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File: 217 KB, 1254x836, what-to-buy-at-aldi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16787397 No.16787397 [Reply] [Original]

An Aldi recently opened in my area and I checked it out over the weekend. Really good produce and cheese. Good prices, but the place was weird. I domt really understand how the cart thing works. Also when you check out they scan everything really fast and juat set it next to them. No bags and they expect you to get your stuff out of the way immediately.

You guys shop there?

>> No.16787416

I went once and decided never again.

>> No.16787423

Why? Was it the weird way they do things?

>> No.16787429

I wasn't a big fan of their selection, it seemed limited and not great as a one-stop-shop.

>> No.16787431
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>No bags and they expect you to get your stuff out of the way immediately
fucking hate that shit. soulless npc cashiers are insufferable

>> No.16787448

They have such a weird way of doing shit but they don't inform the customer of this, you're just supposed to know already.

>> No.16787476

Why are Americans incapable of bagging their own groceries?

>> No.16787478

That's peasant work.

>> No.16787479

bag my groceries, wagie

>> No.16787508

When I was a kid you just wheeled gour cart up and they took care of everything. Then you had to put your groceroes on a conveyer belt. Now they try to make everyone do self checkout and bag your own stuff. Id rather get service and give some kid a job

>> No.16787516

Here in bongland Costco is the only store to do it the American way where they bag your shit for you and forbid the wagies to sit down, and its far superior as far as customer experience goes

>> No.16787523

>and forbid the wagies to sit down,
Fucking crazy that the boomers insist on this in the US.
My aunt is murrican and she said it was strange seeing cashiers sit down in bongland

>> No.16787535

In the US costco puts your stuff in the cart but they do not have bags

>> No.16787569
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> Also when you check out they scan everything really fast and juat set it next to them. No bags and they expect you to get your stuff out of the way immediately.

I always try to race them. If it can keep up I win and if they have to wait for me to bag stuff i lose.
I specifically space my groceries in a way where they need to use the computer to do vegetables or fruit in-between items that are a little bit harder to bag. I win about 40% of the time but i'm improving.
The store managers is the only one I have defeated yet. She is an absolute god at scanning. Honestly if you blindfolded her the scanning would be just as quick. But i will beat her one day.

>> No.16787661

They are the only store Ive ever seen that does shit differebt but they dont tell you what to do.

>> No.16787666

Idc. Did they have lemongrass?

>> No.16787668

I live in Europe and I've never seen a cashier bag my groceries. Fucking lazy Americans, no wonder most of you are fat.

>> No.16787673

nope, most of their stuff tastes like cardboard

>> No.16787706

Checked. No idea

>> No.16787724

Americans would argue that your cashiers are the lazy ones

>> No.16787726
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That's pretty based anon. Sounds like something I might have to try. Stealing the produce hurdle method too.

>> No.16787727


In some European countries, grocery cashiers actually work seated.

>> No.16787741

Jesus. They probably smoke cigarettes while they check people out

>> No.16787748


The one on Harvard? Wincos better bro.

>> No.16787770


Not that I've seen, but in these same countries they also wear uniforms with hats like 1960s airline stewardesses.

I should venture to guess that in these places hospital nurses also still dress like proper actual nurses, in UNIFORMS. Not retarded pajamas like in USA, each choosing her own colors, so you cannot immediately identify their role from a distance.

>> No.16787780

>Not retarded pajamas like in USA, each choosing her own colors, so you cannot immediately identify their role from a distance.

No to mention the fact that the old white uniforms made soiling more obvious.

>> No.16787782

The US has gotten too casual.

>> No.16787934

Aldi, Lidl, and Save-a-Lot all do this 'you bag your own shit' style of shopping. Also, all three charge you extra to buy plastic bags.

>> No.16787946

I once went there and there were poor people everywhere. There's almost no products too there, just the very basic.

>> No.16787955

How does the cart work at Aldi? I saw some lock thing and I know it costs a quarter, but I didnt feel like fumbling around like a dipshit. I just grabbed a few things and left

>> No.16787990

The one by me is in a pretty wealthy neighborhood and the people looked affluent.
I was in one years ago in a shitty neighborhood and it was like a garage sale with food

>> No.16788011

I don't know what's wrong with your Aldi but the ones I have been to they put all your shit into a spare cart and when you're done you take the cart full of your stuff and they grab your now empty cart to replace it. There's also a large area where you can put all your stuff in bags if you want. It's an ok place for some cheap things and some stuff you can't find at typical stores but it's definitely not a "do all your shopping here" type store.

