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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 896 KB, 1816x1210, gs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.16811064 [Reply] [Original]

Not my problem

>> No.16811088

this is why I don't think retards should be allowed to touch the food at grocery stores. You should have to give them a list and then the wagies go get it for you.

If you can solve a basic algebra problem and demonstrate a reading level above the 9th grade, then you're in.

>> No.16811090

its ok if u put a perishable item into a refrigerated area
scum who leave steaks next to the cookie isle deserve to get their cocks bit off by yours truly

>> No.16811091
File: 1.65 MB, 4160x3120, cart not in corral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do this every time I go to a store.

>> No.16811094
File: 1.94 MB, 2400x1200, eating-in-grocery-store-today-main-190118-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't worry bro, I'm about to pay for it all you gotta do is scan the bag

>> No.16811095

>Market Basket
Holy based!

>> No.16811098

You're a job creator doing society a much needed service

>> No.16811126

Someone had left a paur of childrens panties at the bread section today at the store. Made me wonder if it was a poor person who could only afford the panties or the bread and went with the bread after all.

>> No.16811140

What did they smell like

>> No.16811142

>TFW I've found empty boxes of things that were clearly stolen when I'm out grocery shopping.

People tend to steal medicine or sleeping pills, also pain reliever.

>> No.16811148

lol people who do this are such slobs

>> No.16811159

Do me a favor and order your food online. Is it that damn hard to either put it back or atleast give it to a worker so they can?Like Holy shit how retarded can someone be to where I find a container of ice cream behind boxed mashed potatoes

>> No.16811164

health and beauty lady found an empty box of fancy lube. I had many questions as I scanned it out as pilfered

>> No.16811175

Those kinds of retards have no empathy. They can't even imagine that other people exist, or that there's a world outside of their own very immediate creature comforts and needs.

>> No.16811183

That's how it used to be back in the old old olden days.

>> No.16811189

You know, I hated people before going back to working at grocery stores. Now it's worse. I fucking wish my store could do curbside.

>> No.16811196

>its ok if u put a perishable item into a refrigerated area
>scum who leave steaks next to the cookie isle deserve to get their cocks bit off by yours truly
at that point should it be okay to stuff the steak down your pants and walk out? i mean if theres video footage ofyou stealing the steak then there must be video footage of the steak being left on the counter and hour ago.

>i assume persishable food left unrefridgerated must be thrown out, is this correct?

>> No.16811207

>Do me a favor and order your food online. Is it that damn hard to either put it back or atleast give it to a worker so they can?Like Holy shit how retarded can someone be to where I find a container of ice cream behind boxed mashed potatoes
ugggh, if i have something in my cart i dont want, i hand it to the check out lady and say "hey, i dont want this" and she takes it,

meanwhile, i guess due to social anxiety to speak to another human or something. people just leave unwanted shit at the end of the conveyor. why do people do this?

>> No.16811212

>Those kinds of retards have no empathy. They can't even imagine that other people exist, or that there's a world outside of their own very immediate creature comforts and needs.
and this is why americans keep buying cheap plastic dispoable shit at walmart even though their countries jobs are being exported and their planet is being laid to waste. i fucking hate people.

if people had ubi, most would just sit in front of the fucking tv instead of planting a garden and maintaining their vehicle/appliances

>> No.16811214

because they're retarded. You're supposed to say "hey i don't want this" and it goes right back into the "go back" pile as it's called in retail.

>> No.16811217

probablyl 60% of people are "not my problem" people
its probably a spectrum (like sexuality is), where we are all that kind of people to some extent, under the right circumstances

>> No.16811226

60% is generous. I'd say it's closer to 95%.

>> No.16811236
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I found a bag of frozen shrimp shoved behind a bunch of spices one time... just melting shrimp juice all over everything. this is just like the cart test.

>> No.16811260


>> No.16811270

but...but...it's racist against blacks who don't have algebra education

>> No.16811287
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agreed, but sometimes i get low blood sugar and start sweating and shaking, and my blood work was normal

we don't know what a person may be experiencing

i've never had to grab food and start eating it, but try to put yourself in those shoes, my dudes

>> No.16811302

No, not at all. They're still getting groceries, they just aren't allowed to lick the ice cream anymore.

