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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16783406 No.16783406 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know how anyone fucking drinks this, I've tried mixing it with stuff like sparkling water, still tastes nasty as fuck.

Does it really help with tons of things? I've heard/read you're suppose to drink a bit of it everyday or like two tablespoons worth and it aids digestion, helps with skin, and all kinds of shit. Sounds like snake oil.

>> No.16783418

you can take every multivitamin and every pseudo scientific remedy and eat healthy as possible and work out and you're still going to get old and get cancer and be irrelevant to 99.9% of the world anyway so why put yourself through that shit

>> No.16783438

I don't know? I just wanted to try it. I had a professor in college who swear by apple cider vinegar, dude was like 80 years old but he claimed it was great for all kinds of things. Headaches, stomaches, cramps, you name it. I've already heard it's good for weight lose, not sure if that's true or not, but I'm trying to lose weight.

>> No.16783748

It's good with cold water or sparkling water and you add some honey or maple syrup for sweetness. You can also add some juiced ginger or other fruit.

For ginger juice roughly chop ginger, add water to cover, blend thoroughly and strain. It's strong, so be careful adding too much if you don't like spicy.

>> No.16783817

Ah, I might have to pick up some honey. I just don't like how bitter it taste, was wondering what I could add to sweeten it. Seems weird to mix syrup and honey in water but I guess it just tastes like sweet apple water or some shit.

>> No.16783873

Have you found some uses for your leftovers lemongrass yet?

>> No.16783876

If you get the mix correct it's pretty good. Very refreshing and energizing if you drink it in the morning. Look up switchel for actual recipes and correct ratios.

>> No.16783881

Literally just toss some sugar in it. It'll eat your bones if you drink a retarded amount constantly, supposedly.

>> No.16783886

as far as I can tell there are two benefits, its acidity and its probiotic dose. People generally pass the highest quality stool when their diet includes both a probiotic dose as well as a serving of fiber. I'm a big believer in the combination of probitics and fiber so if this live fermentation vinegar is gross to you, maybe try some other live fermented food

>> No.16783907

i dont have long on this planet, and i want to feel good for as much of it as i can. id rather be healthy and get hit by a bus at 65

>> No.16783914
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>ignoring reduced quality of life and lifespan
Keep eating like shit then, bud. Not my problem.

>> No.16783936

Wrong attitude.

Is correct. Use local honey.

>> No.16783995

Make fire cider.

>> No.16784105

eating well isn't the same thing as drinking pissy vinegar and taking 12 supplements a day and exclusively eating boiled food because you think it'll make you immortal.

>> No.16784181

I use it to attract flies in my apartment. I leave out a shallow deli container with the stuff in it and they all come running. Then I ambush them with cleaning spray and start smashing them before they recover.

>> No.16784243

You can put dish soap in the vinegar and they'll sink. You can also make a cone with the point cut off out of paper and put it in jar upside down in a jar and it will trap them inside.

>> No.16784264

>I don't know how anyone fucking drinks this
I've never even HEARD of anyone drinking this aside from self-help holistic hippie nonsense.
It's an ingredient, not a beverage.

>> No.16784270

>I had a professor in college who swear by apple cider vinegar,
Be honest OP, do you have a vagina?
If so, mystery solved.

>> No.16784274

Thank you anon, but they're all dead already. I did horrible things to defend my homeland and I don't regret them one bit.

>> No.16784277

>It's good with cold water or sparkling water and you add some honey or maple syrup for sweetness.
Jesus, Anon, fucking dog shit isn't so bad with sparkling water and honey or maple syrup.

>> No.16784289

>its probiotic dose.
Vinegar is a preservative, and should more or less kill all bacteria in it.
Not sure why anyone would believe it's a probiotic.

>Even though vinegar is produced by fermentation, it is surprisingly not a probiotic food that contains beneficial bacteria.

>> No.16784291
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>none of this was ever mentioned
sounds like you've just got some weird issues with these things, anon. might be time to grow up.

