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[ERROR] No.16814940 [Reply] [Original]

I only started drinking coffee this past week, but it's been the most productive week of my life. I was always a lazy faggot with no motivation to do anything besides lay in bed all day on my computer.
But caffeine is like motivation in liquid form. I get jittery and anxious when I'm not doing anything. I wish I had taken the coffeepill earlier. I probably would have gone to Harvard or something.

>> No.16814948

You should try Modafinil or perhaps Adderall or meth if you want shit done.

>> No.16814969

congrats u become an addict

>> No.16815156

you should try cigarettes

>> No.16815260

It's pretty great until you reach a tolerance.

>> No.16815321

Try meth.

>> No.16815337

Where to get? Iv been in the market

>> No.16815441

Probably some white guy in a tank top.

>> No.16816918
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Nothing beats a cuppa. Enjoy. Recently I've been taking a little L-theanine to go with my coffee and I'm finding that I can focus in my next class (uni student) a lot better that way
Literally nothing wrong with being addicted to coffee
Doesn't happen

>> No.16817662
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Spent a decade wondering what was wrong with me
Found out about adult ADHD and stimulants
Began taking coffee, life is better
Waiting on doctor appointment now

>> No.16818433

Yes good, become addicted to pills that change your brain chemistry and must be on them forever, good good.

>> No.16818458

Used to drive a lot for work. Would drink three pots a day. Would not recommend to anyone. I’m down to one pot in the morning and I’ve never felt better

>> No.16818467

>Doesn't happen
you're in for an unpleasant surprise

>> No.16818483

Same here.
Too much coffee gives you anxiety.
The best cup of coffee is the first one in the morning.

>> No.16818585

Coffee makes me do things, but not useful things. I can't focus on anything useful if I've been drinking too much coffee. It's useful in moderation to kickstart myself if I'm too tired though.

>> No.16818598

Like all stimulants you become accustomed to it and the effect is significantly weakened to the point that you are simply using it to feel as you did before you used it, no longer any boost.
Still tastes good though.

>> No.16818621

Go get a broad-spectrum psychological test conducted on yourself and post the results.

>> No.16818632


>> No.16818661


>> No.16818691

Oh no, OP has gone full retard

>> No.16818800

Most peoples brains on AdHD pills actually learn how it's supposed to be and can then be taken off the pills.

>> No.16818825

Try asking a homeless guy, no joke. Don't call it meth though, ask for clear.

>> No.16818917
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Name one downside to being addicted to coffee that isn't "ur an addict" since that's not a downside in and of itself

>> No.16818926
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I have no reaction to caffeine whatsoever, but I only like the smell and taste and the ritual of a warm drink to start a dreary morning.

So I got one of those Nespresso machines that uses cartridges and dilute an espresso with water to make an American.

$8 worth of cartridges is 2 weeks for me.

>> No.16818936

>55 hour energy

>> No.16819090

a fool and his money