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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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[ERROR] No.16809792 [Reply] [Original]

Coffee Time General – The Chicory Edition

>chicory dickory dock
>OP can suck teh cock
>anon’s cold brew tastes like an old shoe
>chicory dickory dock

Previous thread >>16789243

>> No.16809808

there's already a coffee thread on the front page, calm down.

>> No.16809821
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its about to retire soon
i wanna beat this dead horse as hard as i can but i gotta go to work shortly

>> No.16809831

No it isn't.
There are still 10 whole pages to go, and /ck/ is not a fast board.

>> No.16809865

So that's what my beer shits look like coming out

>> No.16810219
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9barista anon here again (the one with the REMI)
made a small latte with some slightly caramelized sugar today with Onyx Monarch coffee -- tastes lovely

>> No.16810560
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>> No.16810585

do you use a distributor before tamping? what coffee dose are you using?

>> No.16810830

Would it be worth is for a new gaggia classic pro? I've never owned a real espresso machine before. I currently have a baratza encore, would I need get a new grinder to go with it?

>> No.16810840

get a used gaggia and a better grinder

>> No.16810850

How hard is it to make sure everything is working well with a used espresso machine. What would be a good grinder to go with?

>> No.16810855
File: 3.04 MB, 1920x1080, presslets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The current state of presslets. Everyone make sure to check on your friends and family who own one of these death traps.
Kinu m47p or option o remi

>> No.16810873

Is a hand grinder really better than the encore? I've never heard particularly good things about them, but if they're that good, I might give it a shot

>> No.16810875

kek yes

>> No.16810900

yes, i use a WDT to break up any clumps and even the bed for tamping
i used to use a cheap OCD as well, but i've stopped doing that now as it's completely unnecessary
after WDT, i give the portafilter a light vertical tap against the mat and then i tamp
i'm dosing 18g in and getting around 36-38g out

>> No.16810905

yes you need a new grinder -- a baratza encore would not cut it for espresso

>> No.16810906

Wasn't chickory originally used as a coffee substitute for some super religious guy that thought caffeine was the devil or some shit and nobody liked it because it didn't tastelike coffee?

>> No.16810912

How do I perfect my tamp bros? I be tamping crooked sometimes

>> No.16810914

lmfao yes even a $60 hand grinder will eternally btfo the encore

>> No.16810921

cool, thanks anon. do you aim for a 30 second extractiom or longer?

>> No.16810925

yeah i aim for between 25-35 seconds, usually right on 30

>> No.16810929
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It was significantly cheaper and doesn't break down in water like coffee.

>> No.16810935

excellent. seems like a cool machine

>> No.16810944

it very much is
i was disappointed with the espresso i was getting out of it the first few weeks, but that was due to completely shit puck prep
with some good puck prep and good coffee, i've had the best espresso of my life out of this machine

>> No.16810947


>> No.16810955

Exactly where I'm at on the f58 -1g. I wish we could pull data from the 9bar so I could try to mimic the profile of it.

>> No.16810959

Set the tamper on top of the bed, push with two fingers two thumbs.

>> No.16810961

how do you do it perfectly flat?

>> No.16810962

chicory is based as fuck, but French Market is better than CDM.

>> No.16810965

I underroasted my coffee and am enjoying a nice "tea-like" 3rd wave experience.

>> No.16810966

i've had success doing something similar to this (but with both hands), where i use my fingers to tamp and ensure even force across the tamper
i'm now using a more traditional thumb+forefinger barista tamp, but i usually finish it off with a finger tamp to be sure it's level
don't be afraid to tamp more than once and apply additional force on parts of the bed that are lopsided

same, i've mentioned this before but my biggest "complaint" about the 9bar is how little control you have after you've locked in the portafilter
really tempted to save up for something like an Olympia Cremina

>> No.16810970
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forgot pic

>> No.16810974
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good to know - thanks
don't know if it's of help but i found pic rel

>> No.16810975

shouts on the finger thing, thanks. also do you ever have any coffee getting stuck to your tamper and ruining the surface of the puck? or is that just a pressure issue?

>> No.16810978

Get a self-leveling tamper.

>> No.16810981

take yourself and your shitty "coffee" to the tea time thread faggot

nah, can't say that's happened to me, but i'm also not really clear on what you're getting at by that

stop being a consoomer and develop good technique instead retard

>> No.16810984

I've got an older bodum French Press and it seems no matter what I do or how slow I press, some grinds make it through to the cup. Do I need to replace the screen/spring, use an extra coarse grind, or what?

>> No.16810987

great pic, thanks for this mate

>> No.16810990
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what are you grinding with?

>> No.16810991

Kek get a load of this coping moka pot poorfag.

>> No.16810992

now that i think about it, try twisting your tamper a bit after you're done tamping but before removing it
this might fix what you're talking about, if it's what i think it is

keep consooming fag, don't let me stop you from sinning

>> No.16810996

I do that, it helps sometimes but occasionally it only solves itself if I re-tamp

>> No.16811002

yeah, i have also experienced that
not sure if a more expensive tamper would fix it or if this is just the nature of espresso-ground coffee
i know that it's a pretty common phenomenon and the solution is pretty simple so i'm not too worried about it

>> No.16811003
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the main comment got cropped by accident

>> No.16811007

that sounds interesting
i've heard of some people playing around with heat during extraction, might see if i can make it happen and notice any differences

>> No.16811012

let us know if you do

>> No.16811013

it's quite a pricey tamper, maybe it has something to do with humidity or something. will keep it at it, ty

>> No.16811036
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Absolutely of help. It would be perfect if I could manually set a pressure profile
Also today I learned I'm retarded and should probably turn the wifi on my coffee bar phone on so the sep app updates.

