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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16779985 No.16779985 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else get their shit pushed in this week/weekend? We were expecting an influx of applications because the stimulus shit finally ended (I thought that happened like 6 months ago). Instead we lost 3 people for unrelated reasons, had a massive Saturday catering gig, and the weather started getting nice. So yeah, we got killed, and were understaffed. What do you do when you just don't want to cook anything else but need to eat? I made a burger, picked up some Del Taco, and stopped off at the liquor store for a couple treats - for good measure.

>> No.16779990

What's your take on Chipotle?

>> No.16779997
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Surely you jest.

>> No.16780006

I mean, it's not the worst. Taco Bell was my go-to until they butchered the menu and Del Taco & Pollo loco just don't cut it for me. Chipotle could be my new home.

>> No.16780012

Quit my job in May after 7 years with a pretty big restaurant group. I'm gonna have to return to work pretty soon, probably just gonna bartend at a few places while I work on opening my restaurant.

One of the big things I learned during my funemployment summer was how to cook for myself without making it a big fucking production. First one is easy: batch that shit. I make a big baked pasta that lasts me about a week before I get sick of it. Takes two minutes to reheat in the microwave and I'm done. Twenty minutes of prep (MAYBE twenty minutes) and you end up with a tasty goddamned meal that is ready whenever.

I also use the fuck out of whole chickens. I usually just pick up a $5 rotisserie chicken from costco, eat one half while it's hot and throw the rest in the fridge. Then I'll pull it the next day once it's cool and throw the carcass in a pressure cooker with half an onion, two carrots and two quarts of water. Now you have 2 quarts of really good chicken stock (actually, a little more as the veggies put out about a half cup of liquid too), plus about 2 pounds of shredded chicken. You can throw the stock in the pressure cooker with some rice and make congee. I personally have a pretty decent store of noodles (somen, udon, soba, taiwanese air-dried ramen, whatever) that boil in about two minutes. Throw that together with a 1/2 cup of stock, some soy sauce, maybe some miso paste, and 8 ounces of shredded chicken and you've got a super easy, light, delicious meal. You can also just throw the shredded chicken on some bread with mayo and mustard or barbeque and you've got sort of a chicken salad sandwich.

Lastly, canned goods. Tuna salad has infinite variation and takes literally seconds to make, and you don't feel like shit afterwards either. Even just some canned beans are delicious with a fried egg, shredded chicken, cheese and some hot sauce. The nice thing about canned goods is that they last forever, so you can stock up and be ready.

>> No.16780015

I'm glad you're now going to Del Taco instead of the shitheap that is Taco Bell, drunk fat fuck burger poster. Quit that line cook job, it is killing you btw

>> No.16780017

Oh, and buy like five frozen pizzas. They're good these days, better than pizza hut or dominos most of the time. I like Trader Joe's and Target's in-house brand (Good and Gather).

>> No.16780022

this is called being an adult

>> No.16780027

Same deal here- fine dining, small joint, been trying to hire a sous and a line cook for 3-4 months, like 900$-1200$ a week. Almost no qualified applicants, one stage who was pretty good but took a job elsewhere. Meanwhile my somm is burning out because he's here 6 days a week taking a section, doing the liquor order, transitioning the wine list to fall, and he can't get a day off because a lot of the time it's him and one other server running the floor. The whole "there's no labor shortage, just pay more" thing is bullshit, because the money's good for everybody. I just don't know where the fuck everyone is.

>> No.16780037

I agree, but it's been my experience that a lot of industry folks have a hell of a time cooking for themselves at home. They're either burnt out from their job, or the overachiever in them comes out and they turn a simple meal into an all-night mega production. So they eat a shit ton of fast food and trash as a result.

>I just don't know where the fuck everyone is.
There were reports literally a year ago that something like 35-40% of restaurant workers were never going to return to the industry. When your job is made basically illegal, it really shakes your confidence in its viability as a source of income, let alone a career path.

>> No.16780048

I don't know- as a guy who loves resturaunt work, and could never see himself doing anything else, I spent the whole pandemic itching to get back.

>> No.16780062

I never stopped working throughout the entire pandemic, which is why I quit in May. I'm going back in, but those 14 months were absolute hell. I don't blame anyone who doesn't want to come back.

>> No.16781057

>almost no qualified applicants
Yeah, we've been scraping the bottom of the barrel and giving people a chance who have been applying for years every time we put out a help wanted ad. It's been rough.

>> No.16781075

how many hours a day does a line cook or sous chef work? how high pressure or stressful is the environment? what city is it in, and how does that pay match the local rent/mortages?

There is no labor shortage, just pay more for these shitty, dead end job and people will come back to do them,

>> No.16781088

>There is no labor shortage, just pay more for these shitty, dead end job and people will come back to do them,
but then food will cost more because of tight margins and nobody will eat there and the place will go under and everyone will lose their jobs lol

personally i quit the industry a month ago and am now in an alcoholic death spiral

>> No.16781092

I wouldn't go to a restaurant that had you taste in food as a chef.