>> No.16788025

What if I bought a few items and dont have a cart? If I dont have a replacement cart does the system get fucked if I take their cart

>> No.16788034
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You insert a coin (quarter in USA) to unlock. Then when you return your cart, you push the chain from the next cart into the other side of the lock, which pops your precious coin out.

The idea is that unlike other grocery stores, where sociopaths abandon their carts in the parking lot, at Aldi they'll be motivated to return them, and thus Aldi does not need to employ cart wranglers. Part of the Aldi philosophy is running stores with minimal staff.

But in our area, they stopped using the locks during the lockdown. Instead the carts were distributed by one or two employees standing by outside, also responsible for sanitizing--and presumably also retrieving carts left out by the aforementioned sociopaths.

Remember, cart-abandoners are subhumans and will be first against the wall:


>> No.16788046


>> No.16788056

>but they don't inform the customer of this
This was v off-putting for me. Never went again.

>> No.16788074


No. You simply remove your items from the cart and leave it for the next person. (If you were to take the cart, someone would have to replace it, and Aldis run with minimal staff.) Ideally, you should have a reusable bag and start bagging your items as the cashier scans them, to minimize delay for the next person.

Just be glad the Aldi now accepts credit cards in the US. (It used to be cash or debit only, again to reduce expense.)

>> No.16788079

>you should have a reusable bag and start bagging your items as the cashier scans them

To clarify: Walk ahead and put your reusable bag in the cart and hold it open so the cashier can slide the scanned items right in. But hop to it; Aldi is all about cashier scanning speed and they will not wait for your slow ass. If the person behind you has to wait, it will be obvious that YOU were dawdling. But it's not a big deal and you'll get the hang of it quickly.

>> No.16788089

Legitimate Thanks. Its a little confusing when they are the only store in the world with this system

>> No.16788121


How are they supposed to inform you? Training videos playing in the checkout line? Not from a store that's all about minimizing expense. (For example, notice that they typically put items on the shelves by the carton-load. They cut open the cartons but leave the items stacked inside, rather than distribute them on the shelves themselves. Why? To reduce stocking time.)

Frankly, the basic answer--and I say this with empathy--is to get over yourself and the "social anxiety" that you (we) use as an excuse not to do things. Accept the fact that in a new situation you (we) may do things wrong, learn the from it, and move on with your day. Everyone else in America who did not grow up shopping at Aldi had the same experience.

Some might say that Aldi should change their ways to match typical American expectations, but they're not alone. Like how first-time Costco shoppers often put their cart on the wrong side or don't have their membership card ready for scanning.

>> No.16788142


You are welcome. And no worries. I really do get it. Frankly I've never even used a cart at Aldi because I shop small, but I would totally watch a video like (below) before trying, because I don't want to be "that guy" holding up the line. But look, if someone came up behind me while I was fumbling, I would just say "Hey, first time doing this, how does it work?" and get a little charisma XP from talking to a stranger.


>> No.16788145

>Its a little confusing when they are the only store in the world with this system
Here in euroland, every cart is like this. Same with the bagging situation. It genuinely boggles my mind things work differently in America.

>> No.16788155

fuck jews man america used to be great we didn't had to bag our own groceries

>> No.16788171

my favorite frozen pizza is from aldi, so I only go there for that

>> No.16788192

>How are they supposed to inform you?
In my case, I straight up asked how things were supposed to go at check out and was met with contemptuous look, a grunt and a nod toward the cart at the end. When I tried to replace my empty cart and take the one filled with my checked out groceries, the fat cashier told me I'd have to bring it back to his register after bagging, which made zero sense to me

>> No.16788205


For those tempted to complain about self-bagging and self-checkout, we have been on this path for longer than you think. Do you know the history of Piggly Wiggly?


TLDR: Every grocery store used to be like the "general stores" you may seen in Western movies: you would walk up to a counter and tell the man what you wanted, and he would get it from the stockroom in the back. The idea that the customer would do his own warehouse-picking was, at one time, an innovation. With this change, the customer himself searching the shelves, came increased importance of branding and packaging as a way of getting attention, perhaps even enticing to impulse-buy items not on the shopping list.

