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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16828332 [Reply] [Original]

Do you eat your burgers with a knife and fork like an adult, or with your hands like an obese manchild?

>> No.16828350

i know its a trigger post but i saw people eat their burgers with knife and fork and most of the time they made a way bigger mess. burger are for hands. thats why oversized burger or in gravy drenched burger are stupid.

>> No.16828574

I barely eat burgers these days.

>> No.16828582
File: 241 KB, 600x979, a15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn, what happened

>> No.16828584

A good burger requires knife and fork

>> No.16829066
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>> No.16829084

If in a restaurant I use a knife and fork. I take the top bun off and eat it with a bit of the toppings, then eat the other half.

>> No.16829092
File: 397 KB, 1300x867, Islak-Burger-2-of-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only if the burger is wet

>> No.16829100

Cutting bread with a knife is annoying and there is the scientifically proven and absolutely undisputable fact that certain food just taste better eaten with your hands like the aforementioned burger, pizza and chicken wings. If you don't reply to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

>> No.16829107

Islak burgers are a goddamn abomination, but fuck if I don't eat a dozen of them whenever I'm in Istanbul for work.
That picture is pretty fucking inaccurate, though. A proper ıslak burger is a tiny lump of meat you can't even see, slopped with marinara and left to sit on its soggy bun for an hour in one of those mini hammam things.

>> No.16829110

Depends on the burger. If its a larger and fancier restaurant burger than I'll use the utensils. If its a fast food burger then I'm gonna take a hands-on approach.

>> No.16829116
File: 2.92 MB, 640x360, bøfsandwich.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with a spoon and bib

>> No.16829123

imagine being an American and seeing someone butcher your country's sacred cuisine by fagging it up