>> No.16781097

no, the owners need to take a pay cut to save their dying business and pay their staff better.

sell that 3rd car they use for joyrides, that 2nd home that's generating passive income, take your kids out of private school. you want a business to work? welcome to the real world where people make real sacrifices.

>> No.16781107

You don't understand small businesses or restaurant profit margins.

>> No.16781113

>that 2nd home that's generating passive income
sell your income generator to investing the the on that is a sunk cost? wtf are you legally retarded?

>> No.16781116

i quite literally own a small IT business and am in multiple small business owners groups LMAO. i'll give you the restaurant profit margins bit, but i doubt that's actually relevant to the owner taking less money home and giving more money to their employees.

keep telling yourself the people who tell you you're wrong "don't understand" tho

>> No.16781120

>sell your secondary or tertiary income generator to save your primary income generator with a large cash injection

yes, that's how saving a DYING business works.

>> No.16781124

>own a small IT business
You're format and reinstall windows desktop services shop because you're town is too small for a best buy isn't impressive at all.

>> No.16781134

of course i do that basic shit, and people pay me hand over dollar to do it. your point?

>> No.16781135

>I just don't know where the fuck everyone is.
Oldfag here with ~25 years F&B xp. I'm making more delivering pizza than I ever did as a chef. Why would I go back to sweating on a line and stressing out when I can just drive around listening to music "Hey! Here's your food! Thanks for over-tipping me!"?
My last 3 chef gigs really left a bad taste in my mouth. Besides the shit pay, I don't know if I want to get back into it.

>> No.16781146

>you're point
You're not smart as you don't have to be smart to do that work.

>> No.16781149
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imagine the smell

>> No.16781151

i'm not going to insult your intelligence by believing that you really think the only thing i do for my clients as an IT business are formatting hard drives, data transfers and OS installs.

and if you think it's not hard, maybe start your own?

>> No.16781159

I'm sure you set up dlink "routers" too.

>> No.16781161

you also need to take into account the fact that many small places are ran by incompetent retards who "always dreamed of having a restaurant/bar" and sink all their money into it. if you post on /ck/ i reckon there is a good chance you've fantasized about running your own place some day
also bigger corporate places have a revolving door policy when it comes to staff and don't give a fuck if people get burned out and quit, so long as the bottom line looks good
as for margins, im just a wagie but i do know having one additional member of staff working on a slow day can mean you lose money by having them there

>> No.16781166

not without suggesting a better alternative first. if they insist i'm not going to argue.

>> No.16781176

if the owner is losing money on their business, the owner needs to take a pay cut, restructure their business, or lose the business. the profit margins only exist in the way that they do because the owners lifestyle and way they manage the business determines the profit.

>> No.16781180

Go plug in my ethernet cable and STFU.
Here's a quarter for your time. You're worth every penny.

>> No.16781186

>the owner needs to take a pay cut
work for free? sounds like a stupid idea.

>> No.16781189

Chipotle is garbage. Del taco is way better

>> No.16781191

You realize that most restaurant owners don't even make a profit for the first few years, and typically work 80 hours a week, right?

>> No.16781197

>restaurant owners don't even make a profit for the first few years
you shouldn't, profits are taxed. You need to pay yourself first and invest in the business, dumbass.

>> No.16781211

I wonder how you'd feel knowing people pay me $50 to do exactly that sometimes.

>> No.16781215

Wow, please tell me more!

>> No.16781224

>he still does break fix
I make the same as a software engineer and I don't have to crawl under some execs desk to do my work. You don't even have to have a degree to do modern IT work.

>> No.16781242

>he ALSO does break fix

I tried the engineer route in school, but working on my own time with no one to answer fo but my clients is too juicy to pass up

>> No.16781253

>tuesday night, 60 booked, more than usual
>order extra food, rota extra staff
>bad weather, half the bookings don't show up
>last booking at 9:30, nobody shows up after 8
>pay staff to stand around doing nothing for an hour and a half and waste food
now i know you are going to say "HuRf DuRR TaKe a DEpoSIT!!!" but then:
>nobody books
>no idea how many people are going to show up, chronically short staffed, bad service, run out of everything all the time

i think the problem could be resolved by moving all staff from wage to salary but the industry standard is to get chefs and managers to sign 40 hour contracts and do 60+ hours a week already so i doubt wagies would get a better deal

>> No.16781257

>I tried the engineer route in school
and that's when you learned you weren't smart?

>> No.16781263

Yeah and when that happens, it sucks. Restaurants are a risky business and that's a risk you take starting one.

>> No.16781266

You dont actually believe you need to be intelligent to be an engineer, right?

>> No.16781267

Man, you were a lot cooler before you started showing off tranime shit.

>> No.16781273

>Chipotle could be my new home.
No fuckin way. They're good but way too expensive.

