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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 354 KB, 1078x905, Screenshot_20211004-194736_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16788560 No.16788560 [Reply] [Original]

The comment about the gas stove really got to him, huh?

>> No.16788571

Is this the soychad cooking youtuber?

>> No.16788578
File: 218 KB, 1066x949, Courtesy-of-Emmymade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16788584

Not this thread again.

>> No.16788604
File: 47 KB, 640x640, 97931036_241149490655021_8910779063398379408_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an emmy thread now

>> No.16788620

imagine the blood and teeth being coughed out of her mouth after you hit her fucking ugly moon face with a god damned shovel!

>> No.16788669

fuck you all My gas stove just works, none that digital shit, that breaks because some fucking capacitor or resistor got fucked because some think fucky happens to your electricity.

>> No.16788670
File: 3.45 MB, 498x476, emmymade-oops.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somebody's upsetti

>> No.16788699

I want to bleach emmy

>> No.16788704

Did you get bored of looking for things to do with your leftover lemongrass?

>> No.16788706 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 225x225, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad she's already married

>> No.16788709

>This is an emmy thread now
I guess you've never seen emma and her goodies

>> No.16788716

ITT beautiful lovelies :)

>> No.16788718
File: 1.32 MB, 1920x1080, 1632966316091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emmy makes excellent goodies on her channel all the time, anon

>> No.16788723

Emma makes better goodies with less ingredients on her channel all the time

>> No.16788732
File: 61 KB, 1214x716, 1957786_225830174288528_372933870_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anybody like Emma's goodies?

>> No.16788801
File: 435 KB, 1048x786, 1632720377182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> calls himself a chef
cooks shit like this

>> No.16788820

Man knows his target audience well, gotta give him that.

>> No.16788829

>soydam cucksea

>> No.16788832

imagine the shitstorm that would happen here if emmy and adam ever did a collab

>> No.16788843
File: 60 KB, 590x466, 36_Kirk_Vikernes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Carbs gonna happen
Jesus fucking christ..... Is this real life?

>> No.16788847

>12 minutes 36 seconds of coping

>> No.16788852
File: 49 KB, 736x736, Ethan Chlebowski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ragusea incels fear the Chadbowski, a superior man both genetically, in terms of skill, and content. Tick tock ragucels, your day is approaching

>> No.16788880

Gas is objectively inferior to induction

>> No.16788889
File: 57 KB, 1065x800, 1633191983120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this that pretentious faggot that says you should season your cutting board and not your steak?

>> No.16788906

at heating a pot from 0-100 yes, but it
>doesn't work with various types of pots
>only heats when the pot is directly on it (a big deal if you actually cook like a pro
>is delicate and you have to clean it constantly like other glasstops

>> No.16789059

>doesn't work with various types of pots
so you get the correct type of pot like any other functional human

>only heats when the pot is directly on it (a big deal if you actually cook like a pro
The surface doesn't heat, it heats the pot directly. It's no different to how taking a pot off a gas stove stops the pot from heating further. If you only want partial heat you turn the surface down.

>is delicate and you have to clean it constantly like other glasstops
oh no I wipe a flat surface a couple minutes after cooking, how awful
so much worse than letting gunk build up on and under the grates

>> No.16789066

>The surface doesn't heat, it heats the pot directly. It's no different to how taking a pot off a gas stove stops the pot from heating further. If you only want partial heat you turn the surface down.
literally exactly my point, if it's lifted at all there is no heat in the pot, gas does heat if you do that by a few inches so you can flip food and keep heating stuff.

>> No.16789075

flipping food is only a couple of seconds, the impact is minimal

>> No.16790416

>so you get the correct type of pot like any other functional human
>buying an entire new set of cookware for lel induction stove

>The surface doesn't heat, it heats the pot directly. It's no different to how taking a pot off a gas stove stops the pot from heating further. If you only want partial heat you turn the surface down.
>turning it up and down constantly

>oh no I wipe a flat surface a couple minutes after cooking, how awful
no, you wait for it to cool first, which usually means forgetting completely

>> No.16791041

>makes another chicken sandwich
nuthin personal kid

>> No.16791127

Why does he fear gas stovetops?

>> No.16791136

This dude lives on sandwiches and salads. I mean, they're normal meals, but he has them all in those two forms. Why?

>> No.16791141

What a poof denying an open flame did he get scared

>> No.16791146

I have never watched a single one of this guy's videos, and I never will, but the screenshots I see here always remind me of that Kuntzman fellow who claimed he got PTSD from firing an AR-15

>> No.16791148
File: 53 KB, 412x393, confused skaven_face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw points about gas stoves
Yes, they use gas. Retard shouldn't cook if they don't know how to use them. No, you won't poison yourself by standing over while cooking.