>> No.16784296

No? I'm a man. Why does that statement make you think I'm a woman? Because I went to college and had a professor that liked apple cider vinegar?

>> No.16784304

just drink more of it you get used to it. I like drinking vinegar

>> No.16784322

100% truth

>> No.16784335

>No? I'm a man. Why does that statement make you think I'm a woman?
Because you were desperate to win the affection of a far older college professor who was obviously keen to sink his boner into that magical wet spot between your legs.
Still 99% certain you're a grill.

>> No.16784344

It's a thing. A thing hipsters stole from farmers needing something more refreshing and hydrating than water. It's called switchel and it's tasty. It also has a bunch of minerals and healthy shit from bacteria. If you're a corn syrup addict you won't like it. Sorry. NOT! lol.

>> No.16784350

>more ... hydrating than water.
Jesus. You actually typed that out, then clicked "post".
Wow, just fucking wow.
Done with the 4chins for the night.

>> No.16784355

You need a proper electrolyte balance to be properly hydrated. Drinking distilled water can actually dehydrate you by stripping electrolytes from your body. You dingdong.

>> No.16784377

Sure thing, my hippie friend. Next tell me all about quinoa.

>> No.16784382

Nope, I exclusively use far away honey.

>> No.16784396

Obvious bait or a really big dummy.

>> No.16784403

Define 'vagina'

>> No.16784411

"Water can dehydrate you". No link, no reference, no support for what seems like an unlikely claim, but surely *I'm* the "big dummy".
>What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.
So make your case. Or maybe just sling insults instead, IDK.

>> No.16784464
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>all water is the same
He's not wrong. It's labeled as non-potable in some euro countries. Guess you just enjoy looking like a fool, huh retard?
And then instead of looking up distilled water you google a reddit meme. Lmao what a fucking loser.

>> No.16784488

Here is one study that shows 10% greater water retention of an isotonic beverage over distilled water.

I tried looking for a study on distilled water and dehydration and it seems to be under researched and hotly debated as to whether it's good or not. Essentially from what I gathered replacing water and replacing electrolytes, or minerals are both very important to be properly hydrated. A healthy diet usually has all these minerals, so distilled water isn't bad, but if your diet is bad or your body is releasing a lot of electrolytes through long intensive activities it isn't going to help as much as high mineral water. Some say distilled water actively strips minerals from your body, so constantly drinking it can be bad. Others say that because distilled water is pure it can pull "toxins" from your body.

Stop changing the the goalposts btw.

>> No.16784501

2 TBL Apple Cider Vinegar
1 TBL Honey
8 OZ Hot Water
Great for coughs, colds, WuHans

>> No.16784525

put some water in your mouth, spoon in some vinegar, chase immediately with more water

>> No.16784765

Dont do book reports for these fucking idiots. They're intellectually dishonest shitstains who are going to naysay you no matter how much evidence you provide.

>> No.16784818
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I know. It was more for myself than for him. He just motivated me to substantiate my claims. That's why i was insulting him from the get go.

>> No.16784921

>sounds like snake oil
Holy shit zoomers are dumb as fuck.

>> No.16785115

makes decent mouth wash. my ratio is 2 tablespoons into a water bottle and fill to the top with water and shake.

>> No.16785128

It tastes great. I started putting it on my salad and it's gotten to the point where I actually crave it when I smell it. I could drink it from a glass.

>> No.16785216

>In conclusion, in an indoor air-conditioned environment with minimal physical activity, the consumption of isotonic beverage promoted fluid retention more than distilled water.
>minimal physical activity
>compared to distilled water
>complains about goalposts
That study is retarded

>> No.16785217

Anybody here ever try drinking it straight? Holy fuck you will enter a new state.

>> No.16785267


>> No.16785295

>Guess you just enjoy looking like a fool, huh retard?
STILL not hearing how distilled water leads to dehydration.
Keep trying though.