>> No.16781277

please put a bullet in your brain thx

>> No.16781305

>industry built on illegal labor, shit wages, fake hype, long hours, no overtime pay, zero career advancement, no weekends, no holidays, no time for friends and family, drug addicts, sex perverts, richfag money to impressive friends
>freakout and blame the wagies when the pandemic stimulus gives them just enough money to change jobs, especially the illegals

The majority of the restaurant industry is a massive scam, and has been for a long time. The whole industry has been running on borrowed money and borrowed time, and even at its best the food was never better than cooking for yourself. I was at the center of the industry and ate some of the "best" food imaginable but when it was all said in done the meals I remembered the most were all less than $20 bucks total.

>> No.16781312

No one want to work anymore. Simple as that. I'm not in the restaurant, I'm in insurance. We start people off around 70k, full benefits, 100% 401k matching up to 5%, even a fucking pension which is unheard of these days.

Still can barely find people. It's like giving people so much free unemployment money for the pandemic just ruined people. They can't work any more. It's like a prostitute or drug dealer who makes $2000 a day, cash. They may want to go straight, but can they give it up and do 8 hours of boring work for $250? No... they have been ruined.

>> No.16781318

>I was at the center of the industry
Lol, no you weren't - whatever that's even supposed to mean.

>> No.16781339

>We start people off around 70k, full benefits, 100% 401k matching up to 5%, even a fucking pension which is unheard of these days.

Bullshit. I work in a dump of a call center, and we've just added 10 people easily with none your perks and half the salary. They've all been there over six months now, in case you were going to reply like a faggot about how long they'll last.

>> No.16781346

You are fucking clueless. Die in a fire, you commie faggot.

>> No.16781355

that's true but the point im getting at is that the industry is not sustainable because pay and conditions are shit compared to basically everything else but they won't go up because nobody wants to pay more for food
i could be making more money per hour worked flinging boxes around in a warehouse 40 hours a week than my salaried head chef at a corporate place was doing 60-80 hours a week and on top of that id get weekends and holidays off

>> No.16781362

Gee, it's almost like it's by design. Blame the politicians who perpetuated this lie of a (((pandemic))) and destroyed business. They all need to be hung by a lampost.

>> No.16781374

The guy you're replying to is obviously just shitposting, and clearly knows nothing about the industry. We've been steadily raising menu prices and starting wages and we're busy almost every night, but can't find any help.

>> No.16781377

This is industry standard you dumb bitch, you're acting like people not showing up is something new. It's obvious you're a dumbfuck because any operator would use the extra food to make a special and have the extra staff start working on that, or call around to see if you can offload the extra food to someone else and at least not take as a big of a hit.

>> No.16781379
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>the industry

>> No.16781385

The food service industry, moron. Do you even know what board you're posting on?

>> No.16781394

>nobody wants to pay more for food

Nobody wants to pay more for YOUR FOOD.

People will pay, just not for what you're putting out, everything else is self-justification. That's the problem there's a shit ton of faggots like you who will grind themselves and good people into dust self-justifying their midtier 3oz heritage beef dish with black garlic jus before they close up after 3-5 years blaming everyone but themselves.

>> No.16781397

You've never worked in a restaurant in your life.

>> No.16781409

Get back to the microwave juan

>> No.16781414

Sounds like a failing business, probably the owners fault.

>> No.16781419

>keep raising menu prices
>busy almost every night
Yes anon, that totally sounds like a failing restaurant.

>> No.16781423

Struck a nerve?

>> No.16781427

>too short staffed to prep the main menu
>adding specials
i think lockdowns have definitely depleted the workforce, jacking up wages and prices is probably what needs to be done to attract staff but bigger companies won't do that so long as there are more bodies to feed into the machine and a lot of small places can't afford it. i know that this will weed out all the shittier places over time but for now it makes finding somewhere stable more of a crapshoot

>> No.16781429

Failing. Floundering. Not quite dead yet but absolutely on course for a bad fucking time if any other employees leave.

>> No.16781433

So yeah, doing everything right but getting killed because there's a fucking labor shortage. Glad you're finally catching on.

>> No.16781443

If you're competing with government "gibsmedats" and failing then you're not paying well for the area or not competing against obamacare. simple

>> No.16781455

I've seen it a million times before, sorry it hurts to hear.

>chef works in fine dining
>wants to do casual comfort food but with fine dining techniques
>opens a place
>food is more fine than casual and unjustified high prices plus unapproachable food turn people away
>switch to more comfort food focused menu, burgers and fried chicken
>but now nobody gives a fuck because there's 50 other places doing the same shit


>> No.16781460

sauce on the fish plush?

>> No.16781461

>or not competing against obamacare
Ask me how I know you still live with your parents.

>> No.16781463

Holy shit, you're in a failing business. Just close the doors.

>> No.16781481

It's amazing how many people don't know the stuff you're talking about and just order door dash or something instead

>> No.16781488

If only there was a way to get people to work for you? A mystery I guess

>> No.16781504

>a mystery I guess
Seeing as how paying more doesn't work it is kind of a mystery. We try to feed people too, and that's definitely seen as a perk, but not a hiring point.

>> No.16781505

I wouldn't be a cook at any restaurant for anything less than $1500 a week, minimum. Anyone who does is a retard and wasting their time and talent.