>> No.16791206

Wait for the induction cooktop to cool, you say?

>> No.16791212
File: 41 KB, 500x357, Decker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, do people really think they'll get inhalation poisoning from burning natural gas?

>> No.16791294

if you can't cook with fire, you're a kitchen failure

>> No.16791318

Go on, I'm getting hard

>> No.16791344

Open flame

>> No.16791361

Yeah the induction surface doesn't get hot, but regardless gas is way better. You get the best control of heat, natural gas is cheaper than electricity, natural gas is also more environmentally friendly since you just do gas into heat instead if gas into heat into electricity into heat, natural gas is also much more reliable than electricity, I've used natural gas my entire life and never once has the gas not been available while the power can go out frequently, plus you can use the open flame to char things directly if you want like for say poblanos or other peppers.

But I do like my induction kettle to heat water. But that is the only thing induction is better at than gas.

>> No.16791367

What's he gonna do, make another sandwich?

>> No.16791369

>the replies to this post
fucking kek

>> No.16791375

>turn on flame
>pan gets hot
simple as

>> No.16791591

I still want to make that mashed potato bread thing some day, looks good.

>> No.16791612

She has pretty cute feet for a mid-aged Chinese woman

>> No.16791679

Don't know about surfing but I'd like to motorboat those titties

>> No.16791867
File: 519 KB, 800x450, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ragucel thread
>Chadbowski post:

>> No.16791927

Yes. The pot gets hot and heats the induction stovetop.

>> No.16791979

>look guys i-it's not a s-sandwich see?!
Kek pathetic.

>> No.16792353

I didnt know fagusea was a braphog

>> No.16792453
File: 44 KB, 720x720, 1632349878614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"eat your food exactly how you like and let other people do the same"
>makes entire video shaming people for enjoying spicy food
lmao k

>> No.16792480
File: 77 KB, 600x600, 1632314418692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>require proprietary hardware
>require specific usage instructions
>overly expensive compared to other types
>worshipped by effeminate retards who hide behind "the science" to mask their abysmal culinary acumen
induction systems are the Macbooks of stovetop options

>> No.16792486

>induction systems are the Macbooks of stovetop options
Ironic since the new arm macbooks are very good.

>> No.16792551
File: 269 KB, 600x654, 1632212935499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>worshipped by effeminate retards who hide behind "the science" to mask their abysmal culinary acumen
checks out

>> No.16792611
File: 92 KB, 584x800, 800wm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you turn the flame down so the tip of the flame is hitting the underside of the pot, not licking up past it.
you know, like in science class with a bunsen burner?

>> No.16792640

I'd eat her cupcake gnome sayin?

>> No.16792667
File: 855 KB, 1000x917, absolutelynotmad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of the stuff he says is particularly wrong, but he always comes across as if he's sub-atomically seething about some throwaway joke someone made.

>> No.16792700
File: 904 KB, 427x240, 1631889235305.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What an idiot. Though, the frequency Adam burns his food, burning his (second) apartment is only a matter of time.

>> No.16792707

God I’ve never seen such a punchable face before. what an ugly faggot

>> No.16792717
File: 31 KB, 400x400, 1632839974216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTW, Adam, stop shitposting here. Please. It's obvious, it's cringe.

Now this is a cooking channel.

>> No.16792723
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>> No.16792727
File: 19 KB, 293x293, 1631284526011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that clown is awakening something very strange in me. something... ancient, powerful. still deciding whether to fight it or not.

>> No.16792730

his eyes are so close together his glasses only need one lens

>> No.16792755

I want to rape that clown

>> No.16793247
File: 245 KB, 694x720, Emmy cast iron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cast iron works fine with induction or gas ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.16793249


>> No.16793569

[x] bleach

>> No.16793605
File: 55 KB, 772x960, 326264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting that disgusting monkey

>> No.16793606

Adam, stop trying to make soychad happen. It's not going to happen.

>> No.16793624

I enjoyed the details about how capsaicin works in that video, it actually does dispel a lot of misconceptions, but I can't share it with anyone for fear of intense secondhand embarrassment for how fucking pathetic he sounds trying to "attack toxic masculinity" or whatever the fuck he's doing.

>> No.16793625

Yes, why did you post that monkey?

>> No.16793656

That is a very nice prostitute you have there, but I like emmy :)

>> No.16793682
File: 40 KB, 466x346, 81V3pg4rtYL._AC_SX466_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coward fears the power of the 100k BTU jet burner, directly spliced into a gas main, and C-clamped onto your countertop.