>> No.16811052

excited to see if flair58 anon (you?) can try this out

>> No.16811073
File: 129 KB, 3040x1440, Screenshot_20211009-154140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. App is updated on my other phone now. 18.5g on the exact same burrs I've got. I had no clue gabor(owner of nakedportafilters/guy who made sep) had a kinu lol. Guy has good taste.

>> No.16811128

Unfortuantely I usually buy pre-ground. I know its not as good as grinding it just before adding water, but I just don't have a coffee grinder. I've noticed the boutique coffees usually have a coarser grind, and the cheaper decaf stuff has a pretty fine grind, doesn't seem to matter. Nor does it matter if I have a super coarse "grinding" it in my mini food processor.

I mainly make tea in the French press but even small leaves will get by too.

>> No.16811190
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Today I had my coffee black with some homemade blueberry matcha compote mixed in

>> No.16811206

why in the world would anyone use one of these instead of a spoon ?

>> No.16811216

you're discovering the limitations of french piss also
>if I have a super coarse "grinding" it in my mini food processor.
blade grinders are super inconsistent and you get tonnes of super fine pieces in even a "super coarse" grind. If you just want better coffee on a budget you could get something like a timemore c2 or a 1zpresso and a plastic v60

>> No.16811304

>instead of a spoon
terrible troll attempt

>> No.16811568

>timemore c2
>on a budget
a $75 hand crank grinder. Are you on dope?

>> No.16811573

Then just buy a $20 chinkshit POS off of Amazon and fuck off. Don't come back and complain when it doesn't work well or breaks either.

>> No.16811605

you're the one on dope if you think that's expensive for what you're getting
kill yourself and stop posting

>> No.16811803

srs question:

what’s the advantage of a hand grinder over electric? seems like a lot of tennis elbow just for one shot of espresso

>> No.16811953

think about what you're paying for
when you buy a hand grinder, you are paying for a burr set and a mechanism for you moving those burrs together to grind coffee, as well as materials
when you buy an electric grinder, you're paying for a burr set, and you're paying for a motor to move those burrs to grind coffee

it is much cheaper to get a good burr set if you don't also have to shell out money to buy a motor, and if you don't pay enough for a good-enough motor, your grinder is going to kill itself very quickly

a typical electric grinder capable of grinding well for espresso starts at around the $400-$500 range
a hand grinder capable of grinding to that standard (or better) would set you back maybe $100-$150

>> No.16811998

Please don't pay over $150 for a grinder unless you are buying a commercial grinder that you are going to use hundreds of times a day.

>> No.16811999


>> No.16812004

go steal trips from some other board

>> No.16812007
File: 1.03 MB, 565x720, 1620253341196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a full house nigger

>> No.16812012


>> No.16812016

Why do retards on this board not understand how much shit costs these days? Please point to some of these "commercial" grinders that can hold up to being used "hundreds of times per day" and cost only $150. I'll wait.

>> No.16812028

you're such a fucking retard lmao
please buy your chinkshit electric grinder and enjoy your shit coffee for the few months before it dies

>> No.16812107

>not just paying a pahjeet 50c a day to grind your coffee with your mechanical grinder.

>> No.16812227

bought a pour-over, how do i take my coffee game to the next level?

>> No.16812235

are you even single origin yet?

>> No.16812240

actually, yes

>> No.16812287

Please tell me this endgame $150 setup please.

>> No.16812318

what's your grinder?

>> No.16812437
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Trying to shed the lockdown pounds, so I don't eat after 8pm until 12pm the next day. Only thing allowed is one cup of coffee and water.

Normally it's a plunger brew but decide to be fancy today.

>> No.16812667

I ordered a few umeshiso spoons. We'll see where they rank on the based-o-meter.

>> No.16812681
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I've been gifted a large quantity of coffee beans by my mother. I have a couple pf boxes of this Marley Coffee brand that I have no idea what it is. It is also past its best before date a year ago.

Is it still okay to drink from it? Or was I gifted a whole bunch of expired coffee beans?

>> No.16812770

They're definitely way past the point of going stale. If they're whole beans and were vacuum packaged they might still be drinkable but they're definitely not going to be very good.

>> No.16812796


Yes they are whole beans, is the taste going to be very bland and stale? Should I just dilute it with milk and sugar to mask the taste?

>> No.16812869

You should just buy fresh beans

>> No.16813051
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Kill it with the mower. Buy it at the store.

>> No.16813067

Had the cafe au lait at the Cafe Du Monde, was pretty good with the powdered sugar from the beignet. Normally a black coffee kinda guy but when in Rome.

>> No.16813083

I've only had 1 or 2 french presses since cold brew season ended. It's just not the same. Why'd it have to end, bros?

>> No.16813085

coffe makes me poop

>> No.16813088
File: 279 KB, 1296x968, cafe du monde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first time I ever had Vietnamese coffee made with cafe du monde I was going to the hospital because my younger brother had just been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and it gave me stomach rumblies so bad that I had to shit in his room with me foot against the door because the hospital bathrooms had no locks.
I do love viet coffee though and when I went in person it was nice

>> No.16813238

where did you get that cup? I want one

>> No.16813316

look up my man madexbinary on etsy

>> No.16813320

>cold brew season
you faggots are insufferable

>> No.16813324
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here's another shot from another small latte i made today

>> No.16813342

I had a plasticky electric burr grinder that cost about $60. I used it two times a day, grinding 40g doses each time. The motor burnt out after 5 months. Math out the cost of a shitty grinder like that vs. a nicer hand grinder for $150-250 that lasts 10 years.

>> No.16813472

Nice. I kind of want to pick up one of these if they ever come back in stock.


>> No.16813601
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Nice head. Is the cup ceramic or plastic?