>> No.16788222

I do because I like the price and I don't mind the whole thing of "this doesn't feel right!" for shopping, mostly because I always bring those reusable shopping backs anyway so I never even bothered with it in the first place.

Once you get the hang of it, though, it's pretty amazing. Get in, get your shit, get out, done.

>> No.16788228

Dude, I just put my stuff in my own cart.

>> No.16788229


Sorry to hear about that. My local Aldis tend to employ qt3.14 dusky young thangs who might have made a better first impression.

(But in fairness, also take pity on the woman who was scanning barcodes eight hours a day with the knowledge that her health insurance probably goes "poof" the second that Aldi decides self-checkout has become financially viable and they can reduce minimum staff yet further.)

>> No.16788246


Actually, hol' up:

>When I tried to replace my empty cart and take the one filled with my checked out groceries, the fat cashier told me I'd have to bring it back to his register after bagging, which made zero sense to me

That makes no sense to me either. The way it works, your entry-cart becomes the exit-cart for the next person. Maybe it was her first day and she didn't know either.

>> No.16788251

Lol. 'Adam Ruins Everything' should adopt this format.

>> No.16788274
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>>Once you get the hang of it, though, it's pretty amazing. Get in, get your shit, get out, done.

Note to first-timers: The checkout lines can look intimidatingly long because the stores employ just a few cashiers--but they scan items like nobody's business, aided by the massive barcodes on store brands (pic rel).

>> No.16788303

Yeah, it's pretty self-explanatory once you're there, just don't freak out about it. Or expect any courtesy. This is peak German efficiency, really.

>> No.16788310


I support the Cart Narcs message, but watching their videos can make some people really anxious; the irrational rage and threat of violence is just too real. Those guys have some balls.

>> No.16788318
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they're a top secret organization of highly trained professionals - what do you expect?

>> No.16788325

We had these at my local ShopRite on the East Coast a decade ago so Aldi weren't the only ones to do this, but for some reason they stopped it. The motivation to return carts definitely worked when it was still in place, but now to no one's surprise the parking lot is filed with stray shopping carts in random parking spaces or the front wheels propped up against curbs where a cart janny has to come out every hour to clean up after everyone.

>> No.16788346

>Or expect any courtesy.

Indeed there are legit cultural differences especially as you move eastward in Europe: service workers will do their jobs, but without a smile or pretending that they're your friend--not because they dislike you, but because they don't know you, and pretending is considered phony.

>This is peak German efficiency, really.

But here in USA, the system has been transatlantically transplanted (say that five times fast). If an American Aldi emploee is gruff, better assume it's just because the whole store is running with just a few people.

>> No.16788348

That guy sounds like a whiny fag and I’d punch him if he kept putting shit on my car like that. I’ll be sure to not put some carts back just because of him.

>> No.16788357

The produce selection is small, I get better dairy anywhere, it's mostly packaged shit I don't eat, and the prices are higher for paper products, soap, etc. That's all before ze german speisebaggenundrennen "efficiency" of having a fatso sit on a stool and make you do everything.

>> No.16788358

do all of them look like mini costcos in that the grocery aisles look like stuff you'd see inside a factory?

>> No.16788360



>> No.16788387

imagine the smell haha
what if she did that by the hot food area where you can grab fried chicken, soups, and pastas and I package the food that was closest to her then ate it at home haha

>> No.16788393


See, this is what's scary: cart-abandoners are all around us, pretending to be human. The Cart Narcs only force them to reveal their true form (bipedal sewage agglomerations). And all it takes to trigger them is a request to perform a basic human decency.

It's not even mainly about making the paid cart wrangers' lives easier. It's about not blocking parking spaces or letting your cart roll into other people's cars.

>> No.16788406

Whatever, I’ll normally put the carts back, but I’ll leave some out just for these assholes.

>> No.16788427


They do have more of a "warehouse" vibe like Costco, which also displays items in cartons for easier restocking. Costco is definitely higher end (as expected for paying members). But our local Aldis never have the depressing unkempt feeling associated with typical "discount" grocery stores. It's definitely better than Walmart (and I do shop there too).

>> No.16788443

>Whatever, I’ll normally put the carts back

Good on ya.

>but I’ll leave some out just for these assholes.

