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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 122 KB, 768x519, 910D89A1-3C10-4D12-A406-617A50242344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16824464 No.16824464 [Reply] [Original]

>the Midwest is all farms which means we have access to the highest quality food in the entire country! People call us flyovers, but I’ll enjoy muh fresh food
Meanwhile: Overall state food system rankings

>> No.16824468
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>nooo muh corn!

>> No.16824475

Another hilariously trash iToddler thread. Rangeban when?

>> No.16824476

ranked by coasties who think avocado toast is gourmet and will over pay for it

>> No.16824477
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>muh fresh grade A meat!

>> No.16824478

Being a flyover is being in a state of eternal cope against coasties, especially California

>> No.16824484

The Midwest is entirely factory farm wasteland. Time to live in reality and face the music, anon.

>> No.16824485

Can confirm actually. Living in CA where most of the produce for human consumption is grown, it's great having some of the freshest fruit and veg around.

>> No.16824488

>I'm not coping, y-you are!!1!

>> No.16824495
File: 139 KB, 1280x958, 56BD21E5-7D2A-44B8-A801-D5CA89930D81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes yes, I’m posting from my iPhone. I don’t feel like getting out of bed. Cry more.

>> No.16824497

Im in Iowa and we just grow corn and soybeans. We have livestock but its mostly factory shit. I do have a neighbor that raises cattle and I get really good beef from him.

>> No.16824504
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>literally coping

>> No.16824506

dude what the fuck is wrong with your finger?

>> No.16824514

That’s common everywhere in the US regardless of region. There’s a lot of farmland spread out in more residential areas that provide local livestock and produce.

>> No.16824515

California is full of douchebags but you do have good food.

>> No.16824517

>no you
Ever notice how flyovers don't spam threads like these every day?

Posting a reaction pic won't make your cope and denial any less real.

>> No.16824518

>live in california
>both a bread basket and not a flyover
>have to deal with screeching SJWs and retarded housing prices
I guess there are always tradeoffs.

>> No.16824523

My fingertips are double jointed so they bend back really far

>> No.16824525

He's just brown

>> No.16824527

>25% of the posts on /ck/ are “muh commie coasties actually do this??”
>w-we wuz gud bois

>> No.16824539

San Francisco has awful people, high priced real estate but great food

>> No.16824553
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I’m actually 100% sub Saharan African.

>> No.16824554


>> No.16824559

>we have to share a board with this mystery meat mongrel who has nothing better to do with his life than get angry about people living two states over

>> No.16824567

I bet whoever made this chart hates creole cooking

>> No.16824568

Mystery meat, just like the food you’re used to in the Midwest!

>> No.16824586

I live in Korea, faggot.

>> No.16824588

Is this map showing how many are on EBT per state?

>> No.16824605

And you're suggesting others are "mystery meat"? Your population is more plastic than human.

>> No.16824633
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Moving from New England to the south has more or less confirmed it for me. Costal states always have better food. Granted some things are better in landlocked states food wise but it is a select few things food wise.
Though there are many things better about landlocked states not accounting for food. With how much cheaper things are it makes it worth it.

>> No.16824634

>Mississippi and Louisiana so low
This map is racist

>> No.16824641
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Honestly Louisiana being so low is odd. New Orleans has incredible food.

>> No.16824642

Why is Alaska so high? Like salmon is amazing, crab and reindeer are great, but the blueberries and vegetables (while big) lack in flavor. The best vegetable in Alaska are yellow potatoes, one of the least flavorful types of potato! Is anyone else even trying?

>> No.16824657

New England is the only good coastal area in the country though

>> No.16824659

This map says West Virginia is somehow on the same level as New York, which is worse than Wyoming, and that Montana is somehow better than California. I really don't understand how this proves your point in any way.

>> No.16824666

>Costal states always have better food.
Over a third of the American coastline including over half of its ports of call are in the "South". Please explain your post more clearly.

