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[ERROR] No.16807359 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite "regular beers"? Can be either craft or macro, but has to be a sessionable style and not a beer you would only want 1 or 2 of at once.
My go tos are Modelo Especial and Coors Banquet

>> No.16807368

I've been on the banquet train lately and don't see myself stopping.

>> No.16807380

Based Banquet enjoyer. I even love the feeling of loading up my fridge with a fresh 36 pack

>> No.16807387
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I used to love Michelob when I was a kid and my dad would let me have a couple sippies.

Then they got rid of it and only sold Michelob Light, and they got rid of that and only sold Michelob Ultra

>> No.16807394

>and not a beer you would only want 1 or 2 of at once.
But that's every beer. I'm no binge-drinking alkie.

>> No.16807425

>Can be either craft or macro
Can I get an exact number for barrels-produced at which craft magically becomes macro?

>> No.16807433

Lol you didn’t get the memo?
There’s no such thing as binge drinking anymore.
It’s now a “session”, and totally okay.

>> No.16807435

yes, that number is however many barrels Sam Adams produces that year.

>> No.16807745

Apparently Michelob still exists but it's very hard to find

>> No.16807750

Only Michelob Ultra

>> No.16807803

Modelo is great. I have, and will continue to have, a great fondness for Bud. It's still my generic beer. When I imagine beer, it's usually Bud.

>> No.16807806
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>> No.16807813

Dos equis foo. Amber depending on the mood

>> No.16807830

Pacifico Clara

>> No.16807900

Regular Michelob still exists according to the website

>> No.16807903

I fucking love Budweiser. It might be dull but it is still a really good beer, and also my idea of standard beer
Best Mexican beer IMO

>> No.16807910

Anon, that's a great beer but any more than two of those will get you drunk!

>> No.16807928

I'm a Coors Light-fag, but I've always wanted to try Miller High Life.

>> No.16807997

Honestly really enjoy budweiser. I actually like that you can really taste the rice flavor in it.
Tecate is my favorite though.

>> No.16808152

i like menabrea

>> No.16808161

It's good. Probably my most drank beer.

>> No.16808176
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huh so it does

i prefer it in the buttplug bottle though

>> No.16808194
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Probably high life, modelo negra, or parish canebrake

>> No.16808311

Lately I’ve been on a blue ribbon citrus wheat craze..that stuff is damn good

>> No.16808356

It's better than Coors Light but less good than Coors Banquet

>> No.16808361

Yeah, Budweiser is clean and delicious, with just the right ABV

>> No.16808600

I wish Hamm's was available in my state, that beer is pretty good and really cheap

>> No.16808635

Budweiser and Coors Banquet

>> No.16808907
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>> No.16809020

I used to get to those with a friend, they were a buck a tall can so we'd get a bunch and enjoy. Bad times, good times...

>> No.16809030

Bad sometimes sometimes, but sometimes Banquets made the best of them. Now I want think of a Willie Nelson song or three.

>> No.16809131

Here's a weird question and I here them on South African OTR shows,

Carlisle, are they available anymore here in the USA?
First I hear they've been discontinued and now I don't know. I've grown up in NY and never seen them, I'd buy them for supporting some cool OTR shows.

>> No.16809249

>a buck
Damn, they were 1.50 when I started drinking. They're like 2.00 now which I still consider a good value

>> No.16809258

6 million barrels

>> No.16809335


>> No.16809351
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this , budwieser is all I drink lately. it is very drinkable

>> No.16810014

that one is gross

>> No.16810083

It's funny to me when I think about it, since Bud is actually fairly distinct by being rice based. I've only had one other rice beer before, also not bad.

>> No.16810095

Yuengling, it's cheap and never let me down so far. Molson is also alright.

>> No.16810267

My faves are p much any Mexican shit, dos equis, modelo, tecate, whatever
For American macro it's gotta be coors light tho

>> No.16810392
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Always my go to

>> No.16812317

I really don't find the rice to be a negative at all

>> No.16812321


>> No.16812325

$12 for 30 here. God is good

>> No.16812362

I need to write an angry email to them to start distributing here.

>> No.16812722

Stroh's, sub-10% quads/traps/barleywines, and really old beers of any kind.
I'll shit on meme beers all day, but I just grabbed a honey ale and irish cider that are 5 years old and I can hardly wait.

>> No.16812786

Sam Adam's Boston Lager

>> No.16813266

Natty Light, I'm not underaged I just hate myself

It's pretty close to water and I can drink a can on my lunch break at work without it affecting me.. beer pairs with fast food better than soda imo

>> No.16813559
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>> No.16813572
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Probably Pilsner Urquell. It's probably the best "industrial" beer you can get anywhere and is very affordable.