I could see your point if these guys were purely out to make confrontational videos for the YouTube ad bucks, but they could actually be doing at least a tiny sliver of positive work, by making cart-abandoners reevaluate their uncivilized habits.

t. Saturday Costco shopper, where dozens of parking spots are routinely blocked by inconsiderate assholes who can't walk an extra 20 feet to the corral

>> No.16788444

fucking burgers, i swear lmao

>> No.16788453

i've been to an aldi's but i wasn't sure if it was just that one that had that style or all of them. they have a lot of interesting things, but not enough for a full grocery haul. well, at least for me. seems like a great place to just go once in a while and pick out random stuff to try new things.

>> No.16788478

I bet you retards didn't even know that Trader Joe's and Aldi are the same company.

>> No.16788490

>That guy sounds like a whiny fag
That's the beauty of it, though.

>> No.16788500

Technically one is Aldi Nord and the other is Aldi Sud.

>> No.16788644

Checked. How are we supposesd to know how you clowns run your grocery stores? If you go to my local HyVee they have full blown retards piaaing around with carts all day. I dont mind paying an extra .25% to make them viable members of societysnpmm

>> No.16788648

Pissing around. Sorry

>> No.16788657

>but for some reason they stopped it
Hobos kept jimmying them open to get quarters. No, really.

>> No.16788962

Not him but it was very busy and the workers were rude and pushy.

>> No.16789054

Ive been there once and I think the cashiers get paidnto avoid people and go as fast as possible. They might be banking on americans thinking foreign shit is special

>> No.16789523

>that "doodle-lo!" when he puts the sign on her car
I kek'd

>> No.16789533

i only get local organic stuff at my local co-op

>> No.16789814

I have four credit cards and two bank cards why the fuck would I carry around quarters with me all the time? this is the main reason I don't shop there, one time I even brought my own bags and the fucking bitch cashier instead of putting the shit in my bags that I put in her "cashier cart" she just threw everything in the fucking cart (with no care for what the item was she was throwing raw sausage on top of cheese and lettuce crushing the lettuce in the process. then when I was taking my stuff out of the cart she literally started scanning the next persons shit and throwing it in with mine. that was the final straw I never went back.
>Can't get a shopping cart
>Limited selection
>Confused boomers
>All the way on the edge of town
>Annoying stupid as fuck employees
It's literally like if you got a Walmart employee to work faster but they never actually got better at their job.

You know I'm in a small southern town and these cocksuckers get paid $17 an hour and they are still retarded.

>> No.16789823

Go back to le,reddit you fucking fagot

>> No.16789829

I still didn't read that you fucking fagot, like I told the last guy go the fuck back to R3ddit you fucking queer

>> No.16789838


t. Lidl shopper

>> No.16789841

How about I call you a nigger loving fagot five times really fast?
You are either a woman or a redditor either way I fucking hate you.

>> No.16789867

lmao lil piggy wiggly mad being reminded he's a fucking fat pig shopping in a sugar amusement park disguised as a grocery store

>> No.16789903

I'd love to meet this guy in real life I'll give him a whole explanation why I'm not putting the cart away.
I have a rating system, depending how good the service is, how clean the store was and how effective my shopping was (did I get slowed down because employees were in my way or did I have to look multiple times for something because where they keep it moved, were they out of something I needed, did I have to use self checkout, ect)
Then depending how they score is what I do with my cart.
Publix is at the top so I always put my cart away, Walmart is at the bottom because they tried to accuse me of stealing a case of beer like a nigger one time because it was on the bottom of the cart and I forgot to scan it and the dumb bitch at checkout made me talk to security(maybe if you had a lane open and not just self checkout this wouldn't have happened), another time the self checkout lady tried to accuse me of stealing a free sample of some seasoning.
want to treat me like a nigger I'll act like one this is war.
one night the parking lot was empty I saw three carts in a parking spot so I started running and pushed my cart as fast as I could and then let go as it crashed into the other carts sending them flying like bowling pins two fell over one of them ended up in the grass. sometimes I'll even go out of my way to make sure the carts get stuck together so they won't separate when they try and take them, when I use the urinal there I make sure to piss all over the place, sometimes I'll take items from the freezer section and place them in a different spot in the store or keep it with me the whole time then when I inevitably have to go to self checkout (because there's no lines open) I either just leave it there In self checkout or make the monitor come over to me and tell them I don't want it, I never put stuff back in the proper spot and I litter in the parking lot every chance I get, on the other hand I will literally pick up trash I see in a Publix

>> No.16789907

You ever realize that you might be the nigger in this situation?