>> No.16811307

So brave

>> No.16811390
File: 546 KB, 2536x3087, Pietro_Perugino_064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Google search the "shopping cart theory" to reply to this post
>results are a bunch of buzzfeed and unworthy "journalism" diarrhea attributing the post to some random Twitter poster instead of 4chan
>then ranting about how the theory is wrong because it doesn't take into account disabled people and its therefore bigoted

I'm sorry I fucking looked. God damn the internet really is like a human centipede with 4chan at the front.

>> No.16811400

You’re correct.
You are under no obligation to return it to the correct location, and carry no liability if the product becomes ruined.
It is, quite literally, not your problem.
However, it also denotes you likely have a pattern or behaving like lazy useless white trash. And that actually is your problem.

>> No.16811434

you mean polite, not generous

>> No.16811443

No, I meant generous.

You wouldn't be allowed in my stores, I'm sorry.

>> No.16811460
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>> No.16811463

>hurr just put yourself in dey shoes
No. Fuck you, nigger. That's not a fucking normal thing. The chance it was an actual serious issue is so small it becomes an outlier. Everyone else doing this is a smooth brained dipshit with no self control. This faggot ass retarded thinking is why we're all about to eat doom spaghetti. Go back for reddit and ask for suicide advice, you irrelevant picture posting piece of shit.

Exactly what I mean. Someone tries to find some reason why a shitty act is okay because "muh poor outlier cases :(". Fucking hate these bleed hearts.

>> No.16811566

>Open drink
>Spill it all over the floor
Not my problem.

>> No.16811581
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Not placing pork chops in the halal meat section, the state of this place in 2021.

>> No.16811602

ok thats bretty based

>> No.16811610

i like to call this "decisions were made here"
someone was carrying the object in the picture and approached the products located in the background and made a conscience decision to put down what ever they were carrying at pick up the other item instead

>> No.16811646

>tfw you'll never live in america and leave shopping carts in the parking lot
Where am I supposed to leave the cart? In the middle of the road? Most supers got like no parking lots and for some that have; it would require more effort to leave them outside+it's not in our culture.

>> No.16811710

No wonder you're a lard ass in the handicapped parking

>> No.16811716

Yawn. Get some new material

>> No.16811732
File: 35 KB, 554x554, images - 2021-10-02T084956.170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cart Buddies

>> No.16811757

Must be amerifat choices cause they left cheese for soda and cold cut turkey for ice cream.

>> No.16811772
File: 2.98 MB, 492x336, 1612418396087.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back when I worked for a grocery store, there was some jackass who kept tying the corraled carts together with produce bags. One time during our busiest time of the week he/she somehow managed to tie like four carts together with double square knots. Never caught the fucker.

>> No.16811781

Also, at the same store, everyday right after opening, some guy with a brown rape van would park, buy coffee and a breakfast sandwich, eat quickly, then proceed to dump a shitload of bird seed all over the sidewalk right in front of the entrance. Fuck that guy too.

>> No.16811787

look at the price tags buddy
my favorite i ever saw were diapers in the pasta aisle

>> No.16812057
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>> No.16812148

I hate this especially when the product is literally 5 feet away and people decide to leave it where they are instead of taking 3 seconds to walk.

>> No.16812290

My Dad always refused to shop at ALDIs because of the cart quarter thing.
But he always put the cart back regardless of where he went.
Shame I never asked him about that, but he'd probably just tell me to shut up.

>> No.16812333

Don't disrespect DeMoulas, you ugly nigger piece of shit.

>> No.16812343

lazybones faggot

>> No.16812381
File: 2.99 MB, 3024x4032, Meg_and_Mogg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Years ago, I was in the local supermarket's disposables section at the end of the store.
The person in front of me was slowly making it through the section, leaning over her cart, breathing heavily, deep in some sort of thought. She paused, shuffled through the many boxes, and then put 4 banquet frozen pot pies on top of some paper towels and carried on without a hitch.

