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16787425 No.16787425 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is for discussing tea, teaware, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.


Previous thread:

>> No.16787439

Tea and tea accessories edition
What tea equipment do you use?

>> No.16787747

I love the teapot in a bowl action.
I need to get a better plate/bowl/teaboat at some point

>> No.16787755


>> No.16787793

that's Chinese teaware not Japanese.

>> No.16787876

recommend me your favorite tea, preferably something affordable

>> No.16787937

>recommend me your favorite tea, preferably something affordable
Okay, you asked for it
If you want something smaller
If you don't want to pay for shipping

>> No.16787977

>buying weird chinese grass

>> No.16787984

I really like lemongrass tea

>> No.16788062

It's good tea

>> No.16788068

The eternally shilled black gold bi lo chun

>> No.16788510

want to get into tea but I hate chinks and want to genocide them alongside the jews. what's the best tea for me? should I just skip the tea and drink some South American drinks to honor Evita?

>> No.16788545

You can get Japanese tea, indian tea, tea from various south east asian countries, African tea and south American tea.

>> No.16788566
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>South American drinks to honor Evita?
picrel or buy an unsmoked brand like Taragui (big bag of loose leaf, very cheap too) and get a loose leaf diffuser or some reusable tea bags that you can fill

>> No.16788582

Based mate enjoyer

>> No.16788674

you can even just make it in a French press like you would coffee. 2tblsp of mate, about a cup and a half of water, steep for five minutes. you're welcome

>> No.16788702

I too want to get into tea but I dont know what to buy. ive had green tea and black tea before and liked it. but everything that my family stocks just tastes like fucking water.

whats a good tea for me? should I just shotgun it and buy a bunch of boxes?

>> No.16788726

If you want good tea, don't buy teabags or other small shredded tea bits. Read the pastebin and go wild.

>> No.16789744

I'm the dude who asked for decaf tea last thread. Thanks for the friendly advice, appreciate it.

>> No.16790060

Rate my YS order

2021 Yunnan Sourcing "Journey" Ripe Pu-erh Tea Cake 375 grams

2021 Heng Tong Hao "Menghai Peacock" Raw Pu-erh Tea Cake 375 grams

Light Roast Tie Luo Han "Iron Arhat" Wu Yi Shan Rock Oolong Tea 100 grams

13 Years Aged Da Hong Pao Rock Oolong Tea 100 grams

Yunnan "Black Gold Bi Luo Chun" Black Tea 250 grams

Sunrise Symphony Premium Black Tea Blend 100 grams

Traditional Smoked Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong * Lapsang Souchong Black Tea 250 grams

Jade Earrings * Superior Hand-Rolled White Tea 100 grams

Wild Tree Purple "Sweet Ya Bao" White Tea 100 grams

"Purple Voodoo" Purple Black Tea Cake * Spring 2021 200 grams

$352.03 USD total, including shipping.

Wanted to resupply and expand my hoard, since my black swere running low, I only had 1 white and despite having lots of ripe, most of it is 1 cake (white 2 tea's waffles) and I only have two cakes that aren't that.

I got the peacock cause it was free, despite having a healthy sheng stock

>> No.16790072

there is a reason for that, it's godly

>> No.16790166

Dump tea leaves into a hot mug, pour in hot water. Enjoy after it reaches almost scalding temp.
Don't need your overpriced "cultural " b.s.

>> No.16790270

Anyone got any unreasonably complicated recipes for some lackluster cold-brewed tea? Or is that just like a coffee thing?

>> No.16790333

to add to what the other anon said hibiscus, mint, roasted corn, and roasted barley teas are also good. also the other problem with decaffeinated tea is its generally only done to lower grade tea and it tends to affect the flavor so it does not make sense to to do it to specialty tea.

>> No.16790349

>he chews his tea

>> No.16790409

I cant give any deep insight as i have not tried any of the teas listed. however, a nice enoughorder. do tell us how the "Purple Voodoo" cake tastes as it is a production i have been interested in maybe getting.

>> No.16790414

never be a jew?

>> No.16790459

I had an previous pressing, but it's probably changed like it usually does

>> No.16790673

just skip the mug, tea in mouth, pour water, swallow when its brewed to the perfect strength.

