 3 years or so depending on the fruit. You can also prune them to keep them manageable in size.

>> No.16827216

those critters already exist and are running around your yard when you don't look, the only difference is that you're providing food for nature.

>> No.16827524

I guess that's mostly true but I've got a neighbor buddy who has pulled guns on people in his yard including a police officer. Not shot anyone cause he's not actually that trigger happy but point is, be careful trespassing at night in pa. During the day only crazy people give a fuck though.

>> No.16827569

Why are zoomers so fucking retarded?

>> No.16827625

obviously they exist but guess where they build their nests? by places with easy access to food. usually that means sheds sometimes attics. raccoons are nigger and will make holes in roofs. I would unironically be pissed if some lazy faggot of a neighbor left a bunch of food laying around to summon vermin and did it regularly so they could plan around it. Also these months are usually the breeding season so it's even worse

>> No.16827640

Racooons eat your trash and there's next to nothing you can do to stop it except buy a gun and spend some nights on your porch drinking beer waiting for a mother fucker to try

>> No.16827671

sure or let's say a hundred plus apples on the ground. they eat that too. Also securing your garbage is a very easy thing to do. Either put a rock on it or use a lock if it's a problem. And since raccoons have very sensitive noses just leave epsom salt and tennis balls soaked with ammonia around. They'll shy away if your house is well lit as well.

Do city people just let these fucking nigger animals do whatever they want and not take any preventative actions? Like what kind of cuck would just think oh the fruit is part of nature's cycle so let the little faggot eat up and breed as much as they want is a rational thing to do lmfao

>> No.16828053

You are definitely the city cuck in this conversation. Like I said, shoot em but I guess you're not allowed to.

>> No.16828066

Someone in my old neighborhood used to steal figs from my trees and also pick my strawberries near the road. I confronted them several times, once with video evidence, and they first denied it then told me to go fuck myself. I knew they didn't have video surveillance so I waited almost a year until they went on vacation and I dumped 40 lbs of salt in their precious rhododendron garden. I would either pretend to knock on their door and throw pocketfuls of salt or walk my dog at night and dump salt hidden in dog shit bags. Their rhododendrons all died within a couple months. After trying to resod and replant they just spread riverstone and put potted plants kek

OP I recommend not fucking with another man’s fruit trees or garden.

>> No.16828116

the fuck do I care if some coons live nearby? they don't do shit, they're scavengers. It's like getting upset because birds fly around your neighborhood or worms are eating your decaying shit in the ground.

>> No.16828342

That's pretty based. It's really not hard to ask someone for permission, and if they say no, just don't do it. Not complicated.

>> No.16829113
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>those five men straining to carry that landwhale

>> No.16829144

>knock on front door
>neighbor answers
>"Excuse me, my name is Anon and I live up the street. I noticed you have that apple tree but don't seem to pick many apples from it. Would you mind if I took a few when they ripen so they don't go to waste?"
>arrange deal for how many apples is appropriate or you to take, if they even limit you at all
>make fresh apple pie for them as a token of gratitude
And that's how you participate in your community and create friendly relationships instead of being a thieving degenerate.

>> No.16829151

Why dont you just ask them?

Some guy tried stealing from my fruit tree in the middle of the night once. I would have shot his ass if he tried to come over my fence. Had he just asked me I would have let him have some.

>> No.16829761

>I’m already on the cops radar for drug related things
Oh my god shut the fuck up. You didn't pay your $50 ticket for smoking weed in the car.

>> No.16829787

>And that's how you participate in your community and create friendly relationships instead of being a thieving degenerate.
Unless they get pissed because you just called them lazy faggots for wasting apples then they yell at you and tell you to fuck off and for the rest of the time you live there they have their dog take huge shits on your lawn and eventually find an excuse to shoot you.

>> No.16829932

This is an unhealthy outlook, not everyone is out to harm you.

>> No.16830539

because they will make holes in your roof or house and then proceed to shit everywhere while they pump out as many kids as they can you stupid faggot

>> No.16830574

Anon, part of life is watching the apples ripen, begin to rot and fall off and lay wasted
That is their property, and you have the priveledge to watch the cycle of life
Maybe take just one when they aint lookin

>> No.16830599
File: 2.92 MB, 640x360, drunk magpie.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With a little luck you can at least get to see the magpies get drunk on them.
Top notch birds, those.

>> No.16830606

I want to bed that bird

>> No.16830619

Because if you have coons you likely have other vermin. I live in a big city and I have coons, possums, coyotes and owls and falcons and shit in my backyard. Where the fuck are all these little niggers coming from. The coons are fucking huge too so they must be eating well. Fucking cunts always trying to steal my avocados.

>> No.16831067

Ever since a Magpie killed a Blackbird chick around our house I've despised them. Loud screeching shitty birds.

>> No.16831419

op is retarded

>> No.16831457

The ephemeral moments of blissfully watching the drunk birds are soon lost to the fucking swarms of wasps coming after the rotten fruit.