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16781778 No.16781778 [Reply] [Original]

What is the US equivalent to the mighty poutine?

>> No.16781786
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Animal Style fries

>> No.16781788

fries with cheese and gravy

>> No.16781789

Poutine has gotten pretty popular in the US recently, I can get it pretty easily.
But we also have "disco fries" which you can get at most any old diner, which is fries with gravy and then mozzarella melted on top instead of including cheese curds. It's bretty gud

>> No.16781792

disco fries

>> No.16781793

>What is the US equivalent to the mighty poutine?
In the US, we tend not to serve gravy made from meat, you know, without the meat.

This is an abomination from a jar. No, we don't have it in the US. The closest thing we do is loaded french fries. Chili, cheese, onions. OR cheddar, bacon, green onion, sour cream.

>> No.16781807

I'm surprised it hasn't taken off ages ago as it's pretty simple, the cheese curds might be harder to get but it's easily substituted with shredded cheese and it's not like Americans care about being accurate to Canadians, so this wouldn't be blasphemous at all. I know there's die hard leaf faggots that think it's a disgrace but who cares

>> No.16781812


>> No.16781814

Texas cheese fries?

>> No.16781901

Chili cheese fries

>> No.16781960

Honestly curds aren't that great and this sounds much better. Mozzarella is always superior.

>> No.16782103

If gravy is a meat sauce, then where the fuck did the meat go in the case of poutine

>> No.16782179

There's like a million regional dishes involving fries with sauce and toppings, and poutine isn't exactly hard to find in the mid-west. It's not that great, and it's weird it's considered one of your national dishes.

>> No.16782277

Poutine uses mashed potato gravy.

>> No.16782283

chili cheese fries are better than that shit

>> No.16782397
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>curds aren't that great
>It's not that great

>> No.16782405


>> No.16782412

Salt meets sweet. We perfected food/

>> No.16782433

So it's just reux and stock?
I have no idea what mashed potato gravy is, I'm not from either of Americas

>> No.16782436

Biscuits and gravy, chips and queso, cheesy bacon fries, hashbrowns and the variety of ways you can prepare them
I feel like we arguably have more variety of the same idea

>> No.16782456

I'm Canadian and there are certain Quebecois who want to claim poutine as a Quebecois invention and scorn those who call it a Canadian dish. Bro, it's french fries, gravy and cheese poop not the Sistine Chapel. Who fucking cares who invented it, who fucking cares if you make it exactly right

>> No.16782488

You would know if you spent more than 2 days on /ck/

>> No.16782493

take your fucking meds

>> No.16782592

Yeah, I'm in the upper Midwest where poutine is fairly common, but not in any manner that a Quebecistani would approve. Not that anyone here really cares since the basic formula is an awesome foundation - fries, cheese curds, and gravy.
Common variations here include the addition of a couple fried eggs and/or using sausage gravy in place of brown gravy. There a place that uses chorizo gravy and its bloody amazing.

>> No.16782774
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>it's not kidney stones swimming in cum so it must come from a jar

>> No.16782788

>Quebecois who want to claim poutine as a Quebecois invention and scorn those who call it a Canadian dish
Do they not realize Quebec is a province of Canada and as such anything invented in Quebec could be rightfully called a Canadian invention? I'd hope they know this if they live there.

>> No.16782795

Correct. I'm in America and everyone I know goes wild for cheese curds on stuff, or even just fried cheese curds, and I have never understood the appeal over regular cheese. It's just a less good product.

>> No.16782796

Many Quebecois never got over being conquered

>> No.16782844

Fuck off Craig

>> No.16782870
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Loaded bacon, cheddar, ranch fries from Rally’s

>> No.16782886

Chili cheese fries

>> No.16782895

Wndy's new fries are SHIT

>> No.16782907

carne asada fries, chili cheese fries

>> No.16784254

this. Canadians are useless cocksuckers in the grand scheme of things, they are just a cheap imitation of the USA. Those useless white skinned niggers & chinks literally contribute nothing on the Global scale, even Mexico shits on their faggot gay nigger existence.

>> No.16784282

Chili cheese fries, which are better than poutine

>> No.16784294
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carne asada fries

>> No.16784298


In-n-out fries are possibly the worst crime against French fries. So bland and flavorless, even getting them animal style doesn't make up for how bad they taste. Luv me am animal style double double, but their fries are horrible.

