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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16776332 No.16776332 [Reply] [Original]

China has superior soups to viet nam. West lake chowder , spicy beef noodle, etc all blow pho out of the water

>> No.16776335

Based Chang

>> No.16776417

China will always be behind what it used to call its tributary states.
Pho BTFO's any spicy chang beef brain soup.

>> No.16776422

i'm not sad you're lying to us, i'm more sad that you're lying to yourself

>> No.16776441
File: 196 KB, 500x375, Bun Bo Hue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pho cough. there's more than just pho you pleb

>> No.16776480

nah, i'm going to go with vietnam on this one, but china has better rice noodle dishes.

>> No.16776485

that's just pho with cayenne.

>> No.16776488
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>> No.16776507

Not bad at all, i will dive into the chinese, vietnam, japanese, asian cousine.

Really nice pic ;D

>> No.16776688

got a lot of tributary state eateries rn. was from a place without much asians. What should I order? also alergic to peanuts. like die alergic.

>> No.16777813

>China has superior...
Stopped reading right there.

>> No.16778061

I honestly cannot think of a Chinese noodle soup dish besides braised beef on noodles which is pretty basic and not as complicated as pho broth. Most Chinese noodle soups are usually something like chicken or beef broth with a bunch of toppings and some chili oil on top. I'd prefer non soup Chinese noodle dishes though, that's where they excel at in my opinion.

>> No.16778072

Phnomh penh soup is the best slanteye soup bar none

>> No.16778077

>I honestly cannot think of a Chinese noodle soup

>> No.16778104

>no one’s mentioned Tom yum
Shame on you all

>> No.16778144

Always sad when someone maxes out their literacy for the day mid-sentence.

>> No.16778155


Vietnamese is the worst cuisine I've ever had in my life, absolute trash. Chinese isn't much better but at least it's somewhat edible. Chinese and Vietnamese are the two worst Asian cuisines anyway, Japanese and Thai for instance are leagues ahead.

>> No.16778701

I think the most obvious sign of a tastelet is when they make sweeping generalizations about any cuisine

>> No.16778715

I had some Chinese river snail soup and it was fucking delicious. Honestly best soup I've ever had outside of chink corn soup

>> No.16779799

What I remember about Chinese food as a young kid growing up in Hong Kong was not really that it was “bad” (which it often was, of course) but that the stuff my parents ordered for us was almost all frozen, and that I would generally throw out whatever that they brought home. This was in the days before a proper kitchen, and there was a tiny freezer unit that could only hold what was on the top shelf, and often that was some random combination of Chinese or Indian takeout. A couple of times a week we’d have what seemed like the best of everything, but the rest of the time it was pretty terrible: a frozen piece of some meat and whatever was frozen with it, a tub of rice, and maybe a can of green peas, and maybe a can of baby corn. There was a few times in my childhood when we were treated to something really good, like fresh fish that one of the waiters brought home in a plastic bag. So for my first couple of decades, I never actually ate a lot

>> No.16779831
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>pleb bile-tasting tom yum
>not refined and delicious tom kha gai
Disappointing desu.

>> No.16779836


>> No.16780106

Try massaman curry. You'd love it

>> No.16780292

Most thai curries are made with some peanut butter. It's not suitable for allergy sufferers.

>> No.16780295

>The daily Viet vs Chang threads

Never change /ck/

>> No.16780495

>spicy beef noodle
This soup is pure kino

>> No.16780704

that just looks like bo kho but worse

>> No.16780715

Where did you get this photograph of my face

>> No.16780720

Every pho I've had is lackluster. Pic looks good. Give ingredients and steps, or link.

>> No.16780723

I prefer my vietnamese chili-lime chicken soup, thank you

>> No.16780743

No asian nation has the proppa chowdah.

>> No.16781207

Because of your superior chinese soups the world is in lockdown for 2 years

>> No.16781873

Crime of sum yung gai clearly better

>> No.16781886


>> No.16781920

Yes, for the love of God, please stay away from pho. Do NOT let the normies start hyping it up. If the zipperhead hole in the wall pho spot near me suddenly doubles the price of their soups one day, I will start killing mfs

>> No.16781930

Don't worry anon, I feel like normies have already gravitated towards ramen because Japanese cuisine is considered 'higher class' than Vietnamese.

>> No.16781931

Swing and a miss

>> No.16781946

too late. I once got pho for 4.25 a huge bowl. Now it's nearly $9. But it doesn't matter since some land developer bought the building they were in and tore it down.

>> No.16781962

Chinese don't put that much meat in their soup, maybe only one lump, that's it. For the new middleclass I'm not sure, doubt it.

>> No.16782027

Pho is fucking great, but Taiwanese spicy beef noodle soup will always be better. Noodles are better too

>> No.16782143

I don't know why people keep comparing pho to beef noodle soup. Bon bo Hue is the vietnamese spicy beef noodle soop.