>> No.16813648

said the insufferable retarded faggot

>> No.16814206

it's ceramic

>> No.16814569

Hi it's the noob from the previous thread
I was going to go to a cafe this morning and try something, but I'm too hungover so I just made regular black coffee again...
Sorry, I'll try again next weekend I guess, but keep reading these threads to learn
Thank you for all of advice/info though

>> No.16814684

Any time pal.

>> No.16814692

you can have coffee at any time

>> No.16814753

I can’t have coffee past 3 in the afternoon or I’ll be up all night

>> No.16814785

What >>16814753 said (except make it 11 am for me)
Also, I get to work before most cafes here open up, except Starbucks and some donut shops

>> No.16815277

a double shot of espresso has 60-100mgs of caffeine, you can't have a comfy espresso drink in the afternoon?

>> No.16815289

I can't even have a can of Coke
It's probably because I have so much caffeine in the morning
But if I skip morning coffee, my head wants to explode by noon

>> No.16816239


>> No.16817094
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I just bought this, what am I in for?

>> No.16817290

never judge a book by its cover but that shit gonna be oily and burnt I can tell that from here

>> No.16817322

I have a deep seated issue with companies that don't disclose the origin %s of their blends.

>> No.16817378

Probably stale garbage. Also for personal reasons I fucking hate blends.

>> No.16817431
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The coffee beans may be good but the packaging looks cheap. Is the origin stated?

"Lobster Butter" reminds me of trip to Malaysia where the robusta beans for local consumption are roasted with butter and sugar for extra flavor.

>> No.16817454
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>Is the origin stated?
doesn't look like it

>> No.16817470

So its 95% the cheapest brazilians they could source.

>> No.16818434

this "John" dude seems to be a rather insufferable cunt

>> No.16819136


>> No.16820221
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new day new coffy

>> No.16820248
File: 125 KB, 1100x720, coffee-grinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the grinder pictured here?

>> No.16820283


>> No.16820292

the shitmaster 5k
don't buy it

>> No.16820295

Timemore C2 with a body kit.

>> No.16820303
File: 135 KB, 1338x1338, Kalita-Manual-Coffee-Grinder-Vintage-Coffee-Mill-KH-3AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like this Kalita Mill KH-3AM

>> No.16820967

Chinese knockoff of a bad italian design.

>> No.16821270
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I got the happy mug light roast single origin roaster's choice subscription. I get delivered a 12oz bag every two weeks. Very comfy. Right now I have a cuban and it almost tastes sweet

>> No.16821284

any of you naygers brew with sparking water like pellegrino?

>> No.16821290


>> No.16821313
File: 75 KB, 640x480, 446806B7-13E4-4C25-9548-CADB4348C20D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife got me a coffee grinder, I’ll be shitposting on how fresh my coffee is from now on

>inb4 muh budget model n shiet

>> No.16821332

a 10oz bag lasts me about a month. how many cuppas are you brewing every day on average?
the grinder is fine but it doesn't really make it fresh unless your beans are also freshly roasted within the past few weeks or so

>> No.16821351

Damn look at that fit and finish. Bet that plastic feels great.

>> No.16821374
File: 65 KB, 377x640, 220919FD-3BDB-4FC6-B90D-44D4C0F3E173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far works great with my 1951 Vesuviana, I’ll try and locally source good coffee beans, rhe ones I got where “recently” toasted which isn’t really assuring

>> No.16821375

I decided to leave for a couple days to see if I was really living in your head rent free. You're not getting any replies, nobody is laughing at your jokes, but you just can't get my chicory flavored cock out of your mouth.

Holy shit, you are the prissiest faggot I have ever met in my lifetime. You HAVE to be from sanfran, there's literally no other place on earth that could sustain such faggotry.
Obsessed... But you still haven't gotten rid of me. You should post the full context:
>the coffee is not at fault, and neither are the spices
>it’s a refreshing flavour
>my problem is that the coconut cream is very fatty and doesn’t emulsify into the drink
>the smell is a little medicinal, but the taste grows on me
>I don't think anise... goes into coffee
>it tasted like a hangover
>nobody that sampled it liked it at all
>I don’t think anise and ginger and cloves go in coffee
>and the goddamn chicory certainly doesn’t help anything either
TLDR: unsaturated fats, chicoryfiller shit coffee, and anise don't sit well after 3 days. But don't worry, by thanksgiving, I'll have posted an updated recipe.

>> No.16821389

i don't have any good roasters in my area so i just order something online, as long as you're not ordering overseas you should be fine. it's more important to find someone that names their origins and moves their stock than it is to find someone around the corner IMO.

>> No.16821470

>how many cuppas are you brewing every day on average?
I use an average of 35g of beans a day. I only drink coffee on weekdays. How do you drink so little?

>> No.16821755

Why do I have such good taste in coffee? It is both a blessing and a curse.

>> No.16821761

How long can I keep hiding my power level?

>> No.16821817

>it must be just thrilling for you to see your very own coffee recipe prepared by some anonymous fag on seekay
>but at some point you’re gonna have to realize that we’re just making fun of you
Tldr clinically diagnosed autist screeches, everyone else laughs and moves on. You decided to leave because you got caught samefagging off your phone since you couldn't deal with all the stimulus the local kum-n-go exudes.

>> No.16822694
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Work has instant coffee. At least, it's free

I prefer hand-cranked grinders; I like the physicality of grinding.

>> No.16823249

>you got caught samefagging
I like how, every time you get caught\cornered, you just lie and project
>we're making fun of you
Like I said days ago: and?
>you decided to leave because...
If I left for any other reason than to see if you really were a faggot, why did I come back, hmm?
>ask me how I know you've never been punched in the mouth, twink
>clinically diagnosed
Since I'm apparently a samefag, how do you know I wasn't lying, mt. Admits-to-trolling-for-years?