>> No.16784302

Awhile back they started pushing the meme of Canadian nationalism through food. All of a sudden every fucking fast food chain had its own "poutine" because somehow that was a uniquely Canadian dish despite being general late-night Kweebecker sloppa.

The worst part was that it's illegal to sell fresh cheese curds 24 hours after they've been made, so companies had to resort to buying 60-day aged cheese curds. Most people across Canada outside of Kweebeck hadn't ever had poutine up until a decade ago when this meme started, so they really couldn't tell the difference. It was just cheese, gravy, and fries to most people, and we were told it was our "Canadian heritage". So now you get faggots eating dried out old cheese curds with tinned gravy over cheap fries and pretending like it's a uniquely Canadian thing when it happens to be the culinary equivalent of a forced meme.

Personally, I grew up out west, and for me it's hot crispy fries with vinegar or a pot of hot gravy on the side.

>> No.16784307

Never understood this perspective, they've always been very flavorful and salty whenever I've had them.

>> No.16784681

chicagofag here and finding not shitty carne asada fries is damn near impossible here and it sucks ass because this shit done well is god tier.

>> No.16784696

Has anyone ever thought about how weird it is that poutine hasn't really caught on in the US? Like, especially in the south? French fries, gravy, and cheese curds (even if curds can be hard to come by outside of like Wisconsin or soemthing) seem American as fuck

>> No.16784710

Poutine my dick in your ass

>> No.16784719

Did you grow up on them? I've never had In n out fries that weren't soggy and unsalted. From Cali to Arizona if you didn't try to eat them as soon as you get the bag its too late and they dead

>> No.16784720

Doesn't fill any niche like no one has curds outside of a few states and gravy is rare outside of holidays outside the south. US also has chili cheese fries. A meatless dish just isn't taking off.

>> No.16784724

You might be having a stroke. They're mediocre at best. The only way they're palatable is light well and animal style.

>> No.16784812

French Canadians probably need to be shot.

>> No.16784819
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Chili cheese fries

No one who isn't a west coast fag knows about this and those just a variation of chili cheese fries.

>> No.16784833

This must be your location, they're loaded with salt. Yes, you have to eat them quickly, but that goes with basically all fries aside from McD's.

>> No.16784866
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The horseshoe sandwich. I have had poutine and horseshoes and horseshoes win out. They make breakfast ones too.

>> No.16784868

no offense but i hope the eternal seethe of the quebecois ends up destroying your country from the inside

>> No.16784878

>Quebecois who want to claim poutine as a Quebecois invention
But it is you fucking retard
god anglo canadians are such faggots

>> No.16784879

>French Canadians

They're not French. And they're most definitely not Canadian.

>> No.16784882

>They're not French

>> No.16784891

Canadians hate Quebecois because they're the only people in their country with an actual culture.

>> No.16784898

speaking a mutilated version of french and being faggots about it doesn't automatically make them cultured.

>> No.16784905

They do not speak a mutilated version of french and other canadians are just another flavour of north americans, completely americanized and soulless.

>> No.16785081

Weird commie shit
Real American fries

>> No.16785114

Curds are welcomed but most places make poutine with mozza in Canada. It's mostly chains or specialty restaurants that use curds.

>> No.16785161

They literally do, you mong

>> No.16785221

No they don't, stop pretending you know what you're talking about.

>> No.16785345

you’re absolutely right, pretty much every other province and territory hate those fake french fucks.

>> No.16785351

>They do not speak a mutilated version of french
They do you blithering retard, they’re a fucking joke to actual French people.

>> No.16785363

I'm from the French speaking part of Belgium and no they don't you seething idiot. I don't know what kind of fantasy you angl*ids cucks make up in your mind but you're plain wrong.

>> No.16785365

>they’re a fucking joke to actual French people.
what the fuck are you on about?
t. frenchman

>> No.16785381

T. Cleveland poutine border runner

>> No.16785416

In New Jersey we have disco fries, which are fries covered in gravy and melted mozzarella.

Yesterday at a diner I got waffle fries covered in vodka sauce and melted mozz, it tasted like fucking heaven.

>> No.16785463

You've never met a real Quebecois person, and no, Montreal doesn't count

>> No.16785783

French hate the Quebecois because they think they're larping as France, and see them as bunch of ridiculous rednecks.