Not wanting them to be wasted, I picked them up and asked her which aisle they were in. She turns around, and her jowl lightly opened and she averted her gaze:
>Oh, don't worry I'll go find it
>Uh son... those were already there, don't put them back they're probably bad
>I don't really care but I saw you put them down. Have a good one.
>No no don't... uh...
So I turn around and go back to the frozen aisles, find them, put them up and come back. Took about two or three minutes.
And when I come back, my milk had somehow uncapped itself, was tossed across a lot of cardboard goods, and was lying across the floor in a puddle next to my cart. So of course now I was obligated to get someone to clean it up. And despite how slow she moved, I didn't see her near the checkout, or ever again.

If she wanted to live rent-free in a small part of my head for a decade, I guess she accomplished that much.

>> No.16812556

i lived in my car and would hang out in the back and literally the only ones who ever hit my car with their doors were mothers with full arms or their children doing it right in front of them. sometimes i would peer out the window to make eye contact at the mother would ignore me not giving a single fuck.

>> No.16812592

You sure? I used to be a cart pusher for Walmart and failed my second semester in college trying to balance the work.
I don't even use carts anymore. Never consume more than you can carry with a hand basket and both hands for at least 5 miles in the rain, snow, or sun.

>> No.16812595

>drink a Yoplait or smoothie under the guise of paying for it but I end up hiding it on a shelf
>ask the customer service desk for a loonie to get a cart and never return the loonie (and leave the cart beside my car)
>buy more expensive bulk items like pine nuts and almonds using cheap codes like peanuts and lentils
>drop produce and leave it on the ground or decide not to buy something and leave it wherever I am regardless of if it is perishable or not (not my job to pick things up)

I used to put bacon in the halal section but in Canada you can probably get charged for a hate crime so I had to stop that unfortunately

>> No.16812608

As I said earlier to op, order your food online. I'm schizo and even I can manage to act like a functioning adult in public. What's your reasoning for acting like a retard

>> No.16812609

Worked at a couple grocery stores, even if you toss your meat in with milk/juices it might get tossed out depending on whoever's mood that found it

If you're too dumb to put it back where it came from, who knows where it's been and how long it's been there before being put into a refrigerated section that's not the same temperature as where you got it

>> No.16812620

Not after 2016. The stormfags took over a while back, but that's when /pol/ invited reddit. It's been stagnant ever since.

>> No.16812735

You can simplify it further. The main thing that happened over the 2010s is that moot slowly stopped trying to control and corral what kind of mentalities/topics that were popular and allowed on the site and certain boards beyond legality and topicality, and then handed over the reigns to people who seem to take that as policy (with some exception on the weeb boards). It made the site even more of a free-for-all to whoever finds it fit for their uses, regardless of how they act or whatever other sites they use. Nothing is stopping people coming here from tiktok or instagram or twitter or whatever, or having whatever views.

Though I don't think discussion is really that more stagnant as much as it is of a consistent quality, which is nearly as boring. Because people have been constantly throwing every topic at the wall they possibly can over time and seeing what sticks. And what sticks is what people will want to throw again. /b/ is the epitome of that.
Now, a lot of media OC content has moved to other sites, but that's more to do with imageboard design limitations and content creators getting much more attention for good OC on social media/upvote sites.

>> No.16812775

based thief.

>> No.16812799

I do this because fuck them and their profit margin.

>> No.16812810

Don't fuck with my paycheck just because you suck at being a decent perdon

>> No.16813180

>not having a pocket knife on you and another one in your car at all times

>> No.16813213

I never understood why they don't just hand it to a store clerk

>> No.16813218

What's up with Melbourne nuke memes recently?

>> No.16813225
File: 35 KB, 430x286, YTo2OntzOjI6ImlkIjtpOjExNjA1MDc7czoxOiJ3IjtpOjEwMjA7czoxOiJoIjtpOjMyMDA7czoxOiJjIjtpOjA7czoxOiJzIjtpOjA7czoxOiJrIjtzOjQwOiIzZTMwNzQ2OTc4MjI0MzY1NDlhNTNiZDk2YjYwZDlmOTFlNjUzYmVhIjt9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>parents let their small children touch the lösgodis with their dirty hands

>> No.16813243

I hate how low to the floor some of these are. Like I'd never use this self self gross stuff even when its a bit cheaper

>> No.16813275

i found ice cream in the diaper aisle once.