>> No.16791424

Sounds good. Is that 2021 Menghai Peacock a young raw or was it aged previously and just pressed this year?

>> No.16791538

Sounds like a good variety anon, post about any teas you find exciting, or bad.

>> No.16792174

I will

Just checked. mix of 2018 and 2020. So its still a baby. But I like young shengs and all they stand for

>> No.16792363

>But I like young shengs and all they stand for
Based, i have a real love hate with young shengs but when you get a real nice one it's fantastic

>> No.16792797

teadb released very fun episode tasting blind 3 young shengs from 3 active western vendors. I guess I'm only one iit who has had tea from all of them (excluding discord tourists) so it may have been easier for me. but few of you had ys and w2t young shengs.
it was fun and interesting that after hearing few keywords I was able to pinpoint the vendors. try for yourself guys. don't read the comments first.

>> No.16793013

Kek nice to see farmer leaf getting some love

>> No.16793528

Pls drink my puer
i am but a humble tea merchant

>> No.16794019

indian tea

>> No.16794267

Purple pig from YS is a good example. Tastes like bitter dark chocolate to me, with some sour fruit notes. It is amazing

>> No.16794718

liu bao production https://tv.cctv.com/2015/03/12/VIDE1426149603583483.shtml

>> No.16795209

Sounds pretty good, purple teas have been weird for me. I swear they have a sort of citronella note.

>> No.16795266

the purple blacks I've had have tasted like grapes or raisins, had a purple green once, it was different, the liquor was colored like Rose wine.

>> No.16795267

Any guess on when they started using the industrial fermenters? It look like old equipment but with China it's hard to tell if it's 60s or 80s

>> No.16795277

>the liquor was colored like Rose wine.
I know there are a few different types of purples teas. A naturally occurring on that is a reaction to certain conditions. A one that was bread by a tea research institution to be all purple all the time and i think another, i forget which one i tried except that the leaves turned green after brewing.

>> No.16795623

want autistic tea gf

>> No.16795771

my gf drinks nice pour over coffee. Doesn't really like tea

>> No.16796240

I guess my op image is a big regression i really like the setup on a stainless tea table even if i don't know what half that stuff if for.

>> No.16796260

Does any western facing vendors other than king tea mall have good prices on full sleeves of xiaguan tuos?
Tea-masters had 2004 sleeves of taiwan storage for $50 but i didn't see until they sold out.

>> No.16796835

try tuochatea and ys, both kunming dry

>> No.16796860

try here, just skimmed through, seems legit.
say what you want about global tea cultists, but they have a ton of interesting articles on this website available for free. just skip the magic crystals ones.

>> No.16797109


>> No.16797396

Thanks anon, i will check these out
Also i had no idea global tea hut was into the magic crystal shit, i just thought they wrote long winded articles about tea.

>> No.16797566

>Also i had no idea global tea hut was into the magic crystal shit,
they don't literally talk about magic crystals or anything quite that crazy (that i am aware of) they do how ever occasionally bring up some more spiritual or woo woo stuff.

>> No.16797606
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I actually just saw some on their store page

>> No.16797617
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This goes pretty far into woo territory.
An i have a pretty high tolerance for it

>> No.16797777

damn it, i take my prior statement back.

>> No.16797819

Kek, they still have pretty comprehensive articles about tea, some of the better free to access ones in English. Doesn't mean i have to join their tea club

>> No.16798108

a kettle to boil water
a mug to put the tea and water in

>> No.16798136

Based, what do you usually drink?
I love just mugging it, it's the easiest way to drink tea and it makes me gravitate towards less fussy teas.

>> No.16798148

Anyone else here like to make teas from foraged herbs/plants?

>> No.16798251

I'm sick of brewing cups at a time. I want to start brewing entire liters at a time.

Who /bulk/ here?

>> No.16798286

Ive foraged reshi mushrooms before and dried them to use for tea.
I tried brewing some BlackBerry leaves from a wide plant but i don't think i dried or processed them properly, they didn't taste like much.

>> No.16798289

I will cold brew litres.
Sometimes i will simmer a big pot of ripe puer or some other post fermented tea and drink that all afternoon, it's very cozy in the winter.