>> No.16789942

>they tried to accuse me of stealing a case of beer like a nigger one time

No smoke without fire.

>> No.16789945


>> No.16790003

That guy needs to get laid.

>> No.16790067

All I saw in the video was a passive-aggressive Karen getting into a fight with a regular Karen.

>> No.16790075

I honestly love how Aldi triggers the average bitch that expects a smile and helpful staff at every corner. The prices are low because you are expected to figure out how to find shit, carry shit, and bag it up yourself to put in your car. It's hilarious that this, of all things, makes 4chan sound like it is full of karens.

>> No.16790089
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>minimum of staff
>spartan interiors
>bagging your own groceries
German winco
German winco

>> No.16790120

That's the right attitude. Soon you will be strong as Kruppstahl, quick like a Windhund and tough like leather!
One day we will shake hands in liberated Poland.

>> No.16790130
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Bread rolls and pastries also work if you buy more than 4 in one paper bag. Then the cashiers have to count.

Also, put all the stuff that is heavy or hardy first on the conveyor. That way you can just throw that stuff in your cart without thinking. You're supposed to bag your stuff on the little table/shelf/bench anyway.

If you want to be extra efficient, then hand your cart over to another customer when you're done loading your groceries into your car. This way he has a cart, you get their coin and both of you save time.

>> No.16790135

yeah thats the case in every grocery store in austria basically, also they dont pack your stuff etc
Basically whats weird to americans about lidl is standard in austria/europe? i guess thats why they dont explain shit.

>> No.16790136

What's your favorite shoprite store brand bowl and basket product?

>> No.16790138

As a German I am so happy that Aldi makes Americans seethe because they have to bag their own stuff.
Based as fuck

>> No.16790152
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I take the opposite approach. I slowly, carefully, and deliberately place my items into my reusable canvas sack one at a time, all the while whistling certain German folk melodies co-opted by their ruling party in the 1930s, and deliberately shifting my steely eye contact between the cashier and each individual member of the line behind me. Not one has dared challenge me yet, since I never shop without being visibly armed without at least two edged weapons. Before leaving, I always make a show of unwrapping my Aldi-brand "Wacko" chocolate bar and take a bite, passive-aggressively dropping crumbs all over the floor before nonchalantly tossing the wrapper in the cart as if it were a trash receptacle.

Now, the staff greets me with "hey it's Wacko" and ALWAYS advises the other customers to be silent and motionless during my bagging routine. What a great supermarket.

>> No.16790160


If that's what it takes to help you sleep at night as your culture and heritage are eroded into nothingness and your blood is systematically diluted and replaced--glad to help.

>> No.16790164

Thank you, Mutt

>> No.16790168

Aldis organic vegan options are PATHETIC. They pretend "oh look at me we're such a good deal lol" they're just like trader joes. Nothing but a mini-wholefoods with smaller packages with less food, but if you multiply the package size and the price until it's normal sized, you're not always getting a better deal. Sometimes it's a better deal, sometimes it's the same price, sometimes it's actually a worse deal.
I feel like it's a sick joke. However, any competition is good competition. I'm glad they exist, but holy shit they are NOT any fucking better.

>> No.16790170

>Not him but it was very busy and the workers were rude and pushy.
had this experience a few times, but most of the time they're very nice or neutral.

But yes their selection SUCKS.

>> No.16790173


Frankly I don't shop there much anymore but most recent mini-hauls included B&B potato chips and microwave popcorn, as well as mundane pharmacy/cleaning products.

The real question is, are you down with Mrs. G and her baked goods? (At certain stores, there is a world-within-a-world of Shoprite memes.)

>> No.16790175

>cashier instead of putting the shit in my bags that I put in her "cashier cart" she just threw everything in the fucking cart (with no care for what the item was she was throwing raw sausage on top of cheese and lettuce crushing the lettuce in the process. then when I was taking my stuff out of the cart she literally started scanning the next persons shit and throwing it in with mine.
This has happened to me more and more at ALL stores, not just aldi. I feel like everyone is starting to lose their minds. It's not just aldi. it's everyone everywhere.

>> No.16790178

Datamining thread #123465768998978698964

>i only get local organic stuff at my local co-op
aldi isn't even primarily organic. like a couple things in the store are, and it sucks. Only a few things are alright, but the store isn't "special" it's just the same shit but smaller so you think you're getting a good deal.