>> No.16813312

I love fucking with Walmart, I remember around a decade ago a couple of posters found out how to scams them. “Jewpons” people were getting free shit from Walmart, it was so glorious

>> No.16813348

there are scoops there and nobody is forcing you to pick up candies from the floor

>> No.16813353

Holy fucking based.

>> No.16813360

little kids don't use scoops and and touch the candy when parents aren't looking

>> No.16813403

No shit, my store just preweighs them now. A lot cleaner but I guess you can't get the exact measurements.

>> No.16813429

Don't worry bro, I'm just gonna finish this food and then stuff the package in the shelf where there's a blind spot in the CCTV. Not my problem.

>> No.16813457
File: 672 KB, 906x799, 1442360444162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw shopping at Costco one day
>some brown parents letting their kids run around like absolute psychos
>these kids would LITERALLY (the literal kind) lay on the floor of the store and roll through the aisles
>see one of the kids open a bag of Doritos and in the process of eating them shove his entire hand into his mouth, the hand that was just all over the floor, does this each time he reaches for chips, and each time his hand comes out slimier and somehow more brown than before
>the second one joins him and does the same thing, there's probably more of their spit in the bag than Doritos at this point
>I'm staring at these monsters with open indignation and horror when they make eye contact and smile at me
>do my best to avoid these retarded brown bonobos for the remainder of the shopping
>every time I passed by them they were either on the floor or what seemed like intentionally trying trying to touch everything they could in the store with their disgusting fucking hands
>realize I'm silently praying not to meet them as I'm finishing up, dread climaxing at the thought of behind behind or in front of them at the queue to pay
>now in the frozen food aisle, final stage, want some ice cream and pizza and to get the fuck out of here
>they don't have pepperoni so I'm debating between Red Barron and Kirkland when I fucking see it
>one of the feral Pakistanis has actually climbed inside of the freezers and is stepping all over the frozen vegetables
>there are no words, I grab my shit and go
>wait for like 10 mins in line and pay but can't allow myself to leave yet, what I saw was so fucking unreal
>double back and check the frozen food section again, the kid is still inside of the freezer except now he's laying down and on his fucking phone
I've been immediately disposing of boxes/containers and wiping everything clean that I buy from all stores with an alcohol solution ever since.

>> No.16813467

I feel your pain but that sounds fun as fuck from the kids' perspective.
Literally rolling around Costco.

>> No.16813480
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>> No.16813485
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I intentionally lock them in place without putting them into the other carts so that the entire row cannot be used

>> No.16813525
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Where there's a solution to the problem there's a solution.

>> No.16813552

at least they're refrigerated.
>the wagies
you mean robots? the ebtire store may as well be a vending machine.

>> No.16813591

did you sniff them at least?

>> No.16813693

Can we wind back mental health care 100 years or so and just institutionalize/sterilize retards for the good of society?

>> No.16813713

No because they targeted everybody and not your fantasy of people you hate.

>> No.16813759

>stormfags in 2016
>doesn't remember /new/
imagine being this much of a faggot

>> No.16813921

what do you think 4channel.org is for?

>> No.16813935

I used to work at a grocery store, and I remember seeing a lady take bananas (which were near the bread) and she put it in her shopping cart, and then a few minutes later, she is staring directly at me because she knew I worked there, and she put the bananas on top of the bread while staring at me, and then left. And the bananas go right next to the bread anyways but she was too lazy to walk over there so she put it on top of the bread.

>> No.16813939

And then also whenever people decide at the last minute they don't want to buy something, instead of telling the cashier about it, they just hide the product on the floor or somewhere nearby. I've seen all the shit they do after working there lol.

>> No.16813990

At least the sliced meat is in the fridge. The number of times I found some paper wrapped cut of meat in a random non refrigerated aisle is too damn high. People are fucking retarded gross beasts, thank fuck I don't work in retail anymore.

>> No.16814013


>> No.16814015

This is why you shop in "rich people's" grocery stores. If you're such a cheap fuck who don't feel like paying 20 cents/pound more for grapes, maybe you do deserve to shop where pakis walk on your food. The kids I see there (rarely any kids in) are 99% well behaved, or they're throwing a temper tanthrum because they couldn't get candy, but that's usually doing the bacon shakes on the floor in the cash register aisles (cause that's where the candies are)

And the girls at the cash registers are all underaged poons. They're easy on the eyes, but I'm way too fucking old to ask for their numbers

>> No.16814100
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>> No.16814120

So "rich people" grocery store patrons are pedophiles?

