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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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16770040 No.16770040 [Reply] [Original]

It seems like any type of cheap white dough or bready item makes my heart beat out of my chest for hours and then feel absolutely wiped out. Not all the, time, but with enough consistency that it's been fucking up my life. Imagine being able to eat a few slices of pizza while hanging out and watching the game and being fine, then the next day you go to panera on your lunchbreak for a cup of soup and chunk of bread, and it puts you out of commission for the rest of the day.

The fuck is this? Doesn't help that I told my doctor this years ago at the height of the gluten-free craze where housewives all thought they had celiac. But this shit has been going on for the better part of a decade now. It's not blood sugar/insulin or a thyroid issue (had that checked with blood work). How would this be a food allergy if I have somatic near-panic attacks, but my throat isn't closing up or anything?

>> No.16770047
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>> No.16770071

beetus, simple as

>> No.16770113

Already ruled out a cranky panky with multiple fasting blood glucose tests. The only thing online that seems to line up is reactive hypoglycemia, but even then the answer is, "Eat eggs/oatmeal for breakfast and don't eat bread lmao!" Except, I don't really consume sugar. And have tried periods of cutting out caffeine completely (now have about one strong coffee a day).

>> No.16770307

It started happening to me after the china coof

>> No.16770378

I had similar issues and it turned out to just be too much salt. Some people are more sensitive to it.

>> No.16770387
File: 156 KB, 1079x707, it's over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I wish I could get rid of my anxiety just by not eating bread, you're lucky Anon

>> No.16770699

Oh, it's there. It just spikes with normal frequency with simple carbs. Which is why I made this post at 10pm after eating flatbread pizza and a roll from Panera, and it's now 2pm and my heart is still racing out of my chest. This kind of sucks. The kind of anxiety that whiskey and chamomile tea won't knock out. Work tomorrow's gonna suck.

>> No.16771352

weird, i'm suffering from the same thing

pretty sure it's a gluten allergy

>> No.16771459

Do you exercise?

>> No.16771470

How is your sleep?
I found out that bad sleep fucks horribly with my sugar system.

When i sleep bad for a few days a piece of chocolate can give me some serious sense of being uncomfortable, itch, heart beating, a loaded feeling etc.

Always get your 8 hours of sleep.

>> No.16771520

Probably just anxiety attacks. I get the same thing sometimes, especially when I'm stressed or after I have a bad weed trip, and I have a lot of strange anxiety manifestations.

>> No.16772037

Not good, either can't get to sleep and wake up in the middle of the night, or sleep 12 hours. The more I look into it, reactive hypoglycemia seems to line up. However there's no cure, just management of no booze, no caffeine, no simple carbs (blood sugar regulation), lots of exercise (decrease insulin resistance), and try to sleep and stay hydrated.

>> No.16772066

Cut sugars past dinnertime.
I'd recommend taking some sugary stuff or carbs before dinner to boost your blood sugar, then mellowing it out with slower carbs.

I'm struggling with sleep too so now and then, the best tip is try to go to bed just before 10pm if possible so your energy dip won't wake you up.

On the other hand everyone is different as you tell me you can sleep up to twelve hours.

Aiming for 8:00 hours is the best. If you need to catch up then 9:30 is better.

People underestimate how goddamn important sleep is for the health and cleansing of your body.

>> No.16772493

sounds like hashimotos disease. my mom has it. sorry.

>> No.16773277

My dinner spiked these symptoms. It was a piece of bread dunked in soup, and a rice-based hamburger dish with peas and eggs. I had leftovers of the hamburger/rice dish today, and even that spiked it. I'm not sure what's going on.

>> No.16773287

It's diabetes and blood sugar, anon.
Test your blood sugar when this is happening, not on an annual blood test.

>> No.16773292

Did you take the covid vaccine? You might have myocarditis or a blood clot

>> No.16773308

Have you tried going to the fucking doctor

>> No.16773380

Do you drink?I get alcoholic gastritis and immediately have panic attacks at the same time

>> No.16773405

Yes, even asked about endocrine/thyroid and pancreas stuff, but they were unconcerned after the blood glucose test. This anon
May be better onto it.

>> No.16773577

Run some experiments. Does it happen after you eat a big bowl of white rice? Then it's probably too many carbs. If not, it could be the wheat/gluten or something else in the bread. You could try seitan to narrow it down, if that triggers it it's definitely gluten.

It's not unheard of for digestion and anxiety to be related even if it seems odd. Hell, if you always have some level of anxiety it could even be celiac, that's not an unheard of symptom and assuming you're a normal person who eats wheat products constantly you'd never have a proper baseline to compare to. Don't conclude anything until you run more experiments with your diet though.