>> No.16823351
File: 3.40 MB, 4032x3024, 20210403_004347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

La Pavoni bros, Im currently restoring a 17 year old pro and adding a temp and pressure mod. I heard theyre temperamental as fuck. Are they just noobie complaints or is the machine a hassle to handle even with practice?

>> No.16823355

Also, are La Pavonis good conversation starters?

>> No.16823395
File: 41 KB, 1080x720, PushItDescription.001_1080x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dog I love specialty coffee, had this in an aeropress, french press and v60 today. I'm definitely in the coffee zone.

>> No.16823446

Do you drink coffee for its taste or just for the effects?
Also, hot, room temp or cold?

>> No.16823464

How much did I just get memed?

>> No.16823643

I like my milk and sugar with a splash of coffee. Well really half coffee - half cream. Temp depends on the weather but coldbrew is good any time

>> No.16823688
File: 422 KB, 1820x1014, corrosion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a 2nd hand Gaggia. There's rust above where the water tank sits and I've noticed particles falling into the tank.

I've tried using Autosol Metal Life Saver and scrubbing it until no more rust came off but a week later when I wipe the area more rust comes off.

Do I need to use some form of rust converter product (I thought Metal Life Saver might of done this)?
How can I prevent this getting worse and particles falling into the tank?

>> No.16823714

Having a cheapie electric grinder break on you then moving on to a decent hand grinder is a rite of passage. It doesn't matter if you tell people this. It doesn't matter if everybody tells you this. You find out yourself, then you remember what everyone said, then you move upward and onward.
There are just too many point of failure for cheap electric burr grinders: the motor, the plastic motor mounts and screw mounts, the various saftey switches, the plastic grind adjustment mechanism, etc.

>> No.16823716


>> No.16823717

I got an old commercial grinder with huge flat burs for basically free from an abandoned starbucks, and it is amazing at how much my drip coffee has improved from using a baratza encore.
I had always assumed that the encore was all you needed unless you were doing espresso, but there is an incredibly noticeable improvement.

>> No.16823723

Both. And I love the entire smell and taste process from grinding to brewing to drinking. I love the way the flavors change from hot to cold. Every coffee goes through a flavor and smell transition as it cools off and it's lovely.

>> No.16823813
File: 90 KB, 800x800, 59-936x850-800x800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is siphon coffee complicated and just to show off?
or does it actually produce a superior brew??

>> No.16824432

both, but mostly for taste

>> No.16824439

not at all -- it's good

>> No.16824443

What "effects" are you hoping to get from coffee? Why would you drink any liquid other than water for any reason other than taste?

>> No.16824508
File: 130 KB, 960x720, 309FC5B0-1889-4C5C-8FA2-2B82FF84F130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of machine should I get from this antique shop? I like the top rightmost ones but I think they’re not espresso machines

Help me /ctg/ I am retarded

>> No.16824746

None of those are "espresso machines" it's all stovetop crap

>> No.16824780

Fine whatever, I like stovetop, any advice on which one to go for?
> im still saving for my pontevecchio Lusso ok?!

>> No.16824794

It's pretty simple and does produce a superior brew. The cloth filter cleanup is the annoying part of the siphon.

>> No.16824852

are the cloth filters disposable or reusable?
ive seen espresso style metal filters available for those things

the whole thing looks like a catastrophe to clean even under ideal circumstances
my druthers lay with the clarity and simplicity of v60 or chemex but a siphon seems like a dumb toy to play around with until it gets old

>> No.16824871

>I decided to leave for a couple days to see if I was really living in your head rent free.
>I was checking out at the gas station, I got a smart water and some almonds, decided to see if you had gone 15 minutes without thinking about me. You hadn't.

You couldn't handle 15 minutes without checking on 4chan. You've been here the entire time. Do me a favor and tally up all the calories you're packing into thanksgiving big boy.

>how do you know I wasn't lying, mt.
I'll repost my comment from the other thread that caused you to dodge. You ooze social ineptness. You can't lie about a broken arm when you've got a fresh cast and hospital wristband.
>A clinically diagnosed autist trying to call others out for being autistic. Classic projection. You can't make that shit up. I called you out hours before this for confusing posts. I felt that neurodivergent wall you kept slamming your forehead into. No wonder you're fixated on shitty coldbrew and samefagging off your phone.

>> No.16824890

Buy a new one because you can still get consumable parts for it. Those antiques are just to leave on a high shelf in your kitchen for show.

>> No.16824905

The stable temp, immersion-percolation and cloth filter make it shine. Especially the cloth filter since it sits in-between paper and metal. The filters are reusable but take some maintenance, I'm pretty sure there's a hoffmeme video about it. The rest of the cleanup is pretty easy. I've had some amazing brews on siphon. Also don't use the old-school technique which puts the coffee in before the water rises, put the coffee after all the water has risen up.

>> No.16824907

I used to work on motorcycles so I know how to make gaskets and shit for them, any stovetop recommendations? So far I only have the Bialetti and the Vesuviana

>> No.16824930

You just found your calling in life, anon. Buy them all. Collect even moar. Run a high shelf around your kitchen to put them all on and maybe one of those rolling library ladders.

You can make them all work and tinker with them and experiment to see which makes the best coffee.

/ck/ will be waiting to see pictures and reviews of your results.

>> No.16825205

Get a bellman cx25 and a gauge. Or a 9barista.

>> No.16825403
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Well the bellman looks right up my alley, the 9 barista being 325£ really puts it a bit out of my budget, I could buy and restore all the coffee related stuff from the antique shop I posted earlier lmao

>too complicated

>> No.16825615

How important is a good quality coffee grinder really? I've heard that it's more important than the actual device used to brew the coffee.

>> No.16825639

I ordered a v60 and a decent hand grinder. Will adding sugar and cream destroy the flavor of my beans completely? Or at least negate whatever benefit I get from fresh beans and a good grinder? I get the impression that coffee is meant to be drank black unless you're making an espresso type of drink with milk.