>> No.16814184

why is it that Canadians are always either insufferable bleeding hearts or complete passive-aggressive misanthropic pricks, no in between

>> No.16814193

Every time I see this I wonder what happened.

>> No.16814207

You ruined her day and she had a tantrum like a toddler.

>> No.16814212

oh no how will they ever lift it up then place it back in the sections they stock everyday, or even worse what if they go for a pepsi and not realise theyre buying bell cheese

>> No.16814213

you only did two of those though

>> No.16814219

Who doesn't have a pair of bolt cutters in their trunk? Come on.

>> No.16814238

I'm imagining you pretending not to notice the crazy shit going on as some kid slowly rolls past the chip aisle, snatching up several bags along the way.

>> No.16814288

It depends on where you live. Rural missippi? 100. Boulder co? A lot less.

>> No.16814364


>> No.16814459
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W-w-hat brings you to this -isle

>> No.16814485


>> No.16814535
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i do the same thing, i wipe everything i buy with alcohol solution (min 70% ethanol) you can't trust normal fags, they put their hands on everything and then put them back, they put their hand on everything even if they have dirty hands

>> No.16814680

My best guess is that leaving that food to melt was some power move to her, and I denied her it without knowing, and so she had to settle for the milk instead.
Which just makes me feel empty inside imagining how she gets through the day.

>> No.16814955
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I've done it from time to time. Never perishables in a non-perishable section though.
Sometimes you just fuck up and it's not really worth it to go all the way back just so some wagie doesn't have to.

I tend to look at things through the lens of "If everyone acted like this, would things suck?" And honestly, I think the frequency with which I do it is so low that it wouldn't be bad at all, in fact there'd probably be less misplaced items.

>> No.16814979

They aren't dumb, just lazy and selfish.

>> No.16814993

Fuck off wagie. You WILL put my unwanted groceries back where they belong.

>> No.16815010

You have failed the test. Good job outing yourself as subhuman

>> No.16815086

I do this ALL the time. Always grabbing shit and putting in random sections. Gotta keep those wagies on their toes. The life of a secret shopper is nice sometimes.

>> No.16815159

By tormenting the lower class like the rest of us. If you don’t want to cry yourself to slee at night, work harder and get a better job.

>> No.16815202

I don't cry myself to sleep at night.
Quite okay with myself.

>> No.16815223

>shit people will take any opportunity to be shitty when they can
What else is new? I mean you’re on 4chan(nel) for fucks sake lmao so this isn’t anything new.

>> No.16815232

Those carts in the background

>> No.16815251
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>> No.16815275

I work in a grocery store. Here are the best ways to make a mess:
>put a liquid that comes in a glass bottle inside a freezer section door (it will burst)
>poke a hole in a tray of raw fish and throw it on the top shelf behind the product (I reccomend the pet aisle)
>get ice cream that does not have a plastic cover under the lid & leave it upside down behind some canned foods

>> No.16815314

The only store that I’d be okay with people fucking them over are low-tier, unrespectable trash like Walmart. Walmart employees don’t care themselves so why should you? Walmart always attracts subhuman garbage (both customers and employees) but I’m glad it exists though because these stores are basically containment areas (btw it’a only Amerifat Walmart’s that are shit tier. Been to other international Walmart’s and they were never as bad).

>> No.16815918
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me too based friend. I put pork in a certain section if the store has one as well.

>> No.16816053

I put a six pack of coke in the freezer isle every time I go grocery shopping

>> No.16816071

It's not hard at all, doesn't mean I'm going to do it though.

>> No.16816078
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I do it right in front of employees too. Sometimes I'll say: I don't want this and just let it fall to the ground.

>> No.16816091

Life must be exceedingly difficult for you.

>> No.16816094
File: 71 KB, 700x433, litmus test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one?

>> No.16816097

Don't you guys have coin mechanisms on the carts?

>> No.16816098

It isn't, it's relatively normal.