>> No.16775035

I have the exact same symptoms, Anon. The doctor says I don't have diabetes, but the other week I ate a chocolate bar and my vision went blurry for like 10 minutes. I also have had immediate panic symptoms after consuming any amount of caffeine, down to 15 or 20 mg. All of this just started this year. Absolute nightmare.

>> No.16775254

Try a thiamine supplement

>> No.16775301

Hey, I don’t know if this is going to help you or not, but I understand exactly what you are going through. For me, it only pops up occasionally at the level you describe. But I feel the swirling undercurrents sometimes at the least opportune moments.

I have concluded that this is, in fact, a positive evolutionary response to certain meals in middle age. Our bodies can sense our near-term potential vulnerability because of the digestive characteristics of the meal, and essentially activate the “you need to be alone in a safe place” reaction. Intuitively, however, at an animal level, we sense a crowded Panera is not safe or alone. Therefore our body dumps flight or flight hormones into our bloodstream, fucking everything up.

The way I handle this is to watch for the warning signs. If you find them, go very slow. Get a cup of hot water. Stop eating for a few minutes. Wash your hands. If in company, comment on the night and how nice it is. Have somebody give you a splash more wine or water. You just have to hold the line until your body decides against dumping shit into your bloodstream. Maybe 4 minutes, that’s it.

Over thousands of years, you have evolved to be a resilient biological machine. Not everything learned over that time will apply to Panera at an artificial lunch time. Be patient and kind to your inner animal and give them time to stand down if they feel something is wrong. You may think this is bullshit but please thoroughly consider it.

>> No.16775341

Vax or unvax?

>> No.16776089
File: 141 KB, 1200x870, papadilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It happened with rice, although infrequently, as well as pasta. But the worst I ever had it was when I ate this. Fucked up an entire night of sleep and the majority of the next day.

>> No.16776120

Same. Ever since I got the rony I have palpitations. They’re better now that I know the triggers, but still present at least a few a day, with some days getting recurrent ones or a series of them in trigeminy. Had a two week holter monitor study them and while they saw the palpitations, PACs, and PVCs, they weren’t common enough for treatment (mine are less than 1% of my beats, they usually won’t even look at anything under 20% or more)

>> No.16776132

Low carb helps with anxiety symptoms.

>> No.16776172

This photo should count as NSFW, if I caught an employee looking at this picture at work I would fire them

>> No.16776355
File: 99 KB, 700x1050, 1023278 - Sandy_Cheeks Spengbab SpongeBob_SquarePants cosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a difference between NSFW and inappropriate for work. Browsing 4chan at work is entirely inappropriate. That's just a chick wearing pop-tarts.

>> No.16776738

I had occasional anxiety but it went away after quitting coffee. It also helped that I got a check-up that said my heart was absolutely fine, that helped to stop the feedback loop (heart feels weird - worry about it -> heart beats faster).
Not sure why carbs would cause it, blood sugar maybe? Getting lots of energy that you don't have an outlet for? Maybe eat less carbs unless you're exercising enough to need them.

>> No.16777079

That's a mannequin.

>> No.16777088

Psychosomatic, you're mentally ill.
So are you.

>> No.16777095

It doesn't matter how sure you are because you're wrong. You don't have a gluten allergy and neither do most people who claim they do.

>> No.16777104

>there's a difference between NSFW and inappropriate for work
what do NSFW stand for?

>> No.16777110

I was just thinking about how gross pop tarts are, how the hell can people eat this shit? And flavors? It all just has a weird gross taste

>> No.16777171

New South Fucking Wales

>> No.16777189

I had the same thing, turns out I had high blood pressure and was sensitive to too much salt

>> No.16777208
File: 67 KB, 826x377, 1364201379153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Porn and gore, mainly. Probably political hate speech. Random nonsense, is more like fucking off on the job instead of doing something you could be axed for.

>> No.16777690

If I caught an employee doing anything other than work at work I would fire them.

>> No.16778883

Bread and dough take longer to digest, and when your body is in the process of digestion you blood flow is redirected more towards your stomach to aid in digestion. This also happens when you eat big meals. This is why your heart beats faster and harder, which in turn makes you feel like you are more anxious than you really are. As with all anxiety, it will pass in time.

>> No.16780479

You would quickly have no employees and your business would fail

>> No.16780512

If an employee cant hide their slacking then they are either stupid, or they do not respect me. An employee that slacks on the sly is an employee I can trustto not fuck up when they actually do work.

>> No.16780521

Nice larp but you will never have anybody work under you

>> No.16780905

ive also felt super weird after eating for nearly a year now. i also had weird heartburn symptoms that made me convince myself i was having a heart attack and i went to the hospital and they found nothing wrong. I went to a cardiologist a bunch of times and they also found nothing wrong.