>> No.16793813

Now what the fuck are you actually gonna cook with that much heat?

>> No.16793836

Stirfry, or a lot of water really fast

>> No.16793862

Literally the best encapsulation of ragusee-a there is.

>> No.16793918
File: 165 KB, 1242x936, 1631677172144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get my dick sucked you stupid bitch

>> No.16794015

heres something better, if you look at the archives you'll find the term 'soychad' was used a total of one time before that twitter post, the night before.

He made a bait thread about himself, calling himself a "soychad", a term never once before used on 4chan (making sure to use the nicest photo he has) and then claimed he went to 4chan 'just that one time'

oh but wait it quite possibly goes further
the very first post about 'ragusea' was a link directly to his channel, garnering no attention and falling right off the board with no replies
if you compare that screenshot, (likely adams) to his channel, this was only a few weeks after he decided his channel was going to be a cooking channel

he's been shilling himself here since the start, whether it was for the attention of us or the google bots it doesn't matter, because he succeeded.
This thread is likely filled with adams posts
now if you search for "anti-babish" or "anti babish" it's only been used 4 times
including this very thread

>> No.16794023

>Have you swallowed the Adam Ragusea pill yet?


>The dude is like the anti-Babish. His videos are no frills, no bullshit. Strictly cooking.

>> No.16794032

Seething android poorfag detected.

>> No.16794056
File: 913 KB, 1412x1080, 1633329338425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying thousands of dollars for a machine you still have to ask permission to modify
>"hmmm... 'software not supported by macOS"
>"guess I can't use it then..."
at least you get some nice colors to stare at

>> No.16794082

>literally needing to invent science just to boil water

>> No.16794151


>> No.16794169

How does it even work, do countries with gas stoves have entire pipelines of gas everywhere, an entire infrastructure created just for stoves?

>> No.16794175

The funniest part was the legit Adam footage. "I just threw water in hot oil, I'm used to that being fine." People actually take tips from this guy lmao.

>> No.16794180

a lot of places have gas heating for their homes?

>> No.16794189
File: 61 KB, 562x523, Kent-Rollins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

howdy y'all, me and the beag are fixing to fire up ol' bertha for some good ol' home cookin'. now i know most of you folk out there got electric or gas stoves and im here to tell you thats okay! cowboys cook and cook with what they got. fightin' over who's the best cook on youtube is somethin' that'd take awhile to decide but right now them coals is looking just right which means its time to start cooking and folks lemme tell ya, its gonna be great :)

>> No.16794312
File: 59 KB, 1000x739, CYL-4-0KG-C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go to the petrol station and get my propane tank refilled. then I screw it into the line that runs from my stove outside my house where the tanks are.

you can also get people to come round in trucks and they change them for you, but generally thats for bigger tanks

mine costs like 20 dollars to refill, lasts for months

>> No.16794325

The gas is primarily for heating. Even places with electric stoves have gas for heating.

>> No.16794380


>> No.16794434
File: 35 KB, 585x585, 163967_MN_GasMain_ServiceLine_Graphic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lived in a place that used gas to heat water, the home, and to make the stove work.
There is infrastructure in place in a lot places through subsurface gas mains.
This is the gist of it but it's somewhat more complicated with shutoffs and overflows.

>> No.16794456

Based Norm

>> No.16794490

That's exactly what he is: literally a personified caricature of reddit encapsulated inside a person - always discontent no matter what.

>> No.16794506

well....yeah, does america not do this?
i lived in rural aus and still has gas

>> No.16794517

how can anyone be a soychad?

>> No.16794526

same reason why he makes everything low calorie and he's so awkward when he handles food: he's white

>> No.16794539

Adam is hostile to masculinity because he isn't masculine. Same reason why he made that macaron video about how good it is to make macarons that look bad. Adam can't stand being assessed negatively by any standard. That's why he's so quick to respond to criticisms that haven't even been made, he has to protect himself from potential oncoming blows. If there's a standard he isn't meeting, you better know that he has a response ready for why it's good, because he has definitely thought about it before.

>> No.16794623
File: 18 KB, 402x329, sasaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16794636

based on what I've seen faggots doing over the past two years about the memecoof, I would assess with high confidence that yes, people believe they'll get poisoned from standing over a gas range

>> No.16794660

Shouldn't have bothered with the watergun; just stub it on his tongue and then cram it up his ass. Bitch'll learn that there's a time and a place.