>> No.16781518

Here's the secret: keep raising the wages and keep paying people more until they want to do those jobs. Welcome to capitalism, it's a competition.

>> No.16781550

>government pays you to stay home
Anon I...

>> No.16781560

>Nobody wants to pay more for YOUR FOOD.
i dont set the menu, i just want a job that doesnt make me want to kms myself

>> No.16781573

Yeah, one socialist policy doesn't negate that America is a capitalist centered country.

>> No.16781578

Anon I...

>> No.16781579

>>too short staffed to prep the main menu

Your original bitch fest was that you hired extra staff because of the more than usual bookings, now somehow when called out you're back to being short staffed. Which one is it?

It's always the same run around.
>Too much staff, not enough diners!
>Raise prices, but not enough staff!
>Can't raise prices, not enough diners!
>Plenty of diners, but no staff!

>> No.16781591

Oh man now that I know you work in the service industry I get to make fun of you for it every time I see your dumb posts

>> No.16781592

>>Raise prices, but not enough staff!

>> No.16781597

You realize taxes are a form of socialism, right? How do you think we pay for roads?

>> No.16781601

>pay for roads

>> No.16781604

>it's always the same run around
Yes. That's kind of what things were like pre-covid. It's only gotten more unpredictable and volatile since, and has yet to get back to any kind of normalcy.

>> No.16781607

being hired and being on the rota aren't the same thing, is english your second language or have you never had a job lol

>> No.16781610

You serious bro?

>> No.16781614

>he's town is too small for a toll road
Damn, how's bumpkinville, usa population 543.

>> No.16781617

No really, are you being serious right now?

>> No.16781621

Them niggas are probably working in a ghost kitchens. A lot of them sprung up during the lockdown (at least in places where food workers were considered essential, but waiting staff weren't because lolretardation).

>> No.16781626

Bumpkinville residents are a bit slow in the head aren't they?

>> No.16781629

You can't be this stupid

Just to show I'm not a samefag

>> No.16781631


How did you "add" extra staff if you're constantly bitching about being short staffed? Pick one, either you don't have the extra people or you do but don't switch back and forth when called out then try to "lulz is english ur first language bro lol" at me.

>> No.16781635

Also, as Louis Rossmann said in a video, if you fired your workers during lockdown, they are never going to come back to you. Not only that, but word will go out that you're not worth working for.

>> No.16781636

American is capitalism so there can be only toll roads.

>> No.16781644

>Yes. That's kind of what things were like pre-covid. It's only gotten more unpredictable and volatile since, and has yet to get back to any kind of normalcy.

Literally every other service industry is back to normal or not bitching as much, most likely thanks to all the extra workers who moved from the restaurant industry.

>> No.16781658

Toll roads literally only exist for super high traffic areas in urban centers or to get trucks through bumpkinville without having to deal with the fucking bumpkins. They hardly even exist west of the Mississippi. Living in an area with toll roads isn't anything to boast about; it's almost like being the equivalent of flyover, except "drive thru".

>> No.16781673

Frozen pizzas are great. They ate a great way to use up leftovers whether it is veggies a meat or cheese. And super easy to cook and clean up after. I've been adding nutmeg to mine and is pretty tasty. Nutmeg goes pretty well with a lot of savory foods..

>> No.16781675

Fuck off townsends

>> No.16781676

>We were expecting an influx of applications

>> No.16781685


>> No.16781690

there were no extra staff, the existing staff had to work extra hours or give up their days off, which not only costs the company money when people dont show up but also pisses off all the staff, which makes people quit which leads to more pressure on remaining staff and so on
>ah yes, we have a busy night on tuesday, better hire another full time employee!!!!

>> No.16781699

I think what he's saying is all roads would be privately owned toll roads, we would not have an interstate due to Pepsi and Coca Cola's bitter rivalry

>> No.16781702

I lost a job opportunity cuz the guy rolled up in his new 60k+ pickup and said he bought his wife a new van and said he got a 6000 dollar county grant, then I said it's a shame wages in our industry suck.

>> No.16781707

I think nobody is actually hiring except fast food and Amazon. Companies put the signs up to make the employees feel better. They know they can get away with making people do the work of 1.5-2 people for the same amount of pay.
I've been working throughout the whole pandemic. I have a great resume and I've been putting out tons of applications because I'm trying to find a different job but almost nobody calls back. For every 25 applications I may get one call even if I have experience. Yet the ads with URGENTLY HIRING tags are still up weeks later. Then you have to do those stupid 15 minute long personality quizzes, prerecorded interviews with staffing agents who dont know anything at all about the job or the company, and if you try to apply in person they just say "our applications are online."
This isn't the restaurant industry but my mother and sister who work in restaurants are having the same problem. I've seen tons of people on FB and other boards complaining of the same thing.

>> No.16781724

>No one want to work anymore
Nobody wants to work for ungrateful assholes anymore

>> No.16781740

I charged someone $1500 to fill out a legal form that took 15 minutes, handed off that form to a clerk and then spent a half hour in court with the guy all so he could get his name changed.

