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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16775759 No.16775759 [Reply] [Original]

Post your breakfast and rate others.
This was my second breakfast today. Trying to bulk atm

>> No.16775786
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All I have atm are potatoes sadly. So I’m having a bowl of potato for breakfast. Those eggs looks fucking godly my man. Would kill for a slice of what you’re having

>> No.16775796

Would you kiss me for those eggs?

>> No.16775802

good chips. Add some salt and pepper and they'll be bretty good
>Those eggs looks fucking godly my man
Thanks, m8

>> No.16775807

considering you’re bulking, probably not. The only guys I probably wouldn’t mind kissing are femboys and transgirls

I’d find you someone to kiss for those eggs though

>> No.16775808

this (>>16775796) is not me, btw. I'm not a fag

>> No.16775855

What did you put in there, tomatoes, cheese, bacon... Anything else?

>> No.16775861
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muh eggsandwich

>> No.16775866
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I don’t eat breakfast

>> No.16775869

two pieces of sourdough
soak and toast both sides in butter
three slices of chopped bacon in a pan
cook and then remove, leaving oil
three eggs and a dollop of mayo blended well, add salt and pepper
into the pan until set but not quite cooked
>assemble, wrap in foil for the egg to finish cooking and the whole thing to steam together
Nothing better

>> No.16775886
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>tomatoes, cheese, bacon... Anything else?
only these 3 ingredients + eggs (with really runny yolk). Also I use salt+black pepper+coriander+mustard seed mix for my eggs
really nice, but I'd put some veg in there. I bet it feels pretty dry without the yolk
wah, sounds tasty

>> No.16775900
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I made yeastfree burgerbuns the other day because I was lazy. I thought they looked a lot like american bisquits. Then I realized I had never tried bisquits and gravy, so I gave it a try:
Locally made kohlwurst
Shallot onions
Roux made from butter and 3,5% wholemilk

I thought it turned out pretty nice myself, and could easily see it become weekend breakfast.

>> No.16775909
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>> No.16775918

>really nice, but I'd put some veg in there. I bet it feels pretty dry without the yolk

Yolk was inside, i made like 3 sunny side up, put cheese on it and folded it to fit the slice of toast.

>> No.16775921

Nice effort and I appreciate that you made it AND it might even be tasty but that ain't biscuits and gravy son

>> No.16775923

You could try with rye instead of sourdough (though it's almost the same). Toasted rye is fucking goat.

>> No.16775926

That would probably work out fine, but I was raised to believe that Rye is exclusively for corned beef sandwiches

>> No.16775929

oh, nice then

>> No.16775934

Not bad, I'd try it, but that's not quite bisquits and gravy. American "breakfast" sausage isn't kohlwurst. It usually comes raw and the roux uses the fat from cooking instead of butter. Milk is used to thicken the roux and then it's seasoned with lots of black pepper.

Sadly I expect "breakfast sausage" to be hard to find outside of North America.

>> No.16775937
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Knock those silly thoughts out of your head.
Rye is great for basically any kind of opentopped or closed sandwiches.
A farmers omelet with rye and copious amounts of mustard is great.

>> No.16775943

but then I'd have less rye for deli meats
this is an unacceptable state of affairs

>> No.16775947

I should have mentioned I was using whatever I had in the fridge. Italian sausage and breakfast sausage is practically impossible to find here as we already have our own sausage culture. They usually have a harder casing as the sausage is often cured, and harder to remove without making a mess.

>> No.16776149

I something similar. Tomatos on side, and some butter garlic saute king oysters.

>> No.16776164


>> No.16776198

>bulk atm

To be honest anyone who eats fried eggs on a wooden cutting board is 100% and ass to mouth bulking fagola

>> No.16776204

Someone's hiding the fuckin pancake mix so just eggs n rice...gonna run 5k now

>> No.16776236
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Bit of a slow start today, just sitting down to breakfast at noon. Got a nice lil plate here.

>> No.16777675
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Trying to stay away from added sugar

>> No.16777879

Go green

No pics but I had natto on rice with some green onions

>> No.16777969

Then why are you adding a giant bag of sugar

>> No.16778342
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I’m trying to reduce my sugar intake , not eliminate all sugars . I don’t add anything to the strawberries .

>> No.16778518
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Eating this rn

>> No.16778523
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Chowing down on this rn. Half eaten

>> No.16778804
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>> No.16780043

is coffee good for you?

>> No.16780050
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>> No.16780063

how do i make pancakes without messing it up?

>> No.16780103

>3 of the same thing
Sad as fuck.

>> No.16780115
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>> No.16780117

Bulking diets are a scam. Just take testosterone and eat whatever you want.

>> No.16780128
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I don't wanna pin and crush my t levels to shit. I don't compete and don't plan to. Just slightly increasing my muscle gain in the season where I don't show my body to anyone (because I'm a fucking loner)

>> No.16780134

Damn it looks so good 9/10

>> No.16780191

No arguments here. I also have body dysmorphia.

>> No.16780338

what about third breakfast?

>> No.16780465
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Couple of crumpets and a pint of tea.

>> No.16780511

Why are people allowed to say or think such things with impunity? I hope God exists and will make you suffer not for a day, not for a thousand days, not for as many days as their are grains of sand in the oceans, but for all eternity. There is no reason for it. If it was a woman, it is shameful only to the degree of failing to exert control, to which culpability lies on the natural inclination. You choose to take this instinct, pervert it, and infect another rational creature.