>> No.16794663

I fucking hate him. The way he looks is annoying. The way he speaks feels pretentious. He doesn't feel genuine. His recipes are often demanding of a lot more time and effort than a simple worknight meal should be, despite him advertising his recipes as easy and quick.

>> No.16794671

This is the "you do you" guy right? He really does sound like he's making this video as a comeback to someone. It's infuriating.

>> No.16794843
File: 74 KB, 468x337, smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks kent

>> No.16794874

>tfw it cost only $1.5 to refill a 3KG propane over here

>> No.16794908

Is this thread even about cooking?

>> No.16794970

he looks like the guy from the north water
tbqh senpai his vids are pretty good besides the fact he sells every recipe as "im obsessed! i eat this every day now!" like damn nigga i know you dont eat that many meals in one day

for me, its internet shaquille

>> No.16794980

plus when you go to flip it the machine beeps at you. not to mention you have to be careful not to slam the pot down on the (glass) range. with gas you can turn the flame up high and flip food constantly while heating constantly. you can hold the pan up at an angle to stir or scrape the bottom for as long as you like. thats a big deal with omelette, scrambled eggs etc.

>> No.16794990

We do, that anon is just retarded. If you live too far from the city you have to have your own propane tank, though, since the infrastructure only goes so far.

>> No.16795000

When has he ever called himself a chef?

>> No.16795165

hmm good idea, maybe i'll check his channel and see what sandwich he's making this time

>> No.16795362

yes, and they explode sometimes

>> No.16795506

Honestly this whole video is far more calm, far less seething, and far more fair than his usual videos. He brings up good points about the differences between gas and electric without getting super defensive and obnoxious like he usually does.

>> No.16795523

How is stainless steel/cast iron cookware, useable across literally every possible range heating mechanism, "proprietary hardware"? Fucking 47 chromosome niggerfaggot

>> No.16795700
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>> No.16795739

Should have let him die of cancer same thing with retards with loud headphones let them be deaf

>> No.16795852
File: 326 KB, 1200x1200, 67888166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my gas problem

>> No.16795858

Fuck off Ethan

>> No.16795988

i have a gas problem
every time i eat crunchy greens i get gut noises and braps
i've been going to the bathroom so it doesn't bother anyone but i nearly passed out when i got a smell of my farts
i don't eat a lot of fiber, and need the vitamins

>> No.16796053

Try Beano.

>> No.16796243

CHLEBowski means literally BREADowsky in polish, so no wonder he likes bread so much

>> No.16796422

My polish GF says his name literally meant bread-man so I say based.

>> No.16796667

here people just attach gas tanks to the back of the stove, if installed properly theres no explosion risk

>> No.16796687

Gas sniffers on suicide watch

>> No.16796753

>i lived in rural aus and still has gas
You live in the suburbs. Nobody is going to run a gas line hundreds of miles through the outback to sell gas to a half dozen people.

>> No.16796765

I agree, in my city they don't even run gas lines 5 miles out of the city border, anyone on a gas line is not rural by any definition. Unless anon is a teenager who lives at home and somehow doesn't realize they actually have a propane tank, but I doubt it.

>> No.16796766

>Unless anon is a teenager who lives at home and somehow doesn't realize they actually have a propane tank, but I doubt it.
That actually sounds plausible lmao.

>> No.16796768

>attempt to use archaic cookware
>no RFID chip to authenticate

>> No.16796773

I wish this sounded more absurd than it does, but I completely see that happening in the future.

>> No.16796775

This is why I only use GNU/Cookware on my FSF-approved electric stove.

>> No.16796954

you know what pisses me off the most, when he was talking about kosher salt and said that 'pinching' normal table salt was impossible and you couldn't hold it between your fingers, like has this man actually tried, I manage to do it all the time

>> No.16797031

amerimutt spotted
even bendigo has gas, don't assume actual developed countries are as pathetic as your failed state

>> No.16797056

>even this city with a population of over 100,000 people has gas!
Fucking faggot. If you live in a city like that you're not fucking rural.

>> No.16797060

struck a nerve ey mutt

>> No.16797067

>”developed country” means gas trucks that refill tanks for rural residents
We have those too, anon.
My parents’ stove, water heaters, and backup generator all run on it.

>> No.16797112

Built for BWC

>> No.16797192

Actual imbecile. A city with a hundred thousand people is not rural.

>> No.16797567

No, I just think anyone who calls a city of 100,000 that's less than 20 miles from a major metropolitan area "rural" is a fucking retard who has no idea what that word means. Cities of that size and location also have gas lines in the US, because FUCKING OBVIOUSLY.

>> No.16797574

Based as FUCK.