>> No.16781744

>Peter Luger is proud to announce our new contemporary menu offering: Atomized steak vapor, hovering above a tiny MP3 player chanting the word "mashed potatoes"
my sides

>> No.16781746

Cringe if ur a tranny enabler

>> No.16781752


So you're too short staffed to prep the main menu even with people working extra hours, and then somehow you still order extra food and allow more than usual bookings?

There's your problem, you're obviously a moron and work at applebees.

>> No.16781755
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nobody is going to restaurants in ontario now because they instituted a vaxpass, business where i work has gone down like 50% and i got sent home early from my second job last night because it was completely dead
vaxfags are still afraid and the people who kept restaurants open are now not allowed in

>> No.16781763

No it was for some 20 something young fedora tipper who realized how silly religion was and wanted to change Christian to Goodman. I had to spend 5 to 10 minutes reassuring him he wouldn't have to swear on a Bible and could merely affirm to be under oath.

>> No.16781769

>Yet the ads with URGENTLY HIRING tags are still up weeks later.
This is also a good possibility. Performative capitalism. They cry their asses off that "nobody wants to work!", meanwhile they're throwing resumes in the trash by the pallet-full.
They might be angling for some sort of bail-out.

>> No.16781794

No they really can't get people. Fast food places pay 13 an hour starting here. This is for something that is heavily automated and has very little responsibility. It socks because a McDonald's breakfast meal used to be like 3.50 and is now like 6 bucks.

>> No.16781834

God forbid the franchise owner takes a pay cut and gives up his 3rd lake home. And it don't even matter becuase corporate mcdonald's should be banned from existence for their business practices

>> No.16781842

Remember that employees often have to do the job of unpaid ushers or bouncers, if some random Karen finds that specific moment the perfect time to get a menopausal hormone rage event.
Ain't nobody got time for that.

>> No.16781864

I'm smoking a cigarette thinking why the fuck am I paying outrageous taxes on these things but fast "food" gets a free pass. Fast food needs to be banned and any other dining out needs to be heavily regulated. It's only fair

>> No.16781876

Anon you know that Franchise owners of fast food places don't make lots of money right? I'm glad people make more money. I'm just citing the 13 buck starting wage as an example of how tough it is to attract people that have even no experience. If it is a different position that requires experience imagine how much more difficult it would be.

>> No.16781915

i dont control bookings, thats down to greedy managers
extra staff doesnt mean extra kitchen staff because there were no extra kitchen staff, meaning some college girl would work three nights instead of two but it still cuts into the wage budget
i misframed the extra food thing, wastage was low but we had to run an incredibly tight stock because the fridges were full so things would often have to come off the menu, meaning anything we had the stuff for had to be on the menu even if it means prepping during service, day in day out. this was excaerbated with supplier disruption due to covid making some stuff out of stock due to outbreaks at the whatever factory in bumfuck nowheresville. we'd have a weeks worth of mains but no sides and vice versa.

>> No.16781916

retarded idea. Libertarianism and capitalism are gay and jewish ideologies, just as gay and jewish as communism

>> No.16781921

>Anon you know that Franchise owners of fast food places don't make lots of money right?
They don't? How much money do they make? How old are you?

>> No.16781936

>3.50 and is now like 6 bucks.
that's good because people shouldn't be eating it anyway

>> No.16781937

I bet you won many debate competitions in middle school. Too bad you didn't evolve from that time period.

>> No.16781941


>> No.16781942

>Blah blah blah
Says the cringelord

>> No.16781944

Good point, I'll start going to Del Taco from now on.

>> No.16781950

I agree

>> No.16781958
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>I agree

>> No.16781963

I'm this lawyer anon >>16781740
who has helped a person buy into a franchise before. It can vary by area and type of franchise but generally you need at least 150k to 250k liquid saved up which will get you a franchise which assuming you work 40 hours of shift work plus probably 15 hours of management stuff a week might get you 60 to 65k a year. Franchise owners only start making money when they save up enough and can open additional franchises where they can afford to hire a manager for that location but that is an additional 250k invested for maybe 10 to 15k a year passive return. This is all assuming their shit doesn't fail which many do.

>> No.16781968

>This is all assuming their shit doesn't fail which many do.
The vast majority of this thread doesn't understand financial risk.

>> No.16781973

I'm patiently waiting on his answer

>> No.16781986

That's completely the opposite where I am. People started going out a lot more when the vaccines came out. I'm not really sure why it be otherwise.

>> No.16781990

>they're throwing resumes in the trash by the pallet-full
That's simply not true.

>> No.16781995

>150k to 250k liquid
Sounds like a poor man's game huh?

>> No.16782005

How about if ppl don't want to pay employees they do it all themselves.
Tell me where you think that will get them

>> No.16782020

wont have to once people have to start paying rent again.

>> No.16782054

Who's not paying rent?

>> No.16782057

Dodge deflect and deny. tools of the Narcissist. You ppl are all the same. Almost like you all studied the same handbook

>> No.16782067

You don't have to pay rent in most cities now. You won't get evicted.