>> No.16825641

It depends more on the coffee you’re grinding, a coffee grinder does make a huge difference on the quality of cofffee you end up with but I’d say it’s split

>30% coffee beans
>10% grind
>5% water
>30% machine
>15% brewing time and temp
>10% mystery that makes it taste good

>> No.16825649

take your pick they're all shitty moka pots you fucking retard
none of those make espresso

>> No.16825697

What grinder do you have?

>> No.16825852

I have a vintage crank one and an electric cuisinart one, the vintage one is great but it takes a lot to get to fine grain, If I were into aero pressing it would be ideal

>> No.16825883

Explains the
>10% grind

>> No.16825941
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Just got some of this stuff in the mail. Anyone else tried it before?

>> No.16826067

Post grinder

>> No.16826153
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little circles

>> No.16826230

Thought these cups we're pretty lame at first but they're growing on me. Helps that they're always filled with delicious looking coffee

>> No.16826252
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>> No.16826253

that little handle bit looks like a real cocksucker to clean

>> No.16826254

i fucking love these cups lad
they're incredibly comfy and great for sipping these cappuccinos/lattes

>> No.16826258

i've had no trouble so far

>> No.16826566

>paying over 37.5 million vietnamese dong for a grinder

>> No.16826618

I've got dong to spare pal.

>> No.16826638

Just bought this.

>> No.16826657

Pretty based
But seriously how does it make the taste any better? I just noticed a quality bump on finer grinds with the electric one

>> No.16826676

>i just threw away $30
next time, venmo it to me instead faggot

>> No.16826723

Will you wake up at 5:30 and make me coffee? If not, then fuck off, poorfag.

>> No.16826757

i'll wake up at 5:30 and cram coffee up your ass

>> No.16826815

Coffee enemas are said to have health benefits. There is little research to back that up, though.

>> No.16827489

A more uniform distribution of grinds will definitely show up in the cup. It'll be fun to go head to head with a $200 grinder and a $2000 one here in a few weeks though. Hoffmeme liked the hg-2, so the key should be sick.

>> No.16827501

So what does espresso taste like, compared to plain black coffee?

>> No.16827532

like good

>> No.16827656

more concentrated is the easiest way I can describe it
greatly varies on the beans obviously

>> No.16828032
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South East Asian coffee roasting

The daily grind!

>> No.16828082

Based, v60 fags on suicide watch

>> No.16828105

Literally all placebo effect, otherwise cafes would mog my poorfag coffee every time. Yet they are consistently worse despite using the same beans.

>> No.16828111

post grinder

>> No.16828132

Niche zero

>> No.16828144

>the coffee I make to my own personal preferences is better than ones made by wagies appealing to the everyman
hot take

>> No.16828178

"Everyman" guests also like my coffee more than the cafe though. It's very possible the wagies are incompetent even at meme cafes though, I'll give you that.

>> No.16828190

What's up with the social illusion that coffee shops make better coffee than coffee nerds at home? They really don't. It's the same with restaurants. Good home cooks' food beats the pants off most restaurants' food. I feel like it has something to do with mammon-worshipping western culture. If someone earns money doing something they must be really good at it, right? This is not so.

>> No.16828196

to be fair they've got a higher product turnover so it's easy for them to have fresh roasted beans on hand all the time

>> No.16828202

In fact, the opposite is probably true: if money-making is involved, the process is always tainted and inferior somehow. The business must be profitable over excellent. Corners are cut, passions are tainted. Business does not produce good culture.

>> No.16828213

Yeah well I roast my own coffee. But because I don't have to even consider profits I can buy the really good stuff. They can't compete with amateurs.

>> No.16828221

So then I guess the gatekeeping, butt flapping snobbery starts to discredit and discourage regular folks from being or attempting to be excellent.

>> No.16828224

Cafes have better equipment and you'd expect the baristas who get way more practice making coffee to make better coffee more consistently. I'm only talking about the meme shops that market themselves as superior too.
I thought commercial roasters hoarded the really good lots.

>> No.16828244

You've got a decent midrange grinder and have no timer weighing you down. They're only going to adjust the grinder throughout the day if they get a complaint, so solidly mediocre is fine when you're shuffling people out the door.


>> No.16828261


>> No.16828287

Its a single dose kony with a quieter, weaker motor. You don't think burr size affects grind?

>> No.16828894

based beneigh eater

>> No.16828895

What's the best coffee in your opinion? Espresso? Drip? Latte? There are so many kinds.

>> No.16829057
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Delicious but the setup is very expensive
This is my preference. The convenience of it is a big deal to me. I use a bonavita
I don't like milk in my good coffee

>> No.16829148

I like Moka but I’m probably a pleb by this Etruscan coffee image forum standards

>> No.16829154

is that hot chocolate and coffee mixed?

>> No.16829162

With espresso, you can get like 75% as good with the cheap Cuban stove-top espresso maker (like $10).
French press is better than drip or pour over (which are about the same), but isn’t work the hassle to clean, IMO. Cuban espresso is probably the best cheap method. Drip is the easiest and works.

>> No.16829167

holy pleb

>> No.16829177
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Nah, that’s a mocha, the Moka pot is like pic related and it brews a coffee stronger than drip and softer than machine espresso, I just like it

>> No.16829200

Is a used Breville Barista Express for 100$ a good deal?

>> No.16829248

I don’t have counter space for a good espresso machine. I’m stuck with small, pleb solutions. I’d rather just buy good coffee when I want it rather than buy a new house with more counter space.

>> No.16829322

Honestly doesn't make sense to compare espresso with other brew methods since they're really completely different drinks made from the same ingredients.