>> No.16798293

I'm sure you can buy tea pots with multiple litres of capacity

>> No.16798398


>> No.16798413

exclusively genmaicha because my sister makes it in excessive quantities

>> No.16798686

Just got my tea gear and desu having good strong tea again is fantastic. What are some good black teas that mix well with milk? I've tried it with some Orange Pokoe and the results were good, but I'm looking for other options too.

>> No.16799437

Any kind of English or irish breakfast tea.
If you can find tea that is ctc processed it's usually about as strong as it gets.
I know Upton tea in the us has a ctc irish breakfast that should be incredibly stout

>> No.16799826

I have like the opposite problem. I got into tea and immediately started drinking dianhong, then I tried more 'robust' tasting tea including irish breakfast and going back to dianhong I felt like they were too light. I've been getting re-acclimated to it again though.

>> No.16799836

I think it's fine to like more robust teas. Have you tried any black teas from taiwan or japan? If you get a chance you should they might hit the sweet spot for you

>> No.16799913

I have had the Upton japanese breakfast blend. It's good, I mainly brew gongfu styl and it's not as suited for that, but it's all tasty western-style.

>> No.16800097

I know it's not easy right now but some loosely Japanese black is on a whole different level.

>> No.16800128

For anyone thinking about putting in a big tea order right now, do it asap or plan on you stuff not arriving till February.
The USPS has announced permanent slowdowns in service, and global shipping is just generally fucked.

>> No.16801227

Ima get crucified for this, but Yunnan "Black gold Bi Luo Chun". Its rightfully recommended for gong fu enthusiasts, but I've learned since I gave some to my mother who only english's her tea and mixes it with milk and heavy sugar, that it is surprisingly resilient.

You can still taste its stand out flavors beneath the sugar and milk Which is incredible, as other teas I've given her to try haven't and just end up tasting like sugar and milk. And since its flavors are sweet malty chocolate, it is an amazing combination that I do not make myself, as I prefer it gong fu'd

>> No.16801392

Black gold bi luo chun being eternally shilled is a classic tea meme.
Hopefully nobody would sperg out over you saying it tastes good with milk bit who knows with this board.
It makes sense since it is more robust than many other black teas.

>> No.16801451

>some of the better free to access ones in English
oh, i know they are an indispensable resource, its just that product listing is so incredibly bad i almost feel embarrassed for them. if i were ever in Taiwan and they ever get a new location opened i would probably give them a visit.

looking at there latest publicly available issue i see that they apparently sometimes give free tea in exchange for writing an article for their magazine. which one of you mad lads wants to write a personal piece about how talking about dank bargain-bin puerh on an anonymous cartoon frog enthusiast community has changed your life and brought you closer to spiritual enlightenment?

they also mention that they have "Scholarships" available for their online classes. i wonder if being a college student with no real income counts as i kind of want to watch their 12 hours of lecture on the different types of tea but i there is no way i am paying $148 for it.

>> No.16801459

adding a few mised words
>... embarrassed for them. DESPITE THAT, if i were ever in Taiwan and they ever get a new location opened i would STILL probably give them a visit.

>> No.16801541

>which one of you mad lads wants to write a personal piece about how talking about dank bargain-bin puerh on an anonymous cartoon frog enthusiast community has changed your life and brought you closer to spiritual enlightenment?
That might be fun
>they also mention that they have "Scholarships" available for their online classes. i wonder if being a college student with no real income counts
It's absolutely worth emailing them. They probably rarely talk to people interested in tea who are under the age of 30.

>> No.16801618

is yunnan sourcing a good place from which to purchase tea

>> No.16801678

Excellent suggestion, thank you. I started doing it with English Breakfast tea but the stuff you get in teabags isn't super robust in flavor Bigelow, specifically, is kinda weak.
I don't use sugar, just milk. Got anything with a more classic tea flavor? That doesn't sound like my jam at all sadly.