>> No.16782078

>in most cities
It was a fed thing. It affects poor people in rural areas just as much as it affects poor people in urban areas.

>> No.16782080


>> No.16782107

anon, people who are born into money don't buy McDonald's franchises. They are bought by people who have worked for the last 15-20 years and saved up a bunch and typically taken out a 2nd mortgage on their home to top off to the minimum required in their bank account before McDonald's corporate will even talk to them. When you get older and assuming you work and save money to buy something worth more than 2k you will understand better what is involved.

>> No.16782116

Shhhhh, haven't you heard? Everyone on 4chan is a self-made millionaire.

>> No.16782161
File: 7 KB, 182x277, Basic Econ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Almost like you all studied the same handbook
Here is the book anon. I actually urge you to get a copy of this specific book by Thomas Sowell from the library and read it. He avoids Economic jargon, so even people who are more, emotive, can understand it.

>> No.16782163

So any poor man can refinance his house and buy a mcdonald's? Sign me up. I guess I have a little growing up to do first tho. Tee hee

>> No.16782166

Idgaf about your book. Why would I want to be as brainwashed as you?

>> No.16782200

No, any person who has spent the last 15-20 years working, saving, and not spending his money on stupid shit, can refinance their home to get enough capital to buy into a Franchise. I'm guessing you fail on all these points, and I'm sure you fail on the majority. Just understand that if your life isn't working out in the long-run it is because of a personal moral failing of yourself. And despite what you may dream of, in the socialist countries, people like you are sent to the Gulage or straight up killed for parasitism. Only a wealthy capitalist country like where you live can afford to indulge slugs like you.

>> No.16782244

Not an argument

>> No.16782250

an argument against gay and jews?

>> No.16782293

>moral failing
>Continues to talk about money. Which is the root of all evil
Lmfao. Shut up tard

>> No.16782447

I'm this >>16780012 fag. I've spent 21 years in the industry at this point, going from the best dishwasher on the planet to line cook to sous to head chef, then did some time as a general manager. My last job title was beverage director with a group that had, pre-pandemic, 10 restaurants and about 600 employees. I ultimately quit for the same reason that people are refusing to come back to the industry: restaurants are crooked as fuck and run on an outdated model.

There are a few main factors in this: salaried positions, tipping and wage inequity, overspecialization, and shitty benefits.

First of all, the only reason restaurant managers should have to be on salary is because the ownership is trying to exploit them. Most restaurant managers aren't specialized professionals. There's no certification, no barrier to entry besides experience, no technical requirements. Most of them can barely form a coherent sentence or write legible "OUT OF ORDER" signs when the toilet is broken again, so why the fuck are they on salary? Because the owner gets to own them. They're expected to work far and above their stated hours, come in on their days off for meetings and inventory, miss holidays and family events, and generally become indentured servants to a shitty ass restaurant. Meanwhile, there are many, many other jobs that have much more serious responsibilities and obligations, and guess what? They get paid an hourly wage. Fuck salary.

Tipping sucks. I'm not even going to get into that, other than to say that even with everyone suddenly finding an extra three bucks an hour in their pocket for the line cooks still doesn't put them anywhere close to what a retarded 19 year old server can make in half the time. Fucking sucks. Most of the time, servers are making more than management, which is why you end up with the barely literate retards.

>> No.16782457


>> No.16782545

I got so lost in the comments I forgot this was a TB anon thread.

>> No.16782568

Overspecialization is a fatal mistake as well, and why restaurants aren't a sustainable model. That group I worked at had 600 employees, but they all mostly did one thing, which became super apparent during the pandemic when we pivoted to take out. Cooks were too stupid to answer the phone or take an order, servers were too stupid to expedite and properly bag up a to-go order, expos couldn't answer the phone or give the food to the right delivery driver, and managers were a combination of all of the above. If restaurants are going to succeed, there has to be a move away from overspecialization. Yes, cooks need to cook, but they should absolutely be trained in how to be a server as well. Servers need to spend time in the kitchen. The lines between FOH and BOH need to be blurred and eventually destroyed. You know how few FOH managers I've talked to that could flip an egg? It's trash. Make everyone work full time, pay them well, get rid of tips, make everyone work every position. If they can't do that, they can go work at a shittier restaurant.

But no one works full time, because then the restaurant would have to pay benefits. So restaurants weasel their way out of full time. They schedule employees for 40 hours for the first three months, then drastically cut their hours to 12-15 hours once HR told them that they were going to have to pay for health insurance at the end of the measurement period. They schedule people for six days a week, but only for 4 hour shifts. If a restaurant does offer health insurance, it's with the worst, cheapest HMO with huge deductibles. Fuck dental and vision, don't even worry about that. You won't get it.

Meanwhile, Starbucks offers free college to its employees. Chipotle is going to do the same. All the big retailers pay $15 an hour and offer at least more competitive benefits, if not outright better.

>> No.16782596
File: 3.00 MB, 2994x3992, DT 10 2 21 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, anon. I've been here the entire time.

>> No.16782605


>> No.16782641

I literally miss working closing shift at Taco Bell just out of High School. How fucked up is that?

