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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 404 KB, 381x349, 12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.16823552 [Reply] [Original]

Just to annoy me?

>> No.16823561


>> No.16823567

Celery prolly don't even think about you.

>> No.16823574
File: 379 KB, 2244x2377, mOnvOJG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know they're alive but vegetables don't actually, like, think, right?

>> No.16823581

ask celery man

>> No.16823582

They do, but celery don't even think about you though. Find yourself another food.

>> No.16823596

Celery ain even like that doe.

>> No.16823600

Just use it in stews or chicken salad sandwiches. Problem solved

>> No.16823642
File: 165 KB, 560x292, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tree cant respond to injury and send out signals to warn other trees about danger. perhaps there is something in there, not consciousness as we know it, but something

>> No.16823650

fuck, i meant can

>> No.16823766

Every few years I buy some thinking I’ll try to figure out a way to enjoy it . I basically just end up eating one piece and then throw the rest away . Probably about time I tried celery again .

>> No.16823807

Pretty decent dipped in peanut butter, anon.

>> No.16823822

Imagine being filtered by a vegetable that's about 95% water, and has an extremely mild flavor.

>> No.16823826

I hate cooked celery so bad. It looks like snot balls and has the consistancy of it

>> No.16823827

>extremely mild flavor.
t.only had bad celery

Here in Norway the difference is extreme between our own and the one we import off-season.

>> No.16823829

lol what the fuck are the other trees going to do in response to the signal? Uproot and run away?

>> No.16823837

It's good to drop decent ropes, anon.

>> No.16823842

I'd love to taste it then. I've had some "strong" tasting celery before. But, compared to most other veggies, it was still pretty mild. It was good though.

>> No.16823844

That's sadly like all vegetables. I'm going to miss summer/fall bros... All the good local produce will be gone.

>> No.16823850

Haven't really noticed any difference between store bought and fresh picked from the garden Zucchini or yellow squash. But, most other veggies are very noticeable. Maybe I should try growing some celery next time.

>> No.16823880 [DELETED] 

OP here, I'm trans BTW.

>> No.16823898

We already figured that out.

>> No.16823986

Trees are actually kind of creepy. Not sure if an individual tree's immune response gets triggered if a nearby tree is harmed, but their roots are all tapped into the mycellium web underground and they prioritize soil nutrient transfers based on communal need.

>> No.16824003

>vegetables are better in-season
holy shit norwegians are geniuses

>> No.16824041

How slow do trees move? I assume they move in some way. Wooden krakens.

>> No.16824054

That's not true. Trees will steal nutrients and water from other trees to the point of killing them. Happens all the time.

>> No.16824058

heng deg

>> No.16824093

No need to be sarcastic. The point was just that celery doesn't have "extremely mild flavor" if it's good celery.

>> No.16824100


>> No.16824111

>Why does celery exist?
It's God's way of giving us celery seed, a vital component in any dry-rub for beef.
Oh, and also, you need it for Chicago dogs.

>> No.16824112

>he doesn't appreciate the texture and delicate flavor that celery contributes to a soffrito or a bouquet garni
Utter plebeian

>> No.16824119

yes all store-bought veggies taste like dogdick when you grow your own heirloom varieties
people should stop judging the taste of vegetables based on market veggies. they're bred for appearance and shelf life, not for flavor like heirloom and enthusiast-cultivar vegetables. that's why homegrown carrots and eggplants for example look like all kinds of amorphous lumpy shapes and the ones at the store all look the exact same but the ones at home taste 100x better than the water-injected bullshit you get off a market shelf

>> No.16824138

>Trees will steal nutrients and water from other trees to the point of killing them.
And OFC, sunlight.

>> No.16824149

it varies by species and maturity. developing plants compete with each other, more established trees have long since out-competed their counterparts and anything that grows near it is probably living off the tree somehow or living symbiotically

>> No.16824281


>> No.16824409

Its really good in soups desu

>> No.16824490

Dude, I was talking about mass produced Norwegian celery bought in supermarkets.

>that's why homegrown carrots and eggplants for example look like all kinds of amorphous lumpy shapes and the ones at the store all look the exact same but the ones at home taste 100x better than the water-injected bullshit you get off a market shelf
For carrots a big problem is consumer preference for perfectly clean carrots, and not taste. The carrot starts degrading way way faster after 1. It's clean and 2. Exposed to light in plastic, since consumers value inspecting the product visually over taste.

I buy dirty unwashed carrots in light-closed bags. They are as good as the ones I grow myself.

>> No.16824496

"Does this fatass really think eating me will help him lose weight? Lmao what a cuck."

>> No.16824512

It could be a signal to warn of danger so reduce energy output, keep food in storage, similar to how trees behave when winter approaches

>> No.16824542
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I'm eating celery right now, its the best vegetable for snacking, and the best aromatic for cooking. I go through two bags of it every week. There's literally nothing not to like about it.

>> No.16824584
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>> No.16824600
File: 7 KB, 275x183, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found out the other day that if you add smoked paprika to a dish with celery, it cancels out the celery flavor and becomes edible.

>> No.16824755

it goes great with cream cheese or benis butter

>> No.16824763

Try celeriac for the real deal. You will fucking die faggot hahaha.

>> No.16824914

Can trees respond to love :3d

>> No.16825163

How often do you have explosive celery diarhhea?

>> No.16825191
File: 48 KB, 500x672, celery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How often do you have explosive celery diarhhea?
Never, mah negro.

>> No.16825219

It's like bay leaf. It's to trick tastelets into thinking it adds something to a soup.

>> No.16825229

gaia's toothbrush

>> No.16825581

Goes with almost everything really, like mushrooms

>> No.16825587

Necessary for soup or canned tuna with mayo sandwiches. You're just a drug addict and everything annoys you, that's why start stupid threads. Junkie.