>> No.16824677

Food wise? I disagree. General living conditions? Maybe. It's just so much more expensive to live near the coast and in most cases costal states have much stricter laws and regulations. It really just depends on what you want as a person.
I apologize. "The South" to me is mainly landlocked states. Frankly the understanding and enforcing of what "The South" is varies from person to person. It's more of a cultural perspective than geographical.

>> No.16824683

>Midwest is all farms which means we have access to the highest quality food in the entire country! People call us flyovers
The "flyover states" are where 85% of your American niggers live right? Chicago, Detroit, the South, etc. At least flyovers got soul food, so that's something.

>> No.16824695

WV, WY and MT aren't midwest. They are not coastal, and in fact they are some of the mot rural states in the country, but they're not midwest

>> No.16824702

>The "flyover states" are where 85% of your American niggers live right?
Yep, that's why flyover food is garbage.

>> No.16824712

The weird justifications coastal Americans make for their bizarre Napoleon complex baffles me. So, you're not as good as some rural region, but at least you're not as bad as some other rural region...?

>> No.16824715

It applies to the midwest(partly, only in cities) and the South, but Appalachia, the Great Plains, and the Rockies are lilywhite.

>> No.16824717

soul food is fried shit and greens cooked to mush. it's pretty shit tier food on the cuisine scale desu

>> No.16824723

I'm not like that, that's why I pointed out that they are rural and not coastal

>> No.16824725

Only lame white people coasties romantasize fried greasy foods & mushy veggies.

>> No.16824729

Absolutely. It's not like I can drive 5 miles and get farm fresh eggs and local honey and produce from the actual farms they were grown on or anything. That only happens in places like LA

>> No.16824731

That's because what you white people call "soul food" are all pretty much latin & carribean recipies stolen & copied by black slaves.

>> No.16824740

The whitest states in the country literally make up the top 3 in this map

>> No.16824742

Pretty sure black people can't "approprate" you dirty spick. It's their food now.

>> No.16824744
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Az and nm in the top half, Louisiana as worst

>> No.16824751

But you're bragging about some rural region being worse than your particular coastal region, while you're also worse than some other rural region?

>> No.16824775

I'm not bragging about anything lmao. I'm not the guy you were orignially talking to

>> No.16824784

source for map?

>> No.16824789

OP, don't even entertain flyovers, they need to be shunned and eventually slaughtered en masse.

>> No.16824791

You really did btfo yourself

>> No.16824801

This will make the country 85% hispanic

>> No.16824805

God I can't wait until arizona bay. How many hummer do I have to run idle for this to happen?

>> No.16824813

>highest quality food
Literally no one has ever said this. Midwestern food has been ridiculed throughout US history. They SELL the quality food to the coasts/cities to make a living. Even then, the grand majority of the Midwest would collapse overnight if not propped up by federal tax dollars.

>> No.16824826

They are propped up by federal dollars because imagine the world without them LOL.

>> No.16824828

>That's because what you white people call "soul food" are all pretty much latin & carribean recipies stolen & copied by black slaves.
This. Real african food is pretty shit tier compaired to latin foods.

>> No.16824830
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White America btfo

Let's take a victory lap, fellow coasties

>> No.16824838

A lot of soul food is the cheapest cuts of meat and other junk that is cooked to death to make it edible.

>> No.16824851

Most expensive cuts of meat aren't labor intensive or intrinsically more valuable. White people just love being elitist and paying more. Examples: skirt steak, lobster, wagyu

>> No.16824868

Yo is that adam friedland

>> No.16824869

>intrinsically more valuable
Considering most developed countries value food for taste, it literally has intrinsic value. Japanese people pay that much for wagyu or toro for a reason.

>> No.16824879

I thought skirt steak was more of a mexican thing

>> No.16824880

Japanese are the whites of asia

>> No.16824883
File: 222 KB, 419x351, 1611424176429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree that lots of food is valued for taste, but it's also just down to demand. Ox tail, for instance, tastes really fucking good, but was cheap for a long time. That was, until, it became trendy and the prices were jacked way up. Same thing with hanger steaks, skirt steaks, flank steaks, etc. Shit used to be cheap because normal people didn't even know or care about the cuts.