>> No.16790179


You're welcome. Being 8.46% German, it's my duty and privilege to educate you aboriginals. After all, I eat hot dogs (or "frankfurters" as you know them) every day.

>> No.16790188
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>Being 8.46% German

>> No.16790194
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Checked, although those particular dubs are illegal in Deutschland. By the way, is that an ultra-rare Bogdanoff Sister in front?

>> No.16790215
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I like the beef sticks

>> No.16790230

I almost got to the end of the thread before I realised what all the burgers were complaining about: collateral carts and bagging your own groceries

collateral carts are a good thing. here in bongland, some supermarkets have carts that are collateral, some don't. the non-collateral carts are often busted, have wonky wheels etc. because people care less about them

employees hired to bag groceries are a good idea. we don't have them, electronic self-checkout is very popular here because people are slow and dopey as fuck and they take fucking forever to bag their own groceries, so fuck waiting in line behind that

>> No.16790239

Americans need to be slowly crushed under glass for the rest of the world to see

>> No.16790279

I hate self checkout because it always fucks up and you always need someone who works there to come save you from the hellishly retarded machine designed by some corporate shit head that hates the customers.

It would be nice if they made it 100% hassle free and the self check out was built into the shopping cart so that there were no more lines to GTFO

>> No.16790280

Rent free. Enjoy walking past our military base on your way to the McDonalds after you pick up your mutt daughter from the Billie Eilish concert next to the Hollister and Abercrombie store.

>> No.16790293

Only been to an Aldi once and swore to never go again. Everything was off brand. The only name brand stuff they had was hours away from expiration. The customers looked like they wanted to kill themselves. The whopping two employees in the whole store looked like they wanted to kill themselves. Had to carry all my groceries individually by hand to some cuckold countertop to bag them. The fucking hall monitor at the door wouldn’t let me take my cart to my car. Fuck that place.

>> No.16790322

I wish you didn't make that up, we could use a webm of it if true, with sound

>> No.16790465
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>I hate self checkout because it always fucks up and you always need someone who works there to come save you from the hellishly retarded machine designed by some corporate shit head that hates the customers.

just look em straight in the eye and wave them over. they're more afraid of you than you are of them

>It would be nice if they made it 100% hassle free and the self check out was built into the shopping cart so that there were no more lines to GTFO

sounds like those brick and mortar amazon shops with the checkout turnstiles. like those no-contact japanese noodle bars. the sign of an impersonal and atomised society

>> No.16790477

The most lukewarm take I might have ever seen jfc

>> No.16790485

Based but i don't shop at nigmart to begin with

>> No.16790489
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Same, they get so fucking angry lol. It's always a joy to see those fat retards seethe in impotent anger.

>> No.16790491

It's for your staples. They have good quality staples, produce and meat so you can get all those at Aldi at a hiqh quality that costs less than a regular supermarket then you get the rest of your groceries from regular supermarket.

>> No.16790513

Trader Joes and Aldi are the same company.

>> No.16790572

Because it's for you to get your food and get the hell out. No fake conversation like at Trader Joe's, get your shit, get out.

>> No.16790587

Nah for real?
seriously though

>> No.16790588

Aldi and Aldi aren't even the same company.

>> No.16790607

See >>16790280

>> No.16790611

>Aldi and Aldi aren't even the same company.
next you'll tell me that alderann and aladdin are not the same planetperson. seriously almost had a stroke reading this.

>> No.16790615

noooooooo, don't die on us amerifat :(

>> No.16790632
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I always take as much time as I need. Sorry, not stressing myself out so that other cucks in line can get to their dumb meaningless tasks 2 minutes earlier.

>> No.16791509

I don't understand how a quarter is enough to motivate anyone to do anything. I think twice about bending down to pick one up at this point Kek. Guess that shows how retarded those sociopaths are.

>> No.16791702

For you, a quarter is just 0.25$. For a person that shops at aldi, a quarter is the key to a cart So unless you have a steady supply of quarters (which most people don't), you're gonna keep that quarter. Besides, losing the quarter is an extra reminder that you're being an asshat cart abandoner. It works pretty well over here.

>> No.16791715

>that video you linked
Does this nu-male have an ounce of testosterone in his entire body? Since he clearly does not sound like he does with that high-pitched voice.

>> No.16791728

>soulless npc cashiers
Strange opinion. In the uk the fake chipper cashiers are seen as soulless. Perhaps we relate to their misery. Would rather them be genuine, personally.