>> No.16801691

"Classic" tea flavor comes from mulched and oversteeped leaves , but yes I do. Frisian and Russian caravan, the former is the most what your asking for, really just a canvas for cream/ milk, and the second is made to be made in the english method/ oversteeped

God I hate the british

>> No.16801740

Though, I would suggest trying lemon with your tea sometime. And get some high tier sweets to eat with it. Like lemon tart, love lemon tart. Eat it with Puerh

>> No.16801756
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Allright my niggas of fair complexion, Autumn is here. Time to bring out those ctc assams, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, brown sugar and full fat milk. Masala chai season is upon us. Warm energy drinks aka pajeet milk teas will be a plenty in your household but only if you reply "Shiver me timbers I forgot the ginger" ITT.
Many blessings and plentiful redeems to you, sir. शिव bless.

>> No.16801999

Boxing gloves.

>> No.16802018

I'm not a fan of the English either, but I just like bracing, bitter tea. C'est la vie. Russian caravan sounds perfect, oolong is GOAT for afternoon sipping with some Chinese food.

>> No.16802042

Based. Jasmine or jasmine flavored tea is also great with chinese food

>> No.16803115

I need to try some nice Jasmine tea. I hate Jasmine rice but i don't think they are really related.

>> No.16804273

i have currently been sipping on a tin of the cheap ChinaTea branded Jasmine tea. its not bad considering how cheap it is.

>> No.16804560

That's one of the gold standards of dirt cheap Chinese flavored tea. Keeping college students and neets supplied with plenty of drinkable tea for decades

>> No.16805276

what are youse guys sipping today? i am currently finishing up some green BiLuoChun i got YS last year.

>> No.16805330
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Still working my way through this stash of 2009 xiaguan fang chas.
Got another 1 1/2 or so of these left.
I didn't really like these when i first picked them up but about 8 months in my pumidor took a bit of the edge off and now they are that classic smokey sweet slightly rough xiaguan factory flavor.
Respect the crane

>> No.16805377

nice, i like the Xiaguan house taste and they tend to be resonantly priced and unpretentious.

>> No.16805419

Yeah, they are pretty much my go to brand. They kinda make me think they have the flavor of what a grumpy old asian grampa would drink but I'm cool with that and their price to quality ratio is generally pretty good. Dayi raw is just unaffordable these days and its nice but it's still just big factory tea at the end of the day. Hardly worth buying into unless you are some rich Chinese guy trying to hedge some of your wealth against inflation by filling a warehouse with it.
I haven't tried their more recent teas but mengku tea factory has also been pretty enjoyable and consistent. Some really good teas is the 2009-2012 range if you can find them priced well.

>> No.16805692

Jerking off right now but I am going to drink some YS cozy ripe later

>> No.16805752

barley tea
tastes pretty great

>> No.16805906

What tea has beauty benefits? I know many are good for the body but are there any good for the face?

>> No.16805985

>putting fucking weeds in hot water and drinking it
who came up with this shit

>> No.16806027

Ma huang aka ephedra sinica, at least in the us it's legal to buy but not sell domestically so it must be imported from china, you can find listings on ebay but ebay seems to have banned the term ma huang so you have to look for cheeky listings.
If you search mo huang some listings should come up, it looks like a pile of dried stems.
Also poppy pods aka papaver somniferum DONT IMPORT THIS! There are a few sellers in the us if you dig though a few pages of search results on duck duck go.
You can read online about the uses of ma huang in traditional chinese medicine and it's benefits for the human body, but beauty wise it helps to tighten the skin and tone the facial muscles, it also helps promote a healthy balance of facial fat deposits. There is something magical about poppy pods where the tea makes you carry yourself and look a certain way that women find irresistible unfortunately the effects are limited to a day or two at most.
Good luck!

>> No.16806046

I realized a coffee hack with tea. you have to run it twice through your herb. If you're using tea bags, just rip it open and throw it in a coffee paper. When it comes out the first time, dump it back in and let it run again, and you'll notice the color will be deeper and more true to the tea.

>> No.16806052

>recommend me your favorite tea, preferably something affordable

HEB has a lot of interesting flavors. Roobios is probably the best flavor, very sweet.

>> No.16806059

>What tea has beauty benefits?

You'll usually see Chamomile tea in the beauty section. But generally green tea is good for skin as well.

>> No.16806098

>generally green tea is good for skin as well.
Post studies

>> No.16806115

Do any of the Indian/surrounding regions make Green Tea?
Obviously there are a ton of Indian, Nepalese, Sri Lankan etc Black teas, but do any estates offer Green as well? Or is it one of those rare things like Japanese Black tea.

