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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 103 KB, 1600x1600, vegemite560g5757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16793931 No.16793931 [Reply] [Original]

why is it so good at filtering americans

>> No.16793968

it's a better filter than a food i suppose

>> No.16793977

Amerilard here, I use a spoonful or two in essentially every dark savory sauce/stew, it’s like a cheat code

>> No.16793981

vegemite is great. buttered toast with a nice layer of it is amazing.

>> No.16794009

better question: why is it so good at filtering australians?

>> No.16794041
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>it's a real mystery...

>> No.16794048

We have tastebuds

>> No.16794052

How different does it taste form marmite? I love marmite but never had Vegemite is it the same thing just different brands?

>> No.16794074

Vegemite is a bit more salty and marmite is more sweet i believe although its been awhile since i've had marmite.

>> No.16794091

right? it tastes just fine, good even, when used correctly. not so bad i would freak out and complain, but also not so great i would make it a part of my identity.

>> No.16794095

>onions on top of the snag
They're not allowed to do that anymore

>> No.16794149
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the fuck?? why?

>> No.16794154

it's full of vitamin B.
it's healthy so naturally it scares the ameriblobs away

>> No.16794160

maybe in your shitty cityfag bunnings
here in the country we dont care about dumb rules made by citysoys.

some dumbcunt slipped on an onion and had a cry, so they're banned now

>> No.16794171
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>some dumbcunt slipped on an onion and had a cry, so they're banned now
why is this world so fucking gay

>> No.16794302

why do australians always have the most childish names for things? id kill myself if anyone referred to me as a tradie

>> No.16794305
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Blame the English desu. They weren't starting the colony with a full deck.

>> No.16794315
File: 59 KB, 872x960, 1630794711992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cuz it's fukken 47 degrees C in the middle of winter, there's no breeze and it hasnt fucking rained in 2 years cunt.
on top of this, smoko is only a 10min break. gotta fit as much conversation in as you can so
you'd halve all of your words and slap "o" or "ie" on the end to save time.

>> No.16794317

because most working class australians have the iq of a retard

>> No.16794324
File: 323 KB, 1080x977, 20211005_201537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah nah
you'll be pleased to know that commiefornians love using this. also isnt smoke break and smoko the same number of syllables?

>> No.16794331

Flyover anon here, I eat half a teaspoon of it at a time, no butter or toast needed.

>> No.16794531

because they always have a straight spoon of it or put way too much on their toast with no butter

>> No.16795920

I always keep a wendy tucked into the back of me winnie blues. All green too, none of that spliffed nonsense.

>> No.16795932

The Australian Army soldiers we trained with would mix vegemite (called 'yeast extract' in their rations) with cheese in a tin. Very disgusting

>> No.16795949

The only good thing Marmite ever did was be in that ASDFMovie video a decade ago.

>> No.16797206

not great in ramen or strong brew, unfortunately

>> No.16797250

I have never tried Marmite, but from what I hear it is basically MSG so if you have any lying around its great for adding umami for any dish

>> No.16797280
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>I, too... keep a Wendy on hand

>> No.16797287

>some dumbcunt slipped on an onion and had a cry, so they're banned now
What the fuck, Australia?
I don’t want to imagine you guys having some faggy rules like that. You’re supposed to be rugged but easygoing functional alcoholics.
The Australia in my mind would arrest the faggot who had a bitchfit from slipping on an onion, and charge/convict him of something like “First Degree Being a Soft Cunt”, which carries a sentence of being marooned in the desert or something.
That’s the Australia I want to believe in.

>> No.16797517
File: 215 KB, 500x850, 1605289852664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That’s the Australia I want to believe in.
thats literally what Aus was like in the 70s and 80s, even the early 90s.
Now, the softcunt citysoys are too busy sipping maccha lattes and talking about how "thing that used to be is problematic now" while deciding who they're gunna sue next.

American culture ruined Australia's capital cities fucking hard. Everyone's such a flaming homo there now; especially the faggy nanny police-state Southern states.
Why do you think everyone wants to fucking nuke Melbourne?
It's the San Fransisco of Australia.

>> No.16797584

I make Tuna melts with Tomato on Rye Bread with a little vegemite. It's really fucking tasty for a Tuna sandwich.

>> No.16797605

what's the Chicago of Ausfagland

>> No.16797622

I've tried it. It was fine but I don't see myself buying any more.
I could see how some people like it a lot though, especially if they can buy it at a store and not have to ship it across the world.

>> No.16797627
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>Melbourne is SF
excellent info anon. I like your movies and such but know little about the particulars of each region/city other than that abos like to sleep in the middle of the road in less populated areas and get run over and also drank petrol so much they had to invent that new abo-proof opal stuff. abo threads are my 'abo'solute favorite.

>> No.16797632

does this taste like spreadable soysauce? what would you say it tastes like.

>> No.16797765 [DELETED] 

You're thinking of anywhere outside of the cities. You should know cities anywhere are full of mixed race limp wristed soifags.

>> No.16797773


>> No.16797786
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I don't mind it, but calling it healthy is pants on head retarded lol

>> No.16798156
File: 97 KB, 500x744, 1626494766092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can tell you, but i need you to sum up chicago in 2-3 greentext points first.
I've got a feeling it'll be some shithole like Wollongong or something

>> No.16798159
File: 53 KB, 640x446, 1620073022197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

healthier than anything else ppl spread on toast.
healthier than
>nutella, which is literally 90% sugar and fucking palm oil
maybe the only thing healthier is proper good peanut butter, not the plastic Kraft shit but actual PB.

>> No.16798164

abbo threads are some of the only good threads left on 4chan and honestly 80% of the reason I still lurk /b/ is hoping to catch a good abbo stories thread.

>> No.16798370

>ludicrous levels of shootings despite strictest gun laws in the nation
>city is beyond bankrupt
>many, many dark people

>> No.16798605
File: 154 KB, 671x960, 1620447039597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could be literally any of the many shitty outer suburbs of Sydney.
or maybe Ipswich or Logan 20 years ago.

>> No.16799005

they're talking about a specific store, but you're such a dumbass you probably took it as ''onions are banned in australia'' or some shit

>> No.16799213
File: 80 KB, 1000x1000, 1000930-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is it so good at filtering americans
Because there's absolutely nowhere I can find that shit to even try it in America.
>why is pic related so good at filtering australians

>> No.16799220

That's healthy though

>> No.16799262
File: 35 KB, 736x407, 1633149130734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fukken Seppos man

>> No.16799421

>ching ping chong nong wong

>> No.16800653

It's alright if there's no marmite available.