>> No.16824887

See >>16824740

>> No.16824892

I live in Oregon and it blows. what's supposed to be good about the food here???

>> No.16824984

>chicken best food
>frying food makes it taste the best
>kentucky who created fried chicken is only 29
Clearly the dope that made this is a returd

>> No.16825009

>I live in Oregon and it blows.
It sucks so bad what you white tranny antifa fucks are doing to that beautiful state. Fuck white people.

>> No.16825753

flyover states are heavily reliant on aid from the federal government. muh farms is a cope they use to convince themselves they could totally be self sufficient

>> No.16825886

Federal aid subsizide low-tax conservative states, SALT deductions subsidize high-tax liberal states. Each side has their own thing to leech off.

>> No.16825999

It's not a ranking of "good food". It's food production, aka farming.

>> No.16826002

Ah, yes, all that food produced in... Vermont...

>> No.16826016

Yeah Vermont produces a decent amount of food

>> No.16826053

i phones are garbage spec proprietary spyware. Get a OnePlus and degoogle it with LineageOS you fucking idiot.

>> No.16826055

This map is from seomthing called the "Union of Concerned Scientists" and apparently it gave scores on several factors and then calculated an overall score.
>Vermont, which had the highest overall score, was outranked by 23 states when it comes to reducing agriculture's ecosystem impacts
>And while Arkansas's overall score was low, it ranked in the top 10 for farming outlook and farm investments.
Basically it's a whole bunch of metrics about shit like trends for farming, food production, ecosystem effect, and even "social inequities"(because of course).


>> No.16826066

Literally what is a "flyover", can you idiots stop using buzzwords.

>> No.16826071

On paper, "flyover" means states which are not on the coasts, and/or which have very low tourist attractions. Practically, it means small-town America.

>> No.16826077

>That's because what you white people call "soul food" are all pretty much latin & carribean recipies stolen & copied by black slaves.
No, the black slaves stole it from the Irish slaves in the Caribbean as well as the east Indians who worked as cooks in the Caribbean. Same way they stole fried chicken and a bunch of their "traditional" culture from the Scottish slaves in the southern U.S.

>> No.16826086

People who complain about iPhone posting, let alone phone posting in general, are stupid. I believe you’re actually autistic if you think how someone posts matters

>> No.16826097

I have multiple farms selling quality pasture-raised meat and eggs less than 10 miles from me. Can you say the same?

>> No.16826154

I am very confused. Is this just from supermarkets? Because in rural ohio we have tons of fresh produce and great beef if you get it from local butchers...

>> No.16826181

Lol the best area of Korea is more depraved than the shittiest place in the USA.

>> No.16826192

Maybe the shittest white area, or just shittest non-black majority/plurality area

>> No.16826204

So it's basically bullshit?

>> No.16826220

Cool. Feel free to secede please.

>> No.16826564

Pretty much

>> No.16826575

>Union of Concerned Scientists
smells like they had an agenda from the start

>> No.16826578
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Illinois: 49

>> No.16826590

>"Union of Concerned Scientists"

>> No.16826592

Louisiana, arguably the state with the best food culture in America, is 50. Whatever metric this is is bullshit.

>> No.16826593

Sociologists should be round up and shot

>> No.16826598

Vermont can self-sustain. So many other states cannot.

>> No.16826608

But you grow it with everyone else's water.

>> No.16826645

Why would you ever leave your home town for anything. Have some pride in your home.

>> No.16826655

>you need to die where youre born and you cant do anything else
attitudes like that are why young people often leave small towns.

>> No.16826660

I generally agree with this, but it can be nice to travel sometimes. Big cities are fun to spend a week in doing stuff but I'd never want to live in any of them.

>> No.16826805

I don't care. Zoomers can line up against the wall and get shot for all I care. Fucking commies, all of them.