>> No.16806130

No matter how much tea you rub on your ugly mug it's not going to change the fact that you fell down the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way.

>> No.16806135
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>>generally green tea is good for skin as well.
>Post studies

I've studied several teas and they all have studies which point to benefits for the skin. I don't feel like finding the study but it's out there somewhere

>> No.16806167

>Do any of the Indian/surrounding regions make Green Tea?
Yeah, it's much less common and generally somewhat pricey.
However i don't know how much experience you have with delicate first flush darjeeling but the processing is so light and the oxidation is so minimal i find that they tend to taste pretty green, or at least they are the complete opposite of the black tea spectrum from something like assam.

>> No.16806168

So is it only good if you put it directly on your face? What about drinking green tea and chamomile?

>> No.16806207

>Do any of the Indian/surrounding regions make Green Tea?
yes, but it is not super common and seems to be generally be outside what is "traditional". I would look at https://www.ketlee.in if you want to try some. be sure to tell us how it is if you do get some.

>> No.16806255

i'd be very sceptical about any health claims, just hydration will help but apparently there's been 'studies' that suggest white tea is good for skin beauty

>> No.16806260

>There is something magical about poppy pods where the tea makes you carry yourself and look a certain way that women find irresistible unfortunately the effects are limited to a day or two at most.
this is legit

>> No.16806289

vahdam sells indian green, oolong and white tea. i like their himalayan detox spiced green tea & smoked assam(black)

>> No.16806661

Thank you! Looking more into these. I love tea, there is so much to learn

>> No.16807289

is anyone here on liquid proust's Discord server? despite absolutely despising Discord i am considering joining because he supposedly posts special deals and members only teas on there.

>> No.16807348

Sounds awful
I don't dislike the guy like some other posters but everything discord related becomes cancerous and gay

>> No.16807422

don't worry I would only be joining to check for sales not to leave here. still creating a Discord account feels morally wrong like its gonna corrupt my soul or something. even the "super sekert" IRC channels back in the were generally less obnoxious because at least most relevant information tended to end up posted on public forums, blogs, or personal websites. I worry that a great deal of information related to a multitude of hobbys will remain forever locked in Discord channels and Facebook groups where it is unsearchable, prone to sudden deletion, and often unarchived.

>> No.16807524

So lads, I got a new job today! I start in 2 weeks or so. To celebrate I want to get new tea, which I was already planning to do because I am running out of stuff from the first half of the year. I really like senchas with a bit of sweetness, any recommendations? Also, to the anon who once recommended Yunnansourcing's Black Gold Bi Luo Chun black tea, that was amazing. Tastes like chocolate and malt, very tasty. Any other recommendations? I like Japanese greens and sweet, fruity teas. As for tonight, I am thinking about drinking some Autumn 2020 harvest Hojicha.

>> No.16807551

>I worry that a great deal of information related to a multitude of hobbys will remain forever locked in Discord channels and Facebook groups where it is unsearchable, prone to sudden deletion, and often unarchived.
Yeah it's pretty shit, then again tons of old forums just disappear one day with maybe a few threads actually archived somewhere. I really do hate how you just cant see stuff at all without an account. Not really much you can do about it.
Haven't used discord in years but it seems to amplify all the worst aspects of old forum culture 10x.
Their whole arcane and complicated set of rules and moderation seem to have been designed specifically by pedos to make it the perfect platform for grooming children.
Maybe a small server focused around a teashop would be and not too weird but i wouldn't bet on it.

>> No.16807621

An anon last thread posted a review of a white tea they got from yunnan sourcing that they said was sweet and fruity.
The older sencha posters on here probably wouldn't order a lot of it at this time of year i guess it's about 5 months till next years harvest and some people get really into green tea being fresh. Realistically is good for about a year after harvest but it does flag a bit towards the end.
Unfortunately i don't really drink Japanese tea so i cant really give recommendations.

>> No.16807787

Valerian root gave me a short lived high followed by a crash and hours of anxiety/depression.


>> No.16807984

Thanks anon, I found the white tea you are talking about. Will probably get some soon.