>> No.16785849

Queckers sound at worst like some Frenchman's elderly grandmother from the countryside, mostly because quebec settlers came from the french countryside.

Qubeckers are friends and cousins, all of Francophonie is welcome in France.

>> No.16785864

this x10

>> No.16785870

Posting in n out should be a bannable offense.

>> No.16785992

Ask for them “well done” it’s a game changer

>> No.16786078

Quebec french is very close to how French was spoken when Canada was first colonised because they tried very hard, to preserve their culture among english domination. Meanwhile France didn't particularly care and it's version of French evolved naturally. Gramatically, both languages are the same but expressions,pronounciation, slang, ect are very different. Even today, french in Quebec is more protected and regulated than french in France.
It's similar to how US english differs from UK english, just more intense.

>> No.16786119

>the cheese curds might be harder to get
I was going to make a comment about only shopping at walmart or something, but I'm pretty sure even walmart has cheese curds.

>> No.16786147
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>> No.16786221

oho, but they certainly like to pretend they can be both. fuck em. prideful wackos

>> No.16786231

Chicken gravy actually

>> No.16786238

Mega based

>> No.16786313

Actually french people tend to be from sub saharan Africa

>> No.16786335

disco fries
sub out the curds for mozzarella

>> No.16786412

Fucking finally someone on this thread has it right

>> No.16786421

get a better sense of humor

>> No.16786484
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cheers bud. You guys have a pretty good take on the cheese and potatoes theme yourselves

>> No.16786499

New fag detected

>> No.16786511
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Chili cheese fries or the dozens of other varieties of cheese fries served in the US.

>> No.16786526

>Yes, you have to eat them quickly, but that goes with basically all fries aside from McD's.

That's just not true though.

>> No.16787226

Quebec spoke French since day one while France outside Paris only started to speak French after the revolution.

>> No.16787295
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> wtf its 2021 why are all these people in the picture dressed like fags?

>> No.16787434
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canre asada fries

>> No.16787519
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>> No.16787532
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Carne Asada fries

>> No.16787536


>> No.16787594
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tatertot casserole
funeral potatoes
cajun fries/tots to keep it "french"

>> No.16787613

Pretty sure Canada is a lot like us fags in that city people hate their own country

>> No.16787620

The one and only time I had poutine, the owner's kid came to our table and told us how he skinned his first deer the week before.

Small-town Canada is the move, especially if you're a good white man like me.

>> No.16787631
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I had garlic fries the other night..

>> No.16787976
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lemme get some mootsadel

>> No.16788052
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"Stay close boys. French Canadians are a little odd."

>> No.16788095
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Like a few anons already said, in nj we have disco fries

>> No.16788305


>> No.16788339

Sausage gravy and buiscuits

>> No.16788343

Disco Fries, or sometimes in NJ some diners like to call them "Jersey Fries".
Same principle, but the gravy is usually hit or miss and no curds, just regular mozzarella you'd put on pizza or deli slices.

>> No.16788460
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i want

>> No.16789168
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>> No.16789175
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shut up western idiot we've had our own 'poutine' for ages

>> No.16789187

Blows my mind that Americans are ignorant of poutine; fries? Check. Gravy? Check. Cheese? Check.

Put it all together and this confuses the Amerishart, especially considering what constitutes 'cuisine' there.

>> No.16789189

buffalo sauce and blue cheese dressing

>> No.16789259

>t. Vermonter

>> No.16789269

They have no concept of what 'curds' are and are usually freaked out by the concept when you lay it out for them.

>> No.16789310

yeah only correct answer

>> No.16789427

Cheese curds are incredibly popular in the midwest.

>> No.16789691

Isn't is just fresh cheese curds? In the US, they need to be aged 60 days or something. Not sure it would make a difference.

>> No.16789696

It's hotdish.

>> No.16789699
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Wendys Baconator Fries

My fellow Americans will try to act like theres a more sophisticated answer

But only baconator fries fill the same niche that poutine does

>> No.16789708
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ive never had poutine, im sure its nice, but theres no way it could be better than carne asada fries

>> No.16789714

Do they still do Baconator fries down there? Up here, Wendys only offers chili cheese fries, poutine, or bacon poutine.

>> No.16789734

They 100% do, and I live right up near the UP/Wisconsin border. idk if the UP is anything like Canada but poutine is kind of just a junk food "throw whatever tastes good and is fatty in it" kinda food up there.

