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File: 31 KB, 699x699, Australian-Meat-Pie-10b-FP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16796552 No.16796552 [Reply] [Original]

Could meat pies be as popular as burgers?

>> No.16796564

My Australian HR lady at work makes them for ANZAC Day, that's really the only time I get meat pies, not counting the humble chicken pot pie. Still not into ketchup on top, though, which she assures me is proper

>> No.16796573

I fucking love pies, pasties, rolls and pastries. Fuark

>> No.16796576

I hope you assure her a nice salad tossing in return friend

>> No.16796586

i really wish they'd take off in america as easy food to pick up at a deli or sandwich store. i fucking loved greggs in the UK and i loved a good meat pie in AU even though it burned my mouth most of the time

>> No.16796602

Too much work compared to burgers.
Not as easily custom made.

>> No.16796607

On ANZAC day remember to tell her, "Lets just forget." Its something we all say after the minute of silence.

>> No.16796612

I had a steak Pukka pie for dinner today.
Can't beat a Pukka pie.

>> No.16796618

Also typically harder to eat. And by that I more messy to eat with your hands or requires a plate and fork

>> No.16796620

>Could meat pies be as popular as burgers?

Burgers are popular because they are easy to make, and even if someone doesn't make them, they like to know that they could.

Meat pies, on the other hand, aren't easy to make for the average consoomer.

>> No.16796812

Also, you can't see the meat when you buy it (talking about commercial diffusion here)
You see the inside of the burger on the menu or when the cook makes it, seeing what's inside is basic marketing and packaging strategy

>> No.16796963

I wish meat pies were a thing in America besides chicken pot pies

>> No.16796975

No. Too much of a pain in the ass to make the pastry, and you can't grill them.

>> No.16797064
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Nah too hard to eat because you need a fork. How the fuck are you supposed to eat a meat pie while you’re driving your car, or walking around etc?

>> No.16797322
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>How the fuck are you supposed to eat a meat pie while you’re driving your car, or walking around etc?
with one bite

>> No.16797326

where's the cream?

>> No.16797344
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>completely enclosed pie messier to eat than a sandwich where the ingredients flop out half the time

You're insane.

>> No.16797346

Literally who eats burgers in the car?

>> No.16797440

literally just eat it you dolt, not every meat pie is a pot pie

>> No.16797452

tfw live in southeast michigan and get meat pies all the time from the arab restaurants everywhere before being murdered by a darkie

>> No.16797491

what the fuck is wrong with that pie?
the meat's not supposed to be solid.

>> No.16797500
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they're literally designed so you can just hold it with one hand and eat it.
where the fuck are you getting pies that need a fork? South Australia?

>> No.16797505

Bread/bun is better than pie pastry

>> No.16797516
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patently false the first time I found australian meat pies I drove home eating one

>> No.16797540
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Not him but in Canada the meat pies are multiple servings

>> No.16797585

Last week I ate two big macs, a large fry, and a coke while I was driving.
t.250 lbs

>> No.16797596

Stick the sauce bottle into the top of the pastry and squeeze it into the meat. Do it in a couple of areas if you like, then you get the best way of eating a pie. The tops of your sauce bottles will be covered in meat or pastry bits though.

>> No.16798172
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that looks dry and unappetizing as fuck.

>> No.16798179

I don't like the crust. Normal bread is much preferable.

>> No.16798218

if empanadas or samosas didnt make it then meat pies have no chance

>> No.16798229

jamaican patties too. Unfortunately, you need other ingredients. No, blended peas that are inside the filling don't count

>> No.16798245

I sure hope so. Pastys are the tits.

>> No.16798253

My mom and grandma are Metis(french Canadian/native Canadian) and I swear all they make are meat pies or tourtierre or whatever frogs call it. I always have several large meat pies in my freezer and we have one every holiday together. I dig them but my wife won't eat them and most other Canadians I know don't eat them really but where I live there isnt many Metis or French.

>> No.16798271

Why do french canadians eat meat pies, while europe french don't, and english canadians don't, but english from england do?? How did this happen??

>> No.16798301

I eat meat pies upside-down
Makes sense to have the hard top on the bottom and the soft vase on top

>> No.16798330

They can be. No different to pasties or any other baked good with ground/minced meat

>> No.16798337

Meant to reply to >>16798172

>> No.16798354

Lots of Scandis and Deutchenfags in the border areas near leafland.

>> No.16798388

Dunno. Meat pies are a big thing in a part of Louisiana I'm familiar with. Also... ton of people here are roastie coasties I think but runzas/cabbage burgers are pretty much meat pies and are super popular in nebraska.

>> No.16798420

>Tourtière has been called "an example of 'the cuisine of the occupied,' food that is French by way of the British, who took Quebec in 1759."
Also plenty of anglos eat tourtiere every Christmas in Ontario

>> No.16798431

We have them too, we call them ''large pies''. Isn't that just WHACKY? idiot.

also that filling looks like dried baby shit.