>> No.16785299

>tried looking for a study on distilled water and dehydration and it seems to be under researched and hotly debated
So you(?) were talking out your ass when you said drinking pure water can dehydrate you.

>intellectually dishonest shitstains who are going to naysay you no matter how much evidence you provide.
So far, no evidence has been provided.

>> No.16785301
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>doesnt understand hydration
>doesnt understand the opposite of hydration
what an absolute shocker

>> No.16785304

>Great for coughs, colds, WuHans
What you really want is a hottie toddy:
8 oz hot tea
1 oz honey
1 oz lemon juice
1 oz whiskey

>> No.16785311

Jesus, you might as well do a pickleback.

>> No.16785316

>He just motivated me to substantiate my claims. That's why i was insulting him from the get go.
That's pathetic.
Instead of insults, maybe try backing up your claim.

>> No.16785320
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>"spoonfeed my lazy mind"
lmao what a fuckin retard

>> No.16785321

>makes decent mouth wash.
So does urine.
Doesn't mean I'm going to do it.

>> No.16785326

STILL not hearing anything in support of your strange claim.
Keep the insults coming though, I understand if that's all you've got.

>> No.16785334
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>"jump through my hoops anon or I'll cry even harder"

>> No.16785339

You made an odd claim.
You can't provide any support for your claim.
You insult me non-stop.
You pretend I'm being unreasonable.
I don't expect you to retract your apparently false claim, but let's not pretend it's MY job to shoulder the burden of proof.
At this point, we're done.

>> No.16785368

Indeed, but as >>16783907 says, it's best to stay healthy and have full function until a good age and just go out quickly in your 60s. Fuck being feeble and imprisoned in the hell of a care home.

>> No.16785422

it take a little getting used I'll admit, but its miles better than the formula of mint flavored industrial vodka and wont give you cottonmouth. also piss is extremely bitter compared to the naturally fruity sourness of apple cider vinegar.

>> No.16785439

It'll fuck up your enamel pretty badly anon, I wouldn't recommend getting it on your teeth on a regular basis.

>> No.16785483

which one piss or vinegar?

>> No.16785582

Vinegar is very corrosive to enamel, idk about piss

>> No.16785649


>> No.16785690


I like putting a capful or two in premade ranch dressing. It's low effort and it makes it taste more homemade. It's also good to use a capful here or there with certain dishes to bring out the savouriness in a dish. Good dishes always need a hint of acid. Don't make it a chore by guzzling it with water. There are endless possibilities to include it in a dish. My wife doesn't like yeasty bread so I use it in tandem with baking powder to raise my pizza dough. I use slightly more than I need to give the dough a very subtle acidic taste that pairs really well with tomatoes.

>> No.16786356

Why the fuck would you drink this its for cooking

>> No.16786379
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Based Gertrude. Clean it up, jannies

>> No.16786787

>He doesn't make friends with his professors
>He didn't have some cool/old/wise professor who was fun and talked about random stuff

What's wrong with wanting to be friends with your professors? Sure, for women that seems like a thing they do to get better grades but lots of guys including myself thought he was a cool professor, he even ate lunch with us in the cafeteria sometimes. You sound like a bitter faggot with no friends.

>> No.16786810
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>At this point, we're done

>> No.16787219

Care to show us your fedora collection? I'm sure you have a 200 IQ and don't live in your mom's basement or weigh 350 lbs.

>> No.16787257
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>At this point, we're done.

>> No.16787262

So you don't feel like shit the whole time

>> No.16787284

It's snake oil.
My mother and older sister drink it every night and they don't realize the reason why they feel like shit is because they're fat and don't workout.
Just another means for retards to pass the buck on their own health short comings.
Even worst my mother has acid reflux and wonders why she's can't keep food down when she's pooring this acidic shit down her gullet. Must be satan or a family curse.

>> No.16787287
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>At this point, we're done.