Everyone in this thread is trying to act like poutine is some kinda gourmet meal they have to come up with a rival for. Its fucking fries with gravy and cheese curds. It tastes amazing but it sure as hell isnt fancy.

This is literally the definition of the baconator fries.

>> No.16789799
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Chili cheese fries are better

>> No.16791027

Don't tell them about rural canada, they think its all just hongcouver and toranta.

>> No.16791058

Quebec is a province not just a city

>> No.16791067

Nobody cares.

>> No.16791074

What the fuck is mashed potato gravy...

>> No.16791194

Fuckin west coasters, I'm almost 30 and have been having poutine since I was a wee kid from chip stands and hockey arenas. Go back to bitching about how ontario and quebec are the worst while you let the chinks buy up your houses and the puddle drowners steal your wallet.

>> No.16791241

Wow a motivational poster meme, how relevant and not outdated at all

>> No.16791250

Wendy's sucks and their fries suck worse. Fuck fast food

>> No.16791564

easy, its chilli fries.

>> No.16791981

plastic topped with plastics

>> No.16791998

Any newf can tell you that's not fucking poutine.

>> No.16792089
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if you let enough mediterraneans/arabs immigrate then this is a solid contender. chicken kebap on fries with garlic or greek yogurt and spicy (buffalo) sauce. as a canadian, i prefer this over poutines under $10.

>> No.16792369

the fries taste fades off quickly and you can just taste the sweetness, its lame

>> No.16792541
File: 362 KB, 800x600, wienerschnitzel_chili_cheese_cheese_fries_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chili cheese fries, with these exact textures and fry shape. (basically mcdonalds fries with light chili and light cheddar cheese). i'm surprised mcdonalds doesn't sell them since fries are their main product.

>> No.16792549

they did very briefly and it was horrendous

>> No.16792560

Taco fries
Chili cheese fries

>> No.16792582

Some variety of "loaded fries" like Checker's Fully Loaded Fries. A pile of shitty fries covered in bacon bits, ranch?, industrial cheese sauce, and grease lol.

>> No.16793503

whether you are a eurofag or a leaf, you are still a massive fucking retard.

>> No.16793544
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>Go back to bitching about how ontario and quebec are the worst while you let the chinks buy up your houses
Oh, you east coast piece of shit, you fucking HAD to make it personal, didn't you?
Oh, and what's a puddle drowner? Haven't heard that one before.

>> No.16793572

>Wendys Baconator Fries
Came here to post this.
Also, you can get actual poutine here.

>> No.16793934


>> No.16793964
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step aside braindeads
Carne asada fries.

>> No.16794007

cheese fries with bacon

>> No.16794251

I think the hate for in n out fries comes from people not eating them fresh. If you eat them within 5 mins of getting them they’re great, but wait a second after that and they’re soggy starch sticks.

>> No.16794273

Are weebs japanese? Are wiggers black?

>> No.16794316

its funny how people will bring up carne asadwetbacks fries yet no one brings up nachos

>> No.16794366

Easy, coach.

>> No.16794466
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>> No.16795195

nachos are made with tortilla chips, so its a much closer analog to use the fries as both are then made using potatoes.

>> No.16795215
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>both are then made using potatoes.

>> No.16795244

Translation: Nachos are a poor comparison to poutine because tortilla chips are made from corn. Carne asada fries are made with potatoes (french fries) just like poutine, making the comparison more direct and appropriate.

>> No.16795285
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Oh, oh, oh. my bad. I missed :
>much closer analog to use the fries
I totes fucked that up, my apologies, good sir.

>> No.16795292

>soggy fries
lmao, fucking gross

>> No.16795322

BASED. Even better when actual queso is used instead of crappy pre shredded american cheese

>> No.16795384

its fine, I could've wrote it more clearly but I just woke up.

>> No.16795404
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>tfw can't find curds at local amerimart
>They do have a spicaroo section so I buy some cotija or form of queso fresco
>crispy fries with gravy and mexican cheese

>> No.16795410

Pick one, cumskin

>> No.16795484

racebaiter go back to twitter

>> No.16795509

on est au Québec icitte fuck you english

>> No.16795524

>>crispy fries with gravy and mexican cheese
Sounds great, but I gotta say even fries and mushroom gravy is awesome.

>> No.16795562
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Fries are the white man Rice