>> No.16798435

Come to nebraska or make them yourself.

Also, this recipe is dope. All kraut is also really good (better imho).


>> No.16798439

but you call it tourtiere?

>> No.16798444


>> No.16798449

whowever thought putting things with different textures on top of each other and thought they would stay still (depending on the interior contents).

>> No.16798466

pasties are much more appropriate for the grab and go aproach.

>> No.16798475

Just read the fuarking recipe and the notes. It is good information about american meat pies.

>> No.16798495

You're insufferable

>> No.16798582
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a meat pie is a fucking pastry you mong

>> No.16798589
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>> No.16798600
File: 1.02 MB, 2848x1848, Cornish_pasty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That poster is talking about these things.

>> No.16798602

Burgers have the benefit of being a BBQ food and a build-your-own pick-up-and-eat picnic food + they just taste better.

>> No.16798698
File: 672 KB, 1395x785, 1623724311154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh pasty
my bad
and yeah my retarded drunk ass mis-read the word.

but yeah pasties are pretty based, but if you show up to a work site with a pastie and everyone else has a pie or sausage roll, you're fucked.
other than that smoko's pretty based though.

>> No.16799178

Honestly family pies suck, the meat to pastry ratio is all off. Pies should be single serve, and need nothing more than tomato sauce (if that as the gravy should be flavourful enough on its own). Contrary to popular opinion, the crust shouldn't be too flakey or else it's a chore to eat.

Pies may have different flavours, mince, steak and mushroom, steak bacon and cheese, chicken and mushroom, I even had a butter chicken one that was delicous; but if you put FUCKING potato or carrot in a pie, WE ESPECIALLY of you put them in a "plain" mince or chunky steak, you're a fucking cunt and I hate you.

t. Ausfag

>> No.16799190

As long as it isn't organ meat like kidney or liver it could catch on.

>> No.16799200

American statement about americans

>> No.16799360
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>> No.16799392

holy shit could putting a burger into a pie crust work? I think it could as long as you avoided cold stuff like tomato or beetroot (shame).

>> No.16799436
File: 112 KB, 1087x1080, 1505726224520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>South Australia
It's something we all agree on, SA are a buncha poofs

>> No.16799452

>organ meat
If only there was a word for that.

>> No.16799462

The French absolutely do eat meat pies. They call it tourte. It's usually flatter but larger than the British ones. Unlike Britain it's not sold in fast food like joints like Gregg's is considered a proper dish (probably because it's too big to be considered a single serving unlike British meat pies).

>> No.16799479

Britbong here that eats a burger once, maybe twice, a month. Eat pie/pasty probably once or twice a week.

>> No.16799620

You basically described a sausage roll, another Aussie classic

>> No.16799636

It's honestly surprising that we don't have meat pies. They sound delicious and I hate sweets

>> No.16799725

no, that's just the patty (I'm strayan). I mean like, the whole thing.
So inside the crust you go something like:
top crust
fried egg
more onion
bottom crust

>> No.16799804

Sounds gross desu, everything would steam and become soggy

>> No.16799808

Unironically too much meat in them

>> No.16799816

That's what she didn't say

>> No.16799822
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I haven't seen pies that deep in Australia before, usually they're wider than they are tall. See bad example

>> No.16799928

>How the fuck are you supposed to eat a meat pie while you’re driving your car, or walking around etc?
American problems, lads. They need to constantly stuff their mouth with disgusting food all the time, so they have to pick foods that are easy to eat while doing other things.

>> No.16799945

i made tourtiere, and i love pastys. those are good meat pies

>> No.16800762
File: 1.23 MB, 706x897, samosa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>culturally updates your out of touch meat pies
You can get these at practically every corner store, quit dwelling in the past, the age of the old style meat pie is over.

>> No.16801135

You can get cheeseburger flavoured pies.
Got one at a petrol station in New Zealand once.
Out was just a normal mince & cheese pie but with that baby shit coloured yank mustard in it
Tasted alright to be honest, better than Thai Green Curry pie

>> No.16801137

if you can make it work with calzones then you can make it work with burgers, getting the shit not to steam is the hardest part but it sounds like a good idea

>> No.16801619

local pie shop does a mince and cheese pie which they bill as "cheeseburger pie"

>> No.16801702
File: 87 KB, 750x1000, meat_cheese_pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best on-the-go pies are leb pies. Only 2.50CAD for a meat and cheese pie fresh out of the oven, anywhere in the city. Cannot beat that value and convenience

>> No.16801755
File: 1.06 MB, 1400x933, samosa-chaat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fug yeah. Indian/paki food is expensive as fuck in my city though. Middle Eastern places do really good samosas for much cheaper

>> No.16801764

>Too much work compared to burgers.
>Not as easily custom made.
My first thoughts too.

>> No.16801783
File: 2.58 MB, 4032x2268, Lunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