>> No.16814129

looking for any widely available Porters that are actually drinkable

>> No.16814146
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It's much better than the american shit, just trust me.

>> No.16814222


>> No.16814224
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Whatever "hazy juicy ipa" that strikes my fancy. I usually go with these hazy little things though. They taste so good.

>> No.16814328

Yeungling Lager
Lagunitas Lil' Sumpin
Devil's Backbone Vienna Lager

>> No.16815582

Founder's Porter is really good

>> No.16815639

I dont drink that often, but thats my go to

>> No.16816020
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Genesee Cream Ale

>> No.16816031

I like it but it's a little too sweet for me

>> No.16816048


>> No.16816373
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>> No.16816401
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For me, it's usually Miller Lite. It has the most classic "beer" taste in my opionion. To me, Bud Light tastes like water, and beers like Corona taste like skunk juice. I actually like the taste of Heineken and Rolling Rock better, but Miller is still my go to since it's pretty much universally available and cheaper than imports and crafts.

>> No.16816403
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Based fellow baltic porter enjoyer

>> No.16816426

Was surprised to hear that it's hard to find for some anons, but the store down the block from me has always sold 12 pack bottles

>> No.16816453

any opinions on Samuel Smith's Taddy or Old Bakery? im in the outskirts of St Louis so there are a fair amount of local brews but its all so god damned memey I will not sanction their buffoonery.

>> No.16816583

It tastes like seltzer + fritos to me

>> No.16816660

most "refreshing" to me after being in the hot sun is ice cold:
>shorts local lite
>bud light
>michelob ultra
>corona w/ lime
michelob ultra goes down like water. crisp, low cal. im done with all the hoppy shit beer. it just makes you fat and is in no way refreshing or crisp. i think that fad is over with anyways

>> No.16816670

Laughs in Wisconsin

>> No.16816678
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I fucking love you, you absolute legends you

>> No.16816751

I don't like IPAs but light beers (while less unhealthy) are so dull. I'm forcing myself to like Mich Ultra so I can drop some LBs

>> No.16816758
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>5% porter

>> No.16816761

So you don't get wasted after 4 of them?

>> No.16816770
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Why drink more?

>> No.16816788

Well if you're hanging out with your bros all night, that's usually how it goes

>> No.16816796
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I'd just get lager at that point

>> No.16816807

True but Stouts around 5% ABV likes Guinness Extra Stout are good hanging out beers

>> No.16816833
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I don't like guinness because someone told me it tastes like soy sauce and I can't taste anything else when I drink it.
The boozyness cuts through it on strong stouts and porters.
Brown ale, dunkels or English bitter are my preferred weak dark beers and as an alcoholic I'm not inclined to buy weak premium beer very often

>> No.16817048

Miller lite and Old German. Bros I woke up with a numb pinky toe and its been numb all day what can cause this?

>> No.16817131
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Budweiser and Kirin
t. haole

>> No.16817328

widmer brothers hefeweizen

>> No.16817358


>> No.16817361

pretty fucking gay anon

>> No.16817384


>> No.16817396

I actually prefer the froth of Guiness for whatever reason canned beers don't taste as decent as kegs

>> No.16817679

Budweisers are delicious

>> No.16817686


>> No.16817687

miller 420 lyfe

>> No.16818079

Too many Mexican speaking people buy modelo when I'm at the store. I go Miller high life. Half the price too

>> No.16818525
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>> No.16819432

Modelos are actually pretty good

>> No.16820189

Corona Extra
Rolling Rock
St. Arnold's Juicy IPA

>> No.16820203
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big black goblins, buddy!

>> No.16820453

Miller High Life and Steel Reserve

>> No.16820542
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>> No.16820594
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>> No.16820816
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Can't go wrong with shiner

>> No.16820824

Lonestar is shit. The only thing it has going for it is marketing

>> No.16820883

Yeah, it's honestly less good than Budweiser

>> No.16820891
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This stuff is surprisingly drinkable for its price.

>> No.16820977

Old Chub Claymore a meme or not?

>> No.16821175

Can anyone redpill me on canned beers? They just don’t taste as good to me as bottle, so I can’t see any real advantages other than portability.

>> No.16821316

They're cheaper, don't allow light in, and are better for the environment

>> No.16821848
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wisconsin privilege

>> No.16821874
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great stuff but man something in them gives me the shitzz.. every time. you're welcome for tmi

>> No.16822030

it's because it's high in alcohol and lupulin, both of those things make hangovers worse IMO