>> No.16816665

Imo, 2010s are more marked by the split of the user base between chans and reddit. In the early 10s reddit was actually usable, enjoyable, and it was safe enough for the normiesphere to talk about. It's my belief that the rise of reddit and its unlimited content feed is what really killed off the alt chans, as there's only so long you can keep the circle jerk alive with 20 other people. 4chan weathered the rise and loss/split of attention because of its base size and because we need somewhere to talk anonymously into the void mass of humanity. Then reddit really started pulling the retard levers around 2013 and huffed dumb shit astroturf jenkem by 2015 which made the site unbearable to any cross users because you couldn't have a discussion and quality of the content became predictable garbage. This is also around the time you start hearing "well niche subreddits are good ". So there's just a steady flow of people migrating back or being born into 4chan because it is the only place left for them, and around 2016 there was an influx because the heavy handedness was too much. Sanitary content is going on the sanitary sites though, since that's where monetization lives.

>> No.16816712
File: 61 KB, 600x826, Clean it up wagie..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my fucking problem.

>> No.16816739

Skippitty weep weep wooooooop looks like you need a visit from the cart narcs!


>> No.16817043

Nah, you're a naunce, you poofer.. Only shoes I'll be wearing are the ones that kick your queer ass butt.

How frightening. It sounds like a surreal experience.

>> No.16817057

have you tried not being a fat fuck?

>> No.16817234
File: 151 KB, 632x768, 1625705966336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your country kicked out the jews and there's no halal meat aisle to desecrate with pork
it hurts

>> No.16817270

This thread is full of liberals who work in retail cause their shit degrees didn't work out. Ask me how I know

>> No.16817561

kino tips

>> No.16817565

so put some fucking candy in your pocket you dumbass

>> No.16817570

There are designated places in the parking lots to put empty carts.

>> No.16817597

turning down a free cart

>> No.16817603

We need to bring back forced sterilization.

>> No.16817623

Came here to post this

>> No.16817634

Saw a gallon of milk sitting on a shelf in the middle of a grocery store the other day. Didn't do shit, just walked past and continued shopping. Not my problem.

>> No.16817702

Clearly American and Nigger
How Americans can breed the worst surpass me

>> No.16817711
File: 417 KB, 1062x1216, 1633591560593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

practically all of the grocery store CCTV videos I've seen are of white people taking a shit in the store.

>> No.16817869

Is it me or did fat a-hole look very jewish?

>> No.16817894

This reminds me of a news article a few weeks ago where a black guy took a shit in an ice cream freezer, which he then covered with frozen dinner boxes. A lady was grabbing frozen meals when she pulled her hand away and it was covered in shit, the guy who did it was promptly arrested and CCTV showed him secretly filming women who came into the store.

>> No.16817965

Medic !!!

>> No.16818163

they're always both, it's perfidious anglo syndrome I'm afraid old chap

>> No.16818171

go to bed Woody

>> No.16818200

i like the posturing of the guy in the car

>> No.16818259

Should try reading who that actually happened to. Wasn't your fantasy of people you hate, but people who Galton, Rockefeller, Carnegie, etc hated, which was everyday people like you. Bertrand Russell called is bottom feeders. Maybe try reading about it instead of reinforcing the elites memes sometime.

>> No.16818261

No, plus you can easily 3D print reusable tokens

>> No.16818438

I'm not excusing this but free public toilets should be widely available, everywhere.

>> No.16818948
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>> No.16818966
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>> No.16818970

Ever see those general stores in old west movies? That's how they worked. Piggly Wiggly invented the grocery store as we know it where you walk in and self-serve in the 1920s, which is when companies started putting mascots and similar stuff onto their packaging to attract impulse buys. The extra sales more than made up for shoplifting and that type of thing.

Maybe we'll go back to the general store style as America collapses and the average person becomes more likely to be a thief or saboteur.

>> No.16818972


>> No.16818998

its where all the retard anti vax cunts are.

>> No.16819012

>halal meat section
why would you shop at a place that has this?

>> No.16819025

the homeless man took a shit in the aisle without ever having considered going to the restroom in the store that was unoccupied

>> No.16819082

The best part about covid (aside from all the dumb conservatives dying) was that every grocery now has this kind of service. I still wander in to get fruits/veggies, though, 'cause wagies don't give as much of a shit about picking the best stuff.