Leaving espresso aside though, you can certainly compare the other brew methods a lot more fairly, though you could even go one step further to set aside methods that are aimed at getting something closer to espresso like moka pot if you wanted. For me I enjoy the good old tried and true v60 brew, it checks all the boxes of being relatively simple, easy to prepare and clean up, and producing a well-balanced brew with minimal effort. I also enjoy the extra body you can get with french press occasionally, but not a big fan of the extra sediment you end up dealing with and cleanup is a hassle. Will also likely end up picking up and trying out an aeropress soon because I'm tired of having to deal with other peoples' shit setup when visiting with family.

>> No.16829334

it's not your budget, its your mindset. a well-brewed v60 is way better than french piss, it just takes a while to learn to do it well. a plastic v60 and 100 filters is like 10$ or something

>> No.16829378

I said kinds of coffee, not kinds of brew method idiot.

>> No.16829381

Italian caffè d'orzo is a wonderful grain based coffee alternative.

>> No.16829385

Why isn't cafe lungo more common? Never tried it but it should be basically all the flavor of espresso yet not such a small fucking volume. Best of both worlds drip and espresso.

>> No.16829397

Ah, a pour over thing. I’ve tried it. Not really significantly better than drip coffee. I thought it would be with how much people hype it, but it unfortunately just isn’t.

>> No.16829399

Suppose I misunderstood the question there, in that case I'd say it's a dumb question. Depends on mood.

>> No.16829412

Checked the wikipedia article and it says it's not simply half the strength of a normal espresso, also the flavor is affected by the longer extraction time and bigger volume of water apparently. I guess a small volume of water also has the advantage that you can use more hot milk to get the same volume of the finished drink, making it richer in flavor since it contains a lot of milk rather than a lot of water and a little milk.

>> No.16829496

my run is to do a 1:1 ratio ristretto

ristretto & lungo are moar complicated then just the volume of the completed shot
you want the brewing to happen in an optimum window of time and the grind needs to be correct to ensure a complete and balanced extraction occurs for the volume of the completed shot

>> No.16829507
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drinking this in an espresso

>> No.16829545

Post beans

>> No.16829577
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Am I a pleb for moving my beans into this plastic container? I prefer seeing how much I have and the seal is better.

>> No.16829583
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UGH left handed discrimination flipping my photo. Here's the espresso. I don't even want to tell you guys how I grind these and the state of my espresso maker.

>> No.16829606
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Is it embarrassing to use a larger mug, like the middle pictured, instead of a typical mug?

>> No.16829622

Beautiful beans.

I don't know how light affects beans but that seal looks decent. I keep mine in one of those metal vacuum canisters. But then I grind 3-4 cups at a time and keep it in a plastic screw top to drink throughout the day.

>> No.16829645

Swings does a good job. The one near my office opened up again after being closed for over a year due to the meme flu, got an amazing americano. I used to think dark oily beans were quality but in glad I figured out how to find good ones that don't taste like shit.
Are you seriously drinking 4 cups of grounds each day

>> No.16829686
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Been working through some Red Brick.

I got a bit caught up using 15g doses with previous beans. Ive started lowering that but grinding finer and having much better results.

>> No.16829688

espresso and cortados are literally ambrosia

>> No.16829884

Based flair owner.

>> No.16830559
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I bought this coffee but I don’t really know if I prepared it right. I mean, my palate is used to shitty bitter market coffee. The one I got taste really light, a little sour, It doesnt “feel” like I’m drinking coffee. Medium roast

>> No.16831180

How did you prepare it?

>> No.16831281
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>have shit $60 cuisinart drip coffee maker with no grinder for years
>think all of the coffee snobbery is just an affectation
>go in on a moccamaster KGB + burr grinder + locally roasted beans after finally tasting good coffee for the first time
>that first cup
I can't even begin to imagine what good espresso must taste like. Goddamn.

>> No.16831329

I can drink literally anything and immediately fall asleep. Aside from the 5hr energy junk or stronger nothing seems to work to keep me awake. I must be impervious to caffiene, it stinks.

>> No.16831371

That's great. Sadly, it's not a universal experience. I know a few curmudgeonly boomer generation people who frame better coffee by how differently it tastes in comparison to whatever their crummy familiar coffee is–tub of preground Folgers or Costco Columbian in a skanky plastic drip machine or whatever–though the more open-minded and objective people will convert, regardless of age. The mind-blowing thing is just how wide the gap is between bad coffee and good coffee. At a certain point there are diminishing returns.

>> No.16831484

Espresso and French Press.
My espresso tasted really bland because it was my first time using one. The French Press I did the normal procedure.

>> No.16831608

Sour usually indicates it's under-extracted, assuming the beans themselves aren't to blame. Could be ground to coarse, not extracted long enough, etc. For the espresso preparation did you see any indication there might have been channeling going on in the puck?

>> No.16831677

For the espresso, I might have compacted it too much, as there was a puddle after I removed the portafilter
I’ll keep experimenting tomorrow, btw, the coffee came out dark brownish, not the common black. Same for the french press

>> No.16831754

Welcome to the club. Don't be afraid to stir that coffeeslurry while its brewing. Push the extraction a little bit further. Some people buy aftermarket showerheads for a little bit better water distribution too. Just remember, the goal is always to make a better cup than the one before.

>> No.16832742

good espresso is enough to literally brighten my day
it actually makes me feel lighter and colors more vibrant
i wish i was joking, this is such an expensive "hobby"

>> No.16832755

Noob here, again
Is it ok to grind coffee the night before so that I can set my brewer on a timer?
Or is that ruining everything?

>> No.16832769

Is anyone on this thread worried about coffee and dementia and brain size?


>> No.16832773

Hoffaggot does it so the drones here will tell you it's fine. Just try it and see for yourself.
God I wish that were me.