>> No.16827046

>when you kill all the clueless coastal smugshits in one fell swoop

>> No.16827795

Enjoy getting raped to death by niggers while your stores become empty. You're truly fucked.

>> No.16827809

Great Lakes are based though.

>> No.16827865
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Yes, OP, this definitely looks like a system of measurement preoccupied with the quality of food available.

>> No.16827876

>Social determinants & disparities

>> No.16827917

The midwest isn't the great plains. The midwest is like Chicago and Indianapolis. The great plains are where the food's at.

Except for California. They grow a shit ton of fruits and veggies there.

And Florida.

It's like the midwest and the great plains only know how to grow #2 corn and soybeans, if you think about it.

Fuck them fuckers.

>> No.16828058
File: 68 KB, 1024x704, most-diverse-states-in-america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill just leave this here

>> No.16828080

You do realize you're giving yourself the finger in that picture, right?

>> No.16828093

>With how much cheaper things are it makes it worth it.
Now just imagine if our coastal states didn't fuck themselves with democrat leaders... Might be like the golden years

>> No.16828103

Very sad to see only the tip of New England is still solid. That too won't last long.

>> No.16828124

There's no way that living around blacks makes people hate blacks. Take your alternative facts elsewhere bigot

>> No.16828126

Under what metrics?

>> No.16828127

america is a first world country you can literally import anything you want wherever the fuck you live

>> No.16828136

I can personally attest that that isn't true. I never hated niggers more than during the period of my life where I had to take public transit.

>> No.16828138

See >>16827865

>> No.16828412

No! Racism is the product of ignorance! My teacher told me so! Take your bigotry elsewhere!

>> No.16829253

I moved from Cali to the Midwest. The produce is expensive out here. Limes, cilantro, green onion? Highway robbery prices

>> No.16829265 [DELETED] 

Midwestern farms mostly grow starlink corn and other shit that's legally only fit for animals. If you serve a fresh vegetable to a flyover they will most likely get angry and violent unless you can appease them with something out of a cardboard box

>> No.16829272 [DELETED] 

>Texas more diverse than NY
This is one of those inane shart definitions of "diverse" that just means "percent of people who aren't considered white"

Being 40% mexican and 40% black and 20% white and only 2 languages isn't "diversity", idiot sharts

>> No.16829288

t. feasts on local Monsanto soy and corn
unironically worse than anywhere in the US, congrats
You probably do end up with a lot of quite local produce because of the additional effort it takes to ship tomatoes in from Mexico.
Even if that were true, which it isn't, cultural appropriation of food is one of the most retarded "ideas" to emerge from the 21st century
You can do that quite literally everywhere in the country outside of major city limits.

>> No.16829330

You mean you can do that as long as you're in flyover territory?

>> No.16829340

>CA where most of the produce for human consumption is grown
Just as much of a retarded ecological disaster as the midwest rotation of corn and soy senpai.
The American system of food production gigafucks the land to produce a short term profit. And the worst part is others are starting to copy us.

>> No.16829376


>Constant droughts and fires

At least you have fresh almonds and avocados

>> No.16829377

I always wondered that. Every time some fag brags about it I just think how absolutely fucked most of their state is from the practice

>> No.16829413

>problematic because I said so

>> No.16829449

>absolutely fucked most of their state is from the practice
Also like 5 other states and parts of mexico.

>> No.16829652

I suppose it depends on how you're defining 'flyover', but even a few miles outside of NYC and in ultra-wealthy suburban areas you can find farm stands.

>> No.16829782

Texas is 13% black, in line with the US in general. Hispanics and whites are 40% each

>> No.16829835

Maybe north of assachusetts, but a lot of Maine I've seen is really kind of shit.

>> No.16830037

>the midwest isn't feeding everyone if you ignore all the meat and poultry that feeds everyone
The fact that they specified the word "crops" there says it all, really. There's clearly an agenda here, they're only looking at farming from the perspective of growing plants, not all total food output including meat and poultry.

