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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16773545 No.16773545 [Reply] [Original]

>What do you eat for breakfast

>> No.16773554
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>> No.16773557

>is France

>> No.16773567
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This morning I made red skinned potatoes seasoned with paprika, tarragon, and sage. Fried it in chunks of duck fat then mixed some eggs and milk and scrambled it all together.

>> No.16773566

>coffee. sometimes a gatorade

>> No.16773619

>2 scoops of whey w/water and 240g cottage cheese w/2tbsp jam

>> No.16773638


>> No.16773650

> country
> breakfast
Yogurt with honey, a banana, a couple of nuts(I like to put them in the yogurt as well) and a croissant dipped in cocoa hot milk(coffee is trash).

I don't need more.

I burn all the simple sugars running to not be late at work, a short moment where I feel almighty, then revert back into a slug for the rest of the day.

>> No.16773660

America the Great.
Bacon/sausage, eggs, toast
Cereal in a bowl of yogurt with fruit
Sausage/egg/potato/cheese scramble

>> No.16773664

The only hick food I like is chicken dumpling soup. And that's only because we don't have that in the north. It's pretty good though.

>> No.16773671

Thread already has a French representative that whistleblowed on how the French eat PeePee for breakfast.
It's too late to run damage control.

>> No.16773672

americans eat all the same stuff as europeans

>> No.16773678

>Black coffee and some type of bread with jam.

>> No.16773680

Running in the morning feels so great but then you spend all of your stamina and can't do more for the day
Why can't I keep running like that all day ? I'd be an unstopable lile Forrest Grump.

>> No.16773682

>the French eat PeePee for breakfast

>> No.16773688

And I'm trans btw
We hate the french !

>> No.16773693


Wake up at 2pm and don't eat anything until 9pm and drink beer to empty stomach.

>> No.16773697

You shouldn't eat breakfast. My anesthesiologist aunt (she makes bank) does OMAD. She's a doctor and is in the know with all this health stuff. If anyone knows whether eating breakfast is good or bad, it's her. Eating breakfast is unnecessary, no matter what you random yahoos on this random website say.

>> No.16773699

>French Internet Food Defense Force

>> No.16773707

If the trannies hate the french then I'm gonna like them ! Always do the opposite of what trannies do.

>> No.16773709


The basic doctors don't know shit about nutrition. Eating once a day is a perfect way to get IBS.

>> No.16773713

But most French are trannies.

>> No.16773718

>basic doctor
You don't even know what the words are that are coming out of your own mouth.

>> No.16773725

[citation needed]

>> No.16773729

you will never get a reliable citation on /pol/

>> No.16773730

[Dilation Needed]

>> No.16773737

it's all so tiresome

>> No.16773739


Yes. She's not the one writing the papers and doing the studies. She's literally at the mercy of her colleagues' word of mouth. Any student with the clearance to Elsevier, Ebsco etc will be on par with her. Sorry anon, she's been riding on her title rather than merit.

>> No.16773746

6 fried eggs

>> No.16773757

This just in:
French national dish:
PP from satanic tranny.
White foie gras Red soup ONION

>> No.16773767

>Not taking the margerine pill

>> No.16773960

Boiled eggs or hard bread with butter and minced garlic

>> No.16773963
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>She's a doctor and is in the know
Yeah trust the experts lol

>> No.16773984


>> No.16773993

>tell you what is good for you
>believe it
She just want you spend more time at hers. Either for money or for free dick

>> No.16773995

>6 eggs scrambled with paprika, s+p, and cheese
>pot of coffee
>hashed potatoes

>> No.16774009

>anything but sugar
>usually eggs, bread, cheese or pastas

>> No.16774024

If I have to eat, eggs and bacon

>> No.16774173
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>torta de tamal with a glass of milk...
chabocho ñam ñam...

>> No.16775443

Looks like shop.

>> No.16775899

>Balkan superstate

>> No.16775930


>> No.16776689
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American but I rarely eat breakfast. Had this today tho

>> No.16776864

>coffee from my chemex and a cig

>> No.16776992

cigarette and water. sometimes a diet coke if I want some caffeine

>> No.16776999

>Cereal or toast with a cigarette

>> No.16777005

Yogurt / oat meal, fruit, pecans, tea.

>> No.16777011

>thousands of doctors and nurses throwing a shit fit and tossing away lifelong careers over a vaccine

>> No.16777060

Opinioin discarded.

>> No.16777067
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Deutschland desu
>what eat
Fleischwurstbrötchen (meatsausage ona bun) is my abdolute fav hands down

>> No.16777070

>The same as everywhere else in the world like cereal, toast with jam, eggs
>Typical mexican breakfasts like steamed tacos, chilaquiles, molletes, sweet bread and pastries

>> No.16777082

is juevos rancheros Mexican food or TexMex? I used to really like that for breakfast when I still ate breakfast

>> No.16777090


any kind of bran cereal with oat, almond or soi milk depending on what I bought that week, sliced apple and a slice of toast with almond butter or tahini and a cup of black coffee

I used to eat nothing for breakfast but I'm a recovering anorexic fucking retard, though even before my ED I didn't really eat breakfast anyway, took a long time to get used to eating so much again, especially so early in the day

>> No.16777105
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>> No.16777115

>just chocolate milk

>> No.16777138

Forest Gump was a spastic anon

>> No.16777157


Cup of tea, marmite on toast during the week, bacon and black pudding sarnie at weekends

>> No.16777205
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regular flip breakfast, marinated beef or sausage, an egg, garlic rice, sometimes pickled veggies on the side

>> No.16777233

>new zealand

two slices of toast, 2 eggs with thousand island and tomato sauce. takes me about 4 minutes and I eat it in 3. then I chug a rockstar silver ice and go to work.