>> No.16819242

Pay more attention, most large grocery stores do it.

>> No.16819272


I get that sometimes too but that's a degenerate move. Don't go grocery shopping when your starving. That's a bad idea in general. It's like shopping with munchies.

>> No.16819435

i live near boulder and this is accurate lmao. bunch of rich faggots here

>> No.16819458

fake coupon threads on /b/ used to be my shit back in the day. I remember taking one to Best Buy and getting a free pair of $200 headphones because they didn't train their wagies on how to deal with fake coupons.

>> No.16819498

morally inept subhuman detected

>> No.16819601
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its not your problem unless your fat fucking ass put it there RETARD

>> No.16819612

They pay people to collect them.

>> No.16819624

we also have garbage men, do ya litter aswell? freaking lazybones man

>> No.16820275

>large grocery stores
why the fuck would i ever go to those?

>> No.16820309

So you have more than two options per item.

>> No.16820323

Bullshit, maybe if you live in Canada. I live in a large metropolitan area in the US with a big muslim diaspora and I have never seen a halal meat section in a large chain grocery store.

>> No.16820346

i live in australia and have 3 of the biggest supermarket chains literally right behind my house and i have been to all of them multiple times and they dont have a halal meat section, i mostly got to aldi and they have a large selection and i can get everything i could want from there and i have never seen a halal meat section.

>> No.16820364

Shopping cart stuff is not something unique to 4chan retard, boomers have complained about it for ages. There's a whole Youtube channel dedicated to fucking with people who don't put their trolleys back and filming their butthurt reactions

>> No.16820366

Fuck off. College is a waste nowadays. So sorry I chose a job that's necessary to the public and can't get shut down due to government mandates.

>> No.16820379

>The main thing that happened over the 2010s is that moot slowly stopped trying to control and corral what kind of mentalities/topics that were popular and allowed on the site and certain boards beyond legality and topicality, and then handed over the reigns to people who seem to take that as policy (with some exception on the weeb boards)
I only came here around 2012 but I agree with the idea, you didn't see much influence from Moot or admins around that time, and now I think it's gotten even worse with Hiromoot because he doesn't take any interest at all in the site beyond maybe the Japanese stuff and 4chan as a whole has lost a lot of identity from that, to the point that new posters believe what the media tells them; that it's just a site for edgy Trump-loving racists
However, although I've never posted on Reddit so I'm not in an authority to say it I think even back then it was bad, but maybe not as bad as today

>> No.16820387

I also live in Australia and I've never seen a halal section, although I've been to the Woolworths in Double Bay, Sydney and they have a Kosher section lmao. I guess if you went to stores in Muslim areas they might have Halal sections

>> No.16820444


>> No.16820465

Why don't just just steal, at least you benefit that way.

>> No.16820645

>His shopping cart doesn't have the coin lock mechanism chain thingy.

>> No.16820684

>Muslim areas
why would i ever go there?

>> No.16820694

i just carry 2 cloth bags and when i fill them up i go to the checkout and then leave. trolleys are too slow.

>> No.16820721

What are the rich people's grocery?

>> No.16820765

My local aldi is right on the edge of niggerville. There's always carts left in the parking lot despite the quarter deposit. For whatever reason white people keep returning the carts but not locking them this perpetuating the nigger cart cycle.

>> No.16820766

You know, you can just go to the counter and ask, and the store will give those away for free.

>> No.16820770

Is this guy an actual employee?

I hope he is fuck jews.

>> No.16820844

there's literally nothing wrong with this
I don't do it, but I used to work as a cashier and people did it all the time and I never had an issue with it.

>> No.16820874

I agree, just saying

>> No.16820938
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>> No.16821231

the vast majority of people that do this do not have any health issues, besides being fatfucks

>> No.16821333

Based. This is literally how it was before supermarkets.

>> No.16821399

I wouldn't do that op, remember what happened last time someone said "not my problem"

>> No.16821426

You're gonna get narc'd.

>> No.16821510

I usually hate Youtube pranksters but these are hilarious, I can't believe the reactions they get
My favourite is the guy who says "I'm a killer, I'll kill you" and then someone did some digging and it turned out he did actually shoot and kill someone on a train once in ""'self defence"""