>> No.16832800

no you eternal pussy
i bet you don't eat red meat either fag

>> No.16832803
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>the study assessed the effects of coffee on the brain among 17,702 UK Biobank participants (aged 37-73), finding that those who drank more than six cups of coffee a day had a 53 percent increased risk of dementia.
Literally nobody here drinks that much.

>> No.16832805

supposedly, 15 minutes after grinding, your coffee has lost like 80% of its aromatics or something dumb like that
the numbers on that might not be right but the idea holds: the more you wait after grinding, the more flavor you're losing

i personally enjoy the ritual of making coffee -- it's part of the enjoyment of the coffee itself. granted i only make espresso and espresso-milk drinks

>> No.16832814

>(aged 37-73)
How much should I bet that "53 percent increased risk of dementia" is caused entirely by the bias of including 70 year olds in the study

>> No.16832815
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>if you take almost hospitalizing levels of caffeine, you might be hurting yourself
holy shit that's incredible
we need to fund more of these ground-breaking studies

>> No.16832947

My work hours start early, so I try to wake up as late as possible, have enough time for a couple cups, shower, and head out.
Waking up 10 min earlier to grind and wait for it to brew... I don't think I can do it, sorry guys...

>> No.16832953

Oh I've had that. Turned out it was still mostly coffee.

>> No.16832987

It won't taste as fresh.

>> No.16833014

your loss, friend. don't frame it like we're the ones missing out

>> No.16833021

it takes like 2 minutes to grind some coffee you incredible faggot

>> No.16833043

You should meal prep all your dinners for the week to save time, too. Just pop one of your tupperware chicken breasts into the microwave every night while you grind coffee for the next morning.

>> No.16833047
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>grind some coffee
I can't do any work until I've had my coffee.

>> No.16833137

>i can't press a button without my cawfee
i'm surprised you can breathe without assistance

>> No.16833165

>Waking up 10 min earlier to grind and wait for it to brew... I don't think I can do it, sorry guys...
The absolute state of wagies.

>> No.16833190
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Why does /ck/ seems like /b/-light with a food theme?

South East Asian coffee roasting

>> No.16833205

because food is literally the lowest common denominator thing, everyone has to eat. so actually it's even worse than /b/

got 8 lbs from sweet marias today lads, I'm only gonna order 2 lbs of each coffee at a time. life's too short to drink the same shit even if it's good.

>> No.16833252

>Doesn't even post what he got
I've got 10lbs each of Indonesian Bali Kintamani Natural and washed Gedeb Worka Sakaro GR1 that should be here friday.
140 more lbs of the Bali going up on GCC soon and he just put up a finale batch of a few hundred lbs of 2021 Brazil Conquista.

>> No.16833342

I just got 20lbs of funko pop Ethiopian. It's lovely. I'm making up some cereal milk for it.

>> No.16833359
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Sorry bros I know I'm useless.
I'm mostly in it for the Don Oscar limones, that shit tasted like roasted marshmallow nectar last year so I have high hopes.

>> No.16833397

How is the Genji Challa this year? I passed on it because it was wet process. Last year's dry process was explosive though.

>> No.16833420

I just got the batch in today, so haven't tried it yet. I think I prefer washed Ethiopians so hopefully it's good. Score is 90.3, not that it means anything. Stay tuned for updates roasterbro.

>> No.16833441

I prefer the dry process. You lose sometimes when it's too "rustic". Sometimes they're just skanky. Other times they're sublime. I went with the Dambi Uddo. Roasted some up yesterday. It's pretty fucking good. "Fruit salad" is right. Last year's Dambi Uddo was chocolatey pineapple. And no, the cupping score means nothing if you don't like the flavor profile of the coffee.

Last year's Genji Challa was ridiculous. Nectarine purée.

>> No.16833464

I don't see any of these that would go well with chicory, ginger, anise or cloves :(

>> No.16833482

I'm a bit tired of the fruit salad flavors atm but am still enjoying the honey bomb from last year's Uraga Tebe Haro Wato so I thought I would like this one. I haven't managed to fuck up a batch of that stuff so far, it's so good.
My go-to for milk drinks right now is Burundi dry process Kibingo though. Second year buying that one.
The great thing about roasting is there's always new and different lots coming out, it's so much better than relying on roasters.

>> No.16833510

I haven't had a decent fruity ethiopian since last year. Jesus, Oakland.

>> No.16833520

Ouch. The Gedeb Chelchele nat I'm working through is a berry bomb. We may have to get a little /ctg/ green coop going now that GCC is on the way out.

>> No.16833550

I bet it's a pain in the ass figuring out freight shipping for the volume discounts.

>> No.16833565

Oh yeah. Probably the reason George is shutting the site down. From what I understood, the main reason he was able to run it was his buddy owns Magnolia in NC and having a shipping dock + a highish volume roaster let him cup, buy, and get shit delivered to their dock without too many headaches. He's just fed up with usps and paypal fees jacking up every time he lists a new coffee. I couldn't imagine running something like that for 17 years nonprofit.

>> No.16833837

Shipping is fucked now. Transportation is fucked. Payment is fucked. Everything is terrible unless you're a billionaire. Now a roasting business would be fun. Well, would have been in the before-times. I've been a member of different kinds of co-ops before and they were horrible. Can't blame the guy.

>> No.16833984

>drink coffee
>feels like shit after a while

>> No.16834823

Drink another cup of coffee when that happens.

>> No.16834950

how good is cold or "iced" coffee? rather than dilute it with ice like a retard would it be better to brew coffee, add sugar and cream/milk and put it in the fridge?

>> No.16835088

drink more coffee
drink it more slowly

i will never understand degenerates that throw back an espresso like it's a shot of alcohol. makes my skin crawl.

>> No.16835105

>how good is cold or "iced" coffee?
it's shit

>> No.16835167

yeah figured, any good >cold variations besides cold brew that I could make to take to work with me? asking for a fren

>> No.16835243
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Started my journey with an aeropress last year.
Have went periods of v60, espressos (from cafés), and the clever. But damn do I always go back to my Aeropress.
It just works.
Pic unrelated.