>> No.16830111

Perfect for swinging on trees

>> No.16830113

Maryland here, we got fresh seafood. You enjoy all that corn though.

>> No.16830133

Meat = bad

>> No.16830140

It's because the Midwest states don't have fancy cuisine chefs that are paid $100 for an appetizer. The Rocky Mountain states are the vacation spots for the plutocrats so the food travelled with them to the resort towns. Midwest, while it has a broad variety of food, isn't the fancy kind. It's mostly plain and simple home cooking or genericized franchise food. But you pay a lot less for it, and it costs less to make because these are agricultural states.

>> No.16830251

This is the biggest reason to learn how to cook. Don't willingly chain yourself to a garbage city just because it has 20 different ching chong restaurants within a 5 mile radius. But millennials and zoomers do anyways because they've never made anything more complicated than scrambled eggs.

>> No.16830494
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>hawaii #1
Yep, diversity = nonwhite.

>> No.16830497

everyone in this thread is retarded. this is obious bait and a shit thread.
regardless, the midwest has the best produce. all the popular establishments are trashy places in their main cities, though, and if this ranking is actually real, that is what it is based on: places like Chicago's (and other Chicago-lites) food, which is mostly McD's. In the truly rural areas, the small restaurants and diners server better food than you could ever hope to get on either of the coasts. If you are a faggot and can't cook, then the smaller places, farm stores and the like, even sell some smaller, delicious prepared goods (whoopie pies, dried apples, sandwiches, etc.). The tastiest food I've ever eaten comes from places that don't even establish themselves as eateries: they're just produce stores that sell a couple food items, and they're truly awesome. Even pizza in the midwest is better - not for a better recipe, but because of the fresher ingredients.
Add to that that you can get as fresh as produce as you could want from the midwest to COOK food even better than any restaurant could ever serve you, and it is just a glorious place.
Despite all this, don't go to the midwest. It's boring and you'll get shot / raped / killed / mugged, etc. so stay out.

>> No.16830520

Not really, California water law and policy problems is more often the valley and socal taking water from the San Joaquin River valley and the forested northern parts. Although commonly stated, we don’t take a very large percentage from the Colorado river for the last couple decades. A fun example of this is The LA department of water v. Audubon society, where the department just bought up all the rivers that feed into mono lake to divert down south. This is also similar to the plot of Chinatown, which in turn is based off real event about the creation of greater Los Angeles.
Obviously California is a hellhole, but that’s a result of it being the best place in America in terms of geography and resources. The water problems faced are mostly farmers wanting more water for cash crops (the classic example being almonds) at the detriment of salmon fishers and coastal estuary zones. (Less water flowing in means more brackish water going farther into rivers fucking up the natural balance.)

>> No.16830593
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Midwest is hit or miss. If you want specialty cuisine, you won't get it here. If you want high end, $500 dishes, you won't get it here. If you know where to look, there is a ton of delicious food. There is a lot of sloppa and fast food if you don't know where to go though. It's 100x easier to get something delicious in San Diego vs Cleveland. As far as cooking goes, it's definitely one of the better places to be, but prices have seriously inflated recently.
Again with the specialty cuisine point, you won't find a single good BBQ place in all of Ohio. Not one can serve brisket on par with the most mediocre of Texas gas station brisket. The situation is the same with Korean food, and I'm sure it's the same with most other things.

All that being said, all of the most delicious meals I have ever eaten haven't been here.

>t. ohiofag

>> No.16830627

>not a single good bbq place
I have one right down the road. I used to live in SC and it's better.

>> No.16830646

What's it called?

>> No.16830653

Lol, you got dogpiled in the replies
>Northern California
farms are starting to run out of aquifier water here...
but its cool having chestnuts and pecans and things here.

>> No.16830688

>In the truly rural areas, the small restaurants and diners server better food than you could ever hope to get on either of the coasts.
You do understand that these places exist everywhere, right? Major cities don't take up that much space. You can spend a couple hours driving out of D.C. in pretty much any direction but northeast and you'll be surrounded by farmland. The local restaurants that source their food from these farms have a far better choice of quality livestock and produce than they would in the midwest since these are small, family-owned farms that have to compete via quality rather than the quantity seen in massive midwest operations.

