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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16795188 No.16795188 [Reply] [Original]

For example, go to the bread section, and literally every bread that uses oil uses some kind of shitty high omega-6 obesity and inflammation promoting vegetable oil like soybean, or canola oil, instead of olive oil or butter.
How is it that there are somehow vegan, keto, non-gmo, gluten-free alternatives for everything, yet not for omega-6 PUFA vegetable oils?

>> No.16795253

Not to mention it's really bad for you.

>> No.16795370

Because not everyone is a schizo when it comes to cooking oil.

>> No.16795483
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It' another schizo thread about vegetable oils.

>> No.16795485

>vegetable oil schizo is back

>> No.16795487

Kill yourself my man.

>> No.16795491

>yet not for omega-6 PUFA vegetable oils?
doesnt roll of the tongue

>> No.16795518

I (op) came here from /fit/ and /sci/.
I was unaware there was already an anon PUFAposting on /ck/

>> No.16795519

My favorite is stuff sold for twice the price that's labelled as being made with EVOO but the ingredients still list soybean oil as the primary type used.

>> No.16795528
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there is always a PUFA poster on /ck/

>> No.16795812

so thats why you write like a demented faggot

>> No.16796628

Enjoy your chronic inflammation

>> No.16797356

It's a schizo ketolard

>> No.16797628

vegetable oils are technically "keto" by macros but nobody on keto uses them at quantity because they are probably poison. just use animal fats or coconut or olive oil. industry uses them and they are put in processed foods because they are cheap and "shelf stable" not because of any health benefit

>> No.16797829

I (OP) am not a keto.
For example, I ate 4 apples today, and lots of oats (I worked out heavily today).

>> No.16797856

Yes, it’s so chronic that I’ve grown totally used to it and don’t even notice.

>> No.16797912

It's literally impossible to find pre-made bread that doesn't contain canola oil.

>> No.16797938

Imagine having such a shit tier gut that PUFA and FODMAPs are an actual issue for you

>> No.16797978

makes no sense, dont need canola oil to make bread, theyre doing it on purpose

>> No.16797999
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>buying premade bread

>> No.16798013

>theyre doing it on purpose

Let me know when I can make good bread without yeast. I don't want to go buy a fresh ingredient every fucking time I want to bake.

>> No.16798033

buy a can of dry yeast dude, or use a sourdough starter its just flour and water

>> No.16798125

Notice how the shills come out and start spamming "schizo" to something which is very relevant and on-topic to /ck/.

>> No.16798178

not gunna convince me to start eating vegetable oil again

>> No.16798181

pufa is bad vegetable oil is basically deodorized rancid oil.


come back when you've watched these videos

>> No.16798183

If I recall correctly the best oil for cooking is coconut oil, followed by animal fats and butter. Olive and avocado oil are also ok, but not quite as stable, however they are still much better than any vegetable oil like sunflower and corn oil. If you do get olive and avocado oil don't get the cheap kinds and make sure they have dark glass that would prevent them from going rancid.

I found a video recently that does a decent job of explaining why you shouldn't be using vegetable oil. See if it's any good.

>> No.16798210

>It's literally impossible to find pre-made bread that doesn't contain canola oil.
Baguettes and other oil free bread don't have it.

>> No.16798280

>coconut oil
What about those hard blocks of coconut butter?

>> No.16798311

Olive oil is actually more stable than butter at higher temperatures.
Also, it's low in both saturated fat AND omega-6 (it's primarily omega-9), so I feel like it's a way of hedging your bets (in terms of the potential risks of saturated fat or omeg-6s)

>> No.16798504

I don't really see anything that bad about them as far as I'm aware.

Thing is olive oil is higher in polyunsaturated fat, which can oxidize and produce stuff like aldehyde which is bad for you. Saturated fat isn't bad for you at all. That being said I don't really have anything against olive oil unlike some people I seen. They aren't nearly as processed and have much lower polyunsaturated fat compared to oils like corn and canola.

>> No.16798527

You'd notice if you ate a better diet.

>> No.16798541

They're literally required by law to inject baguettes and "oil-free bread" with PUFAs now or else they risk massive fines and getting their bakery shut down. Enjoy your mutant GMO "oil-free" bread.

>> No.16798552
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>spam threads single-issue sperging
>get called out

>> No.16798577

Isn't a lot of the olive oil being sold completely fake?

>> No.16798579

>POISON vegetable oils in them
Sweet baby Jesus on a pogo stick.
At this point I've got to seriously wonder what's going on here.
How many of these threads are you going to start?
I hate to throw around the "paid shill" meme, but come the fuck on.

>> No.16798612

Not really an expert, but apparently it seems so. Which is why I always double check on the olive oils I buy. I also like to do a sort of taste test with them. I just take a small spoonful and let it run down my throat. They should have some distinct flavors like a fresh nutty, fruity, grassy sort of taste and there should be a peppery sensation down your throat. This is me being paranoid.

The same thing can be said of honey unfortunately, so once again double check and maybe do some testing.

>> No.16798675

All I want is a nice piece of toast, but all of these bread have soybean or any other kind of trash oil. Why can't it be easy?

>> No.16798728

was about to post that WIL video too lol

>> No.16799888

It's nice to see this going more mainstream.
It should eventually translate into more vegetable oil-free options.

>> No.16799896

It's actually required by law in the US (and other countries) to fortify grains with B vitamins, which may contribute to over eating:

>> No.16800502

>the FDA will break into my house to force me to add PUFAs to my baguette