>> No.16777267

That will be $23.

>> No.16777492

>w/2tbsp jam
you're clearly on a fitness journey so why the jam? that thing is pure sugar. Cut this off immediately.

>> No.16777507

t-thanks. Oh shit sorry I forgot to give tips. Here's $25% for a great service.

>> No.16777581
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i cut out bread so now i make an omlette everyday
simple as
how do I eat baked beans /ck/ ?

>> No.16777644

>A cup of coffee with milk and a rolled cig

>> No.16777941
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It's basically the macros of a tbsp of 'normal' jam. 25cal, 6-7 carb/sugar per tbsp. Tastes way better than oversugared smuckers or whatever. The apricot and cherry are especially good, with the sour coming in stronger than the sweet. Cherry even has chunks of fruit in it.
>b-but it's still sugar
Don't care. I exercise more in a week than the average person does in a month. I've gone to 11 bjj classes this week alone, 2 tbsp of reduced sugar jam are not going to kill me, and it's one of the few indulgences I'll allow myself.

>> No.16777997

I would say they are mexican but there might be texmex variations. Try huevos divorciados if you like rancheros, they are the same but with two different sauces (hence "divorced")

>> No.16778035

Instant oatmeal with banana slices and brown sugar

>> No.16778090



Full English breakfast except replace the beans and toast with broccoli and asparagus

>> No.16778549

Cool! Not that it actually mattered I guess, was just curious. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll check it out.

>> No.16778786

>500 calorie high protein soyless meal replacers with a glass of water
Because I like being healthy and getting my day started quicker at the same time. You people will never be as efficient as me.

>> No.16778833
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pbj rice cake
glass of milk
black coffee

feels really fucking good man.

>> No.16778855

She knows how to knock people out with drugs, that has nothing to do with nutrition. I'd bring her along to a bar for a little date rape though

>> No.16778858

ny, usa
usually nothing but if i do eat brekke its the following
bagel with cream cheese
bacon egg and cheese on a bagel
sausage egg and cheese on a bagel

>> No.16778860

God I wish I could go to the corner store and get a bottle of heroin

>> No.16778962

2 eggs broken yolks over medium with salsa on top on toast.

>> No.16778967

and many doctors smoke.

>> No.16778987

Eggs on buttered toast usually. Sometimes I'll throw in sausage or bacon

>> No.16779039

FIFDF is a shit acronym

>> No.16779044

Black tea and a toast with dulce de leche

>> No.16779059

Doctors don't know dick.

>> No.16779126

Grits, bacon and eggs maybe sausage instead of bacon all depends

>> No.16779144

Nothing, I don't have the energy or desire to eat in the morning.

>> No.16779935

>bagel or leftovers

>> No.16779939

Nothing because I wake up at 11 am

>> No.16780036

par boil first? not inclined either way mostly curious

>> No.16780152

Homemade fermented very strong ginger, chilli, and lemongrass shot.

>> No.16780155

>the closest thing to breakfast is left over candy on my nightstand before I roll back over to sleep in until 4 pm

>> No.16780162

>dark rye bread with fish or meat
>or oat/ multiwheat/semolina /buckwheat whatever porridge.

>> No.16780163

I bet she'd tell you to give away your son's foreskin too. She's a doctor though and female doctors know what looks... I mean, functions best.

>> No.16780165
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Australia here, it's a sausage roll and iced coffee

>> No.16780174

>moka pot macchiato or piccolo
>sometimes toast with too much butter
>sometimes overnight oats with kefir and other hippie shit
depends on if i am cycling or driving
this morning i had rye and oat bread though, i made a rye sourdough starter last sunday and baked a loaf yesterday. it is really good

>> No.16780216

>a danish

>> No.16780228


Fried egg sandwich (2 seasoned extra large eggs, mayo on the bread, siracha on the eggs), one apple, one tangerine, one banana, and a cup of coffee. Erryday.

>> No.16780232

>either porridge or a croissant with coffee

>> No.16780236

a couple of slices of bread (hallulla) with any combination of ham, cheese, scrambled eggs, tomato slices, avocado, jam
a bowl of chopped fruit with oats, peanuts, corn flakes and yogurt
black coffee

>> No.16780252

>porrige (milk based ofc) with fresh raspberries + syrniki with sour cream.

>> No.16780262

Pelmeni with sour cream

>> No.16780270
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>chilaquiles and a cup of coffee

>> No.16780313

Dare triple expresso and a travellers shiitty sub pie for me. I'm at uni now, But used to do demo and that was my brekkie.

>> No.16780314
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very based anon

care to share your syrniki recipe with us?