>> No.16791740

Yes. Aldi is Aldi Sud, Trader Joe's is Aldi Nord.

>> No.16791746

In America, I think Aldi Nord owns the Trader Joe’s chain, and the Aldi stores are Aldi Sud, but I may have that backwards. Trader Joe’s is a yuppie store.

>> No.16791748

That's what we have immigrants for.

>> No.16791750


>> No.16791754

Yeah. I like a lot of their stuff, but they're selection is limited. The only quality differences I see are on random items like garlic, certain cheeses, meats, whatever. It's all random stuff. Although their Greek yogurt is the cheapest and best Greek yogurt on the market

>> No.16791764

Those are two different companies. Just like Puma and Adidas, the German brothers had a fight and split the company in two.

>> No.16791783

They intend to reunite soon-ish.

>> No.16791792

lmao, it's always a fatso at my local aldi's too
>muh efficiency

>> No.16791852

>Redneck acts like a dipshit; angry that he's treated like a dipshit.

>> No.16791868

Nah, that's on paper only. It's more accurate to compare, say, Taco Bell and Pizza Hut, which are both owned by Pepsico. It's all owned by the Albrecht family, and they're already actively unifying the two companies and should be done with it by 2022.

>> No.16791949

>No bags
they literally sell big ass reusable bags under the conveyor belt. also you are meant to use a trolly for large amounts of shopping so you can dump all your shit back into the trolly right away and then take it to your car or move over to the long ass bench and pack your shit into bags, i fucking love aldi. also the cashiers are the happiest cashiers i have seen in my life, any other store i go to the cashiers look like they want to kill themselves.

>> No.16791966

I was like "...why video" then I realized americans have it all backwards and this is like magic to them

>> No.16791991

you must have gone to some bizarro world aldi because i have been going to aldi (in australia) for 15 years and have never heard of that. for the aldi stores i have been to there is a ton of trolleys all linked together when you first walk in and you use a coin to unlock it and then you go inside, you get what you want and then you get to the counter and you put all your shit on the conveyor belt and they scan it all really fast and you have to be waiting on the other side ready to put it all back into the trolley and then you take it to your car or you take it to the bench to re pack it into reusable bags the way you want to and you can take as long as you want. and then after you are finished with the trolley you take it back to the other trolleys and push them together like normal and you take the key that is on the end of the chain on the trolley in front and you push it into the back of the lock and you get your coin back. personally i just take in 1 or 2 reusable bags but the checkout process is the same.

>> No.16792020

but the cashier doesnt know how i like to pack my shopping bags. i want to pack my shit how i want instead of some npc do it the way they were trained to do it. do you just stand there and look at them while they pack your shit, grossly inefficient.

>> No.16792032


>> No.16792060

kill yourself

>> No.16792099

I've gotten two guys charged with assault because they hit me when I explained to them that they shouldn't litter. Another guy hit me when I told him stopping in a public doorway to scroll his phone was quite obnoxious, but there was no convenient way to press charges in that case. I did tell him that hitting me only proved my point that he was a subhuman in need of a great deal of self-assessment, which was also its own victory because he braced to hit me again and then walked off when he saw I was calmly waiting for it instead of preparing to fight.

>> No.16792117
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I often see people who buy 10 cucumbers, all the size of large double ended dildos, why do they need that many cucumbers?

>> No.16792145

Interesting how americans feel offended by cashiers being able to sit while working.
They truly are some kind of darkspawn, recieving satisfaction from min wage workers having to endure the shittiest working conditions possible.

>> No.16792202

what size we talking here chap gimme a ref
>double ended
that's like all cucumbers

>> No.16792224
File: 126 KB, 1600x1224, __opt__aboutcom__coeus__resources__content_migration__simply_recipes__uploads__2008__08__bread-butter-pickles-horiz-a-1600-af8b0bb487ec4b84836f7473a525b736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To make pickles what else?
Once every 6 months when I get a big harvest of peppers and other items from my garden I will go to the store and buy 20 to 30 pickles and make giant jars of different flavored pickles with my homegrown produce mixed in

>> No.16792246

terrible LARP
le based g*rman natsoc man would never refer to Poland by its name

>> No.16792458

Why not grow cucumbers as well

>> No.16792461

they're happy cause they make a decent wage. when i was in college we all wanted to get the part time job at aldi cause it paid the most. store managers make £40,000 a year

>> No.16792499

>You guys shop there?
Over the last few months, many Aldi stores opened at Paris. There was only one before.
It's shit. It's, in every way, worse than Lidl.