>> No.16835305

iced lattes might be the only thing i can consider remotely "good" tasting
but that's only if you load it up with sugar

>> No.16835319

aight I'll experiment with it thanks (you)

>> No.16836123
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Got a job interview tomorrow for a Senior Barista/Trainer position. They asked specifically for q graders, which I am not. About two years experience as a senior barista, and autism.
Any advice? Should I just show enthusiasm? Generally excited to get people to try out weird and interesting coffee, like macerated naturals on espresso.

>> No.16836142

I think you would be remiss not to brew them up some so good you'll cum yourself coldbrew. It'll secure that job 100%.

>Ground cafe du monde (or preferred coffee. Cheaper coffees require no cold brew hot bloom and can be directly cold brewed).
>Star anise (~2 pods/1 teaspoon),
>Vanilla extract,
>Cloves (2-4 cloves to taste; you can always add more at the end but you can't take away!),
>Cinnamon (about 1/2 to 1 stick, or, 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon ground),
>Ginger (4 teaspoons),
>Nutmeg (1 teaspoon. Remember that nutmeg is sweet and you're adding sweetened milk, this recipe makes 4 servings!) to taste,
>1/4 cup coconut cream (NOT CREAM OF COCONUT, that is sweetened), 1/4 cup sweetened condensed milk (total, so 1/16 cup or 1 tablespoon per drink, of each),

Cold brew, hot bloom your coffee: pour about 1.5 cups of hot water over the grounds, shove your spices and vanilla in while it's still hot, allow to bloom for 30 seconds, then pour over the rest of your water. Let steep in the fridge or at room temp--covered, obviously--overnight. Let those flavors get to know eachother and mingle. You can add your 1/2 cup coconut cream and 1/2 cup S.C. milk now, or 1/16 cup each, per drink, when you are serving it. I prefer now.

Take that bitch out, filter it through a fine meshed sieve. Drink it.

>> No.16836143

get a real job

>> No.16836185

Make an espresso over crushed ice and add some milk afterward. That's my go-to summer drink.

>> No.16836259

>make a cold shitty americano and half-ass your way to an iced latte by lazily pouring milk in after
haha yeah anon sure i'll definitely give that a try for sure

>> No.16836302

I'll make sure to enjoy a K-Cup in your honor.

>> No.16837112


>> No.16837495

Lmao, you're STILL fucking going at this. Could you shut your faggot ass up and stop with this disturbing obsession? The joke is tired.

>> No.16837510

Its a good recipe. Not sure why you're upset its getting some exposure.

>> No.16837569

We're here to talk about COFFEE, not fucking tikka masala

>> No.16837678

Ginger goes in pumpkin spice and ginger goes in tikka masala. Therefor takka masala goes in coffee. Don't knock it until you try it. Whipping up a spiced TM yogurt base to add to french market coldbrew for thanksgiving. Stay tuned.

>> No.16837706

this shit isn't very good, which shouldn't be surprising since its intended to be diluted like 50% in milk

>> No.16837831

Are you referring to the OP image or to coffee in general? If it's the latter, I drink black coffee every day. Because I use fresh beans, a good grinder, and clean water, it's flavor profile is close to being sweet

>> No.16837881
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there are better brands out there

>> No.16837891

>crap or shit?
Comparison between dark roast chicory coffee brands seems silly to me.

>> No.16838452
File: 360 KB, 1005x1005, 401450CB-DDD4-47BD-8972-F9DB8E732ECA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ll be waiting for this recipe, anon

>> No.16839796


>> No.16840258
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Just touched down.

>> No.16841253

Thoughts on moka pot vs fellow prismo? I'm bored with drinking aeropress every day but I can't buy an espresso machine right now.

>> No.16841334

Of the two the moka pot will likely give you a more "unique" brew compared to your standard aeropress

>> No.16841457

You'll get it cos hosp/retail is realising that underpaying is bad.

>> No.16841466

Where do I buy freshly roasted coffee online without a subscription?

>> No.16841487
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>> No.16841814
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Anyone ever use this stuff?
Does it do anything?

>> No.16841888

Any roaster. I like Parisi and Sey.

>> No.16842095

Fucking wasted trips.

>> No.16842616

i've been making cold brew lately with 1/4cup dark roast ground for every 8oz of water. Also add pieces of cinnamon stick(the mexican kind). Any tips on making it even better?

>> No.16842622

what's the best store bought ground coffee to use with this? besides bustelo

>> No.16842628

What the fuck is chicory?

>> No.16842679

not bad actuslly
but a cortado should still have a small amount of steamed milk

>> No.16842686

nigger coffee

>> No.16842752

jewish corner cutting that didn't have proper marketing

>> No.16842763

A root that sells for well under the price of the lowest grade coffee. Used as a coffee substitute/filler because it makes bitter brown water and the root isn't fully soluble so it gets murky in the cup.

>> No.16842769

It's a root that can be roasted and ground as a coffee substitute or adulterant. Notably used in hard times when coffee was hard to come by. Chicory coffee became its own cultural tradition in some places. I don't like it myself.

>> No.16842989

I just made Irish coffee and it was fucking disgusting. Do people actually drink this shit unironically?

>> No.16843025

I had one at LAX once when my morning flight was delayed
I didn't like it
I slept the whole flight

>> No.16843139

a wonderful thing that makes coffee better

>> No.16843766

dont be a retard


>> No.16844272

Stuck with some bullshit that was given to me when my mom visited me last until I go shopping in a few days, better than no coffee tho. Miss my regular stuff tho, I drink my specialty stuff later in the day & the morning I always use the same stuff. I know a few coffeefags that are like me in that respect.