>> No.16797581

He talks like a fag

>> No.16797988

Damn wtf i never noticed that before

>> No.16798051

Someone post the gas stove comment

>> No.16798520
File: 53 KB, 394x790, 1613996567393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you, you want to pay to post a comment from my house?

>> No.16798616


>> No.16798630

I noticed she removed "injapan" from her channel name at some point. Good, that was fucking weird and embarrassing. "Maybe if I pretend I'm Japanese and say 'itadakimas' I'll get the weeb audience!"

>> No.16798638

What is she anyway, a flip?

>> No.16798639
File: 62 KB, 615x350, pentti-linkola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tell me you're a pleb who doesn't cook with tinned copper without telling me you're a pleb who doesn't cook with tinned copper

>> No.16798646

That was because she was living in japan at the time she created her channel smoothbrain. She was emmy... living in japan. Hence, Emmy in Japan

>> No.16798655

>Maybe if I pretend I'm Japanese
She's not Japanese?

>> No.16798656

Don't start, you know that she knew what she was doing.

>> No.16798659


>> No.16798661

it always bothers me that his mustache is longer and fuller than his beard and doesn't connect to it. It just looks so fucking weird to me

>> No.16798665

The channel name was EmmyMadeInJapan, which could be interpreted as either "[EmmyMade] [In Japan]" or "[Emmy] [Made In Japan]." The latter interpretation could lead someone to believe she's Japanese if they read it that way.

>> No.16798817
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>> No.16798995

I've watched some of her videos and have nothing against her so why do I still want to see that?

>> No.16799009

>using a wok on an induction stove

>> No.16799641

>paying someone 5 bucks to jailbreak your stove so you can use whatever cookware you like

>> No.16799722

It’s the equivalent of $4.24 for 13kg here.

>> No.16799738

>she was pretending to be Japanese
Do you always make up backstories for people?

>> No.16799930

it was posted in video form >>16794151

>> No.16800159
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

farmed telapia is one of the most toxic foods you can ingest and this retard is reccomending to his brainless followers to eat tha tshit by the boatloads. he should be tried at geneva.

>> No.16800160


>> No.16800193
File: 361 KB, 1080x800, 1633539395420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wiens threads get deleted but these stay up, why is this happening to us wiensbros

>> No.16800218
File: 677 KB, 1011x974, 1563402555065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand Ragu really wants to rag on the inefficiencies of gas as a solution, but did he really have to bring up the wooden doors in Auschwitz?

>> No.16800221


>> No.16800293
File: 29 KB, 403x463, 29284947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get the gas line argument, though. You can just connect these to your gas stove. That's actually how a large number of people use their gas stoves.

>> No.16800301

* puts pickled red onions on your post *

>> No.16800804

>no, you wait for it to cool first, which usually means forgetting completely
you have add i know because i wrote the top part 40 minutes ago

>> No.16800893

Wait is that what inspired the Artie Ziff episode of the Simpsons?

>> No.16800929

I don't like his type pf personality, I guess you could call it the reddit personality.
>overly defensive
>can't take a joke or any criticism without taking it personally
>constantly deferring to an "objective" source, like SCIENCE
>says stuff like "You do you" but obviously gets upset at other people having different opinions, like his chili video where he was seething the entire time
>Constantly takes shortcuts while making excuses for never improving

>> No.16801436
File: 2.57 MB, 1276x1265, adamragookia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Adam RaGOOKia?

>> No.16801579

Adam's right, gas-stove elitists absolutely and utterly btfo

>> No.16801580

>Adam's right,
Fucking nazi scum.

>> No.16801592

we say "based and redpilled" around here

>> No.16802761


>> No.16802808

Yes, many people are fucking stupid.
eg: mommy blogs, essential oils, homeopathy, etc.
We need to bring back the draft.

>> No.16802812

oh hes a chef now? i thought he calls himself a home cook or whatever.

>> No.16802819
File: 752 KB, 1127x672, arif.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you wife has fucked the 5th different guy this week

>> No.16802830

Who would want to fuck that toothy cow?

>> No.16802863

Telapia is a bottom feeder. And when it's farmed their diet consists of manure.

>> No.16802876

I think you know who.

>> No.16803650

You put it perfectly lmao

>> No.16803686

ngl this is sounding a bit antisemitic.

>> No.16804943

>you can also get people to come round in trucks and they change them for you, but generally thats for bigger tanks
Didn't know I could nostalgiafag about this. Seeing the guy almost letting gravity do it's thing with the 50kg ones, diagonally rolling it, and then making sure the connection was air tight with soapy water is something I still remember from my younger years.