>> No.16792562

i just looked it up, in australia (where i live) store managers get $100,982 per year

>> No.16792681

forgot about that vid. great laugh.

>> No.16793516

I won't argue with that, I feel like 15 years ago I would never see someone even in walmart walking around in sweatpants and a tank top, now its just kinda normal everywhere, also the people dressed like that are fatter than ever before.

>> No.16793552


Aldi is great, really cheap and decent food. I don't understand the hate over the bagging/carts situation. You get your quarter back from the cart when you return it (which you should be doing anyway) and I bag 10x faster than any bagger at any store I've ever been to. I hate standing there waiting for some 50 year old woman to slowly bag my shit when I could be halfway home.

>> No.16793621
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I'm a thirdworlder and I spend a lot of my time on internet maps watching shopping centers, supermarkets, stores and imagining I buy groceries in them. my most recent favorite is this one I found some days ago in a place called champlain (not sure if it's canada or USA) called price shopper, it looks comfy, clean and fresh, totally the oposite of the shithole I live. do you guys know supermarkets or shopping centers that look good?

>> No.16793725

No selection is their business model. They force a single option to increase economy of scale and bring down prices.

That and their biweekly never to be repeated (they are) sales of non-grocery items that don't have delivery and run out of stock in one day.

It's not just that. There's no carts or baskets, there's no self serve checkouts, they don't have space to fit all of your shopping, and the second they're done scanning they start serving the next customer forcing you to race.

>> No.16793732

They should all work seated. Even the ones bagging for me. Why the fuck are their work stations so poorly setup. And standing for that long isn't good for you.

>> No.16793743

It's not just you. I swear all Aldi workers have autism

>> No.16793761

How are Americans surprised by this? I'm 28 and trollys from every supermarket have always worked this way. The only innovation I've ever seen is in inner city stores where they've managed to design wheels that only turn on their special flooring.

>> No.16793766

Spoken like a zoomer. that is someone's mom or grandma faggot have a little respect

>> No.16794741

I load my trolly heavy to light, and on the belt I'll put heavy to light. I have my large bags open and ready. As they launch things at me i can just put them in the bag straight away. I give an audible tut when i go to grab the next thing and it's not there, if they're weighing something ect. It's one of my few pleasures beating those cunts. I also start walking away before the receipt finishes printing so they panicky call me back, but unless I've bought some middle isle shit I'll just ignore them and keep walking

>> No.16795318

truly a horrifying thing, to think they walk among us, the people who are the worst about this around me shop at dollar tree, a true dollar store, and they don't have wranglers and they don't have cart stables in the parking lot so they just get left in the middle of the driveway or in a parking spot, normally there is at least 2 of the carts sitting there that I take back in the store.

>> No.16795340

if anything it should be /ourstore/ because you get your shit don't talk to anyone and then leave, less chances for spaghetti to fall out of your pockets that way.
P.S this is one of the only stores I see Amish people go too, its a bit odd since I never see them anywhere else.

>> No.16795352

Which one is that? I like some of special ones they get sometime but the quality of the thin crust ones went down somewhat recently and the rising crust ones don't have much flavor. Although they have started carrying their own Chicago style deep dish that is as good as Gino's brand.

>> No.16795354

I don't even get it, just fucking take the cart out, put your stuff away, and then put the cart back, the store is small and so the parking lots are always small so its not like you are walking from one end of a mall parking lot to the other.

>> No.16795368

East Aldi vs West Aldi cold war.

>> No.16795381

went down to New Orleans to visit family once and the walmart carts had wheels that lock if they leave the property and an alarm on them, I guess you could call that innovation.

>> No.16795441


>> No.16795458

Staples and cheap cheeses are the main draw imo. I always fucking forget to bring bags so I have shit rolling around my car on the way home which is annoying too but justified by the cost. Also they have this grapefruit cold brew thing that I'm a huge fan of, might be a temporal stocking though.

>> No.16795465

That's mainly to prevent homeless people from stealing them.

>> No.16795478

My mom would always sing "Aldi's, Aldi's, that's our store! We shop there because we're poor!" whenever we passed it speeding through the bad part of town.
Based life-enjoyer