I live in VA in a small town surrounded by national forests and farmland, and I'm a 20 minute drive from a farm that is nationally recognized for its practices: I can get all the grassfed beef, pastured eggs and chicken, raw cow and goat's milk, etc. that I want while you're out there bragging about being able to buy factory farmed garbage.

>> No.16830716

Everyone seriously posting after this guy is retarded.

>> No.16830969

Who could forget about the hormone- and antibiotic-pumped meat that midwesterners can buy straight from the Tyson™ meatpacking plant?

>> No.16831101

Or, y'know, all the local farms that don't do those things: https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=16V8-JP-J0NNvayTkq2SOs-IAbGg&client=firefox-a&hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&ll=40.55554754523017%2C-83.4356687265625&spn=4.98602%2C6.569824&z=7&source=embed
Based on: http://www.eatwild.com/criteria.html

>> No.16831115

>t. ohiofag
Yeah that checks out since you can't seem to find a decent place to eat. Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Illinois all have fantastic BBQ, seafood, Korean, Vietnamese, and your run of the mill overpriced "fine dining" establishments. The only thing lacking in the great lake area outside of Ohio because Ohio fucking sucks is good Mexican food.

>> No.16831133

>a couple hours
No shit retard, you can drive a couple hours from any random point in all of America and end up near a farm. You think the thousands of restaurants in your overpacked concrete hellhole all get to buy local organic grass fed non gmo buzzword trash? You eat more factory farmed shit than anyone else, you just delude yourself into thinking otherwise because there's a few farms 6 hours away

>> No.16831184

You mean the ones that virtually every other state has? And how many average midwesterners are taking advantage of these specialty farms?

>> No.16831244

>You mean the ones that virtually every other state has?
Interesting argument since you started with Tyson as an example, which is a nationally available brand.
>And how many average midwesterners are taking advantage of these specialty farms?
Hard to say exactly, but enough of them around me that the direct to consumer farms sell out of product pretty quickly.

>> No.16831398

True, no good mexican up here. At least there's a Chuy's here which is... serviceable as far as Tex-mex goes. But that's about all.

We do have some amazing fucking pizza though, there's a pizza place near me that does new york style pizza and it's 10/10, best ny style pizza I've ever had. Also there was this Neapolitan style pizza place in Cleveland that I went to and it was fucking great too.

>> No.16831413

Avocados are fifty cents to a dollar and you can get bread for a dollar here. I can drive by the avocado farms and get a huge bag of them for five bucks. Those can also be applied to this toast you speak of.

>> No.16831674

>in your overpacked concrete hellhole
You might want to reread the second half of my post, you defensive little flyover. Aside from that, no shit most restaurants use garbage ingredients. That's true no matter where you go. The point is that the better restaurants on the coasts have access to all the fresh, locally grown produce and locally raised livestock that they could ever need.

>You eat more factory farmed shit than anyone else
Again, you know, maybe read the entire post you're responding to before you start raging over the realization that nobody's jealous of the fact that you're surrounded by factory farms. I know exactly what I eat because I buy it directly from the farmers.

>> No.16832228

>no guns
>white minority
>faggoty everywhere

Midwest is great but Maine is best

>> No.16832429

The midwest is still white, and generally in favor of guns. It's no Rockies or Great Plains, but it's still kinda conservative. The cities are the midwest's problem

>> No.16832471

>The cities are the midwest's problem
We don't think about you at all

>> No.16832500

The white chicagoland suburbs are pretty divided. The north suburbs are all democrats while west suburbs are largely republican (think Adam Kinzinger, who is actually the representative for that district)

>> No.16832511

Yes you do, you are filled with nothing but contempt towards rurals and you blame most of America's stereotypes on them(stupidity, obesity, shootings) while all you need to do to find the causes is to look at your black urban centers