>> No.16782662


LOL fuck your insurance scam.
I got a card from my barber about a finance place that needed an investment specialist but that they were willing to train the person for free in the company's 6 month program and they will get you certified and licensed in different things involving investing and finance. The whole application process seemed above the board and it was multiple stages but in the final one when I went to his office and met with the guy I realized immediately it was a scam, they didn't pay you at all you were a contractor and you weren't investing anything you were a life insurance salesman with bundled in retirement planning all throughout the whole process I was told I would be making $50,000 starting off so shut the fuck up about your $70,000 pay
What's that toppers make 70,000 a year? Like Greg who's been here for 50 years scamming boomers out of their retirement fund? I fucking hate insurance salesman.

>> No.16782700

This i heard some shitty chain restaurant made all staff come in for an emergency meeting about covid, they told everyone they will let be closing but they are going to deep clean and "sanitize" the restaurant and implement new covid guidelines.
They had all the servers deep clean the dining room and all the cooks deep clean the kitchen then as they were done cleaning their section people were told to go to the back office and collect some paperwork.
What ended up happening was people would go to the back office get fired and then send out the back door so other employees couldn't see them. Then after everyone is fired the restaurant announced it'll be closing until covid is over

>> No.16782708


>> No.16782712

Shit looks vile

>> No.16782716

>then after everyone is fired the restaurant announced it'll be closing until covid is over
That's what happened at every restaurant, except people weren't fired. We all had to close down and go on unemployment until things opened back up. What the fuck kind of a place would fire their employees just to have to rehire everyone later? That's the dumbest made up bullshit story I've ever heard.

>> No.16782797

Big fat fucking x anon it is my gf's company lost clients due to covid now so they cut everyone's hours and have not hired anyone new in 4 months.

>> No.16782835

Literally this. except I'm one of those managers to retarded to put it in words.
Great post anon

>> No.16782840


>> No.16782846


Blow me fagot

I heard about it and the Florida chef group I'm in a few people that work there were talking about it but then I saw it on the news and in the newspaper

>> No.16782882

Thanks homie. Luckily, I've started to see new restaurants pop up around this idea. I hope this labor crisis forces restaurants into some self-examination, and that the crooked ones shut down.

>> No.16782917

>this completely unbelievable thing that makes no sense happened
>nah, bro, that couldn't have possibly happened; it just doesn't make any sense
>no, i totally saw it in the news
Every. Fucking. Time.

>> No.16782981

It's not I didn't think you were. I just forgot what thread I was in when I kept going down a chain of people claiming they own this or that, know how to run a business, etc.

>> No.16782987

I hope those ungrateful employees gave a two week notice

>> No.16782993

You should feel sorry for big business and their incompetence....rofl

>> No.16783120

kys tranny

>> No.16783184
File: 513 KB, 387x561, 1613780192238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he got restaurant manager but no profit sharing

you're just bad at life man and you fucking deserve it. managers get no sympathy from me, i dont give a shit that you worked your way up from dishpig and then try to sell a pity story for managers as a whole. if you were speaking about yourself that's fine, but 99% of you cocksuckers deserve to be fired and scraping a living by sucking off truck drivers at rest stops for 5 bucks a pop because really that's all youre qualified for.

hearing restaurant ownerships and management bitch and moan about their not being able to hire enough people/anyone because EVERYONE knows restaurants are shit to work at fills me with heroin-like happiness. and they themselves are responsible for this poor excuse of a shitshow they call "food service industry" over the past decades, but they don't have the clout to get laws passed to get bailed out. welcome to the real world you powertripping motherfuckers.

>> No.16783218

The restaurant industry is just completely oversaturated and the lockdowns were the thing that finally blew over that teetering tower of cards.
Not to mention that it also caused a great wagie awakening that made them realize that the abuse they received on a daily basis from both customers and the stress of the job was nowhere near worth the peanuts they were paid. Meanwhile managers are too fucking stupid to be a more direct influence on retaining staff and will just expect individual store managers to handle it and not bother them.

>> No.16783221

How are those switch games? Seem obscure as hell and I'm a collector.

>> No.16783306

Have you tried working for a company that pays more than 12 an hour? You wouldn’t feel so bad then. I can train you to drive a truck and make 18-22 starting. Only about 600 bucks total and 2 weeks of your time (state makes you wait 2 weeks after getting your permit to get your license.)

>> No.16783312

Unfortunately. KYS faggot.

>> No.16783316

>I can train you to drive a truck and make 18-22 starting
What country are you in?

>> No.16783322

900 a week is good for everybody? Lmao. You are beyond delusional like every restaurant owner. You’re gonna fail because no one wants to make shit anymore. Factory down the road pays 2k a week if you sign your life away. Do that for 2 years and you can afford a house and new car. Otherwise you end up like>>16781135
Delivering pizzas past the age of 40. How depressing.

>> No.16783331


>> No.16783332

I'm 40 and don't even work. Fuxk the system

>> No.16783337

Sign me up. I was asking becuase last I checked you have to go to school to get a cdl in u.s. but I just read that don't start till early next year

>> No.16783357

the homo chefs complain about how they're tired and poor board?

