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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16816551 [Reply] [Original]

I remember reading a while back that overweight people are less likely to prefer spicy foods, and usually prefer lightly seasoned foods (except for salt). What is /ck/ thoughts? No fat shaming

>> No.16816554

spicy people like fat foods

>> No.16816559

Genocide the overweight for their lard deposits.

>> No.16816579

They don't know. It's just food.

>> No.16816613

The thing is, many overweight people suffer from bad stomach and digestion problems so spicy food can just be a ticket to automatic heartburn.

>> No.16816701

>have always enjoyed spicy food
>went from being a superfat mega lardo fatfuck of 42 bmi to just under obese fatty fatfuck at 28 bmi
Sugar cravings have gone down since I started ignoring them, but my appreciation of spice has stayed consistent, urban areas I order spice level 6/10 and rural I order 9/10
I think while obesity and bland taste have some correlation, they've got little causation.

>> No.16816705

I'm a fat food and I like spicy people

>> No.16816720

Fatties typically are fat because they're addicted to comfort. Spicy food makes you uncomfortable. Do the math.

>> No.16816732
File: 49 KB, 570x854, adam-richman-fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16816750

Nothing more disgusting than a fatty with food all over it's face.

>> No.16816752
File: 173 KB, 596x403, Nicolas green outdoors ghost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manly sweets Making "Fried" Oreos Out Of The Back Of My Truck https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vgXyLIIoyAI

>> No.16816755

>Spicy food makes you uncomfortable.
A little bit but then it makes you feel extra sweaty and contented.
I've found that when I eat the same amount of food plain vs. the same amount of food with hot diced chilies on top I feel much fuller with the spicy dish.

>> No.16817191

My mother is obese and refuses to eat anything that doesn’t have jalapeños or sriracha on it

>> No.16817242

hes not fat hes chubby

>> No.16817292
File: 47 KB, 473x375, batman-tbk-jokester.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanna know how I got these stains?

>> No.16817307

That man is well past obese.
Fats look good in expensive formal wear.

>> No.16817339

He’s like 60lbs overweight

>> No.16817399
File: 70 KB, 495x495, 20210808_230602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's big boner

>> No.16818156

I'm 340lbs and I love spicy food

>> No.16818169

I am a fat man who eats spicy foods regularly.

>> No.16818175

When I was overweight, I didn't have problem with stuffing myself on tex mex

>> No.16818254

Outing myself as a fatty here, but I'm fat and always get the spiciest option of anything when I have the option to choose.

I got fat from drinking myself stupid on beer though so maybe its kinda different from food fatties?

>> No.16818384

Lose weight

>> No.16818512
File: 655 KB, 2448x3264, ccfadabd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've known a few morbidly obese people. Had two friends in high school (still friends with one), and quite a few coworkers. They're fun people to be around if they're not in a manic phase. People deep in their feelings like that are usually pretty sensitive and caring, but they can also be judgmental as hell. "Look at that skinny bitch, she thinks she's so good." kind of comments, but that's what they grew up hearing.

Every time it was the exact damn thing. They mostly eat breakfast foods and appetizers/finger food.

Bacon (often pre-cooked) and cheese sandwiches, scrambled eggs (like 8-10 of them), several pieces of toast with butter and jam, frozen potatoes, loaded potato skins, pizza rolls/pockets, quesadillas and mini tacos and taquitos, popcorn chicken, chips with jarred cheese dip, etc.

A surprising lack of sweets and take-out. Mostly just breakfast food that doesn't require a lot of skill or time (just about anybody can scramble eggs), and frozen appetizers that can be reheated in a few minutes.

When we'd go to a restaurant, there was always massive anxiety beforehand. They greatly preferred buffets because they don't like to eat just 2-3 things e.g. burger and fries, enchilada with rice and beans, chicken with mashed potatoes and biscuits, etc.

Instead they want like 10-15 different items, and maybe 1-2 of those were large portions. Like, a mountain of general tso's chicken with an egg roll, rangoon, dumplings, wonton soup, hot and sour soup, bit of fried rice, a couple sushi rolls if they have it, a couple of shrimp fished out of any seafood entrees, a cup of ice cream, some of the fried donut things, fried wings, chicken on a stick, etc. And 9/10 there would be a request to stop somewhere on the way home like Sonic, and they'd get some treats and then take a few home "for later".

Anyone else got experiences? It fascinates me.

>> No.16818569

Depends on what you mean by fat. I'm fat and I love spicy food, I'm not obese though, I'm about 10kgs overweight.

>> No.16818594

I'm fat because I drink 3 oz of rum every hour every day, not because I eat too much.

>> No.16818750

My fat sister's a small planet because of snack and fast food and having taught herself gourmet cooking.
She'll tuck into a family sized bag of salt and vinegar chips, a sleeve of Oreos, a candy bar, and then still want a burger for lunch and to make ground veal bechamel lasagna for dinner.
Shit, she cooks for so long that she'll need snacks while dinner's going, so she'll be sliding butter pats, rosemary bouquets and lemon wedges between the bird skin and tit and also be chowing down on pretzels.

>> No.16818804

ah yes, the simply sara of fat people
they're a rare breed, but they do exist

>> No.16818819

Fat fuck here, I absolutely love spicy food, I can eat more spicy shit than anyone I knowb

>> No.16819292

fatfuck here i obsessively eat spicy shit

>> No.16819320

fuck fat people, being fat is shameful.

>> No.16819547

Usually someone who drinks a lot enjoys spicy food more often so basically Mexico

>> No.16821191

It might hold up statistically, but I'm fat and I like spicy food. The hotsauce meme guy's fat, and I'm led to believe he likes spicy food.

>> No.16821216

fatties have parasites and the parasites dont like spicy food so the parasite which has direct control over the gut biome minimizes spicy food intake and promotes glucose and simple sugar intake instead.

>> No.16821223

Okay. I'm a fat American (at 14% body fat), and I used to like spicy food before I got the jab. Now spicy foods just taste like unessesary flavorless heat, but at least I can still get, and spread covid.

>> No.16821227

I dont give a fuck what he is, I just want to fuck him up the ass until my dick falls off

>> No.16821234

That was what used to be considered as fat in the US 20 years ago.

>> No.16821237

Fat fucks don't like spicy food because it would slow them down from eating 10000 calories in 5 minutes

>> No.16821445

>fuck fat people
Ok, I will.

>> No.16821623

ngl, the way she prepares birds makes me hungry.

>> No.16821894

Oh I'll happily eat her cooking, it's very good even though that's entirely in thanks to it being drowned in cream, wine, and parmesan.
I just have to eat it once per week maximum and make sure to workout beforehand.

>> No.16822134

have sex

>> No.16822318

282lbs and i avoid spicy food and most spices in general except salt and pepper because they give me a stomach ache and sometimes the shits
i have a fat friend who loves spicy food so i dunno i dont think weight plays a part

>> No.16822361

Fat fuck here I like spicy, especially combined with greasy. Just finished a bowl of spaghetti with spicy garden sauce.

>> No.16822903
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motherFUCK that is an oreo biscuit, jim bob

>> No.16823246

Black people love spicy food and they're the most obese demographic in America, so this theory doesn't exactly check out