>> No.16782158

The maesri massaman curry paste doesn't have any peanuts i dont think. You can make it at home with little experience making curry

>> No.16782222
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> phoooo

>> No.16783504

Well bun bo hue sucks. Pho is way better.

>> No.16783518

Too spicy of you white boi.

>> No.16783544

Do you live in Arkansas? Pho is 10 years out of fashion.

>> No.16783546

I do sure enjoy chinese gutter oil

>> No.16783755
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How little self-awareness does it take to take pride in treating someone's culture like an H&M catalog? Insufferable yuppie cunt.

>> No.16783836

Read the full conversation, dumbass.

>> No.16785152

>itt butnch of whypipppo arguing which oriental version of the same "soup" is better

>> No.16785173

Pho is absolute fucking garbage. Possibly one of the worst meme foods out there.
>raw leaves
>raw meat
>bland white noodles
>blandest, laziest broth on the planet that tastes like nothing
>nooo but you're supposed to eat it with 3 bottles of the heckin epic srirarcharino
Sorry but if your grandma's bathwater poverty broth isn't palatable without drowning it in premade chili sauce then maybe your cuisine fucking sucks and you should stop shilling it.

>> No.16785180

Chinese food is shit. OP's pic look like shit. Nobody wants to eat blood-red soup you soulless chink

>> No.16785204

i do. all i've had in the last 24 hours is pizza rolls, hot sauce pork rinds, pumpkin bread roll, and gummies. i need something savory.

>> No.16785266

>tfw even ken-sama made it
>tfw you never will
Why even live.

>> No.16785276

Do you happen to have a recipe for this spicy beef noodre soup, Chang

>> No.16785284

>Japanese food
>Anything but middling in Asia
Thai I can get, but Jap? It's all boring and bland, cause they don't have good ingredients and their culture never promoted going wild with food.
I'd say Viet, Jap and Chink are all middling, with Thai, Korean and Malay cuisine being top tier, with Burmese and Tibetan food being bottom tier.

>> No.16785619

Pho is extremely overrated. Not nearly enough meat flavor for a soup

>> No.16785644

They say a cat has 9 lives, well my pho has 9 cats

>> No.16785677
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Rate my favourite pho place, this is the house special so not really pho, but some sort of spicy vietnamese soup. We have like 10 pho places all named the same thing on one street in my city. Pho bo ga la, pho bo ga la 2, new pho bo ga la etc

>> No.16785728

idk man i like the strong anise flavor in hanoi pho whereas i was filtered by some of the weirdass broths that chengduniggers make with rattan pepper. tastes fucking weird

>> No.16785810

Vietnamese food is unironically top tier compared to other Asian foods. This is coming from a weeb.

>> No.16786761
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Pho is overrated, bo kho is where it's at

>> No.16786774

>This is coming from a weeb
no wonder your opinion is objectively wrong

>> No.16787480

To add to that point, most pho you taste in the states is southern vietnamese which tends to be a lot more neutral in flavor. So depending on where you go even in vietnam, the pho can be very different.

>> No.16788008

For me, it's Three Squeaks

>> No.16788063
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Finally, the correct answer. I hope people keep ignoring it, though. Dont need zoomer faggots ruining more food.

>> No.16788071

you mean pho bo ko. get it everytime from my local place.

>> No.16788092

>ask me how I know you're a fat rube
the pic posted is bánh mì bò kho you fucking retard. only ignorant shitheads like you actually order it with noodles

>> No.16788230

a vietnamese restaurant opened near me. anyone had those duck leg soups before? how are those?

>> No.16788263

Chinese Bat Soup is superior to Pho in every way that it literally caused a pandemic.

>> No.16788286

based china, thanks to the pandemic they caused i've gotten the opportunity to work remotely. i hope it never goes away

>> No.16788301

>Korean food
>top tier
Opinion discarded.

>> No.16788312
File: 395 KB, 1600x1200, loquat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably not worth it. every once in awhile some pho ga can be good depending on the place, but generally speaking if it isn't beef, pork, or seafood soup it will suck. try banh canh cua if you can find it - thick udon noodles, crab broth. extremely tasty. hu tieu can be alright, too. but if you want the best of the best... stick with banh mi bo kho as mentioned above.

>> No.16788479

Dat's right! And then those bastards had the gall to say it wasn't them in the first place.

>> No.16788671

Didn't know the English name for loquats until I was 30 but had known it by is colloquial Arabic name, 'Acadinya,'my whole life. One of the most underrated fruits desu. When I was a kid, this Brazilian girl and I saw a loquat tree--similarly, she only knew the Portuguese name for the fruit--which was on a neighboring property with its branches extended over the playground. We started eating it but the teachers put and end to our afternoon snack and called poison control. I hate Americans.

>> No.16789118

pho is just water with beef flavour and rice noodles

>> No.16789133

okay chang

>> No.16789160

>reply to pasta
okay retard

>> No.16789444

Peanuts are usually added to the curry.