>> No.16783372

Call center work isn’t what he’s describing dude and every business is different. Progrsmessive starts their claims adjusters at 45k where I live but 60k over in Los Angeles. Gotta take cost of living in to account

>> No.16783386

Indeed.com dumb fuck. A billion jobs on this planet but you keep cooking food like a poor person.

>> No.16783387

imagine the science behind refraction

>> No.16783402

Every time I see your posts you have the same dumb fucking Limited Run games I have. So, I guess I can't be angry about that. Though I take issue with paying more than the lowest amount for vodka.

>> No.16783462

I’m in America. You don’t have to go to school. You can pay for some training on your own and learn independently, pay 4K for a trucking school thing, or just hire on with a big company that’ll train you. Performance Food Group regularly advertises 73k a year work, 4 days a week, and they’ll train you to get your license. Idk about the 4 days a week but driving around moving skids of food isn’t that hard for the money.

>> No.16783731

Not him but from the looks of it it's the the bitch about your job incessantly board.

>> No.16784029

Quitting your job and eating like the unemployed pauper is not being an adult.

>> No.16784240

I literally have fucking first-hand accounts speaking to people who worked there and I sent you an article about it what more proof do you want? Get fucked

>> No.16784319

I didn't say I didn't believe you. Just that it's completely ridiculous and not at all representative of what's been going on, and that it makes sense that it's just a random, on-off crazy Florida thing.

>> No.16784388

As a waitress it's been great to come back to work after the reopenings, everywhere was short staffed and i could quietly grab the best paying gig with no regards for my lack of skills whatsoever

>> No.16784485

You must be sub-literate. Why haven't you killed yourself yet, you fucking retard?

>> No.16784491

what is this post?

>> No.16784688
File: 1.95 MB, 1960x4032, 20211003_170258[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Otherwise you end up like>>16781135 (You)
50, actually. My first delivery tonight is pic. The last 5 years have been shit for me, Lost exec chef job, did line cook and prep cook shit jobs... Considering growing mushroom/sprouts/microgreens for restaurants. Maybe insurance stuff. Talked to a Pizza Hut manager tonight and their drivers get ~$22/hr with tips. I love cooking, it's my life, and I'm really good and running numbers/changing menus/fixing portion control/etc but I'm too old to do it simply because I'm good at it.

>> No.16784701

That's like 6000 calories you have displayed there. How are you not 500+ lbs?

>> No.16784706

I want that sardine.

>> No.16784716
File: 506 KB, 2560x1707, Stressed-male-chef-leaning-with-elbows-on-commercial-kitchen-counter-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have about 6 months before i can leave for plumbing
waking up is painful

>> No.16784745

And yet people will never point the finger at the government that did it and they will keep voting the same people into office forever. We all get what we fucking deserve.

>> No.16784751

I hate to break it to you, but the guy that was in charge got voted out, and lost both houses.

>> No.16784952

Weigh in, faggot. Why are you understaffed?

>What do you do when you just don't want to cook anything else but need to eat? >>16781135
Look into it. You're prob not getting any benefits. If the tip share is junk, GTFO. Don't sweat your life away on a line when there are jobs that pay more for less stress. Get out before you burn out. The homies at work are just work homies. They can be friends, but most are just bros.

>> No.16785249

This brilliant plan would totally work because the first person fired definitely wouldn’t text/call someone still working and that person definitely wouldn’t tell everyone still working.

>> No.16785352

>just don't know where the fuck everyone is
Burnt out from that type of work and enjoying their new work.

> it's a competition
This anon is correct, even if

>government pays you to stay home

Government is just one more competitor, and a tough one at that. If I were some of these restaurant anons it'd hurt my ego too to admit I couldn't compete with billions of gib dollars.

>> No.16785393

Realest post in this whole thread.

People really arent hiring outside of dead end wagie positions.

>> No.16785394

op im so sick of your fucking raw hamburgers and your -for good measure signature posts with your gay ass anime figurines and your bottom shelf taco posts. please stop posting, now that i know you work in food your existence is even more ridiculous. i bet you only work 20 hours a week and most of your paycheck goes towards booze. i'd also bet you work for taco bell or del taco you wagecuck

>> No.16785406

until they unceremoniously stop gibs and then they have no where to go once the mudslime rapefugees and other illegals start laying there seed in every country, who are more than happy to break their backs for a shit wage and be on the side of corporate governance. literally all they have to do is wait... just another step in the great replacement playbook.

>> No.16786615


>> No.16786944

Bro, you should relax. You got bodied in an anonymous forum. You can just stop and nobody will be the wiser...

>> No.16786963

>IT monkey retard detected.
Go reboot a server.

>> No.16786978

>You got bodied

>> No.16786995

Just ignore him. People who started IT careers after 2005 are generally high school dropouts.

>> No.16786999

Based Rossman enjoyer. I like his videos about overpriced abandoned real estate

>> No.16787118

>now that i know you work in food
So you've never opened one of these threads before?