After i eat i either get weird heartburn or my heart will beat hard. sometimes i feel it in my head when i try to relax and lay down. i also get dizzy randomly during the day. no idea if it's food related. cardiologist told me to eat more bananas which isn't helping to my knowledge. my regular doctor will just say it's anxiety every time i try to talk with her and wants me to start ssris.

>> No.16780930

Removed all processed foods, seed oils, and sugar from your diet, eat whole foods and keep your total carb intake under 50g per day (unless you're very physically active, then under 100g). Do this for a while and you'll probably feel better.

>> No.16781183

>my regular doctor will just say it's anxiety every time i try to talk with her and wants me to start ssris
Every. Single. Time.

>> No.16781213

Sounds like a panic attack

>> No.16781219


>> No.16781232

I don't know but I'd fuck that little tart in the photo.

>> No.16781258


>> No.16781439

Umm... sweetie? you have a chemical imbalance and need to take ze pills

>> No.16782791

That's a cute, but slightly weird, doggo.

>> No.16783877

What I remember as american food growing up as a young kid in New York City

>squirrel gravy
>moose head cheese
>groundhog liver
>fried scrapple with party cheese salad
>pre-packaged horse meat "hot dogs"
>rat meat braised with motor oil
>one time, grizzly bear brains

Europeans have no idea how bad it really is. No one in the USA knows what the fuck a hamburger is or fried chicken. American food is disgusting. Literally the worst parts to eat of any animal. Makes sense because americans are the race of humans closest to animals. They make disgusting noises when they eat, slurp everything, men in the suburbs lift their fucking wife beaters over their sweaty stomachs while laughing and chewing with their mouths full of food. Like what kind of idiot decided bare hands are the most practical way to eat fucking spaghetti. Starving Nigerians who eat grass have a better diet than the average american.

>> No.16784150
File: 26 KB, 300x300, 1619251757284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck is this post lmao

>> No.16784163

If you have symptoms of anxiety, then the issue is probably anxiety. If it's not consistently triggered by food, it's likely not an allergy because you would be allergic 100% of the time, not just sometimes.

What probably changes is the location and circumstance. You can have a few pieces of pizza and be fine because you're relaxed and enjoying yourself, but you can have an attack at work because it's stressful. And since you're already predisposed to anxiety, and you get it in your head that bread is the cause, you can make it a self-fulfilling prophecy with how much you worry about eating bread.

Similar thing happened to me. Go to doctor, ask for anxiety pills because you think you have anxiety. Should be easy because I don't think those pills even do anything if you're a normal person so no real reason not to hand them out like candy.

>> No.16784189

I have problems with anxiety, and years ago it started manifesting in my digestive system. I had no idea what was going on, my bowels seized and were in constant pain, I couldn't eat, I would go too much or too little, from the top of my stomach all the way down felt like something major was wrong with me. however, because of other brain problems I have I was prescribed an ssri for anxiety and a few other things to help balance it out along with some low dosage emergency xanax. after a while of being on the ssri my bowels slowly became more normal, I was eating regularly and going regularly. my theory is that my anxiety was so bad it was fucking up my vagus nerve and I just needed to calm it down. it's not completely gone for me though, once in a while I get a particular pain just under my rib cage and i know to take some pepto to help sooth it for w few hours until it goes away on it's own. that's what works for me anyway.

>> No.16784372

Can confirm, that's actually what it's like. don't listen to the larpers

>> No.16784586

kek. New pasta

>> No.16784628

same and same. also triggered by caffeine for me

>> No.16784636

Same, vaxxed, but my sister is unvaxxed and has similar.

Do you do drugs/alcohol? Have you ever binged on them? Could be artery spasms, better to take a 4 month break from caffeine/alcohol/pot and take aspirin.

>> No.16784743

Reading the other replies here, might be just anxiety dude. I get occasional chest pains/weird shit and just attribute them to anxiety due to the amount of false positives I've had. Can be a bitch to know whether something is caused by anxiety or actual underlying physical health issues.
I would order some lab tests to be on the safe side though.

>> No.16784748

doctors told me via blood test and biopsy that I have celiac, for me it just feels like a grinding going down my throat and chest and then intestinal distress the next day

>> No.16784872

I don't think that me going HAM on the bread when I made soup for the boys on Friday movie night, or being kept up until 2am from a pounding heart after eating pizza with the family after they went to bed is purely psychosomatic.

And the doctor just wants to give out SSRIs. So, taking a regimen anti-depressants because sometimes carbs debilitate me? Excuse my French, but fuck that bullshit.

>> No.16785050

cut caffeine out of your diet, see if that helps