>> No.16825734


>> No.16825873
File: 158 KB, 800x702, 6a011168ca5559970c014e8b3f8446970d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invest in a tasteful celery vase to offer to guests.

>> No.16825889

>its all the rave in western europe!

>> No.16825906

you're fat, aren't you?

>> No.16825948

I have to stop myself from starting with a mirepoix or sofrito with every dish I make. Don't want it to be too samey. Had a similar phase with cumin years ago

>> No.16825971

They can jack up production of chemicals that make them inedible. If one tree is fighting of bugs, the others can preemptively produce their bug repellant.

>> No.16827030

Where can I get one of these? I want to LARP as my great grandparents.

>> No.16827071

How are you getting diarhheah from celery? It's extremely fibrous

>> No.16827081

I do a softiro based salad for 2/3 of the dinners I make

>> No.16827913

Etsy or ebay. These things would probably have been quaint to your great grandparents. They few out of popularity by the 1910s.

>> No.16827922

they grow like weeds in italy, like dandelions

>> No.16827923

You can reduce it in Thai style stews.

>> No.16827940
File: 180 KB, 1120x1114, Celeriac1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make way for the best part of celery.

>> No.16830005

Celery is just crunchy water. I use it in my mirepoix, but fuck if it does anything.

>> No.16830015

>he doesn't know about veggie thoughts

>> No.16830031

>he doesn't know

>> No.16830034

Absolutely essential finely chopped in tuna salad.

>Never had Ants on a log as a child. Peanut butter on celery with raisins

>> No.16830078

The same is true with my tomatoes. I grow roma and San Marzanos. Mine are 1/2 - 1/4 the size of those in the store, but taste way better. I went to a veggie stand in the boonies the other day, where a family sells the veggies they grow on their little farm. The romas looked just like mine. Kind of validating.

>> No.16830089

Yes and I've got splinters to prove it

>> No.16830098

it has a certain aroma that it imparts into some dishes. It's not huge, but it is there.

>> No.16830241

>Absolutely essential finely chopped in tuna salad.
Celery's greatest contribution!

>> No.16830263

Completely different variety.

They're overpowering.

Try white celery, try them at half the prescribed quantities.

Match with earthy, hearty flavours like tomato, meat or mushroom. Or contrast with sour fruit, like Granny Smith or rhubarb.

>> No.16830277

Is that supposed to be an emoticon?
I mean I get these:

But what the fuck is
supposed to look like?
Does your little guy have both a cleft palate AND a fucking massive goiter???
Jesus dude, the fucking horror.

>> No.16830285

Moix poix

>> No.16830313


>> No.16830457

Super unclear what the FUCK you think a human face looks like.
I mean, have you ever seen a real person with a mouth that looks like : 3 ????
Is that supposed to be a walrus maybe? Jesus, just post a human face that looks even remotely like a "3". What in the fuck is that peak in the middle supposed to be?

>> No.16830482

Grass does the same shit too, that's why it smells so strong when cut

But plants don't feel pain because they can't move and avoid it. No need to develop pain sensors like animals who can move and evade danger

>> No.16830484

the 3 is a big fat nose

>> No.16830493


>> No.16830512


>> No.16830525

>the 3 is a big fat nose
Jebbus help us all, no.

>> No.16830535
File: 602 KB, 2048x1374, pansslab_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever seen an actual human being?
Honest question.

>> No.16830544

Just fuck off, 8==> sucker.

>> No.16830549

It's a cat face ya wally.

>> No.16830573

>It's a cat face ya wally.
Do you think you're posting with cats online?
Do you honestly think :3 looks like a fucking cat?
A walrus seems more likely,
Wow, people are super retarded.

>> No.16830590
File: 111 KB, 429x500, smiling_cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16830609

How many cats do you argue with online?
I bet you also jerk off to loli catgirls, huh?

>> No.16830672

Only the weak fear the celery stick.

>> No.16830713

You haven't seen Veggie Tales?

>> No.16830745

I like to snack on it. I usually dip it in an almond based ranch I like.

>> No.16830858


>> No.16830896

people can't taste celery in things, huh?
imo it's a pretty strong tasting vegetable, like just a tier down from yellow onion.

>> No.16831103

Are you sure that's celery you're eating? Might be green onions.

>> No.16831106


>> No.16831177
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>> No.16832071
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>> No.16833402

We do, just not about you.

>> No.16834494

That's not true at all. There's a type of tree that will choke out all other competitors save for its own kind, and it gets weird since there will be whole patches of land where it's only that tree. There's a name for that kind of forest, but I don't remember it for the life of me.

Then there's the parasitic plants and trees, like strangler fig and mistletoe.

>> No.16834657
File: 96 KB, 720x480, onions-carrots-celery-in-red-pot[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my cooking, celery is more about adding a particular flavor to a meal, mainly soups or stews. It cooks down to nothing but adds a considerable amount of flavor that is fresh tasting and pleasant. It's okay raw w/ wings or covered in peanut butter, but not much else I think.

>> No.16834667

It's so clean it's unnatural.

>> No.16834735

They will leave.

>> No.16835000
File: 41 KB, 920x500, J35QLE2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its dried and used to make cheap processors

>> No.16835004

I've never grown celery. god damn that pic looks amazing

>> No.16835027

Is it celery or some similar vegetable that's usually in Chinese takeout that is usually cut into very biased ovals that is cooked but still somehow crunchier than it is raw? What is it or how do they do that?

>> No.16835084

Maybe water chestnuts? I can't picture celery being cut into an oval.

>> No.16835108

Honestly, just to give soup some body.

>> No.16835115

It pairs well with buffalo wings and some blue cheese dip

>> No.16835117
